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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i researched immunocal. looks like a good product. the only problem with even trying it out is that it costs WAY too much than what it is actually worth to the general public.one of the problems with this product and a lot of other health products is that it is being marketed under an affiliate program which in turn. many companies like this one use an affiliate program to advertise and the only way they can do it successfully is to increase the price of the product so the affiliate program looks generousi've seen these programs before and very very few succeed because of the price increase of the product and how hard they make it to make a direct sale. anyway, there are a lot of products that help your immune system that doesn't come with the high price. some are inferior, some are not, but it's worth doing your research before paying a hefty $90 a month just to make sure your immune system is at it's highest level.
  2. yea, it happened on easter sunday of all days. the epicenter was mexicalli i think? the magnitude recorded was something like a 7.2 i live in missouri and the only reason i found out about it is that my family called me on easter to shoot the breeze and this earthquake popped up. my parents live in northridge california.....about 200 miles from the epicenter and it shook the house and drained about 2 inches of water from the pool(i was told). anyway, you beat me to the post! haha i was gonna post the same thing....saying, "welp, another big earthquake hit, must be 2012! or wait.....it's only 2010.....what was i thinking!" anyway, earthquakes are natural. they have occured over millions of years. they happen every day in fact. some you can feel, some you can't. it's natural so when people start saying earthquakes now should be blamed for december, 2012, i have to laugh. if people can say this, THOSE are the people that cannot be believed in ANYTHING they say. they are subjects of society, superstitions, and fairy tales made up by people who aren't quite fully developed in the brain.
  3. thanks for the effort in your research, web_designer. i tried researching it myself too. i don't use a mail program. i only use web based sites. i think the yahoo mail recovery option is out of date because i couldn't find much information on it. myabe that used to be the case where you could recover deleted mail, but not now evidently. when you mentioned it, i almost woke up without my daily cup of coffee haha. anyway, i figure it's lost and just have to handle it the best i can. i was doing a little research on the internet and found some interesting things so i have clues to go on. i posted on my profile a while back that i have a stalker. it's true. when i did some research recently after being hacked, i did some research and verified that this person with the help of another person was trying to gather personal information.unfortuantely, if i do find out 100%, there is nothing legally i can really do. things like this aren't normally an arresstable offense and suing in civil court is hardly worth it unless the person has a lot of money. but i believe in stopping people from hurting others again. so in the meantime, i will still investigate my issue in my spare timei wrote what i did to get it off my chest and really inform people that this stuff happens. even to people who are knowledgable and informed in how NOT to get hacked like me. i was complacent after years and years of being on the internet so this situation i got myself in to taught me a good lesson which i will learn from and i hope other people reading this thread protect themselves from situations like this so they don't have to go through the heart dropping experience.
  4. at around 5pm central time, i tried to log in to my yahoo account. i couldn't. i tried over and over again and even old passwords thinking maybe there was a glitch. nothing worked. i wrote support about 3 times in 15 minutes. so then i tried to reset my password through an alternate email address. it actually worked.Even though later i found out that they tried to delete the alternate email.i get in to my yahoo account, and they deleted 3 folders which included hundreds of emails that i had saved for a reason. they were all personal to me for one reason or another. i accumulated these emails over the lifetime of my account. 15 years or so. what a devastating experience. i thought it was over, but i wanted to make sure. i checked my myspace account which was linked to my yahoo email address. guess what? DELETED. i worked pretty hard on it over the last 3 years. now it's gone. so i begin to think. is it over? NOPE i quickly realized that my alternate email address was with google. in the meantime, i had changed all my important passwords. i get a message in my main account that adwords was disabled or deleted because when you close out a google account, your services get closed too. well, crap. so i try to log in to my google account. i can't the person get in there and changed the password on that too. i thought he deleted that too like my myspace. i wrote google about 3 times in another 1/2 hour period and i finally got my password reset.this person not only hacked my accounts, but deleted everything that i worked hard for or was sentimental to. typical hackers don't go deleting personal accounts or any accounts for that matter. typical hackers hack to see if they can do it. so i do know it was someone i knew or a friend of someone i knew.one of my google accounts that didn't get deleted was "web history". guess what i found in it? "how to delete a google acount" and "how to delete a yahoo account". again, a trace of a "hacker" but a typical hacker would know certain things already and wouldn't have to search the answers. although the couldn't delete my yahoo or google account, they did manually erase information on the accounts they couldn't delete.the google accout and yahoo account had personal information changed in them as well. the person changed my info to fake info.name: bill cappsknickname: connielocation: greentree, moemail: lingogary@gmail.comobviously this is fake information so i only researched it for a whole 5 minutes to verify.now i did have a suspicion of who did this so when i went to this person's yahoo and gmail account and wrote a letter to both accounts i know were working a week earlier and have been working for some time, i get the same message that my email couldn't be delivered. very suspicious....especially when i already had a high suspicion that it wasn't a typical hacker.anyway, i now have more secure passwords. although i do have them saved on my laptop so anyone can see them if they have access to my laptop. i had just reformated my laptop about a couple weeks earlier so it's very unlikely that something was on my computer to monitor password keystrokes. i live alone and there has only been one other person who visits here. i suspect it was this person or someone this person knows. i'm almost 90% sure of this. i don't like to accuse, but when logical deductions point to it, then you can't disregard it. but this person probably guessed it. it wasn't that hard for this person to guess.so anyway, i haven't recieved 1 email from yahoo on this incident after i wrote them three times. myspace gave me the runaround and wouldn't help me gain back access to my account saying that user security is important to them....even after i offered them my original email address and my personal home phone. google responded quickly like myspace, but i'm sure they wont help me track an ip even though they have a log so i am not going to pursue it. i like google. so i am going to write a large article soon on hackers, the accounts they hack, and the companies who don't care about their individual members even when they've had an account for 15 years. it's going to be very well worded, very good keywords, and it is going to have the same uncaring taste as what i experienced with them when trying to resolve my issue. i will not give up on the seo portion of my article until it's #1 in the search engine rankings for the one or two keywords i plan out for it.i should have had stronger passwords, but people need to be aware that large companies like myspace and yahoo do NOT care about their members. you use their services at your own risk and if you ever have a problem with a hacker, it's understood that they will not help you.now i lost a lot of information. i was devestated. it really hasn't even kicked in yet fully because i have been trying to ignore it and not think about the important information i lost. when it does kick in, it's not going to be pretty that's all i can say.so i wanted to tell my little story and encourage people on a few points. don't choose simple passwords and don't choose passwords other people can remember. don't save your passwords to your computer, and if you have information you can backup like emails or code, DO IT so if someone does hack your account, you will still have most of your information that was stored online. for your passwords, use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. use two email accounts. one you personally give out to your friends, and another to sign up for things like myspace or if you want to link your bank account to an email and don't EVER give out that email to anyone or link it anywhere else but the sites you sign up for like google services. that account should be seperate than your personal account and email you readily give out to your friends and family. this way, if someone hacks your personal account, it's highly unlikely they can access your other accounts. there's more on safe gaurding your accounts, but i don't really want this to be a tutorial. the basics i listed should be enough to prevent any typical hacker from doing too much damage. also, if you live with someone or you have company over, always turn your computer off when you don't have direct eye contact with your computer. someone can easily get on it and put a program in it that could be a security threat to you and your online activieties. always password protect your computer so nobody can just turn it on and have complete access.welp, that's my story which happened yesterday at 4pm. one hour before i noticed. they did their dirty deeds pretty quick so i am thinking this was planned out. they already had my passwords and tested them, and then planned out how when and how fast the attack should be. although it's still funny how my web history shows the attacker searching how to delete a yahoo and google account both. haha that's funny! i RARELY check my web history with my google account because i already know what the heck i googling online or what sites i visit.
  5. i've never used live messenger, but i know with some messengers, if you lose internet connection in a short period of time, it will log you out. when you establish your internet connection again, it will automatically try to log you back in if you have that in your settings. i've had this happen to me before when for some reason, my internet connection wasn't stable. don't know if this is your problem or not. it's similar to what i have experienced in the past though....
  6. i went to your site to check out your stats on your site. how can you have more unique hits than hit? that really doesn't make sense
  7. obviously you don't know business or how to succeed in business. if you find a way to make money, you don't just stop using the techniques that have made you money. that is just ridiculous. what's wrong with coming to a forum and giving away a free ebook anyway? maybe YOU are the scammer when all you can do is harrass a poster and give someone a bad name. for what reason? because he posted a website just like everyone else does in this forum wether in a post or in a signature? people like you give other people a bad name so maybe YOUR cooperation is needed, ok? chill out.... businesses would be out of business if they couldn't advertise or promote. and if it helps others to make money, what is the problem? really....what's the problem....
  8. maybe that's why the country is so messed up. i was always pointing the finger at other things. so i guess it's the jews, huh?
  9. crap. i almost forgot. i would create a better hosting package with each plan. what i mean is, when you have three different packages, you want to increase the bandwidth with each package. you only have storage increasing except for the third package. so i would lower package 1 to 10g bandwidth.the reason is because nobody will even want to buy package two if package one is cheaper and offers the same bandwidth. yea, you get 4 more gigs, but normally, nobody even needs more than 1 anyway. you can accomplish the same thing by just deleting package two all together and make package 3 the #2 package.in my eyes, if i am paying double for hosting and my bandwidth isn't doubling, i could just buy two hosting 1 packages for the same price as the hosting two package. it really doesn't make sense how you have it.also, i would oversell at first and list a limited time offer hosting package for the first 25 people or so who sign up for it. maybe offer 10 gig space and 50 gig bandwidth for $3 a month. you're over selling, but for new websites, it's not going to be a problem for the first 25 or so people. also, when you are just starting out, you are going to have extra bandwidth laying around anyway so you might as well make good use of it through initial advertising. so in fact, it might look like over selling, but it really isn't if you plan it carefully. i don't know what your reseller plan covers but i would suggest you work out the figures and determine what you can do with a little creativity.something to think about......
  10. a couple things. when you click on the terms of service, look at your menu and see how it differs from your standard menu options. you have "vps" listed. this seems like an obvious error to me. the terms are a little cheesy so i have to agree with the others but that should prohibit you from starting to advertise right now. lastly, have you checked that you billing is operating correctly? have you tested it? if not, you should really test it rather than assume everything is working properly.that's about it for now. as far as advertising, you aren't going to rank well AT ALL in the search engines with how you have your site set up. you should still submit to the search engines and directories though because you can still gain SOME traffic from it. i would create a newsfeed for your site and submit the feed. i would join all social networks and be active in them at least once a day. i would compile a list of forums that you can post in. since i know right off, your site isn't going to rank well, then forums with a low pr wont matter for any backlinks. just comile a list of a couple hundred forums and post in them once a week without spamming. i would REALLY encourage you to make a video and upload it to the video sites. make it a good one with a good non competitive keyword phrase you can put in your description and maybe your first comment. i would actually give away free hosting for a month for your first month or up until you have advertised the crap outta your site without spamming. this will encourage people to sign up and if they want to keep their site, they will have to pay for it. it will also get people to promote your site and have that viral affect of word of mouth for the first month. that is free advertising that you need to think on. create a press release and submit it. submitting a press release usually costs money, but is worth it for the advertising. also write a news article once a month or once every two weeks to gain even more exposure after you submit your articles. try to to get about 10 good backlinks with related websites. not for the pr or backlinks, but for the exposure. a user here recently created a free domain website. those sites are great if you can get those people to put your link for an almost free website. even a link exchange between yours and the other site is good. just get 10 good ones at first and then over time try to get 1 a month or so.i noticed your two ads at the bottom of your page have nothing to do with webhosting. this is not good. if that company optimises like google which means the ads should be related to the content of your site, you need to optimize your site to get the right ads displayed. your ads though need to change to something related to webhosting so if people aren't interested in your site, they might just click on an ad. also, create a newsletter and encourage people to subscribe to it. usually the best method for that is to offer something of value so people will be motivated to subscribe and then just send out a newsletter once a month or so. the people who subscribed but didn't purchase hosting are still in your list so you can still offer hosting to them through email or maybe join an affiliate program and offer something related to hosting in your email. it's called backend marketing and works even if they didn't buy your original product(in this case, hosting).now the advertising aspect is going to take A LOT OF TIME(i'd say about 100 man hours). one thing people do is outsource the work to other people so if you have cash to do this, i suggest outsourcing all of the work or maybe half of it. but if you have never marketed online before, it's good to just do it yourself so you have that experience under your belt and so if you ever want to outsource anything in the future, you know exactly what needs to be done. advertising is REALLY REALLY easy. it's just time consuming. what's not easy is the words you use in your advertising. you don't want to sell people. you just want to inform them. people hate being sold to.that's about it for now....i think you are just about ready to start advertising after you clean up a few things. you can always work on other things while you advertise.
  11. who cares if he's building a mailing list. every sucsessfull business builds mailing lists. his posts could have fit in to two catagories. the freebies(for the ebook) or the make money section(which it's in) to promote whatever he's offering to make money. if he's collecting emails for his mailing list, good for him. that's the exact method i recommend to others and this is what i have personally done.he hasn't broken any of Xisto rules. he hasn't spammed here. he only posted once. there is also no affiliate link. i am laughing right now because it's so funny how people can criticize others and so easily hit the report button for absolutely no good reason. because someone collects email addresses for a mailing list, that is a good reason to complain? no. i don't think so. if so, then Xisto is breaking their own rules because we have to give out our own email to be a member. that's just ridiculous thinking.so let's use the first post as an example. let's read it together word for word and let's list all the things that are a scam from the post, and let's list all the ways he broke to t.o.s. on trap. and please....if he broke the t.o.s., please reference the link to where you saw the terms or rules and which line it's on. if it's a scam, please state why you KNOW he is scamming people. assumptions don't count as "knowing" something btw.so let's make that list in easy format and let's see how smart people really are without looking stupid. and i certainly don't want to hear about "if he does this, or if he does that" scenarios because that could refer to ANYONE who even has a website on the internet.
  12. i don't have much time to reply right now or review, but i quickly checked out the site and it looks 100% better. i will comment more later but just wanted to let you know that i think it looks more professional with more information users would look for....
  13. he didn't place an affiliate link in his forum post. also, trap threads aren't nofollow. if that were the case, then why do forum posts show up on google? anyway, i went to the site. it looks like the owner of the site hired someone to post in forums for him....outsourcing his work load. it doesn't really look unprofessional to me, but i've seen these ads before. it's offering a free ebook. so i don't understand why someone would think he's selling something right now. i've done my share of research in making money and marketing. some if it has come from reading ebooks such as these just to see what's out there and see how other people may be making money wether the program is a scam or not. but to jump to conclusions that a program is a scam is just ignorance. the ebook is free. i am not going to read it myself. sounds like he's going to be selling information on how you can make money with adsense, and how you can make money with clickbank. information like this can be found on the internet for free if you do your research though. but there is still a market out to sell this information to people who are novice or haven't really been on the internet long enough to know you can get information like this for free the thing to watch out for is not the ones selling information, but the ones who automatically think that prgrams that teach you how to make money are automatically scams. i've seen people make money a certain way in some programs where others don't. obviously the ones making money know the system isn't a scam, but the ones who don't or don't have what it takes, will post scam reports or automatically conclude the program or system is a scam when in reality, they just didn't have what it takes to succeed. not saying what was posted is a scam or not, i couldn't say without reading the ebook, but it's just funny to see people jump to conclusions.....and even seeing an affiliate link when there wasn't one.
  14. ok. well, i posted this a couple days ago. thought i wouldn't bother support on this if the questions could be answered here. it's the first time i've had more than one domain linked to an account so i am totally in the dark in how it works. i'll wait another day to see if i can get some help with these questions here, and then submit a ticket and post the answers here if nobody has responded by then that knows the answers.
  15. there SHOULD be a law. at least an unwritten one. it's pretty stupid if someone continues to say or believe in something that isn't true. there are few exceptions to that in regards to tradition and children(in my opinion). i can't sit back and let people believe whatever they feel like believing when i know it's 100% wrong. one i read something one time.....ok.....twice....maybe......three times? naw....i'm gonna speak my mind because i see a trend forming and it needs to stop. how would you feel if i kept referring to YOUR name as something sexual. or how it's a name that shouldn't have been picked as a user name here in the first place and sounds like a bad porn name? or if we were in school together studying for a test and you know i'm not understanding things correctly. your philosophy is just to allow me to be ignorant and fail the test? people ARE interested in the truth. also.....some people care enough to nip some things in the bud so it doesn't spread like a virus. so anyway, you have expressed your views very clearly. i will stick with mine if you don't mind. why's that? because i hate ignorance? i hate when people speak before they think? i don't like it when one person says something and a bunch of lemmings act like followers to prove something that isn't true? my karma is not in danger and i stand behind what i said. because it was just getting too ridiculous not to say anything at all. i have my opinion and stated it. i stated the facts behind "sutra" and what i think about the people spreading rumors and lies. i wouldn't worry so much about my karma. i would be more considered about actually posting something that holds more truth to it than deceptions and think about why you're still here when you can never support the name nor recommend the forum. my understanding isn't in jeapordy here either. i saw some people talking some crap about things they don't know and i stated my opinion on it. i understood very well what was being said and i responded to it. if you want to blame my karma on what i said that was true, then go right ahead. show more ignorance and make it personal between you and i. me, i will stand by what i said and try to not make anything personal to anyone when i know it's more than one person being terribly confused. so now that we got that out of the way, please answer my question why you are still here when you're ashamed of the changes and afraid to reccomend this website to anyone? people should stay away, but you should stay? that doesn't make sense. and just because you don't feel like explaining it to people, i had no problem. i gave a link to the definitions and that link should speak for itself to defend against the ignorance that is being spread. so let me ask another question for you. do you want to go through life being ignoprant on subjects or issues, or would you rather learn a little something along the way before you grow old and die.......
  16. i absolutely hate ignorance and people who are downplaying the name "sutra" sutra is one word. not two. sutra is nothing bad OR sexual. with the word "knowledge" in front of it, it's a two word phrase. people don't want to recomend the same form because they dislike the name? that is just ridiculous. if you can't recomend it or stand by it, why are these people still here posting for mycents? talk about hypocritical i suggest you do your research and actually ffind out what "sutra" means and read what opaque defined "Xisto" as. adult content? it's the word KAMA that is sexual in nature. not sutra. sutra has a totally different definition and with the word knowledge before it, adds to the direct meaning behind this forum. so all i did was enter "define:sutra" in to google. HERE ARE THE DEFINITIONS. i am getting so tired of the ignorance expressed by people who don't take time out to do their own research to know what a friggin word means or the truth behind other things before they open their mouths and look really stupid....but at the same time bad mouth people or things because of their own ignorance so after researching and even reading this post to gain something out of "Xisto", you can either stand behind it and continue earning mycents and support what the forum stands for and why Xisto was chosen, or leave.....if your so ashamed to even tell people about this forum, i wouldn't expect those people to stick around and continue talking ignorance......because ........well........it's sooooooooo BAD just being here! now aside from that, i liked the name Xisto. i like the name Xisto. would i have chosen either? no. but this is not a democracy. opaque made this forum successful and if it wasn't for the success of this forum, many people would have had to go elsewhere for hosting....and believe be, the free hosting they would have found would have been a *BLEEP* hole compared to trap and Xisto - Web Hosting. now i hope opaque takes the time to make a half page essay on what Xisto stands for and is defined as and post it on the main page soon because i am getting ready to throw down on the idiots i hear mistakingly talking about things they have no clue about. lastly, even if "sutra" did stand for something sexual(which it doesn't haha i have to laugh at the idiots), who cares. it's the stuck up people who will find someway to make people believe that anything sexual is bad. so get a friggin' life people.... so what i PERSONALLY am getting out of the definition of "Xisto" is.... "the thread that holds knowledge together" on the main site it says, "a quest for wisdom through knowledge". how people get anything sexual from it i will never know. there is no mention of "kama" ANYWHERE!
  17. i am too late? i only posted a couple hours after you....sheeeesh ;)a .info? come on ash. you are putting VERY little thought in your name. i hope there isn't a .com with that name because they will be taking all your glory. and how often do you even see a .info in the top 10 rankings??? it's your funeral.....hope you know what you're doing....
  18. yea. please post all name suggestions here so if it's good enough, i can snatch it up and use it myself. thanks! ;)i've seen many people ask for domain name suggestions in the past and my comment on their post is always the same. i repeat myself over and over again because i think it's important to know that suggestions of this sort should remain private. Better yet, ash, if you are as bored as you say you are, take 5 hours to research some domains. there are very good research tools out there. you just have to use them. that way if someone suggests a good name and you aren't quick enough to react, you wont be pouting later and pissed off. you do know that snatching up a good .com domain is very competitive, right? sure. all the one word ones are taken. the good and available two word domains are rare. even still, i think three word domain names are the best when starting out anyway when you can just concentratge on a good 3 word keyword phrase that can easily be in the top 10 for that phrase.also, i really do want your hosting biz to get off the ground. if you're that bored, why concentrate on a blog that has nothing to do with hosting or marketing or seo or website design, etc.....something similar to your hosting biz that you can sorta link the two togehter and make even more money. unless it's a personal blog, i just don't see the point. running a business is a 24/7 job. you have to be dedicated, but most importantly motivated.my point is, starting a blog where you have to post 1 excellent post per week, or at least two good posts a week, will take take away the time you need to really start up this hosting biz and actually advertise it the way it should be advertised since it takes a lot of time doing easy but tedious work.aren't you going to school? seems to me, schooling and one good internet project you can dedicate yourself to would be good enough to keep you out of your bordom and also have time to relax and enjoy time with friends or off interenet hobbies. it also seems to me that you should also finish an internet project you start first before trying to expand your horizons in other very competitive markets on the internet. you're a smart guy who has a lot going, but i don't see you taking advantage fully in what you know and your thoughts sometimes just seem all over the place.
  19. i am sure you meant to say 1 dollar per year as this plan is $10 for ten years. hmmmm maybe *I* am the one not getting it....
  20. when i added my new domain, it asked me for a user name and password. what exactly is that for since i can access this domain from my original account.also, when i go in to the stats page like awstats or webalizer, my new domain doesn't show up. why? how do i get individual stats for individual domains?when i go in to fantastico, any new installation has my new domain listed along with the option to install my new domain as a subdomain so i really don't know why the stats pages aren't recognizing the new domain.everything else seems to be working. i tested a sample index file and it loads.
  21. do you know how to post links at all? the link you gave is bad, but easily figured out., also, your sig link is bad too but also very easy to figure out. you don't do yourself or anyone else any good when posting bad links so i suggest you always double check what you post ESPECIALLY if you are linking to other websites.i like your idea. i don't know what kind of demand there will be here, i'll wait to post mine
  22. well i just tested the post count. it was working this afternoon, and it is still working for me at 3am. i have noticed in the past that post counts weren't working however. so i don't really know if it works for some people sometimes and not for others or if it has the same affects for all people all the time and you just never know when your post will be counted.but today, all my posts have counted that i am aware of......
  23. yea, actually, sorry to say that i have to agree that the flash page wasn't the wisest idea for many reasons. i actually really like it. it loads in about 5-10 seconds for me. even though it loads fast enough, i have ALWAYS been turned off by flash sites. if i have to wait more than 5 seconds, i'm clicking the X to get outta there. the only way i would stay is if it were a high priority site or a site that may have been recomended to me.i have always been against flash sites as a user perspective and a webmaster perspective. the cons always outweigh the pros 90% of the time. the load time was the first thing i noticed but since i was concentrating on reviewing it as a whole, i wasn't even paying attention to the annoying obvious. although most people here in the states have high speed, i think in lower economic countries, a lot of people are still on dialup and if i had to wait even a second longer than 10 seconds, i would leave and never regret not coming back. so this really has to be a consideration here.now....let's say opaque knew about load times and is willing to take that risk. let's compare the most successful websites. let's say the top 1000. now let's look at those 1000 sites and see how many are in flash. fact is, there are very few successful flash sites and there is a REASON for that. that's why if it's not a high priority site, it's not going to be attractive. Xisto is for the knowledge gained when coming to the site. nobody wants to wait and watch a dial go from 1%-100% to get information. BUT! the main domain is where the flash is. it's not in the forums. i go to the forums directly and bypass the main domain and the flash since the forums are the only thing that interest me right now. so i am thinking. is the main site targeted to new users only? i am still curious what is to become of Xisto here.....
  24. when opaque stated that this is a plan for people to host but not post, i assumed that posting has nothing to do with this plan. nor does mycents. what exactly did you assume?
  25. evidently, nobody even fully read opaque's first post. he had already intended on changing the name. from what i got out of it, he was changing it no matter if people liked it or not. he created the poll just to get an idea of the reaction to expect from the new name change,this was never about a poll to decide whether he should change the name or not or if people like the name or not. it wasn't about advice or opinions. the name was going to be changed no matter what the poll looked like.so when i keep hearing how he changed the name despite how many people disliked a name change and how he didn't listen to the members is just RIDICULOUS thinking. i voted "bad" only because i thought there were better names out there but i still like the name as long as a theme and other changes can incorporate within the new name change and be more relevant than how it's set up right now.i do agree with the user who didn't like the comment "this is my site". that phrase defeats the purpose of even asking for suggestions or opinions or putting up a poll.....in general. i was a bit taken back since the members and non members of this site make up this site.....not the owner or any one person. this is what i like about the site....it is a somewhat community based forum. so yea, it may be one person's site, but it's ultimately more than one person who makes or breaks it and keeps it alive.
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