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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. True, and I'm saying how the 4850 (let alone the 4870) can kick the 8800's butt ... lolxboxrulz
  2. Well, I guess the system just slipped lol.xboxrulz
  3. Usually for motherboards, I usually only stick with ASUS since they are known worldwide as the best motherboard manufacturers. Graphics card, DirectX 10 is the current standard. Don't bother getting any card that isn't DirectX 10 compatible, unless you are only planning to run Windows XP and don't mind losing the extra graphical enhancements. I tend to stick to ATi since right now they have a fantastic offer, a 4850 for $200 and it beats the 8800 and 9800.Processors, I tend to recommend an AMD Phenom X4 for gamers, and Phenom X3 for regular users. They have the best performance to price ratio and they don't produce as much heat as Intel processors. Yet, in raw power, AMD still lags behind Intel. That's up to you to decide.RAM, usually, I tend to stick with Patriot or Kingston as they make really really good RAM modules that you can't get better RAM elsewhere. I tend to stay away from OCZ because it's incompatible with some boards.As for coolers, unless you're overclocking, you can stick with the stock cooler and keep your processor's warranty. Else, you can get a Zalman cooler. They are known to make the best CPU coolers. As for bigger coolers, that only applies to chassis coolers as the most important part of a CPU cooler is the heatsink and not the fan. It could be small, and effective since it's using a copper or any high conductivity metals to quench the heat.xboxrulz
  4. Well, I would actually stay away from NVIDIA due to this flaw in their hardware: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Right now ATi has a really crazy offer. The 4850 squashes both the 8800 and 9800 (not w/ 2 GPU) with ease for only $200. xboxrulz
  5. Only admins have access to any terminal services, this includes and not limited to ssh and bash.xboxrulz
  6. My whole Drupal installation is popping up with ridiculously large amount of errors. Like for the past few months, Xisto servers have been crippling my website systems.I can't fix the Drupal issue without getting into PHPMyAdmin either.xboxrulz
  7. Unlike you, my systems turn off every night unless they are busy executing a software that needs a lot of time to complete. Else, I keep them off, so it won't spin.It's a waste of electricity if I leave them on doing nothing.xboxrulz
  8. Astahost has a plethora of hosted scripts if you don't want to tinker with PHP/MySQL code underneath. Wordpress, as others have suggested is a really good choice.You should try it as well.xboxrulz
  9. That's true. Oh well, I have hard drives that still work since the mid 90s lol. I don't expect any of my drives to fail anytime soon.xboxrulz
  10. I guess so too, but I just bought a new Seagate drive and it's even worse. Not only is it defaulted to 1.5Gb/s, it's jumper is so hard to remove, I was just like screw it and kept the jumper on the drive. Like Seagate should have made it a lot easier. Luckily, this drive is for data storage only and is not my software drive.Plus, I guess running it at a slower speed is good since I want it to last long. Hence, me buying a Enterprise-Grade.xboxrulz
  11. Ya, that's a weak argument. You must specifically point to us somewhere credible because Google isn't since it's a search engine. It just gives out search queries, even the bogus ones. Google is great, but not as proof.xboxrulz
  12. I don't use Dreamweaver or any of those WYSIWYG editors in a long time. I haven't had any problems with the WYSIWYG form editors yet like FCKEditor or TinyMCE.xboxrulz
  13. Interesting, all my extensions work.I have:Facebook ToolbarSkypexboxrulz
  14. AlienWare used to be good, until they were snapped up by Dell. Anything Dell touches automatically turns up to be crap because of crappy quality control and etc.I rather gamers just built their own machines. Save them money and it doesn't take a long time doing it yourself.xboxrulz
  15. For file sharing, it is generally not recommended to do it on our servers since you get limited bandwidth. If you are out of bandwidth, your site will NOT work. It is recommended for users to store their files on file sharing websites.xboxrulz
  16. If you run Linux with less than 128MB RAM, the X server that renders graphics on your system will have trouble running since that's the bare minimum to run X Server.xboxrulz
  17. I'm on Firefox 3 and haven't found any problems with it yet. I haven't ran into ANY problems yet, so I don't know what the problems your friend is running into.xboxrulz
  18. If you have a Hitachi hard drive, listen up. Apparently the manufacturer sets their hard drives to run at 1.5Gb/s by default and you must download and run the Hitachi HD Tool in order to bump that up to 3Gb/s which is its highest speed setting. This explains why my Hitachi drive is so slow at most times. Unfortunately, for people like me, you must burn the disc image in order to run the program since the software was written in 16-bit for DOS, which is a nuisance for people who just wants to fix one setting. Unfortunately, the programmers at Hitachi never made a Windows application for it so we don't need to reboot our systems in order to change this setting which shouldn't need to be changed. It should've been automatic; as in the system detects it by itself. http://www.hgst.com/support/hard-drive-support xboxrulz
  19. lol, of course I've heard of 4th of July ... lol. Yes, we do have Canada Day celebrations with barbecues and fireworks. Much fun.xboxrulz
  20. Oh, so you want to create an image/artwork. Usually this can be done via Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite or freeware such as GIMP. Usually that's called graphics creation or image creation. Rarely does someone calls it a vista. Thus, I think that's where the confusion lies. xboxrulz
  21. Already got booked by a moderator I see. Just remember not to do it again without being banned.xboxrulz
  22. o, this is a UATA hard drive? That could explain the reason why it's slower on Windows XP. If you have a SATA drive that shouldn't happen. By default Windows XP for some reason disables UATA and pops the drive to ATA.xboxrulz
  23. Wow, this is the most confusing question I've ever seen in an Xisto forum post.FirefoxRocks, can you please define a "vista" because no one really understands you unfortunately.xboxrulz
  24. You could have inserted wrong type or faulty RAM. Make sure that the RAM type matches the motherboard. It is ok to insert faster RAM on a slower board.xboxrulz
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