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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. I see nothing.about:internets give me a tab saying "The tubes are clogged"about:internet just stays as "New Tab"xboxrulz
  2. Well, you have to remember that Safari is bundled on every Mac like how Internet Explorer is bundled on every Windows machine. It's just how Apple and Microsoft dig their feet into the browser market. Google Chrome is related to Safari in the fact that both run the same rendering engine, known as WebKit which descended from KHTML (HTML renderer) and KJS (JavaScript Interpreter). However, Google Chrome is different in the fact that it doesn't use WebKit's JavaScript interpreter and has its own called V8 which render JavaScripts like crazy. xboxrulz
  3. My friend was successful in connecting her Macbook to the GPRS on her cellphone I was impressed since she was computer-illiterate to a certain point.xboxrulz
  4. Google Talk doesn't support offline message is because I believe offline messaging was never in the XMPP protocol (Jabber) which Google Talk uses.xboxrulz
  5. I don't think FreeBSD or OpenBSD is close to ready for mainstream use than Linux is at any rate. It rarely has any commercial support. Linux commercial support is already rare.xboxrulz
  6. Wutske, have you play around with its tab process isolation? It isolates every single tab into its own process. It's quite neat.However, I found a problem. They're using an older version of WebKit and it's creating problems with some actions on Facebook like deleting a post or some other AJAX functions.That's my only problem so far aside from those two issues I listed.xboxrulz
  7. I have since wrote a small quick review of the web browser: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Overall, I'm actually quite impressed with the browser. It's quick, responsive and the rendering engine is only giving me only a small amount of issues with TinyMCE's pop up window. Other than that there's really no problem. Although, I have to admit that I'm disappointed that they only released a Windows release and that the Mac and Linux release is not out yet. Once the Linux release comes out, I bet it's like the first "broad" release of a WebKit browser on the Linux platform since Konqueror doesn't count due to the fact that it still uses KHTML and not WebKit (understandable that WebKit's genesis came from KHTML, no real point having both rendering engine on the same machine). xboxrulz
  8. I wish Webkit was used by more people because I think Webkit is one of the best rendering engine when it comes to speed. However, not a lot of websites are compatible with it unfortunately.xboxrulz
  9. Well, you should try it. 8% discount is 52 sterling pounds off, that's still money.xboxrulz
  10. Well, 656 pounds equals to CAD$1,267 and the second lowest priced Macbook is CAD$1299 (before taxes) so I guess it's a good deal.xboxrulz
  11. Ummm, you should've went stock and install a larger hard drive and RAM yourself. It is marked as user-installable items.That could've saved you A LOT of money.xboxrulz
  12. It really depends on the pricing in your region. In some region is a good buy, in others it's ridiculously too expensive to upkeep the phone. Oh, and in some regions the phone is locked; while others are unlocked. So it's really up to you.xboxrulz
  13. Well, the smaller ones are called subnotebooks or netbooks ... and smaller desktops (in power, but that's really subjective) is now called net-tops. xboxrulz
  14. hmmm... alright man, when u do, get XP instead. As for $1800 on a Macbook, aren't those listed for $1499 for the middle range (Mid 2007 prices)? Where did you get the $1800 price?xboxrulz
  15. oh, for me, it's just dirt, I just use a towel to clean it right off. However, it's annoying that I have to clean it every once in a while. Also, the funny thing is that back then I didn't have one of those laptop backpacks, so I stored it in a separate laptop bag, so there's no books that would've applied pressure on to the bag. Also, I left the laptop bag on the uppermost section so that nothing is able to place pressure on the LCD screen.I took strategic methods to protect my laptop xD. (Even though it did get damage by a small bump while walking and it did cause cracks, which I had to get it repaired ... *sigh*)xboxrulz
  16. well, I'm running Windows XP on Leopard. I don't need to run Vista, so I didn't get any trouble there. Try installing Windows XP instead.xboxrulz
  17. I don't have any performance issues when running a virtual machine on my Macbook, and it's a Mid 2007 Macbook so nothing fancy there. I just made sure I had 2GB of memory instead of the then stock amount of 1GB. Other than that, my Macbook is stock and haven't modified it at all.xboxrulz
  18. All my routers have been fine since I got it (except for one Linksys which went down after 4 years). Other than that, none of my Netgear and SMC routers have any problems at all.xboxrulz
  19. khalilov, did you remember to activate your copy of WIndows and make sure that you have a legit serial key?xboxrulz
  20. Actually, I was playing with HP's new Touchsmart PCs and I was surprised that even though the screen is a touchscreen screen, it's very hard to leave fingerprint marks everywhere. I was actually quite happy. That, or the fact the store added a coating I didn't realize xD.xboxrulz
  21. Well, my laptop is used in a school environment, now to university, I hope there will be less cleaning. However, in a school setting, you get the one or two odd idiots who loves to poke your laptop screen. Also, I've notice that if I don't clean my screen after 2 weeks, it's either very dusty or the keyboard leaves marks on the screen when the lid closes. xboxrulz
  22. If you want to go even further, the CACHE runs at clock speed so that it is definitely faster than the RAM modules that you insert in your motherboard. Then you have to factor in if you're using AMD processor, the HyperTransport speed instead of the FSB because after the Intel Nehalem processors, no one uses FSBs. Both Nehalem and AMD processors will feature memory controllers on the CPU which will be interesting to see the speed increase.xboxrulz
  23. lol, i too don't want to make my LCD screen glossy (minus my laptop's LCD which is already glossy, unfortunately). Like if there's direct sunlight shining on both screens, I can only see my desktop's LCD screen. Plus, there's no glaring on matted screen, that's another reason why I like matted screen. I could care less about vibrant colours as long as it doesn't require me to clean it often and that I can use it almost everywhere.xboxrulz
  24. @Darasen: I just checked Intel's website on Pentium 4s that are capable of 2.66 GHz, and it checks out that it can run on a 533MHz FSB. Also, if I remembered properly, a processor can run at a lower FSB rating if the motherboard is slower than the processor. This is why I like AMD's approach. There is no FSB and the HyperTransport is known to be backwards compatible. xboxrulz
  25. You're the only person I know that is hyping up this function. It's great in theory and the only operating system family that I see it working the best is on UNIX. Microsoft's catching up, but there are just so many bugs in that system, it's not recommendable to use it every instance. However, I recommend leaving it on because without it Windows is worse without it. That's why I like UNIX's sudo function instead.The reason why UAC can't do the things you're doing right now is because the actions you listed above doesn't warrant a required Administrator access to the files, folders or actions. This is the only way you can invoke the UAC to pop up. Like if the UAC pops up every time the start button is pressed, I'll lose my mind since sometimes I hit the Windows key by accident when playing a game. Then having the game minimized and the UAC popping up, thus lagging my machine, I'll definitely lose my mind because that's precious minute gone ... especially that's disastrous online.Anyways, goodluck with that.... and I thought Microsoft was out to annoy us with the default settings of UAC *rollseyes*.xboxrulz
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