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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. As long as your motherboard says that it accepts DDR3, I'm very sure that it'll accept that RAM. Well, Gigabyte's website says that it accepts that type of RAM: Source: http://www.gigabyte.tw/ So, I don't see any problems that may inhibit your use of the RAM you want to insert. xboxrulz
  2. It doesn't matter what type of RAM your system runs since the RAM that the graphics have are RAM that are bolted onto the card, only the graphics card can access the RAM integrated to that card.xboxrulz
  3. Linux lets you learn a lot about computing if you want to do that. Windows doesn't let you do that much. Yes, you will still learn about computing, but IMHO, you'll learn about computers a lot faster and a lot more efficient if you learn it through Linux. Linux is an opensourced operating system, you can feel free to peruse its source codes, makes changes and etc. There are so many "flavours" of Linux. Some are for the tech savvy, and others like Ubuntu are designed with ease-of-use being its primary agenda. There are even Linux distributions designed with both tech savvy and ease-of-use as its agenda like SuSE Linux (aka openSUSE). It really depends on what you want to do with your computer.I recommend Linux for day-to-day applications. However, obviously, Windows have more software. Best of all, Linux is free same with FreeBSD, which is another UNIX-based operating system which is free.xboxrulz
  4. There isn't any emulation required to run 32-bit software on top of Windows x64 since the processor executes both 64-bit and 32-bit software natively. For this reason, AMD64 was successful and IA64 wasn't. WOW64 is actually a compatibility layer like WINE for Linux. They're not emulators but compatibility layers.I notice that 32-bit games generally run faster on 64-bit Windows than 32-bit Windows.xboxrulz
  5. Only problem is where is this speculation coming from?xboxrulz
  6. faulty.lee, actually 32-bit software do run faster in 64-bit environments due to the larger memory mapping available to them. Also, most 32-bit and XP software do work on Windows Vista x64.
  7. Interesting search engine. However, it doesn't make me want to move from Google to Cuil since there's no incentive. The layout looks nicer but there isn't any functionality difference. They both do searches. Except that Google does it faster and is guaranteed to be always updated.For now, I'll stick to Google until Cuil comes with a bigger idea to compete. It's like creating an operating system to compete with Windows. It just won't really happen.xboxrulz
  8. All quad cores are 64-bit processors so just install Windows Vista x64 for your system. You don't really need to install XP if you have Vista unless you need direct access for DirectX hardware like DirectSound.Most software written for the passed 5 years should work on Windows Vista fine.xboxrulz
  9. Trusted Execution Technology is actually a TPM based technology that is meant to create "secure environments and partitions" which consists of a Trusted Platform Module and a DMA Page Protection. As for AMD, they have a list of processor that you can choose from. For instance, this is their desktop processor line page which you just choose the processor you're looking for and it will tell you its details: http://products.amd.com/en-us(X(1)S(w3ruh0bdoqabqo554x0nvh55))/en-gb/DesktopCPUResult.aspx Usually for motherboards, I would go for ASUS because all my computers use ASUS motherboards (except for the Macbook which has its own motherboard). I highly recommend anything ASUS makes. xboxrulz
  10. Well, they have finally realized the massive failure of Vista, and so they're doing damage control with Windows 7.However, the only feature that I find appealing right now is MinWin. Other than that, Windows is still another uninnovative megabloat of a software from Microsplat.xboxrulz
  11. Remember, back in 2005 (which would be FreeBSD 4 or FreeBSD 5), the installer wasn't easy at all. That only changed in BSD 6. The opensource world just changes THAT fast.xboxrulz
  12. I highly do NOT recommend you to disable these notifications as they are a part of the defense "grid" for Windows Vista. It's like you're telling your computer to defend itself with noodles now after you disable it.xboxrulz
  13. That only applies to Windows 2000 and under. Windows XP would automatically change it to the highest settings for that display adapter. Windows Vista can't even run unless you have at least a 16-bit colour adapter.xboxrulz
  14. The major complaint I have about the Macbook is the fact that they heat up so easily and fast as well! Like seriously, I think I can cook eggs on my machine soon!
  15. I think we need details on the VGA adapter like the make and model of the graphics system in order to find solutions to your problems.
  16. I have a Hitachi hard drive (used to be IBM's hard drive division) as my main drive with a Seagate enterprise-grade hard drive as my data drive. My Macbook has a Seagate drive built into the system.
  17. Even though MacOS X's core is open sourced, that doesn't mean that it has memory management problems. The memory management isn't even based on the FreeBSD kernel-land space. The Mach kernel handles the core system in the kernel-space. Apple only used FreeBSD for its userland space, which includes user management tools and UNIX system tools implemented in FreeBSD.Darwin is essentially a object oriented Objective-C based fusion between FreeBSD and Mach.xboxrulz
  18. Hmmm... interesting, never heard of such problems. However, I realized that my brother's system is starting to crash every sso often but I don't know is it because of SP3 or not.As for Vista, programs rarely crash on me on the system.xboxrulz
  19. That, or they have been working on a Firefox 3 update for a while? Remember the browser has been in development for quite awhile before it hit Golden Master Release so it make sense that it looks like a short turnaround time between the browser release date and the update date. Most of the browser improvements came in the form of the rendering engine and the graphics subsystem they used.That and the obvious cosmetic change.xboxrulz
  20. Last check, only Windows XP onwards had thumbnail icon view. I may be wrong since I haven't used Windows 2000 in a while.xboxrulz
  21. Ya, but remember, most sound cards don't offer hardware acceleration anyways. It's not going to pull much performance off the system even if you had a hardware acceleration.xboxrulz
  22. Well, all software has bugs, it's just part of software cycles. Just wait patiently for a patch.Actually, make sure that you patched yours already. The current version is 3.0.1.xboxrulz
  23. hmmm... never heard of this SQL error before. What is going on with the Xisto servers? They're falling apart since the datacentre swap =S.xboxrulz
  24. As said above, sound cards are NOT required on contemporary computers (the past 8 years) because that's what the onboard sound chip is suppose to do. Newer sound chips are just as good as sound cards since all the processing is done on the CPU anyways.xboxrulz
  25. Umm... you won't be able to run it at all. You need at least 512 MB RAM in order to even install Windows Vista. 1GB of RAM is recommended.xboxrulz
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