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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. yea. it's definately not fair for someone to keep seeing their ex, but you knew the circumstance and decided to be with someone on the rebound who didn't know what she wanted. and why two days later she would decide to be with you? you had something going on before they split up? were you a partial cause of the splitup? would she have still left her husband if you weren't in the picture? yea well...take the blame your own self too buddy because i can read between the lines.
  2. i agree that people need to be informed of the possible threats of online social networking, but every post you have made(including your first one) intimates paranoia. your talking about people who will hack accounts for peoples pictures? no. sorry. then you go on to say that they will hack a friends account just to get to your personal pictures? no. sorry. that just doesn't happen for the most part. also, people can further protect themselves by keeping their friends lists private so an outsider doesn't know who your friends are or what accounts to hack.it's true that there are stalkers out there and they will pay attention to your most recent staus messages. but these people aren't theifs. for the most part, it's people who already know you and the accounts you have online. not your typical thief when it's people you already know. so again. NO! it's paranoia.if you have enemies online or offline, then maybe it's good to be paranoid.....but for the typical internet user, they don't have to concern themselves with all the BS that has been spoken about in this thread.
  3. i did my research when i bought my laptop. as far as a general consensus, toshiba makes the best laptops. considering repair records and the price, toshiba edges out the competition. after my research, i had to go with toshiba. i bought my laptop for $500 brand new and it's now worth more used that what i paid for it new. desktops are a whole other ballgame though!
  4. actually, you are trying to give the best solution AFTER the fact. the fact is, people were given absolutely no warning about this upgrade phase. in the past, i kept suggesting that people need to be informed from the admins and the admins didn't update the users before the upgrade or give any time to prepare for what might happen to their accounts if paying by mycents. granted, it's not just the admins faults, but the faults of people who want to wait til the last minute to pay for hosting. in the old credit system, i was a FIRM believer in never going below 30 days credits. the same rule should apply to hosting accounts. if you have less than $2 in your account or less than 30 days hosting fees, then it's a sign you need to post more if you want to keep your hosting. if you have a life outside the forums. that's ok too. it's just a matter of what is most important and you make your choices based on that fact. during this upgrade phase, i hope support can give grace periods for at LEAST just the hosting accounts(excluding domains). it makes sense to do that. if not, then it's really going to be hard to support this place when they can give no warning about the upgrade proccess and lose new users in the meantime that just want to keep up their hosting....and even old users like simpleton.....
  5. yea, i noticed that too but didn't say anything. for the time being, you can just go to your profile and click on "edit profile" to get to your settings page under "your options".
  6. well whatever ugly color it is, it doesn't work.
  7. how do i read the newest posts?!?

  8. a few things here. Xisto is TWO WORDS. you guys are making your graphics like it's one word. this is why our current header words show different fonts. to distinguish "Xisto" as two words. you can use two fonts or maybe put a space or some other creative idea but how people are going about it is all wrong in my opinion.i don't like true fusions because it's hard to read the letters and there is just way too many dots in his. i kinda like WD's second one, but i absolutely do NOT like the pink letters at the bottom. i know you like pink, WD, but pink does not match the color theme of the forum right now. i do like the fonts used though. very detailed and readable. i also like the overall design.i still prefer the current design because it matches the home page. i think it should be a one design fits all image. whatever is on the home page is on the forums page(or something similar).
  9. i am having trouble here. i just want to view the newest topics and newest posts. how do i go about doing that? actually, just all the newest posts since newest topics would show up as a new post anyway. someone tell me how. make my life easy!
  10. you said you tried to open it in softaculous. did you try fantastico? i just tried fantastico and it is working. also, i believe opaque made an announcement about 6 months ago that they are no longer supporting any upgrades to softaculous.....or however you spell it. i don't even have that option in my cpanel. i just have fantastico.
  11. i actually like buffalohelps design and logo. the only problem with it is the words are way too small.my suggestion is geting rid of "a quest for wisdom through knowledge" in the circle, put the word SUTRA below KNOWLEDGE, and make the font bigger. then on the side of the logo, you can have "a quest for wisdom through knowledge" in bigger and more artsy font stretch across the screen.i wouldn't change the design at all. it looks great and blends in perfectly!
  12. ohhhh that was a fun one too. i did i quick search and found it HERE!
  13. yup. tough indeed. took me a while. i figured out the trick pretty quick, but just getting there was giving me problems. that's not a test. it's more like a puzzle game. that was fun :)but for second graders in less than 2 minutes? i don't believe it!
  14. is getting used to the new version and theme

    1. OpaQue


      With Great Powers, Come Greater Responsibility. LOL.

  15. well i changed my interests so it doesn't take up a whole page haha that was funny. buffalohelp was the first one to pm me on it. i'm half way awake now and managed to get a couple things done. i think i will wait til morning to see any more changes. the speed(load time) was slow before. now it's REALLY slow. i guess it's to be expected and hope it's temporary.
  16. oh wow. i actually love the new pm feature. that is going to save a lot of time there.anyway, i noticed there is no formatting in the members area and control panel. it's making it really hard to navigate. i do need to edit my interests i guess. i dunno what's wrong with my photo though. it's 150 x 150. should i change it to 100 x 100? is that the problem? i'm still asleep.i did notice at first that mycents earned was off at first. for me, it was off about $100 but it's fixed now.i think people should just be patient for the changes to occur and report any bugs here just in case some things have been over looked
  17. well it finally happened huh? well i just woke up and this is too much for me to handle. i'll have to get used to this. it's hard for me to navigate right now. it would have been nice if there was some warning but i'm glad buffalohelp has been updating us. i see there is still a lot of work to do. i really hate change
  18. depression is usually linked to stress and anxiety so taking a few slow deep breaths is ALWAYS a good technique when depressed you also bring up a good point in knowing yourself and paying attention to your depression because your body language or tone of voice or actions which could be a direct action from your depression, can affect others negatively so it's important to pay attention to that too because someone might give you a negative response which triggers a more negative response from you and the cycle begins in how we affect eachother......even strangers.
  19. how many flyers did you print out? i noticed there is one on the white car too. at first i was thinkin...."hmmmmm....some advertising. it's probably kira's car" haha anyway. good job
  20. yea, i noticed you jumped in that relationship pretty quick, but you actually had a lot of help with this new girl that's been hanging all over you. everyone deals with breakups differently, but you can't just be seeing people just because your lonely or depressed or feeling bad. it's no fair to the other person, it's no fair to you, and your ex is thinking how you moved on so quick and is now doubly hurt.aside from that, it's good to see that you can treat this girl special and try to give her something she has never received before in the past.i stand by what i said before about her. it really is up to you and how strong you can be in a relationship if you really do know this girl, understand her, and have feelings for her because she will be tough on this relationship but if you really get to know her and she stops hiding herself, maybe she has something wonderfull to offer where it's worth the struggle in the beginning.playing games is the surfacy part of what you see. it goes deeper than that. there is more to this girl than what she want people to believe is the obvious. if she had a bad relationship in the past, then that might explain a little bit about why she is hesitant to get close. but seriously. you need to sit down with her privately and talk about things. you need answers. if she is not willing to talk or be honest with you, there is NO RELATIONSHIP there. don't change subjects if she doesn't want to talk about things. if she is ready for a serious relationship with you, then she will be willing to talk to you about anything. that is a fact. but it seems to me she isn't ready so maybe staying friends is the best thing you can do for her right now where if she DOES have boy/men issues, she will need time to get over them to enter in to a healthy relationship.you aren't just in this for yourself. your in this for her too so what's best for you might not be best for her and you need to think about what is best for both of you.
  21. life isn't unfair. it just seems that way at times. and the guy living in his car is a good example. whatever problems we have, there is always someone out there with bigger problems. the key is to be grateful with what you DO have and not dwell on what you don't have. it's easy to dwell on what we don't have. i can make a huge list of what i want and don't have. that list would be a mile long and if i dwelled on that or let it get me down, crap.....i wouldn't get anything done!it's good that you are going to school and learning about the things you want to learn about. life is give and take buddy. always has been, always will be. can't have it all. obviously school is more important or you would have been posting. THAT is life. life is about the choices we make to get one thing we want more than something elsei don't know why this topic was moved from the vent. sounded like a vent to me! hahaha
  22. see, you prove my point. you can't have the mindset of seeing good results soon. you have to have the mindset of making goals and putting your plans to action and WAITING for results. no website is a success the minute they publish it. NONE! so what makes others different from you? what do you have to compare? if you aren't able to wait a year or two for your good results then there will be a problem and you will become frustrated more and thinking too much in what you should be doing rather than clear your mind and take baby steps. if you want to run before you can walk, then i think you are going to be falling down a lot.
  23. typical? there is nothing typical about my response except for the fact that i know people. it wasn't typical because this guys situation is unique to many other peoples situations. i am not going to assume about anything he didn't write in his post. i didn't mention any facts about his this girl. HE did and it's very very clear to me that his situation will get worse if he doesn't confront her and try to understand her better to be able to make a more logical decision to stay or go. people say follow your heart. love is an emotion. it has no brains. if people just always followed their heart, then it would lead to more pain and heartach because it takes TWO for a relationship to work. not just one. so in actuality, it takes TWO people to follow their heart and if their heart are in the right place and meant for eachother, then it's meant to be. but there are much more factors in a relationship than just liking or loving someone if someones wants and needs aren't being fullfilled. this chick was flirting with him even when he had a girlfriend. i am really curious why the breakup with his ex now. but my point is, you don't make advances or flirt with someone who is already taken. it could be in someone's nature to do this, but from an ethical standpoint, it's just wrong. that was his FIRST CLUE to who she is. now i may be a bit old school but old school is what WORKS. here in the united states, our divorce rate is 50% because people are immature, screwed up, doesn't know what they want, unfullfilled in life, insecure, loney, or for whatever reason. those aren't good enough reasons to be with someone nor are they good enough to get married. this guy has only been seeing this girl continuously for 3 months and he's already showing doubts about this girl. wanna know why? because they are incompatible right now. i am not saying they are ultimately incompatible, but for right now they are. the only solution is for him to talk to her and dig deeper on the things she likes to hide about herself or why she needs to follow him around everywhere or why he can't just run in to the bank for 2 minutes without her following him in. if you pay attention to people WD, you will notice patterns. and in this guys post, he is describing unhealthy patterns in someone. the patterns didn't just magically appear, she's a subject of her past and he needs to know why she's like that. like i said. i am not saying she's a bad person. far from it. what i am saying is she needs help with the issues she hides and doesn't want people to know the REAL her because of her own insecurities and only he will be able to decide if he wants to open a bag of worms and strong enough to be around this woman. and yes, i stand by my opinion that she needs a psychitrist for meds or a good therapist to talk about her compulsive behavior and other issues she has. as far as love and friendship that can't coexist, you are VERY wrong, WD. you can't have love without a strong friendship connection. why do you think people in a relationship say that their significant other is their best friend? it's because that person most likely know more about the other than most people including their own family. i have known many people in relationships that failed but were still friends. it's called a mutual understanding that they weren't compatible with anything more than just being friends. when one person feels different than the other in a relationship, it is destruction in the making and people shouldn't fool themselves by staying in a commited relationship. it's just a disaster waiting to happen. this girl that is being posted about is moving VERY fast and in a VERY controlling mannor and from his words i can see that it's too much for him. so really, if this is the case, he needs to set boundaries. if she considers him like a brother, she doesn't need to be tagging along everywhere he goes like a puppy now does she. read between the lines, WD.....you might learn something....
  24. robbing banks will make me less poor and able to enjoy things others do who have more money than me but you don't see me robbing banks. why? it's illegal! not only that, i don't even think about robbing a bank or try to come up with excuses to justify it.i want some FACTS that support claims that piracy helps drop prices. according to that theory, there will be a price where piracy completely stops because the price is low enough to where people will buy the product rather that steal it. my question now is. if the cost of a product was a penny, would there still be piracy? ofcourse there will be. for many reasons. i haven't heard a SHRED of evidence that support lowering prices because of piracy.i have recieved illegal copies of things before but i am not going to justify it by saying i am helping others by driving down prices. a company, especially big corps have a lot of factors that influence price. is piracy one? yea.....one of many but does piracy help drive down prices in the eyes of these companies?people who come up with these threads or people who like to respond in agreement to these threads are are not only justifying piracy, but are saying that companies are charging too much. what a joke! a company has a right to charge as much as they want for all their hard work and effort. now obviously, if there is more demand, they are willing to cut the price down since most of what we are talking about is easily duplicatable. if there was less demand, they have to make up for it somehow just to hit their profit goals. to take it further. just because someone pirates something doesn't mean they would have normally bought the product. so how can one conclude that piracy helps drop prices? competition would help drop prices, and at a surfacy level, one can possibly assume that piracy is a companies competition. but i say it's not because of the fact that just because someone pirates something does NOT mean they would have normally bought the product. in fact, in most cases, this is TRUE because either they couldn't afford it at any cost, or just want to try the product before they consider buying with the exception of music and movies. but my whole point is that the majority of people who pirate wouldn't normally purchase what they were pirating anyway so why on earth would someone assume that piracy brings down prices? i'll tell you why. because they are pirates, theifs, and they want to promote justifications for their own unethical actions to make themselves look good while trying to convince others that they are helping drive down prices. what will this do in the long run? promote more piracy. and believe me. more piracy means INCREASED prices. not lowered prices because if a company cannot meet their profit goals to stay in business, then they go OUT of business.this whole thread is a JOKE!
  25. haha what's wrong? it's not like you can taste any difference. jeeez. but like i said. it's for the people who don't know what they are doing. you see white smoke when heating oil? hmmm that seems a bit strange to me too! as for me, i have never put oil in a pan when i fry my egg. i do have to admit though that a crispy egg sounds tempting but i can just see all that egg absorbing that oil. but i guess it is no different that the pork chops and fried chicken i like to make. i think the secret to this crispy egg thing would be just to heat the oil on high for 3 minutes and then dump in a couple eggs while turning the heat to medium and allow the oil absorb and cook the egg rather than the pan itself rather than fried, i like my eggs scrambled with lots of chedder cheese and a little tobasco sauce. but i do have to say i make a mean omelet with all the fixins when i'm in the mood to spend 1/2 hour just to prepare and make one....
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