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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. ok. long story. what's funny though is that you mentioned there was a lot more to this story. you been seeing this girl not that long and you can now write a book on how strange she acts?let me tell you something. she is not confused. she knows exactly what she is doing. she was flirting with you before you even broke up with your girlfriend and starting stalking you ever since you broke up with your ex. that should tell you something right there. not only does she know exactly what she's doing, but she is VERY insecure and VERY controlling. you did absolutely NOTHING wrong by ignoring her and texting someone else but she wants to make you feel guilty and like you did something wrong? no no no. don't fall for her games. i call what she does games when in reality, there is something disturbingly wrong with her. and she intentionally tried to hurt you and make you jealous. oh. this girl knows EXACTLY how to push buttons and control a situation so you pretty much have two choices.if there is something in her that you see and that you love about her, then i would try to figure out why she is the way she is and try to understand her better. let's face it. right now she is just telling you things you may want to hear but what do you really know about this girl? her past? her own hurts? her history of past relationships?otherwise, i would dump her in a heartbeat! but you said you work with her? that could create a problem!she definitely wants a relationship with you and aside from forcing herself in to your life, she is also testing the waters. the reason why she asked about the teller and explaining that people mistake you two for a couple is to see your reaction to get some conformation that being a couple would be a good thing for you. she is not being completely honest with you bud and relationships will ultimately FAIL when there can't even be honesty in a relationship.i can tell you right now that you will get hurt in this relationship more than the average relationship. question now is. will it be worth it. does she offer you something that makes the struggle worth the time and effort and the hurt? do you love her? are you strong enough to be in this type of relationship? now i know you have feelings for her. i'm not saying this girl is no good. all i am saying is she has problems that you and others may not understand fully. what i would do if i was in your shoes would be to dig deeper. maybe sit her down and have a talk and ask her questions why she does certain things that you don't understand. ask her if if she wants more from this relationship and ask her to be honest with you. people think you two are already a couple because she is ACTING like it and portraying that to people. so if you have feelings for her, it may be time to try to get some honest answers out of her whether or not you've decided to be with her or not yet. i do have to mention to you that even being just friends with this girl is a risk because if she doesn't get what she wants, she can make your life hell. she knows everyone you know by now since she always wants to be with you. she knows where you bank. she knows other things about what was once your personal life. when i mentioned she knows EXACTLY what she is doing, it's true and don't be fooled. she is a VERY VERY smart person. so if you do decide not to have anything to do with her one day, just be carefull because it seems to me that she doesn't need a relationship right now. she needs a psychiatrist.being with a woman like this can be VERY draining. it's only been 3 months and you are already confused about her. that says a lot. what happens after a year? maybe instead of a book, you'll be able to write a novel. someone mentioned that she sounds like a lot of drama. that's an obvious answer but there is more to her than that. she's a human being just like the rest of us. we all have problems but it looks like she tries to hide hers and she's pretty good at hiding her problems so it really is up to you to know exactly what you are getting in to before this relationship continues in to something more.
  2. am i the only one who thinks it's hard to get oil to boil? haha just funny if someone is actually waiting for oil to boil. all you really need to do is wait for it to get to 400-500 degrees and then turn down the heat. you don't want the to burn or smoke. what kinda cooking is that?!? also, a little trick. if you want to know when oil is hot enough to cook, take a wooden match and throw it in to the oil. if the match lights in the oil, it is now hot enough. this little trick is good for those who don't know what they are doing when cooking with oil.
  3. so come on. we should all vote if your avatar looks like pippi longstocking! here's pippi! and as far as my tatoo. yea, i have one. what's wrong with the sun and moon?
  4. i am really not understanding what exactly you want to do so i am going to guess ;)if you install the plugin "page links to", you can then create a page. all you need to enter is the title. then at the bottom of the page where it says "page links to", just enter the category link you want the page to link to. save the page and now the page links to all the posts in the category you chose to link to.now i am not sure if this is exactly what you were asking. it seems to me it was. if not, please be more specific as most anything can be done....even if it's not the easy way like installing a plugin
  5. did you check to see if you are on automatic payment schedule? if not, you should switch from manual. was this including your domain payment as well? because i think you get charged extra if it goes expired.
  6. well i guess everyone knows where YOU are at now. i don't know if that's a good or bad thing. i think it's a good thing. you have been a lot more active lately and trying to get people to post more....even if youy are talking to yourself sometimes
  7. i thought this was about the meaning of our names. now you are trying to fit the avatar with the meanings haha. i mean, does my avatar fit my meaning? what about your 6 year old pippi longstocking avatar ;)i think the meanings to names is almost like birthdays related to horoscopes that you find wrapped up in some convenience store or a fortune cookie you get after your meal at the local chinese restaurant. you're right. if you think on it, most people can relate to it. even pippi longstocking had a certain amount of original charm.don't know who pippi is? she could lift a car with one hand!the sun has some meaning to it. i actually like it. i have it tattoed on my right arm along with a moon.but as far as meanings to names, i don't think they fit most people because most people don't even know what their names mean. if they don't know what their names mean, how can a definition have any meaning to them personally?
  8. actually, it's not very unique to me. my forum name is my initials. thus, the three i's. i am the third
  9. well i just looked it up. i looked it up on several web pages. basically, my name means....enlightened, a teacher, a mountain.most people call me by my middle name though haha
  10. yea yea yea....we all know the real reason why you haven't been active.....you're too busy texting ;)looks like this topic picked up a little bit after WD was sad that it wasn't getting any replies haha
  11. well, you are doing something right. problem is, you don't know what it is. it's absolutely not the keywords you are trying to target. they are WAY too general. google adwords keyword tool is a good resource to get some suggestions. what you want to look for is low competing keywords at first. keyword PHRASES that amount to 3-4 words and get 2,000 searches a month or so. 1 word keywords and usually 2 word keywords wont do you any good right now in the search engines. so what i suspect is that you have a few keyword phrases in your tutorials that people are searching for and ending up at your site from the search engines OR it is from other advertising and they obviously are attracted to certain parts of your tutorials and not others. you need to find out where your visitors are coming from and you need to know what they are searching for when they come to your site. your cpanel offers services lik awstats and webalizer. i suggest you learn to study your traffic and understand what the terms mean and how you can use those statistics to your advantage.there is a wealth of knowledge out there to optimize your blog, you have to READ READ READ. just asking questions from time to time wont hardly get you anywhere. you have to research and study. like i said before. seo is like an art and keywords is just one form of seo. the whole thing is art form ....just like web design. you didn't learn web design in one day. heck, you're probably still learning because everything changes once you learn something. same with seo and keywords and how google dictates what gets ranked high or low. always changing. so an answer you get today may not be good tomorrow. it's best to study research and study.there are 3-4 good keyword tools available. google adwords tool is one of them. but i wouldn't just stick to one because they all have something different to offer. have you ever searched through google trends? that's another good resource to determine what people are searching for.the best way to look at your question is for you to answer it from a searcehrs perspective. not your own. who do you want coming to your website? what 3-4 keyword phrases do you want them to be searching for when they come to your site. target your users that way. see through the eyes of your visitors and try to predict how they will come to find your website and then target them using keywords and other techniques. it takes creativity. that i you have i know because you are good at what you do in web design. it also takes a little psychology. you know a little about that, but still needs work. you also need some good common sense and intuition.now you have a pretty good website going for you. but what you are writing about has already been done and other websites will have higher priority because their domain is older than yours and they have more backlinks from relative sites so you part of seo is a waiting game to get your domain established. you also want to set your website and content apart from all others who you are competing with. do you know which websites you are competing with? enter your keywords in to google and see what pops up. notice the top 10. do you know where you are on that list? well, with the keyword examples you have already given, you probably end up on page 1000 or something. so i highly doubt ANYONE is coming to your site from the keywords you mentioned.like i said. you are doing something right because you are getting visitors and comments on your blog. but you don't even know even know the answers the why's and you probably have a lot of questions that nobody can possibly answer in one thread. getting some general answers here will be a good start but you really have to google your questions. not for one day. not for one week. but for as long as you have your blog. i used to spend 5 hours a day researching and reading but for the average person, they really need to research what they want to know for about an hour a day if they want the answers they are looking for. problem with researching is one place will say one thing, and another place will say something totally different. so when researching you want to take it all in and try to form your best conclusion in what will work and come up with a strategy to impliment what you have learned.now one thing i noticed about your site is you have the same amazon ads for every page. when you create a page, you want to target ads to your content. your ads should be different for each page you create. this is just a small tip that has nothing to do with keywords but you are trying to accomplish everything at once. and you're a newbie at most everything here so just try to concentrate on one thing at a time. you do this by writing down a plan of action what you want to accomplish and then set goals for yourself. write them down in steps. this will take you a day just to write a plan of action or what you want to accomplish. when i talk to you, it's usually when you are frustrated or confused and impatient. you come here to try to get answers but the answers here are limited and wont teach you as much as researching in your own time an hour a dayalso, when researching, you need to take notes and bookmark the good websites so you can always refer back to your notes or the good websites to refresh your memory because when researching, if doing it right, there is a lot to take in. TONS of information is out there that you need to know about and you WILL forget half the good stuff you read about and that will do you no good so be sure to take notes and bookmark.i will help you a little with your keywords to get you started in the next day or so. we will start with ONE page on your site. not two or three or compare one page to the other. i will help you with one page for keywords so when you have a page in mind you want help with, let me know and i will give you a lesson in keywords and optimization.i will NOT clutter my head like you do yours wondering why one page is getting hits while other pages aren't getting as many when you don't even no why even one page is getting hits in the first place. you can't start comparing unless you understand what you did on just one page. if can't understand one page, why ask about two pages? that makes no sense so what we need to do is try to make you more patient in concentrating on one thing at a time so you understand it and can move on to other things with more knowledge than you had before(if that makes sense)i've rambled on long enough and don't even know if i made any sense. hard for me to get thoughts to words....especially on complex topics like seo and keywords and web design and optimization.
  12. i liked WD's sig but i had to vote for rig as his was the most original and i like the classy colors combos which seem to fit....
  13. i didn't say you didn't have a life. nor did i say you have nothing to do. what i DID say is when people are texting so much when i am hearing about 10-15000 texts a month. obviously while they are texting, they have nothing better to do or they'd be doing it instead of texting so much. but teenagers love the technology. they have absolutely no clue what the technology is distracting them from knowing anything better or actually pursuing a future in what they want to do rather than having the distraction of texting so much. i'm not saying texting is a bad thing. not at all. but hey, who am i to guide people in saying there are better things to do than text all the time. to me, texting is something if i was bored or had nothing better to do.....but that's my opinion only and frankly it's quite obvious....hahaha and i just thought of something else. it's probably a great way to cheat on test nowadays. i dunno....i just think texting is a lazy mans way to communicate and for the most part impersonal. people normally have only 10-20 people in their click of friends so if someone does text that 10,000 a month, we are talking about communicating with 1 person more than 15 times a day on average on the cell phone. now tell me that is not excessive and explain your reasons if you have any because personally, i don't get the point of what i feel is excessive. also, is there really anything important that people text? because it seems that if it was so important, people would use a phone....
  14. i believe there was a topic started about this a year ago or so so you might want to try to search for that thread. if not, i believe the user "echo_of_thunder" here runs a weather website. you might want to pm him to see if he can offer any suggestions.
  15. actually, that can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the intent to dwell on things. i used to do the same at one point in my life. i wouldn't lie in bed, but i would sit outside just thinking about all the things i was depressed about. i musta been around 30 at the time. it was the same time when at night, i would drive to the park holding a .357 mag inside my mouth after drinking alot and pulling the trigger half way just to see how far i could pull it without it going off i was a mess. but sitting outside every day dwelling and thinking and thinking some more actually helped me. my friends and family told me it was unproductive but to me, it was productive because i really wanted to understand my depression and life more. then one day after about a year of doing this EVERY DAY, i was sitting outside thinking and the most amazing thing happened. it was almost god like. i really never experienced anything like it in my life. thoughts were rushing in my head....not 10-20.....but HUNDREDS of different thoughts within 10 minutes time. they were so real and so insightfull i wanted to get a pad and paper to write them all down but i couldn't because the thoughts were coming way too fast. after about 10 minutes of that. i wasn't depressed anymore. i realized many things in a split second of my life. it was an incredible experience. i forgot most of the things that rushed in my head but i feel the thoughts and the knowing is still inside me and i understand a lot more about who i am and what like is because of that experience. it was everything that was opposite of depression. so when i see someone dwelling on their depression, yes....it could be a good or bad thing depending on the intention of dwelling on the negative. i think it's a good thing though if someone truely wants to understand themselves better and understand how life works in mysterious ways where we aren't put here on earth to handle more than we can. we are here to learn and grow. learn from the good. learn from the bad. understand that there is a connection to both that most people don't understand because they don't even try. i was always thankful for that 10 minute experience in my life i will NEVER forget. those 10 minutes is the time where my life was impacted the most by this god like experience. i can't explain it any better than that. it was just amazing. it was almost like god or some higher power was talking to me. i wish everyone could have the chance to experience what i did and i really don't know "why me".
  16. no. you wouldn't see any problem with it because it IS convenient. and i agree. you have to meet people BEFORE you text them. but after that, it's texting texting texting. that's what i am hearing from this thread and the people posting in it. we've already discussed how much time it takes to text over 10k a month. that's a lot of time. the only reason people text that much is they have nothing better to do which to me is sad. it also means people rarely turn off their phones when texting that much.my point in creating the partial list was that we DONT use those things as much anymore. most are absolete and texting will follow suite one day. hopefully it will create a more efficient way for teenagers to text because seriously. that's all we are talking about now. teenagers who text 10-15k a month. i thought 100 a day was a lot when i first read this thread but doable considering there is no school on the weekends but still, what activities are people missing out on that are more productive than texting? i can think of a lot. that's my point. this texting people are now talking about is excessive and anything excessive is a mad thing. doing things in moderation so people are more well rounded and have some balance in their life is how we should raise our children. so i don't really blame the kids. i blame the parents because i don't really think they know what's going on.
  17. i know piracy is defined as a seperate crime other than theft. but it is still a more specific example of theft just like counterfeiting if you like that word better one who steals without paying for it is a thief. any copy of pirated anything has a value to it and the more copies made that is distributed takes away from the original value meaning whatever is being pirated is now worth less. and like i said before. there are two crimes where piracy is involved. the one who distributes and the one who receives. both acts are illegal and the one that knowingly accepts something that has been stolen or counterfeited has just committed the crime of receiving stolen goods or some other specific crime that is related. now here in the united states, we have many laws for many specific things. in other countries, there are less laws that would otherwise be enforceable in the united states. now other than talking all this legal mumbo jumbo, people normally have a common knowledge of what is right and wrong so weather it's theft, counterfeiting, piracy. it's all the same. it is wrong and people get hurt because of it. you say adobe is making a mistake by selling their software too high. this is a typical response and excuse from those who have bootleg copies of whatever is being pirated to justify a criminal act when there is in fact no justification for it because it's wrong to steal. fact is, most people aren't thinking about the companies who have rights to their own software. they are thinking of themselves. adobe knows they can charge that much because it's usefull software for big businesses who actually pay not only to use the software but to receive support from it because they now bought the original serial # that came with the software. most software now comes with a trial period. this obviously was to cater to those who wants to try before they by and try to cut down on piracy by downloading a legitimate copy of the original software legally. does that stop piracy? no. will cutting their prices in half cut down on piracy? no....because certain people will still have the thief mentality. "why buy if i can get it free". it's not the software companies that are making a mistake. companies like adobe have been in business for a long time for a reason. they know what they are doing. so to infer that they don't know what they are doing or are making bad decisions is just a false statement when odobe has been successful in what they do. what is WRONG is the mentality of a certain group of people. this group of people's mentality needs to change. not the businesses this group of people don't care about when they steal their products.
  18. anything to take focus off depression is a good thing. there are many things people can do like taking a walk or a jog, listen to music. you suggested writing your thoughts down and that is one of the best ways someone can deal with their depression. you also mentioned video games as long as it's not excessive. i disagree with that. if it helps that person deal with depression, then it's a good thing because although anything excessive is a bad thing, depression can be worse and it involves interaction, hand eye cordination, etc... using a lot of the things that are opposite signs of depression. so playing video games is actually one of the best things you can do if you're in to video games. only problem with that is depression causes irritability so you are more likely to break your game against the wall or on the floor if you aren't beating the game ;)when people get depressed, they become more inactive and less motivated. they don't smile or laugh so even watching a good comedy is a good way to deal with depression. there is no secret key to fight depression, every technique is different and different people will respond differently and it's up to that person to find out what works for them. there are also different kinds of depression. guys will go out drinking and be iritable. women will cut or dye their hair or eat ice cream/chocolate. some go through some mania phase of depression where they can't stop moving and have to do something so they clean the house even if it's already clean or start moving furniture around or they tend to speak faster than normal.but mostly, people will lye in bed or on the couch, not feeling the energy to even force themselves to do the things that might work to kick their depression this is why one of the biggest signs of depression is weight gain because depressed people are not as active as they were before. even if they have no appetite, they will still gain the weight.
  19. like i said before, i don't think prices are dropping because of piracy. i think it has to do with low cost advertising on the internet specifically. i also think it has to do with competition as more and more people come online to purchase things. lowering prices due to piracy wouldn't accomplish anything if those who steal wouldn't have bought the product anyway and lowering prices would just be a way to lose money. sure, they can lower prices and see if there is more of a demand to purchase at a lower cost but will there be? i would still bet that even a $400 software package being sold for $100 wouldn't deter piracy all that much. there is a certain group of people out there that just wont pay for whatever reason. and it's that specific group that isn't driving down prices in my opinion. the fact is, there is still a huge demand to purchase products from honest people in the world sure it's stealing. if someone makes a copy of something that is protected under copyright laws, the original owner owns that copy. not the person who copied it unless they had an agreement(usually a purchase agreement). when someone pirates something, two laws are being broken the one who distributes it and the one who accepts it because usually when a hacker cracks a piece of software or someone takes a cam shot of the newest release or someone goes to the trouble of purchasing an album and copying it, they are most likely going to distribute it. and instead of quoting from a dictionary about legal definitions, you should quote from a legal dictionary like blacks law. it would be more appropriate when discussing legal issues.
  20. piracy is illegal PERIOD. to justify committing a crime by talking about the good points is like talking about robbing a bank because you like money. piracy is illegal and shouldn't be condoned. the only reason people like talking about it is that it's so easily accomplished without much risk. like stealing a piece of candy at a grocery store.if prices have dropped, it's not because of piracy, it's because of the internet. the same vehicle that drives piracy is cutting down on advertising costs. there isn't a demand to drop prices because of piracy because most people will still buy the original. the only big exception is music but music was being pirated long before the internet by anyone with a record button...except now it's frostwire or any other file sharing program.also, most people have computers now so those who were tempted to buy pirated anything off the streets will turn to the internet now to get it free so the way piracy is being conducted now has slowly been changing. i do agree that the software companies are benefiting only because if they weren't, they wouldn't be providing download links for trial versionpersonally, i think teenagers are the biggest problem in regards to piracy and poor parental supervision and if their parents were enforcing them to get jobs instead of being on the comptuer all day, they wouldn't have the time to be downloading as much and have enough money to pay for what they were already getting illegally. most of the people that condone piracy are either too poor or cheap to purchase anything, or they feel they have a right to try before they buy. in both cases, those people don't hurt companies because they wouldn't have bought anyway. but that should be no excuse to steal and anyone who tries to make a thread like this or promote something that is illegal by stating the pros to piracy are just immature in my book and it's those people that don't really make the world a better place with an outlook that committing crimes is a good thing.
  21. dude, that's how i think! do you have a problem with it??? :)

  22. not you evidently. if you are happy with small results, just do the first thing comes to mind.
  23. this happens from time to time. wait an hour and try again. if it doesn't work by then, curse, yell and scream, then wait another hour and try again.
  24. so you don't believe in the supernatural. do you believe in the natural do you even know how to define it fully? so you wont believe in other things until the laws of gravity is defeated. ok. makes sense to me.... if it wasn't your grandmother, you need to be commited
  25. so basically what you are saying is..... is the less people you know that texts you, the more you will text back. the more people you know that texts you, the more you will text back.thank you for proving my point.......
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