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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i would say eye contact is very important. since mit is your dream school, then you probably know things already, but it's important to do your research about the school before you go in for an interview. that way, you can mention the things about the school and why you want to go there. a good hint to the research part is to try to find some good trivia about the school that even the interviewer may not know. be confident, but not cocky. listen, and don't interupt. pretend you already know they are going to accept you to help build that confidence and to help you relax.just a few suggestions for now
  2. i like wisdomimpact better. the .org is taken, but the .com is available..... but the whole thing sounds like a dentist visit haha
  3. not when information is not correct and can promote confusion. anyway, i quickly did some research and listed down 5 names if opaque is serious about another name change here (BLAH!). i'm going to try to think of some more as a little more time passes by and just pm him privately. also, sometimes you have to be careful in choosing a domain and recommending one since some sites will list the domain as available and it really isn't. so it's good to double check sometimes.
  4. hi, aloknsh- those are good questions and can be found here when opaque first announced the decade plan. as far as links to warez sites, as long as they link to something LEGAL, then it's ok. but links to cracked software or keygens, etc would go against the terms. even hosting software or ebooks, etc.... directly on your site is illegal if you don't have a right to distribute so be carefull.
  5. in some ways, i think patience is dead. in other ways, i don't. if it's between waiting 2 hours in line or playing a game, i would play a game to pass the time. nobody every liked waiting in line especially when that's all you're doing all day if you go to disneyland for 12 hours, and can manage to ride 20 rides, each one lasts 5 minutes on the average which equals 1 hour and 40 minutes. the other 10+ hours is walking around and waiting in lines haha. so i think disney's proposal is a good one.as far as car rides, i used to take long car trips and vacations as a kid. they were grueling. even with the i spy and other road games we used to play when there was no such thing as a lot of the high tech equipment we are used to seeing today. i thing it's great that kids have a way to pass the time more easily. they are less apt to get sick and ask that never ending question, "are we there yet" or "how much longer". i grew up with two sisters so when we would get bored playing all the games we brought with us or the car games that require nothing more than a voice, we would argue and fight. this wouldn't happen if we had other things to occupy our time. it's good for the parents too.times have definately changed. some for the better, but mostly for the worst. kids will now spend their free time indoors playing video games or on the computer rather than play outside in the fresh air on a bright sunny day. but do these things really have to do with patience? naw....but look at all the drivethroughs now. it's not just fast food anymore. nobody wants to wait in lines or get out of their care. patience? naw....everything described has nothing to do with patience. it has everything to do with how lazy we have grown to be as a society.....and people wonder why we are gaining weight....storing fat and energy because our bodies know something that we fail to realize.
  6. i would definately go with the logic plan. the decade plan in my opinion is good for a peronal website that isn't optimized for the public. it gives out only one database so when you set up your cms, you are already at your max resources for your databases. obviously, if even 500 people visit your site, it will run out of bandwidth. the other option is to see how much it would be to upgrade the bandwidth to 5 gigs(but even that is possibly cutting it short). if it's less than $30, then it's still worth it to get the decade plan as $30 is the cost for the logic plan and one tld for a whole year. since a domain costs $10, and the decade plan costs $10, then you know you have about $10 to play with.
  7. it's all relative i guess. if you haven't seen the movie, "The People vs. Larry Flynt", i suggest you go out to see it. it describes what i am talking about and what you are talking about......ethics. but what you are talking about is that a grown man or a grown woman should never be allowed to go and pic up a porn magazine or watch a porn video because it's unethical to create porn in the first place. i guess home movies are unethical too even if they aren't watched by the public? hmmmm....well....everyone is entitled to their opinion i guess....
  8. ummm, he didn't say 100 mycents. that would be equal to $1 credit. he said $100 credit. there's a big difference. if someone was on the cheapest plan, they can get a top level domain and webhosting for 3 full years. i don't want people to get confused in the offer he is offering. again though, i really hate threads like this that promote asking for domain suggestions in public. maybe it's best if people PM opaque their suggestions instead of publically posting them so if there is actually a good domain available, it doesn't get snatched up or maybe this offer should be in a thread by itself
  9. woa! haha well, if i ever suggest anything, it will be free advice, but i am against another name change. i liked the name Xisto, but i also like the name Xisto. just because i wouldn't have done it the same way, i say keep the name and dedicate a theme around it. this is your baby here. you nurtured it from the beginning and helped give it life. the members and guests may make up the forum, but the name and what the forum stands for will always be more important to you.but i am curious what names people can come up with that aren't taken. mandla suggested zozopazuzu.com.....anyone else?
  10. welcome to Xisto. if you're looking for free webhosting and even a free domain, you came to the right place. and yea, when you're bored, the forums a a good place to hang out. if you have any questions, don't hesititate to ask.
  11. i'm having a hard time following. do you mean for aq domain, you entered Xisto.net instead of requesting a sub domain and they just automatically issued you a subdomain? i would write a support ticket if your order got messed up somehow. it's the beginning of the week so you should get a faster response than when you ordered originally.
  12. oh i definately support it! i think porn should be completely separate from legitimate websites and domain extentions, and i would support the legitimate search engines and directories to ban porn sites from their indexes. a .xxx extention would help pave that road and it would allow parents to have more control over the websites their children visit.we are talking about a billion dollar industry. porn makes more money than any other niche out there so ofcourse they will lose money, but that isn't my concern. my concern is to protect american morals and values on the internet and seperate what is legal and illegal. i'm not one to usually support more laws that interfere with our freedoms, but this porn industry on the internet has gone completely out of control and unenforced where it has just become unacceptable in my eyes.and if i owned a porn site and was getting a piece of the billion dollar industry, i would still be in favor of the .xxx domains. it's just good ethical business practice where there are more important things to consider sometimes than money.
  13. i think it scares me more than it does YOU haha

  14. well, i can verify that the mycents system has just updated for me and other users.there really is never a need to panic if your mycents aren't updating as fast as you want them to. they WILL update and everyone will be credited for their posts. so keep posting and keep earning your mycents for your domain and hosting accounts. it's the best system around
  15. if you bought it for that much and you don't know how it helps children, why'd you buy it?
  16. i've been been thinking on and off about this for a year now and finally want to suggest something because i think it's importantsince Xisto lists everybody's birthday, i think it would be a good idea for a script to send a happy birthday message to the users who have a birthday that day. i get birthday messages from other sites and believe it or not, it gets me back to their website even if i had no intention of going back for a while....or EVER for that reason.it would not only be good to personally acknowledge ones birthday(everyone like to be noticed on their birthday), but it will allow users who forgot about this forum or users who haven't been here in a while, to remember this place and come back and visit.maybe even give them an incentive every year like 100 mycents or mycents=their age. for regular members, it's not really costing that much because they probably already have credits built up sitting around anyway. for inactive users, you are giving up some mycents, but if they continue to be inactive, it's not a loss. if they become active, then it's worth it in the long run.anyway, that's my simple suggestion for Xisto....
  17. the name Xisto didn't affect the quality of the forum here. it is the same users and the same quality as before. in fact, everything is pretty much the same in the forum area except the name. so there is no shame in the forums here itself. as far as the name, opaque DID post about the new name change. at first it was "newsutra" but then decided on "Xisto". he also put a voting poll up. i don't know why. most people were against the name and changed it anyway but like opaque said. it his website. other people have a chance to name their own. why can't he name his without user feedback? i know you have been away for a while since you didn't even know the 2-3 threads of discussions here about the changes. if it is so important to you and you want your voice heard, then i suggest you log in more and at least pretend to care. you hardly log in anymore. that's fine too, but i can't respect a users opinion if they rarely log in compared to the people who do log in regularly. it's the active users who make this forum. not the guest. they are here to make the forum some money. and although the occassional post from a member who logs in once a month is always welcome too, but that's about it. the caring factor stops when the member has better things to do rather than support the forum.
  18. well personally i absolutely HATE short urls. they are all shady. but for the sake of the suggestion, i suggest to promote it different ways. one advantage to short urls, it shortens affiliate links and semi hides them. you can promote your site that way and attract affiliate users. i don't like any short url that starts with "tiny" or has it in it's domain. it's too cliche and unoriginal. a better short domain can do wonders to the traffic too. something you didn't pre plan at all i see.
  19. correctamundo! haha just to annoy me huh? i saw that message in the shoutbox haha but yea, any monkey can get past the right click disable. i was thinking more of flash or something? some other format that would protect the pictures. or maybe a combination of things i can do so it's not so easy. of course right click would enter in to that formula but i don't trust it alone.... the pictures are images i took from a graveyard one day when i visited with two other people. they aren't edited and some of the best captures i ever took. that's why i need them protected. also, yes, i want to post them and it's worth the risk of them being stolen.
  20. i wouldn't use the awards as credibility, ash. seriously. i don't know what you two's problems are but it's either a simple misunderstanding(which a lot of times it is) or ash is really doing what he is being accused of. now first of all sky, don't be going around accusing people you are not 100% sure about. by 100% sure, means you have solid evidence or proof. i have no doubt that you have a legit site and your account was suspended do to things out of your power. this isn't being questioned. my accounts were recently hacked. i think most everyone say my thread now. i am 90% sure who was behind it but i am not 100% sure. this is why i never posted names because i don't believe in accusing people without solid evidence. so even though i can relate to you and feel for ya, i think you are wrong to bring this public. i don't respect this decision of yours at al and by no means support it and this has nothing to do with you disliking me in the first place. ash, you really used 5 trap awards to try to claim credibility over sky? now i understand what is important to you. i mean, you are the one always promoting a system here on Xisto(formally trap) that will dictate who the "better" members are. you like that don't you. sky was most improved last year. you were most improved this year. right now you two are acting like little kids and both your awards should be stripped. by the sounds of things, you both seem the same age. i have no doubt in my mind that there is some truth to what sky is saying. note.....i said SOME truth. yet you deny EVERYTHING he said trying to make yourself look squeeky clean and you're not. i just want to let you know....that *I* know. i thought you two were buds. friends. i hear you two banter back and forth all the time like you two really got to know eachother well. sky- if you come up with solid proof, you pm me it and we'll handle it together. i will stand by you. just because ash claims to be a hacker or some super duper compter freak of nature doesn't mean he did anything to your account. also, only wannabe's claim to be these so called hackers. a true hacker remains anonymous and floats in the background like a ninja until you have 100% proof, i would refrain from slandering ashes name. although i think you BOTH are shady for different reasons, you really have to have proof and suck it up until then. be mature and responsible. be patient. the best way to invistigate something is to act invisable while doing your investigation because once you name someone as the suspect, it gives the other person time to pull up and cover his tracks. that will hurt your chances of ever finding out who did whatever they did to your site. you are going about it all the wrong ways here. hearsay isn't proof. also, if it ever turns out you are wrong, your credibility will be shot forever here on this forum. same goes with ash. if he continues to deny everything but if you ever show a shred of evidence that you were right about ash, HIS credibility will be absolutely ruined. in either case, right now, ash has his rights to defend his name until the proof can shed some light. you may know in your heart, sky, but that still isn't proof and you are liable for slander.....and ash, you better hope sky is lying about you because if i ever find out he's telling the truth....even a shed of it in the destruction you caused him, i'll make sure your name isn't good anywhere you go on the internet. i am not a hacker hater, but i hate those wannabe anarchists who thinks the rules don't apply to them and i'll make sure that SKY makes sure that your daddy is a little less wealthy since he is 100% responsible for you and your actions. saint michael, i don't think accounts deserve to be suspended right now but if an account does deserve, then it should be sky's. he's accusing people without proof of anything, slandering names without just cause. ash was only defending himself. he should have every right to defend himself in public if something public is brought up. if sky's post was wrong and against the rules, then it should have been deleted and maybe given a warning or something. but two weeks is a long time for sky if he is in fact correct in his accusations. and 2 weeks for ash is a long time because i don't see it any other way but to defend himself in public when he didn't even start the conversation. but if there is more to this story than this thread, i appologize. i have only read about things in this thread.
  21. while i was trying to think of some ideas for a new site, i came across a question in my head.how would one go about creating an input box on a web page where a user would enter a directory name, hit enter, and would automatically take you to that specific directory page. also, if the directory doesn't exist, it would take you back to the same page except with a message saying that that directory doesn't exist.by directory, i mean a folder in the public_html area.so before i think more on how i would implement my brain storming idea, i would like to know how it can be done first and go from there and see if it's practical or not for what i have in mind....
  22. the title pretty much explains my question. this isn't a tutorial on how to do it. i actually want to know HOW to do it. i have some interesting pictures. i know if i post them on my site, they are going to be copied so i want a way to post them without any way that someone can copy them. how does one do this?i want a secure way of protecting the pictures so please don't tell me to disable the right click button as any fool can bypass that.
  23. people actually found this humorous? it's corny to say the least, i'll give ya that much. might as well put three little kids in place of the well's. boy oh boy oh boy....that would just be as stupid.
  24. NOooooo!!! don't upgrade for the sake of upgrading. xp is PERFECT for your system and will do you no harm. stick with it. i have vista running and and regret it already. windows 7 will use up a lot of your resources where xp doesn't. don't do it! stick with what is working. also, xp was the most reliable os i ever used....so i wouldn't just upgrade just for the sake of upgrading or because you can. it wont be worth it to you right now.
  25. go to your account and click the mail link and see if they sent you a message about how to access your control panel. if it's been a couple days already and you haven't heard anything, definately write a support ticket on the issue. did your mycents/credits go down? does your purchase show up in your purchase history?
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