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Everything posted by anwiii

  1. the mycent script is supposed to run every 24 hours but that doesn't seem to be the case right now. the credit system is still in beta. just be patient for when the script does run. as far as missing posts, if you are posting in a moderated area, your posts wont show up right away. the post will need to be approved by a moderator before it is visable. hope this helps.
  2. i am glad you caught that. i was going to comment on your last post...heheh anyway! check out this thread here. it should be what you were looking for. good luck, bud! btw- are you the one that was in the chat room yesterday??? you were going by a different name.
  3. listen. have you ever posted a feed on your website? if not, then stop talking because you don't know what you are talking about. when you post a feed on your website, it is NOT in xml format. it is in plain text. i gave you an example already what spiders pick up in my last post or have you forgotten? also, this whole thing is off topic. if you need some lessons in seo, i will be glad to help you if you start a new topic on it. lets get back to what the topic was about and lets try from now on to give information on what you actually know.as far as copying content from other sites, it's illegal. that's why you can't do it. don't even think about it! but lets say you did. in most cases google or the other se's would not penalize you. in MOST cases. not all. like i said before. copied content can actually be better for seo on your site than the original site. i am not making this up and i can't help it if people are believing the wrong information about seo. in fact, there is A LOT of b.s. information out there that other people want people to believe so they wont be their competition. the only true way to know what works and what doesn't is to test things out yourself.lastly, if nobody believes me about copied content, i will bet anyone i can rank higher for any keywords that come from copied content compared to a blog or website that has original content. this bet is open to anyone. i will put my money where my mouth is. the two sites would have to be started at the same time and the rankings would be checked after a year for the most accurate position rankings for certain keywords. but nobody will take me up on it. you know why? the only people who would even consider it are those who know seo.....but the 1/2% of webmasters that actually know seo would know better.
  4. this is one of my biggest pet peeves. if things go good, they acknowledge god as having something to do with it when in most cases it was due to the efforts of the person who prayed. they thank god when in reality they should be thanking their own self in believing in their self enough to accomplish something great. god forbid they acknowledge their own selves!
  5. absolutely and positively WRONG. in fact, rss feeds posted on a website can boost search engine rankings for certain keywords. for example. i will quote what the search engine spiders see as my text in my website here....the 2 rss feed parts are grabbed by my news reader and conver so now if you notice at the beginning of the text and at the end of the text(where you can see the dates). those two parts are from my rss feeds from my forum and my blog. you have to remember. an rss feed us usually in xml. when you actually grab information from a feed, it's not in xml anymore. it converts to plain text. this is the sole reason why search engine will not penalize for duplicate content. if they did, then nobody would be using rss feeds because the whole point of rss feeds is to share content. so this is a little beginners lesson on seo for people who think duplicate content is penalized. this is not to say though that duplicate content will not be penalized if you use any black hat techniques like creating 200 web pages with the same content while linking all 200 pages in to one web ring with the same ip(using subdomains, directories, or 200 domains on one server). the search engines catch on to tactics like this so i am talking about WHITE HAT only. so this is exactly how rss feeds come in the picture, magnafrost because rss feeds supply duplicate content that can be posted on any website and the search engine spiders DO SEE this content as well as the visitors since it's all plain text. i mean, you can get 1,000 websites promoting one feed. how is that for duplicate content? do you think people would post feeds on their site if duplicate content was penalized? i don't think so haha
  6. actually, google and other search engines do not highly penalize for copied content. if this was true, then nobody would be using rss feeds. in fact, sometimes you can rank higher in the search engines than the copied article itself. also, just because you have copied content on your website does not mean you can get sued for copyright infringement. there are a lot of article directories that allow you to copy and paste as long as you copy the whole article including the author and the authors website. copying these articles and pasting them on blogs have been a good way to make extra income. if you can get 26 articles on 50 or so niches with 50 or so blogs, you have enough articles to last a year for each blog niche.so to answer the original question, NO! your adsense account will not get banned for copied content. it is perfectly legal and you aren't trying to fool the search engines which means this technique is not considered black hat. i would suggest though that you take articles and rewrite them specifically for the keywords you are trying to target for. there are actually programs out there now that can rewrite articles for you. if you can't rank high for keywords, then google adsense wont be worth much. anyone who thinks copied content is not good practice for the search engines, please give me a reference to where you are hearing this information. there is a lot of misinformation out there and these seems to be the case with copied content which has been rumored for 3 years now but i haven't personally seen any signs that these rumors are completely true.
  7. hahahaha! that last edit was pretty funny. i wasn't expecting that. good job arctic!
  8. the devil as my future wife would be a step up for me. since i don't photoshop, i will just comment on the pictures
  9. are they waving goodbye hoping you'll turn around and leave? j/k opa! i love it when i am at the computer and my dog comes up and puts his tennis ball in my lap telling me it's time to play
  10. deadmad, play the game fair! wd edited the picture first. you should haven noticed this before you posted yours
  11. haha! what is wrong with showing how a woman looks without her makup??? hahaha!
  12. i agree and disagree. you talk about men wanting perfection in their women. i disagree with that. but i think it's just how men make you feel sometimes. the reality is that expectations are a relationship killer. if you have to expect something other than what your partner is not, then you have to question why your with this person in the first place. it's funny how people start to change a little when in a relationship. they start to expect more so they are going to complain more about their own expectations on the other person that isn't being fullfilled. expectations may start out to be one person expecting something, but then the other person feels neglected and starts expecting things in return. expectations are like a virus. it gets worse and worse until you figure out what is going on and can change. i have seen a lot of women complain about their man. is that not also saying they want their man to be perfect? why the expectation? it usually leaves the woman feeling bitter, angry, and ugly. the simple solution is just not to expect or push too hard because the simple fact is, if a person has to continuously complain where it makes the other person feel like he or she needs to be perfect, then you really have to question why you are in that relationship if not for the person they already are.....without trying to change them.also, it may start off where you might expect 1 or 2 things from the other person, but expectations are like an addiction too. once you get away with expecting stuff, you start to expect more and more so if a woman is feeling they need to be perfect, then they should really stand up for themselves as soon as they can so it doesn't get any worse than it is. it might create a big arguement, but it's better than feeling like a slave in the long run
  13. good job sky. everything seems to be working and your domain is forwarding to the forums.
  14. you're right. it's definately not the best. this is bad timing because it's a weekend so yea, don't expect much til the weekend is over.
  15. ummm you might want to double check your name servers then rpg. the correct name servers are: ns.computinghost.com ns2.computinghost.com sky- you need to wait for everything to propogate. it takes a few hours to a couple days. also, please tell me you unparked your domain
  16. exactly. an addon domain because any parked domain will automatically be forwarded to you sub domain.
  17. nope. if Xisto is still following under the creative common license, nothing is protected. everything can be shared. yes, you would have to give credit to the author either by giving a full name or providing a link to the original content. this doesn't mean the information is protected. as you can obviously see, CC implies shared content. not protected content. your original content is still protected under copyright laws, but with the creative commons license, you are giving some of your rights away. this is why "nameless" created a big stink about her posts and wanted them deleted. i understood why. it was unfair for opaque to change to a creative commons license on this forum if people didn't originally want their content shared whether credit was given or not. and personally, i still think that a creative commons license on any forum is NOT legally binding unless the members agree to it when they sign up in the forums. again though, i don't know if this forum still falls under a creative common license since i don't see anywhere where it states that expect in past posts.
  18. first of all, you shouldn't be parking your domain. you need to ADD that domain. so just add a new domain through your cpanel and make sure your domain settings are ok. from there, just forward your .com domain to thespiritualportal.com/forums or wherever you want.
  19. oh no. not THIS question! haha. well, you problem is common. unfortunately, there is no one set way to fix it. i HIGHLY suggest in the meantime, you try to google some answers. there are about 5-6 valid ways to try to correct your problem. some work for some people and don't work for other people so you really have to get your hands dirty and do some research in this subject.i will start by offering one suggestion. if you go in to the properties of the file you want copied, most likely it is "read only". most likely you wont be able to uncheck that box and change permissions so you will have to open a command prompt and change permissions that way. but again. sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. it all depends.another thing i would try(which i have never tried before) is to log in from the admin account. normally this account is invisable but there are ways to set it visable and log in from it.i have run in to this before and let me tell you. sometimes it's HELL to figure out how to copy files from a backup. i remember one time, none of the options that normally work, worked and spent two days trying to find a solution with extensive research and finally found a solution. unfortunately, i don't know all the possible solutions without researching again my own self. but i would FIRST try to check the permissions to the files and make sure they are not "Read only". also check the folder that the files are in for the folder permissions as well. also, some ftp programs may allow you to change local file permissions easily so you wont have to go in to the command prompt to change permissions.the command to change a file permission(or attribute) from "read only" is "attrib -r somefile.ext". when you enter in this command and name the file to be changed, you have to make sure you enter the extention of the file as well or it wont recognize the file. to get to the command prompt, you click on the windows icon for the start menu, enter in "cmd" and hit enter. you will then need to change directories to where your backup files are. for example. if your backup files are on a d drive, you would use "cd d:" to change to the d drive from the command prompt. to list the contents of the folder you are in, type in "dir" and hit enter. make sure your file is in the directory you are currently in before you try to change permissions.
  20. BuffaloHelp Note Added 08 March 2010 - 11:05 PM Added to warn level (09:55 PM) anwiii - so i guess we know the answer to..."does buffalohelp *BLEEP* in the woods?" Hahahahahaha!

    1. Misanthrope


      Are you inquiring with me, sweet WD?

    2. anwiii


      thanks misanthrope :) what is the matter, wd?



      Did that come from GTA:SA where CJ gets asked a question and he replies "Does the pope **** in the woods?"?

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  21. yea. dead mad posted it in the above post you are kidding, right? anyone who wants to protect their works from copyright infringement, a public forum is the LAST place you want to publish anything! this forum doesn't protect copyrights, wd. it SHARES copyrights under their own creative commons license. at least so they say. i still think it's shady business to assume a creative commons for other peoples original work and posts in a public forum. i don't think you are getting fully what a creative commons license is i am glad i could clear this up for you though in case you think your posts are "protected". the best thing for him to do is create a blog and post everything on his personal website. any original content posted on the web is automatically copyrighted. you don't even need to use a copyright symbol. ofcourse, if there is any discrepency, you will have to prove that yours is the original work. you can do this by printing out anything you publish first, mail it to yourself and keep the unopened envelope. the postage will have a date stamp on it. other than that, you would have to go through the regular copyright process and pay a fee.
  22. i think dr. pepper beats all three. if it's between coke and pepsi though. coke wins hands down.
  23. marie- just be yourself. if you don't like her, stay away from her. if you still like her and just nervous, just embrace her with a hug and tell her you missed her. just be honest with yourself and her, ok? there was no use writing her a letter though telling her she needs to be civil because you were raised that way and that's what you intend to do though. what was your point in it? that she WASN'T raised that way and you are better than she is?you know, if you ask me, you BOTH aren't understanding of eachother and you BOTH have been very childish. in support of your friend here. yea, she is jealous. that is obvious. most importantly though she is deeply hurt and it's really nobodys fault that she's hurt. she kept feeling she was losing you as a friend more and more the closure to the wedding date. she probably doesn't know where she would have fit in your life anymore being single and you being married. it's really a big change for everyone and everyone doesn't really handle it all too well sometimes and i think your friend was scared, hurt, and just couldn't handle the thoughts.these situations are unfortunate because friendships can tend to fade away like this. your situation is far from unique. instead inviting her to your wedding stuff or things that were important to you, maybe you should have made an effort to make her feel important too during this time. i think she understood about the house closing. i just think she wanted you to make her feel that she was still important to you. it's really nobody's fault. that's the kicker. but you two should have had more understanding for eachother and maybe found common ground where you two could spend time together where it wasn't her candle party or wasn't your bachlorette party, etc.....i think you both should have wisened up and tried to find a common ground where the occassion was important to both of you. like lunch and a movie or something or even just going to a bar and having a couple drinks. it's really hard when you replace someone who was your best friend with someone else. please understand that i think she was more hurt than jealous and i know it wasn't your fault.so like i said. be yourself at this wedding. if you don't like her anymore, don't be around her AT ALL. if you miss her, give her a hug and tell her that. if the situation presents itself where you make eye contact or are near eachother, do not ignore her. that would just be rude just like your letter was rude. there are some things you just don't have to say to someone....especially if those are the first words you have said to her in a long time. come on now! you both need to get your crap together, kiss, and make up and stop being so high and mighty, self righteous or childish. gosh! i hate hearing stories of friendships ending over these kinds of situations. i've seen it before and it can all be avoided with a little understanding and love!
  24. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! think what you will
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