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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. i am with bikerman on this. although i think everyone should give for the general good or the greater good, luxeries are only one way we can do this. bikerman in a teacher. he shapes minds for a living. i don't think it's fair to ask someone to give up their luxuries if they don't have that many to offer their own selves.as far as me, i don't really have any luxuries and basically don't really buy much for myself except for the neccessities to get by without going insane like my laptop which only cost $500 or my used t.v. and vcr. i don't even have cable. i give back in other ways just like bikerman does. this isn't to say that i wont feed a homeless guy or maybe even take someone in to my home. but that really isn't giving up any luxuries.the people who most likely buy the luxuries are people who make 100k+ a year and can afford them. if i made that much, i would definitely limit my own luxuries to give to the general and greater good along with what i already offer. i mean, if it was between buying that 1/2 million dollar home or buying that 400k home and giving back, i would definitely buy the latter to limit my own lifestyle for someone who needs the help more than i do! what would i be giving up that costs 100k? a tennis court in my back yard? a jaccuzi and a bigger pool? 2 extra bedroom and an extra full bathroom? blah!luxuries are also dependant on lifestyle. i mean, for someone who makes 100k+ a year, a luxury might be buying a cabin on a lake for a summer vacation, or a boat, or expensive decorations to fill that expensive home. to others, like a homeless man, it might be a #2 combo from mcdonalds that costs $5. for me, a luxury right now would be something like getting someone once a week to clean my apartment or even just buying the fireworks i wanted to buy on the fourth of july, or just going out once a week to place that can serve up my favorite mexican food.but i don't buy luxuries for myself. maybe once in a blue moon. i grew up upper middle class and chose this lifestyle. somewhat poor financially. i also hate handouts.... especially from my family, but i have learned i can't stop my mom from giving once in a while so i just accept that.
  2. just download a file recovery software which will allow you to undelete.in most cases, if you accidentally deleted a file and it's not in the recylcle bin, it is still able to be recovered. just make sure you don't use that backup hard drive until you recovered the files you need. this is KEY! anyway, i supplied a link to some free software for you that you can download and try out....http://pcsupport.about.com/od/filerecovery/tp/free-file-recovery-programs.htm
  3. let's get to answering the question. i think most people know what luxuries are. they are different for everyone and normally revolve around those things that are not needed. a good example was the car example. he is not talking about thoughts or wanting things. he is talking about buying things ok? let's not be too technical here when we had the general idea of what the guy was talking about.so now can we get back to answering the question? it's a really good question...
  4. really? ok.............................................

  5. that video was such a bunch of b.s. i am with sheepdog to the extent that ara's go to extremes to try and make people believe that things like this are common. they aren't! at least here in the united states they aren't for sure!i will go see a circus, i will go to a zoo, and i will go to places like seaworld. but my personal view is that it is nothing but WRONG to keep ANY animal in a cage for ANY reason. there is absolutely no good enough reason to cage an animal except under extreme circumstance like giving first aid to an animal until it is healthy enough to survive on it own and even then, the cage should be no smaller that 15x the size of the animal.i know i act like i support the caging of animals by paying for a circus ticket or a zoo ticket, but as long as the animals are already cages, i think once in a while, it's a good learning experience to view the animals up close. heck, my dog has the run of this apartment and i still feel he is too confined. i want better for him.
  6. what did you do? upload the photo as a 100x150? haha
  7. i know. i just don't like talking too deep because then i would be talking forever. but it's why i am trying to convey that the BAD people see is not just ONE thing and sometimes what other people see is bad in their eyes is GOOD in other peoples eyes. i know i can be one sided at times, but it's just sad to see peoples subjective mindset on issues. especially when they haven't lived long enough to actually see the whole "truth" they are trying to talk about. and although i can see a person's point of view....i may see a lot more to it than the limited information they are willing to argue...so what have we learned so far? rich people wont get in to heaven as easy, white people wont get in to heaven as easy, the blacks, where 10% of their polulation in the united states are in prisons because they commited the highest crimes wont get in to heaven easy. i am wondering who now is actually going to make it in to heaven....and really, shouldn't we be talking about if heaven really exists before we talk about who is going to get there? and the people who don't get there....where do they go? hell? i still say this is one of the most ridiculous threads. i only found it semi interesting by rpg's limited thinking and harlot's racial prejudice thoughts."the parents who are here we don't need to see, and the parent's we need to see aren't here...."- SO TRUE!!!i see a moderator still hasn't moved this thread to a more appropriate category either....
  8. i see your point to a certain extent, rpg, but really....life doesn't work as cut and dry as your saying it does. there are many things to factor in. also, to say if someone isn't rich, the only ones to blame is theirselves? that's like saying if someone IS rich, then all the credit should be given to THEM. in fact, both are just not true. if you re-read the bikerman's list of the top 10 wealthiest people according to forbes, 1/2 of them inherited the money. they didn't even work for it.why don't you tell all those starving kids in africa that are dying every day that they can be anyone they want to be and don't have to worry about hunger ever again. you are talking about america being the american dream, but in fact, that is all it is unless it comes true. even with hard work and 100% effort, some people aren't meant to make a heck of a lot of money and it's really not under their power 100%.sure, there are grants and student loans to help people through college, but they aren't available to everyone. also, what if someone never graduated from high school due to their parents being sick and they had to take care of them. according to you, they would have to make a choice between not caring for their loved ones and going to college to make the all might dollar. believe it or not, rpg....some people don't even see a choice in the matter. yes....there is one ultimately which is why i see your point somewhat.the american dream you talk about seems easy to achieve where in FACT it is not. and in fact, some kids don't have a good chance to achieve it compared to the next guy who is already more wealthy due to their family... so all things are NOT created equal. i may agree that most of what we have right now is due to our own choices, but a lot of what we wanted and don't have could have come from outside influences that we had no control over.now to quote one of the richest men in the world, "If I wanted to, I could hire 10,000 people to do nothing but paint my picture every day for the rest of my life. And the GDP would go up. But the utility of the product would be zilch, and I would be keeping those 10,000 people from doing AIDS research, or teaching, or nursing. I don't do that though". what that means to me, is that some people aren't meant to be rich or have a lot of money. some people are meant to do other things....most of which is in their nature to do anyway. being poor or not having as much money as the next guy holds a lot of value in society. i just wish other people can argue THAT instead of arguing an assumption that anyone can be rich and being rich is not that hard to do if you make the choice.
  9. me too. i hate racism and i hate the people that promote it. yes. hate is a strong word but well deserving.... i am sorry you coulnd't provide any sources for your "facts". but like all racists, they don't have any. just a mind that was shaped and formed by their parents and other adults who want to pass on their demented thoughts before they die to the younger generation of lost causes.you sure do write a lot for someone who was through with the conversation....
  10. wow! if that is true, it is a shame. it could have revolutionized a lot of things and headed us further in to the online communication world. i was a HUGE supporter of google wave but it never got out of beta and it was hard to really add everyone you wanted to. personally i don't think wave is gone for good. i think maybe it will be structured better in the future and released again where more people have the opportunity to use it and take full advantage of what it has to offer. it was like an im/email/party line all wrapped up in to one package. believe me. this will return full force!
  11. well you just got under my skin now because that thinking is part of the problem in the united states you know...the racist comments? it's not so much that you think everything your read or hear is true, it's the fact that you can talk specifically about all the negativity of white people without being 1 bit objective. you might as well talk about the whites in the united states who pay mexicans from minimum wage to below minimum wage to work in the hot sun picking strawberries or apples all day or how we surpressed blacks so much that we leave them no choice to rob a liquer store to feed their suppressed families. asians own a large portian of the united states but you don't see me saying that asians are going to have a hard time getting in to heaven....hahahaso you don't need to travel to know what is going on in the world? you know, i really didn't expect a better answer from someone who is so biased in their thinking. now you are comparing kenya to south africa??? come on you can do better than that. but i am sure glad your true colors came out before i was being mislead in to thinking something different about you.continue on with your anti white talk. i have very few words for racism here...especially for someone who doesn't think he needs to travel and experience to have an original opinion.... especially in a thread that is talking about who is going to have it hard getting in to heaven.one last thing. i just commented on a friends facebook about "live aid". you don't even know what it is without googling it. and even if you google it, you wouldn't be able to know what it really was because it was before you were born. i saw a couple black people contribute to the cause, but the majority was ALL WHITE. you wont be reading any of that in your history books but it doesn't mean it didn't happen. i guess if what your saying is true, that whites control 70% of a whole continent where the only whites you usually see are tourists, then i guess we are giving people a pretty good education and putting money in to a country that wouldn't normally be there. maybe you can have a discussion with rpg about how the poor are too lazy to better themselves. but in my opinion, you both are fools and let's be honest....if white money wasn't flowing through african contries, africans would not only be dying of starvation because they don't believe in any sort of birth control, but they would still be living in their tribes in mud houses and mud corridoors that some still live in today because they CHOOSE to. not becuse they are being surpressed by the whites hahayou keep talking about how negative the whites have been on a whole continent. it's not the first time a black man blames the whites for so much control and destruction of their race.also, you posted again without giving sources for your racist comments. i will still be waiting for your sources of information....
  12. wow. according to your statistics and assumtions along with truefusion's beliefs.....it's not the rich that will have a hard time getting in to heaven. now it's the whites? hahahahahaha! this conversation is getting funnier and funnier. where are you getting those statistics and where are you getting information that whites are corrupting other countries so harshly that the natives have to dig in garbage cans? i want your resources. that's like me saying blacks will have it easy finding their way in heaven if it's true people find god in jail. because when you look at the percentage of blacks in american compared to whites and compare the percentages of whites and blacks in jail, you'll notice an imbalance. but see....again....if i were to state that, i would only be showing my own ignorance. i just used those statistics as an example of how people can be so blinded by the truth. also, you claimed in anothe thread that you haven't even traveled out of the south or even past the borders of your own state. how much can you really possibly know first hand about things unless you believe in everything you hear or read? i have been to africa btw. they don't seem to be hurting or "poor" unless by their own choices. they have universities there and they have places where the small schools would be lucky enough to have enough pencils to go around and who live in mud huts and caverns they built themselves. your statistics may be correct. i don't know, but when i went to kenya and tansania, if those two countries are 70% white owned, it was SURELY not shown in the polulation. believe me. blacks are the majority as far as population. that was clearly shown. in fact, white people were scarce or they were hiding somewhere where i surely didn't see the abundance. i know maybe three weeks in two countries isn't much time to know exactly what goes on, but i do know that coutnries like give GREAT credit for their gains through tourism. something you failed to mention in your statistics because your thinking is not balanced. and why is it that when i went there and would get personal with the locals, they actually claim to love whites? i know the answer to that as to why. do you? i wont answer right now only because i see it pointless to make this topic in to some sort of racial argeument about who is getting in to heaven easier. also, i am smart enough to know that problems aren't due to any ONE thing.
  13. i seemed to have misplaced my bra....i am giving a reward to anyone who can find it. hey- where are you??? :)

  14. first of all, i would like to say that this is one of the most ridiculous topics ever. if money dictates whether it's easy or hard to get in to heaven, heaven is just not the place for me. i'll give my ticket to someone else if they really want to be there. rpg- it is not insesitive at all. it is ignorance that makes you say that statement. in fact, i look around and i see that same thinking in other people and it's really sad to see it. money may make things easier, but it SURE as heck doesn't build character or the other important things in life. so while you belittle the people who don't have money and not taking the easy route....you work for that money, rpg, and don't ever think twice about your life because if you did......even for an instant, it would ruin that dreamworld you are living in. i am not going to take a stand whether one should be rich or poor(in regards to money), but i will always take a stand against societies views that look down on people who don't have as much money as their neighbor. it's funny. where i went to church, our pastor had to make a decision in his own life. you see, he was an all american football player and had a chance to play for the los angeles rams making millions of dollars. he made his choice to teach others. so instead, every sunday during football season, he would run down the isle with a ucla football helemt right before being serious in what he had to share that week.... you see, some people actually CHOOSE NOT TO make a whole heck of a lot because the alternative will lead them in doing something that doesn't fullfill them inside completely. so before you start judging people and acting like a fool, rpg.....maybe you need to live poor. even for a day. maybe you will learn something. maybe you wont. but i am sure it wont be easy for your mind to adjust to it knowing money will always give you that easy way out in life while not learning a darn thing except what money can buy.
  15. is it just me or is the "recent gallary images" at the top really freaking ugly???

    1. web_designer


      yeah anwiii i see it too ...and don't know what is it or why????

    2. rob86


      i think it's majic mike's webpage

    3. anwiii


      well that is one ugly website then!

  16. thanks for the kind words you guys. made me smile. i am blessed too and it's not that hard to try and be a friend to the really good people out there. you all make my job easy :)well it's not a job, but you get my point! :D

  17. well people shouldn't have to "figure" things out or "assmue" things. people should be able to read somewhere where the whole system works and if the system doesn't work that way FIX it. i am one to always explain the mycents system to people or when people are confused, try to unconfuse them. there are a select other people out there that go out of there way too(i wont mention names). it really gets old after a while and is so much of a waste of time. not that i don't like guiding people in the right direction, but when people are asking the same questions or complaining about the same things over and over again, there is obviously a problem that needs to be solved.sometimes i wonder why i even care when buffalohelp always has that itchy warning finger when i call him self rightious or jokingly ask if he craps in the woods.something is wrong with the system too when people give a lot to this forum only to be banned.
  18. hey- Happy Birthday!

  19. q: can you give me directions to......a: yea, go down two blocks and make a right!and the "i am ok" one was already stated by me. let's try not to have any repeats in here.
  20. i understand what the problem was. mycents earned is not mycents earned anymore! mycents earned is your current mycents and it's the same figure you would see in your xisto account. before it was the actualy mycents earned TOTAL. not available balance. opaque or buffalohelp should change the wording because as it stand now, it doesn't make sense.so my total earned was 404 before. now it's 406 so i just deducted everything i spent. $20 times two years of hosting, $10 times two years for one domain, $10 for another domain. $404-$70= $334 $406-$334= $72 which that should be the correct figure which was added to my account.i never got an original email stating what was credited but i believe that was common when the new credit system took over originally. since then, i have gotten two emails in the last two days showing how much is being credited.this system is VERY VERY confusing....really it is. now i understand all the questions about mycents. it's almost over my own head and i've been a long term member. so anyone out there who is confused, you aren't dumb or stupid it's just the complexity and the non complexity about the system that makes things so confusing right now. hang in there!
  21. thanks for the update, rpg. it benefits people to know this. i also want to add that people just need to be patient. your mycents will NEVER be lost. i know you have been posting more mandla. so have others. please just be patient because when it does update, you will be credited for all your posts except for the no post count areas. also, there seems to be a bug in the emails. i don't know if it's been fixed or not but sometimes the emails will update you with inaccurate information. to see the true results, just log in to your xisto account to see your balance. also- don't get warnings like me or your mycents will not update.....EVER! haha until you have 0% warn level. my warning just dropped to 10%. i need to increase it soon. any suggestions? oh no! a mod decreased it to 0% before going on vacation....Nooooooooooo! i need to keep my reputation as the evil guy! hmmmmmm i only got credited $2 over the last 4 months???? that doesn't seem right
  22. hey- happy birthday! hope you had a chance to enjoy this day! hope all is well!

  23. i feel i am becoming lazy :( something is sure to change soon!

    1. chini13
    2. mandla


      hahah you lazy, dont think so.

    3. anwiii


      hahaha! see? chini agrees! haha

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