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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. sorry, but if you post publically, then i have to assume comments are welcome. if you are picking me out specifically and stating MY comments aren't welcome....well, that just makes me want to comment more ;)it's funny how you state without hesitation that your demon doesn't posess you and then go on to tell us about a dream where he specifically possessed you. also, if he doesn't possess you, why make the title of this thread "demonic possessions"?you state that your demon would never control you. you state that your demon knows his place and knows what you will do to him if he doesn't listen to you.it seems you don't have parents or friends that care about you. if i had a kid going through what you are going through, id be tying you down and holding a cross to your forehead and other crosses around your body. a friend would try to guide you through whatever you are experiencing.through out your whole postings here, you never stated ONCE that you wanted to get rid of howdy or zozo or pazuzu or whatever you call him from one day to the next. you seem very confused in what your demon's name is. now all of a sudden when web designer posts a comment, you admit to wanting to get rid of your demon. that strikes me as odd.also, if we are talking about a cross, a cross doesn't hurt a demon. neither should it hurt you. a cross is only a symbol just like the symbol you were talking about when talking about your demon. and depending on how you hold a cross, it can take on different meanings. so if you are saying you got hurt by just a cross, you are full of it. if there was more to it than that, then maybe your story would be more believablealso, everytime you post, you contradict yourself. you'll say something in one post, then contradict yourself in another post. you criticize people for never being demon possessed or meeting up with a demon, and go on to tell people how much you know, but how much do you really know when you are contradicting yourself.even in one post, you talk about how demons come out to play from 12 midnight to 4am. you also state specifically how demons have legs and ghosts don't. how would you know any of this? did the demon tell you this? did you read it somewhere? have you ever seen a ghost and it had everything except legs? in fact, a ghost or demon do not have legs. legs or body parts refer to human form so i really don't know where you are getting your information. as far as 12 midnight, yes, i do believe certain energy levels increase during 12 or even around 11pm and last a while or during a full moon and new moon.....but the way you talk about it shows you don't understand itnow webdesigner is correct. if you are suffering from schizophrenia or multiple personalities, you wouldn't know unless you get seen by someone who is qualified and since you already tried the cross thing, i suggest you get some phychological help with your issues and hope they don't throw you in some padded cell. the best they can do is give you medication to help with your illness. the problem with this solution is that doctors sometimes diagnose things incorrectly and very few people believe in demonic possession and if they were to hear your story, they would probably automatically come to some false conclusion that you are somehow crazy which in my opinion wouldn't be far from the truth. why do i say that? well, if you ARE possessed, then it does make ya crazy. if you're making things up in your head, then you're crazy. see my point? it's the same as your credibility. your damned either way until you get the help you need.now seriously dude, if you don't like my posts, don't read them. i LOVE reading your posts. you have already made it clear you don't like me at all so you don't have to mention it in every post. just don't read them. as far as me, i will respond because i think it's important for other people to know more of what is going on here. not just one sided stuff that comes from your lips or contradictory information that you post about, or the hatred you have for people like me and not shy in posting about it. i know EXACTLY what i am doing and the only way you can get me from not responding is by not posting. so now you have your answer if you don't want to see my replies.and between you and me, if you had the guts to talk to me the way you do here, i would beat you until your demon walked away limping....never to return....and you would thank me because no sane human being wants a demon controlling them. sorry dude, but that is a FACT which means you're not all together there.just keep remembering that it's the WEAK that give other people the power to control them. being weak isn't a bad thing, we are all weak one way or another but it's the strong who know what their weaknesses are and able to overcome them.
  2. actually, i did a little more research on the subject and truefusion is correct. i had to go back and check my old email to see what sort of message i recieved and i didn recieve an email stating my account information. it wasn't from "nobody" though. the FROM field was actually left blank. also, it never mentioned anything about a .txt file that i shouldn't delete.when looking closer at the email, it was mailed by "beta.dnshree.com" which i am on the beta server.what i don't understand now though is why are the emails not the same? shouldn't they be the same?anyway, it sounds to me now that the email you recieved is a standard one. i am just clueless why the different messages. i can see how fantastico can trigger a message as part of the installation process, but what would trigger wordpress itself to trigger a mail being sent?if it IS fantastico, are there different versions on different servers? maybe that would explain the different emails.i also recieved a similar email when i installed forum software through fantastico so it's not just wordpress.i wish i would have though to research my emails before and could have prevented some worry. sorry about that....
  3. you don't have a clue what you said in the past....do you. first of all, i never heard of the word "cpt. howdy" come out of your mouth until today. second of all, i will give you a direct quote you posted in a previous post... "First, he says his name is "ZOZO", then "Pazuzu" (or w.e)...I just don't know if he's lying or telling the truth". this came out of your own words. don't tell me what i heard and didn't hear. like i said, you have ansolutely NO CREDIBILITY if you are being possessed. and if you aren't, then you are lying and have no credibility. understand this sky, you have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY any which way you want to speak right now.the only reason why i am replying is because i DO believe in demons and other entities. yes, i have researched this area for my own reasons. don't mark me off as not knowing anything because that would be your own ignorance speaking or your demon speaking through you. remember? you forget what you talk about and what you post? no doubt the demon may be speaking or acting on your behalf. you get tired and call in to a dreamy state or trance and can still say you have power over this entity? i guess you like it when you can't remember what you do or say? and like to enter this dream state where you can see flames and balls of fire? maybe even the smell of death at your footsteps. you like that huh? your demon doesn't control you huh? so this is you...you ARE the demon. you WANT to be possessed. you like it.you know what's strange? the fact your parents aren't getting the help you need. they allow you to continue on like you are. now your talking about how i should be banned? why? you don't like what i have to say? place would be better without me? i have no constructive input here to even be worthy of posting anything? explain to me why you can call other people morons, and i should be banned. also, my account was already suspended once. if i go overboard, i would expect a mod or admin to tell me or even warn me. in fact, recently, i have been warned a couple times where my percentage goes up 10% but the foolish one who is warning me isn't telling me why or even pming telling me why. i don't even know who the fool is who is trying to stay anonymous on purpose. this is a classic example of what is wrong with Xisto. and maybe i am too in some peoples eyes but i am not going to change who i am because of rules. if i can't state my beliefs, i just wont be here. it's that simple.so i only wrote the last paragraph to cater to you, sky. i didn't have to when i know you were only trying to change the subject and put me on the defensive when i have already proven that you hold no credibility right now. you lie, you decieve....and it's either you....or this demon....and i certainly don't like the fact that you ignored my demands that you put a disclamer at the top of your post stating wether you are possessed or not. i guess i will just have to assume you are always possessed because even if you tell me you aren't, you could be lying again and the demon just has full control.i believe in demons like i believe in god. at no time in my life will i ever worship one. i don't know if there is a god, if there is just one, or many from the perspective on what i have read in the bible and other teachings. the most i will ever say on this subject is that i do believe in a higher power, and i do keep my mind open to the "unknown". so i believe in demons the same way. if i didn't, i don't think i would have researched as much as i have. i believe in ghosts and other enties sky. no, i have never had a demon. you say it like you OWN your demon. the only reason why you have your demon is because you are WEAK like i said in my last post. you're weak and this entity is making you WEAKER. oh no. i should be banned for saying that. well, let's not start banning the truth now ok? but your demon here doesn't want you to feel weak so at times you may feel strong only because this demon allows you to feel strong.....but truely, you are just a weak person being controlled and feeding off the b.s. this demon feeds you in your head.and the ONLY absolute reason why i do actually respond to you is because i do believe in things like this, i do know what i am talking about, and not believing could do discredit for what you are actually experiencing. so i may say you are full of it or a liar or deceptive...but maybe i am referring to what is controlling you. ever think about that? you should because it's who who posted about this. it's you who's credibility is on the line. it's you who keeps feeding this entity what it wants by continuing to talk about it. it's also YOU who stated that the demon goes by two names(refer to my quote by you in the first paragraph)....zozo the clown and pazuzu loco. and captain howdy doody? i never heard that name til now so get your facts straight and try to remember what you post.you even at one time says this demon is intrigued by me. did it ever occur to you that this entity says only things he wants you to believe which may or may not be the truth? has that ever occured to you? has it ever occured to you that people who lie to you are not to be trusted? has it ever occured to you that if you can't trust someone, you should illiminate those people from your life so you don't get hurt? so what's your next move? are you going to continue making love to this demon or what?what are you? like 16? you think you know it all? i'm 41 and don't know it all. there are some teenagers though that actually know a lot about certain things and it amazes me when i listen. you aren't one of those people, sky. you also have no respect for people who just may know a little bit more about certain things than you do. yea, you're experiencing it first hand, but you don't know crap about it......only what's being fed in to that brain of yours by others to possibly explain things and life.this demon didn't just happen to run across you one day and decided to stay sky. i do know that. you either attracted it, or someone else attracted it to you. that is a fact. another fact is is that it only stays because you want it to stay. another fact. there is a lot to your story you aren't saying. ANOTHER fact.am i drunk or on drugs? no sky. i am not. and i don't claim to be demon possessed either(some people may think differently haha).bloods on your hands buddy and your too naive to see it....
  4. i love cats, dogs, AND fish. if i had to pick one, it would be a dog, but i could never pick just one. dogs are loyal. cat's are independant and they both have something to offer. i'm an animal lover by nature. had a raccoon once. that was an interesting experience. it used to folloow me everywhere. the only time it got aggressive was during feeding time.cats are cool. they've made my arm bloodier than any other animal i've owned and they keep me aware because i really hate being pounced on while watching t.v.fish, they are great. especially at night. the tank light can be used as a night light and there isn't anything better than watch these fish do their thing while trying to go to sleep.the thing to remember though is each species has their own distict qualities and the breeds within the species have their own individual behaviors. i mean, you can't compare a terrior to a retriever. so whenever i am choosing an animal, i try to choose very carefully to choose one that suits me. i don't like to pick anything i can't interact with. most importantly though, if you pay attention to the animal and spend time with it before making a decision, you will notice if it picks YOU or not. it's important to pay attention to that because cats AND dogs have very good instincts and if paying close attention, you will notice if there is a bond or not and sometimes their choices are better than our own.on the other hand, i hate how we have to domesticate animals but since our society has become selfish and uncaring to their natural environments, i do try to pick the ones i can interact with so they aren't just lying around bored all day doing nothing. cat's nor dogs are not meant to be cooped up in a house 24/7 and i never take my pets to that extreme. even with my indoor cats, i will let them outside because it's just cruel otherwise. if you have ever been to a zoo, you know what i am talking about.when i was in africa, i got to experience the freedoms of wild animals and nothing compares to it knowing that that's the place they need to be. not caged, and not limiting their freedoms.although i am gratefull for the companionship my pets have given me over the years and that i know i am a better owner than most to give the love and attention they need, i still have a problem looking at them and wondering what life would be for them if they can live with their own kind and without the restrictions society dictates for themi hear talk from other people how cats are so great. they ARE....don't get me wrong. but they are expendable in society. not like dogs. this is proven to be the case in many u.s. cities and towns where it's illegal to hit and run a dog, but perfectly ok to hit and run a cat. while there are laws to protect dogs from society and to protect society from dogs, there are very few cat laws.in my case with the racoon, it was just plain illegal to own one but it didn't stop me from caring for it when it was abandoned. i would like another one one day as it was such an amazing experience the first time. it had no problem when i picked it up or when my neice picked it up. but it had a huge problem when my older sister picked it up and even my dad at times or he got jealous that the racoon would play the same games with him as it did me.racoons are the same as any other animal though in my opinion. animals either like you or the don't. in my case, most like me. there was one exception and that was my older sisters cat. whenever i would walk in to her apartment, it would growl and hiss at me. i thought it was possessed or something. i never experienced a cat acting out like that before when i have owned and handled many. it wasn't because i was a stranger either because it was fine around other strangers. the only time it seemed to like me was when it was in heat and would keep rubbing on me or jump in my lap for attention....and then let out some horrific meowing sounds like the devil was inside it.and those who prefer to keep either spiders, snakes, or both as pets....well, i would highly suggest you get out more....seriously....if that's all you own....i remember i had a 10 foot python once. it got out of it's cage. those of you who said that dogs are no match for cats, well, my cat was no match for this snake and while i was on the computer one day, the snake was already on the floor heading in to the bedroom. at first, i thought it was kinda cool until i remember i have a cat and the cat started walking towards it from the back end and walking towards the face of the snake. the cat's name was "dufus" which was evidently named after me by someone else and i had to really act quick to snatch that cat up or it woulda been snake food when this snake was already used to eating furry little creatures like rabbits who were bigger than my cat.and just because a cat shows it's dominace more than dogs do, doesn't mean that any dog can rip any cat to shreds. i am not talking about leapords or cheetas....this thread was about domesticated dogs and cats. i will tell you one thing though. my dog trigger, before he passed away, wouldn't walk near samantha. was afraid of that cat. when i took my dog bruin back home to my parents house, it too wouldn't walk near samantha. samantha had always been a good cat. typical and playfull.....just hated dogs and let them know it. that isn't to say my dog bruin doesn't like cats though. we had gypsy who we found on the side of the road. gypsy turned out to be some sort of tough cat. when we would lock it out somehwere where i wasn't at, it would run and bump it's head on the door trying to open it. my dog bruin and her got along great. my dog would play hard with it and gypsy would keep up. they were best friends for sure as they would always follow eachother around.so me, i love both cats and dogs. although they have different personalities, they both have something to offer and i hope those who own these animals have something to offer back.....
  5. why is this person a moron? for experiencing a personal viewpoint? sorry sky, but you have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY here. pazuzu is the exorsist deomon. zozo the clown is the ouija board demon. so what. you said personally that your demon goes by two names. both pazuzu and zozo. so you either have two demons or your demon goes by both names which means they are one in the same. so it's actually YOU that is being unclear about things since you do seem to contradict yourself tremendously.and you know, from now on....when you post, i want you to write a disclaimer. either "deomon possessed" or "not demon possessed" because personally, i would like to know who i am talking to. please write your disclaimer on top of each of your posts.at first i took everything you said seriously, wether you were deomon possessed or not. but i obviously can't as much now after reading so much that you wrote. especially the part where you want the demon to stay. you don't want him to go. you just want more control and don't want to make your demon angry. you take the stance that you have nothing against deomons and that everyone should have one(that's an old joke. i just changed it around a little).you say you don't believe in christ or god, but your demon sure does! so why is it so hard for you to believe. if god or christ didn't exist in YOUR WORLD, then your demon wouldn't be getting so angry. so i take it that you DO BELIEVE, you just don't want to admit it because it's easier for you just not to believe. if mandla is a moron, then we are ALL morons. isn't that true? oh, except you.....who is deomon possesed. you can't be the moron here. the only support you have recieved here was maybe from shadow and i but the length to which i offer support is limited because you say you actually don't want to detatch yourself from your demon. and since he usually only comes around near your birthday, you have 11 months out of the year to be totally truthfull in what you know and what you have to say without being afraid to make your demon angry.you say if we want to know about this demon or see this demon, we need to summon it by means of a chant. is this what you did? you wanted to bring some demons in your life? is this why you don't want to release your demon forever, because you wanted him there in the first place?being controlled by a demon is like being addicted to drugs and allowing drugs to take control. when in fact, everyone has control and everyone has choices and to say that something has taken control without admitting that you have released control by CHOICE and have the ability to take the control back is weak thinking. everything you say about yourself and this demon comes from a weak spirit and a weak heart. who's the moron now? your demon looks for a type of person like you because those are the easiest to possess. you want some control over this entity but you have to think logically. why is he there in the first place? he's their to GAIN control, not to give it up. he is there to brain wash you(a form of control) until you give in. yea, your demon might give you things here and there and is very patient as time goes on, releasing control from time to time to please you by his own choice just to suck you in even deeper. when the time comes where he doesn't release any control to you, you are going to be so brainwashed and weak, that he will eventually succeed in what he originally came for. full possession. you think you have been fully possessed? think again. your demon is playing with you and laughing at you.in any case, whether demon possessed or not, you need some serious help. i don't see any other way to see it. and if your story is true with obvious contradictions and exagerations for whatever reasons, you only have 4 choices. 1: allow your demon to have control at all times(even when you think he doesn't)2: get a priest who is willing to do an exorcism(highly unlikely since there is only a handfull that even practice it now and know what they are doing)3: join a cult and a circle of people who have the strength and power to work as a group to summon and illiminate this entity which isn't highly suggested since the ones you need to go to believe in this stuff and might just help take more control over you.4: do what you can your own self to fight the demon by doing the complete opposite of what he likes or wants from you and continue doing the things you know he DOESN'T like until you have either released this entity or are dead.those are your only 4 choices. you don't have the choice to gain more control over your demon. that isn't a choice you are given to make. you have already been proven to be weak enough to be controlled by an entity that either you brought to yourself or he just searched you out.....or both. if you can show him indefinately that you have nothing to offer him, he will leave. he wont tell you why he's there. if he does, he's lying to you and if you believe anything he says, your demon takes that much more control away from you.one last thing sky, when i hear nonsense being spoken in the forums or elsewhere, i have no problem calling people an idiot sometimes and to to get them to rethink their position.....and you are really quick to come in and post your one liner stating how i should not do that because it's offensive or degrading. but you are allowed to call people morans? you're the pot calling the kettle black and it's good to see how you aren't as righteous as you make yourself out to be because when you portray yourself to be someone you aren't, you look like the idiot. anyway, glad we had this little talk. i was serious about the disclaimers on top of your posts. good luck to you. just remember....if you plan to be weak in the mind, body, and spirit, then your demon will always be with you and you will never have complete control in your own life and you will either wind up dead or in some mental institution because that's where society puts people like you. not that i condone it, i believe in some things other people don't and have seen and and experienced things that people wouldn't believe and i'd bet there are people in mental institutions that don't belong there because of the "unknown" to others. i have studied this stuff and other stuff for a while now and not once have i ever heard anyone say that they like their demon. you are a first for that one. so yea....good luck to you on that.....
  6. my take on it is this....men should be allowed to wear anything they want. as long as they have a beer in one hand and a remote in the other, it's all good. women however....well.....they shoudl just remain barfoot and......ummm....completely naked. they shouldn't be wearing anything at all.welp, i hope this helps your thread. i tried. in any case i am sure i took some heat off you. i had to vote that i didn't give a crap.......
  7. dogs are so funny. my dog is now two. he didn't mind the collar when he was a pup, but he did mind the leash. i would pull one way and bruin would pull the opposite direction even if he was choking himself. he wouldn't budge. after he was about one year old though, i started taking off his collar during days when he would be inside. now when i go get the collar to put it back on, he runs up to me and sits at attention. i didn't train him this way. he just does it. he even does this when i go get the leash. it's so funny how he changed from hating something to loving it....genuinely loving it. i get a kick out of it and watching him. it's almost like he has an attachment and the collar is a part of him and really wants it back haha
  8. i never made assuptions. it looks like you are though. i told you what my first thoughts were and that there had to be more to the valium and dentist story. i never assumed you were an addict or otherwise. and just like you, i don't like people accusing me of doing something i did not do.your dentist sounds creepy to allow you to make the choice to take valium. like i said, i wouldn't EVER let a family member continue to see a dentist that could prescribe that to their visitor. there are sleep meds to help one sleep and can put you out pretty quickly that aren't narcatic or addicting.your doctor actually notified the dmv?!? that sucks! i really never heard of that before especially since you don't seem to have a history of it.i thought maybe you bumped your head and went unconsious during the seizure from a head wound which would also explain maybe why they held you for 3 days. but i guess that isn't the case. in any case, sounds like your doctor is thinking it coulda been an epileptic seizure which if you don't have a history, you could have something more deadly like a tumor or something. i hope you figure out what caused it. i guess it's time for the eegs, cat scans and blood work now...since you can't even afford insurance and certainly can't afford your current bill, aren't you afraid that they will refuse to run tests? usually the only way to get those tests done if you can't afford them is if you're admitted to the e.r.
  9. ever since i moved to missouri, i don't like spring as much. i used to, but here, it's rainy and muddy. winters are too cold, spring is too muddy, summer is too hot. so i think now my favorite season is fall.i would rather see the snow than see the mud and i would rather be in 90 degree heat than see the mud. am i happy spring is here? NOPE! but it's that much closer to fall ;)i do like all the plant and animal life that seem to come out in the spring though. nothing can compare to it....it's the time of year i like to sit outside....especially at night when it's clear....
  10. this whole post is funny reading to me. i can't really take any of it seriously. first of all, valium is a narcotic and addicting both physically and psychologically. why is your dentist prescribing it to you to help you sleep?!? it's mainly used for anxiety and/or depression. if i had a family member that i care about go see a dentist and the dentist was prescribing crap like that, i would make SURE my family member that i care about switches dentists. also, there are better meds than valium for depression, anxiety, and/or sleep disorders that are far more safer to take than valium there has to be more to this valium story because i just started laughing when i read that your dentist prescribed it. now your hospital bill is no surprise. i was born and raised in the u.s. and without insurance for most of my life so it comes to no surprise what hospitals charge....especially if it's an emergency room visit. but you were in there for threee days? what for? it wasn't because of a seizure. that's for sure. you could have left anytime you wanted to despite their recomendations. usually, they'll keep ya for 3 hours while they run some tests and release you. also, in the united states, if you are unable to pay your bill, there are programs out there that can help you pay it. you don't have to be insured. then there's medicaid. if you are low income and unable to pay, you can apply. if you're approved they not only pay your current bills but the bills from 3 months or so previous to when you applied.now if you have a doctor, why are you getting prescriptions filled through the dentist haha that doesn't make a bit of sensealso, a seizure doesn't normally cause unconsciousness and a person can usually feel one coming on. you didn't. that's a bit strange. usually when a person has a seizure, they have a history of siezures. in your case, maybe stress related which causes depression and/or anxiety which causes panic attacks or seizures....and in your case, problems sleeping. i wouldn't call your doctors diagnosis "solid" either. sometimes it take a little time to find out what the problem is. that's why for you, i recomend seeing a D.O. who will usually care more than an MD and has the time and patience to diagnose the TRUE problem and work to help resolve it.so yea, when the doctor judged you, it was something i was already thinking. pill popper or selling on the streets. come on. it's your dentist. he should be prescribing at the most a pain killer.....but normally just some antibiotics....not anything for sleeping disorders. there are doctors more qualified for those types of meds.i dunno....i just couldn't take that post too seriously except for the fact that you were found 2 1/2 hours after you passed out. that's some serious stuff you really need to look in to so it doesn't happen again. especially if you drive and have the possibility of it occuring when on the road and not only injuring you, but other people.
  11. those are the maximum resources for that packaged plan. if you create 3-5 sub domains, you still have the same resources so you would have to split them up among your sub domains. since you only have 1 database for the plan, you really can't plit it up between your sub domains. you can always upgrade to a better plan if you need more resources.
  12. somebody give me a gun! if i was out with friends discussing this topic and when of them rambled on and on like the above poster, i would have to shoot myself. sorry. OBVIOUSLY it doesn't make men stupid. the conversation should have been taken lighter....not more seriously....according to the picture.now i can just see this guy in a bar, waiting to pick up a woman he sees from a distance, walks on up to her and explains how every animal needs to reproduce or suffer extiction. now i would PAY to be there in THAT conversation....
  13. that's why i suggested it. it would be GREAT for new users and even some old users. it would enable the logic plan to be free or a combination of the plans to be lowered. and if opaque is creative enough, he can actually offer domains for free because of the extra income. maybe free domains after already been hosting for a year or free domains as long as you have 100-200 posts for the year or so. who knows.....there are a lot of advantages to create the perfect plans with no ad sharing but there is 1 HUGE disadvantage to it. if hosting is actually free, then people would post less and ad revenues would be as much. BUT! if one gets a little creative, it can work well and drive large amounts of traffic and increase the active membership. so as an example, if we currectly had 20 people posting 5 posts a day for 100 posts we could compare that to 100 people posting only 1 post a day. so even though the post counts per person is lower, we still recieve the same amount of posts or even MORE if done right.but i don't really look at it as taking away ad sharing. instead of the forum sharing ad revenue with the members, it's the members sharing revenue with the admin(when they aren't going to cash out anyway and money is being WASTED) to make this place more new user friendly.
  14. well being the alci that i am, i break down my favorite drink depnding on what i am doing or where i'm at and my mood. when i'm at a bar, a pitcher of beer is in order since i love beer and i really don't feel like paying 5 dollars for a mix drink when i can mix it at home for less than .50 special occassions are different though. in the summer, i like beer. specifically mgd. in the winter, i like rum and coke(specifically bacardi) and a little lime wedge. when i'm depressed and actually want to drink, i'll get some vodka and cranberry juice or vodka and grapefruit juice and drink that all day long. when out with friends drinking that pitcher of beer or drinking by the bottle because they don't have beer on tap, i'll order tequila shots. when i am motivated and know i want to concentrate on a computer project at home, i will just poor captain morgan or southern comfort on the rocks. now although i love southern comfort, it does taste a little syrupy to me when drinking it straight so i just wait till the ice melts a little. when i am in hawaii, i try to get in the mood with home made pena coladas where i can enjoy them on the deck over looking the ocean. yummy. those are really good too. when i'm eating out at any mexican place, ofcource a frozen margarita with salt or a Cadillac is always in order those are good too. when bbqing, BEER! when watching the ucla bruins play in basketball or football or any major game like the superbowl, etc...BEER! when morning someone who has past on, i go for a little more expensive stuff like jamison or tulla and just drink out of the bottle. both are irish whiskeys. i don't normally like dark beer but will drink guinness on st. patricks day.anyway, like i said, my favorite drink depends on a lot of different scenarios. there is no one favorite for me. it's all good. including wine. i like wine too....even the cheap stuff that you twist off it just all depends.... i sound like a full pledged alcoholic now haha.....but i'm not.....REALLY! ;)now for me, i have to watch when i drink sometimes because i only know one pace....whether it's soda, water alcohol, etc. i don't like drinking until i pass out on the bed....but it has happened before....
  15. i think it's done and past now. was wondering how it went....
  16. i think the powers that be are telling you something. maybe you aren't supposed to own an iphone hahanormally, i am against extended warranties or insurance but i really do suggest you get insured for your iphone this time. or maybe that's the problem. you ARE insured and you just don't care....either way, try to be more careful and aware. you sound like an accident waiting to happen....
  17. i think the real question is, were guys stupid even BEFORE the sex. guys are idiots with or without sex. let's face it.i remember one time about 20 years ago, my friend bought some girl a 40k car. i don't know what she did for a living. i think she was a stripper or something. he calls me up one day to tell me his little story and how he wants his car back and asks me to help him. ofcourse i agree. he had an extra set of keys, but the car was parked in a secured area with an electric gate under ground so i had to sneak in to the apartment complex which you could only get in by getting buzzed in, go down, get the car and wait for the gate to open.it was pretty funny. he couldn't do it himself. he was too afraid someone would recognize him. so that's a good question. what makes guys do what they do for women or sex? i think we all just have that stupidity gene. in regards to sex. i mean, can't it make us even more stupid if we haven't had any in a while? like humping a pole while someone else takes a picture? yea, that's pretty stupid....
  18. oh god. not another earthquake to be blamed on 2012. this is just getting ridiculous. i am sorry. this just makes me more ashamed of people who live in todays society who feeds in to this bull crap and spread false rumors. why do i know they are false rumors? because i'm not an idiot as i act sometimesanyone reading this thread, please be aware that there are certain people in this world that just don't know any better and live in their own world....probably due to watching too many movies and playing too many video games.
  19. anwiii


    proof proof proof. now i'm no preacher of god. far from it. but when people want proof that there is a god and neglect talking about wanting proof on other things as we walk this earth in ignorance of many things, it's just ridiculous in my eyesyou either believe or you don't. you either make some sense out of what you don't know, or you don't. that's what it boils down to. i heard someone call the catholic religion the worst religion. why why why? all religions are different and hold their different beliefs. if we are trying to find the truth, no one religion holds it. they are all different. i do agree that money should not be a part of any religion but that is beside the point most all churches have their offering plates.but do you even have to go to church to be religious? do you have to believe in god to be religious? no on both counts. churches don't make a person religious and just because you go to any certain church doesn't mean you ARE religious.atheists are not bad nor good. religious people are not bad nor good. we all have bad and good inside us and it is not only defined by our belief in our own selves but those who see us.....judging as we judge our own selves.....the good and bad are just judged differently on different levels according to their own personal beliefs.personally, i think many people are fake. they believe in certain religions when they can't even believe in their own self. or people say they don't believe in god because their is no proof although they will have faith in other things they can't prove. a lot of people are FAKE in my opinion. some act fake on purpose. some don't some just don't take the time to even find out who they arepeople use god as an excuse for their lives wether it's total crap or if they accoplished something. they give all credit to god. i really hate it when someone accomplished something big in their life and they say they couldn't have done it without god when in fact it's the actual BELIEF that helped them. we are our own worst enemy. not god. we either accomplish or not accomplish. not god.....for the most parti'm not saying there is or is not a god. i'm no preacher and never will be. what i AM saying is we are accountable for our own actions and we are on this earth to be better people with god as a crutch or without god and strongly believing in our own selves. i am neither an atheist or religious when it comes to any god. i am neutral. always will be....because.....i'm just me.i hear people who survived accidents and turn to god as the only logical explaination. i see people looking at the trees and listening to the birds sing and thank god as that could be the only logical explaination. i see people die and i hear other people either blame god or switch sides in not believing in any god that can allow things to happen when it is the human race that allows things to happen and they use god as an easy out to believe in something different.fact is, most people don't know what the heck to believe in these days. they wonder around like lemmings and creatures of habit that society teaches us or our parents teach us which give us no credit when we have a brain and a mind of our own. we have a spirit and a soul. and all it takes is to look deep down inside our own selves to know the answerso all i have to say is shame on those who say they don't believe in god and shame on those who do and shame on those who don't even know who they are to make such a judgement or choice or belief to either believe or not believe.we have to see to believe and if we don't see, that should automatically make us non believers. so i guess if a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, it can never make a sound. so we have to see to believe huh? maybe we DO see....and we just don't want to believe. those are some sad people who try to use failed logic to believe or not believe.i know my post is a lot of mumbo jumbo, but the most important thing to consider is not if god exists or not. it all starts with knowing who you are, and believing in yourselves because if you can't even do that, then you will never hold any answers and you will die one day as someone who lived a fake life because they didn't even know who they were. they just followed the crowd to the cliff and jumped off....... not even knowing why.
  20. nice introduction. two things. your clickbank link is no good. second, no affiliate links should be posted....sorry bud...
  21. i'm glad you're supporting your friend and i'm sure it's not a scam....problem with gpt sites is that there is always a limit on what you can make and the offers you can do......at least the higher paying offers that can actually net you 25-50 dollars in a day. those payments don't last long because most of the higher paying offers are one time only. in in actuality, someone may make 25-50 in a day for a week, but after that, it's down hill. the only way to keep momentum is to get affiliates, but when their momentum dies, everyone's dies.so it's just another gpt.....just that it pays out quicker....only if you spend more of your time posting.i'm not downplaying this guys site. if people are in to gpt sites, then by all means, they should join it. the scam certainly isn't in the site, but it may be in the way it's being advertised that people can make $50 a day every day.soviet, when you advertise offers, your reputation is on the line. if you fail people, they will remember and then you will have no credibility. if something better comes along later that you want to advertise, then people wont follow. get me? be smart. i know it's your friend, but you have to be smart too....
  22. well that's a nice little site i never heard of before. i had to investigate it a little since online gambling is illegal in the united states but this is actually a 100% free site. you don't deposit any money so you are never really gambling. the site makes their revenue off of ads they place on the site. you make money by either winning your bets with the free money they give you, or by your referrals.in the future though, please don't advertise for people to send you a pm for your referal link since that is not the purpose of this forum either. one way around this is to create a webpage of what the program is about with your referal link on it and then advertise the webpage. not your referral link. also, no links in the shoutbox bud because it just looks tacky and is against the terms of your account.
  23. i could probably talk to a da to press charges, but i would have to have substatial proof. and btw, don't assume it's a he. i'm almost 100% sure it was a "she" and had some help..... anyway, i have good common sense and my intuitions are usually right....and with the research i have already done on it, i pretty much know who it is....this person is almost a ghost online so i think i am going to take my research offline now....
  24. well, i noticed the change at about 2am. i wasn't even thinking about april first or fools day so i had to read all about the change. my mind was whirling. how can this be?!? as i was reading, i finally got it. i got caught for about 2 minutes of my time haha. it was a good one but one that can't be repeated again because people will know.after i realized it was april 1st, i was trying to think of a good prank i could pull on trap, but it was late, i was tired, and i couldn't think of a good one actually, i DID think of ONE, but i was two lazy to impliment it and i don't know how opaque would have taken it hahaanyway, i think the prank google made was classic. i liked it. it's always fun to see any billion dollar company willing to celebrate the holidays with it's users and even days like april fools. nothing bad can be said about that. people need to get more in to the spirit of things and i think google sets a good example of this.
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