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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well it seems to have been an on going problem since the beginning when Vista first came up and of course both sides (hardware Vendors & Microsoft) were quick to blame each other on it. However, a patch was made to fix this problem for both 32x and 64x systems, nonetheless, SP1 should have had this patch included when it came out but maybe in your case you never updated to SP1 I don't know. From the article though you might have done some significant changes to your system and when you installed those beta drivers they might have trigger this problem and so what I suggest is that you report this bug to the vender and so they can fix it and not trigger the reactivation again. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. Usually the republishing of articles is a bad thing, especially for SEO and of course search engines as well, and so if your expecting your website to get a high PR you won't get it. Of course, the reason why these articles asking to publish there stuff on your website is that you will always be giving them a back link to their site and so the more articles you posts the more links they get and the better SEO they get. While it is good for them it is usually bad for you since you won't get anything out of it while those other websites do.Well what I like to do is if I plan to post stuff on trap and on my website, which I do, I stick with Xisto first, that way I can earn my points there and then I upload the article to my site next. Its a simple trick that benefits you both ways but if you post it to your website first then you have to quote it here on Xisto and not earn anything from it.
  3. I have been an adobe fan boy since photoshop 7 almost 4 years ago and been with them ever since and sure there are the haters out there, especially those who hate Adobe Reader. Of course, for those who do there are alternatives to adobe reader and what not so go check those out. I am using Adobe CS4 Web Design Premium (legally) and I have to say it is awesome and the complete all around package for designers and programmers alike. If I look back at 4 years ago, I say adobe took way to long in acquiring Macromedia and on top of that I wish they could just release updates instead of new versions since CS4 is the complete package in web authoring tools.
  4. Yeah lets ban that got, boy does he get me angry with is spam, I just want to break his legs and then break his computer and stuff. Shame on you SM, shame on your horrible spam posts and btw SPAM!!!
  5. Well knowing my lack of patience when to web designing and the fact that I think there not good enough mentality, and when it comes to customers I try to give them a few options that way I cut down on the costs of building them a website. I usually like to mix and match templates and put several ideas together to make one good template, which is what I somewhat did with my last client in which I took two ideas and put them together to form one template. Sure if I took the time and went through each part of my design I bet I could make a good website based of a PSD, but I don't like spending long hours when I could easily get the same thing and change a few things around.
  6. I saw this today and thought to myself interesting, especially after I had downloaded Chrome 2.0 this morning because there had been a beta release to it. However, I didn't think much about the fact I had to do an additional download to get this version because of that channel thing, but after reading this article it all makes sense now. Of course, it is really sad though that google thinks that because it will have several different versions that it has to slap the beta label back on this again. As ofr the new stuff, I like the dock like tabs they did and being able to turn websites into application like shortcut and they mention that user scripts was added but I don't see any reference to it. However, I feel as though this three different versions of Chrome may have its benefits but only after they start adding extensions to this browser but other then that I think it is kind of pointless until then. Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. Glad I can add kontera link to Xisto now, but I doubt I will see much action on these forums because of my lack of posting here . 1. No it will show advertising links, its a bit like adsense except kontera uses pop up image link and then you earn revenue based on a single click. Correct, all you see is colored links and those will be the kontera ads and thats about it. 2. More or less but don't expect to earn a lot on the click though and so don't get your hopes up that you will $100 needed to cash in, but hopefully knowing the fact that your posts earn you money people will start posting more on Xisto. It started the moment the mod was put in place and once you set up an account on kontera. No, you will be earning this money on your own, which means you could use it for MyCents but the odds are you making $100 that quickly are pretty low but if your running a website you might as well add kontera there and try to earn more revenue that way. Basically your earnings will be random and by chance because the mod will randomly go through all those who added there kontera account to this mod and so you just have to post more to help increase the odds of your link showing up. Of course the catch is that you never see your color link when you log in and this is set up as a way to prevent click fraud and stuff like that, but other then that any money you make goes directly to you. Key words and randomly, of course to prevent further click fraud odds are only guests can see it and not the members themselves, of course if you click through enough topics or refresh a bunch of times you might see it. Again the links will show up randomly and it will be by chance you might see a kontera link if your member but you see them more often as a guest. Well you might have seen a TextLink ad, but it might not have been your text link ad, odds are your see other colors in your topics and thus people could earn money from your topics. That is how the adrevenue mod is set up to give everyone who signs up a chance to earn revenue from posting. Odds are it was switch to only guests and admin can see the links and not the members themselves to help prevent click fraud. From my understanding of this mod and how it is set up on trap, you never see your account color when logged in and maybe the IP address as well and you won't see it as a member. So basically you have to rely on the guests to earn you revenue or other members if they do click on your text link ad. It set up based on a keyword system so you can really force the ads to show what you want, but if you go to the kontera website you might be able to customize it somehow for your website but not on the forums.
  8. Well I was excited until they mention the beta keys would be limited and then you have to burn the ISO on a DVD once you downloaded the 3-4Gb OS and so the excitement pretty much faded from there. As for the features they only talking about the GUI features at best and some of the functions if you want to learn what Windows 7 has to offer you will just have to wait to see what else they will package with this operating system. Well the world has pretty much labeled Vista as the ME and so if you want to make a comparrison to that Windows 7 is the new XP and that is how pretty much every who has been keeping tabs on Windows 7 has set this up. Overtake Vista most likely but with everyone supporting XP, Microsoft will have to some huge improvements for people to drop XP for this new operating syste,. However, now that support for XP is going to last a few more years not to many people will be switching over to Windows 7 in the near future. The moment that Windows 7 was out there everyone assume that Windows 7 was just a SP for Vista to fix all the problem it has had so far. Of course once news started popping up that windows 7 was a whole new operating system then the whole ME and XP connection started to be made, but again so far Windows 7 just looks like a speedier faster version of vista so far. Well put it like this, Windows 7 is Ballmers legacy and if anyone is going to take him serious as the CEO of Microsoft or Microsoft will begin to implode depending on the outcome of Windows 7. Well touch don't cost that much but still expensive depending on how big the monitor you want, and the most expensive on newegg is like $1600 for a 20" screen. If you think about it though not to many home users would need for such monitors though, and personally I would think a keyboard and mouse are a lot faster. Due to the fact I think touch screen monitors only can use one set of fingers and not be able to use both hands at the same time then maybe it would be a lot faster. Well Newegg pretty much tells you where the price range and screen size ranges are , but even if you can afford one and set your computer up with the necessary hardware I don't see how home users would be able to use or actually need a touch screen monitor for. I was at staples a awhile back and I thought I check one of those touch screens out and I have to say they are not really sensitive when your trying to double click to open something up and on top of that though I don't know to many software programs that use touch screen monitors sufficiently. I know hospitals and manufacturers have been using these monitors for years but again I don't see home use function though.
  9. Well I can already tell you the arcade system won't be happening because of the server load those flash games would put and of course all the database files that would be included. Besides there are ways to cheat those games and I don't think people want to play the same default games over and over again since not to many flash games would be added.
  10. I would have to agree the members to hosting to ad revenue ratio is so complex that OpaQue would be making more money from those who get paid hosting then from the revenue. Of course, again the more members who make more posts and topics help make Xisto larger in the search engines.
  11. Well I would have to disagree about removing kontera because if you got a website here you might as well add them to your website to help boost revenue and thanks to that I am getting quite a few impressions in the area of 200-300 a day and I get a few clicks here and there. Sure I wish I could get more clicks out of it but you have to remember though that in order to increase the number of links on trap is by posting and the best way to do that is create new topics. Since the kontera links usually appear in the first couple of posts and so the more topics you post the more links that show up. However, everyone should have realize though that earning revenue here on trap wouldn't make them instant millionaires overnight and so you have to be patient and of course use your website to help generate more revenue.
  12. Well glad you got the tooth repair and I doubt the chip was that big if he capped it, but if like half your tooth was missing then they would most likely remove it. If you went to a pharmacy you might have gotten these Q-tips that can numb your tooth for you and they work out great, can't think of the name of them though.
  13. Xpress is correct as the top 10 stats is minimize by default and so if you clean out your browser cache and stuff like that it will reset back to the minimize setting. So it is still there just click on the plus sign and you can see all those wonderful stats again.
  14. The reason it is not immediately updated because of the server load MyCents would take since the forums, billing site and an email being sent each time someone makes 100 cents. That way with the large gap it can all be done at once and the server load won't be as bad if it would be done every few minutes.
  15. Well if you go to your order status and then click the package details button that lists all the details for your website, then you scroll down and you will see a change Password field and I believe that is where you can change your password in order to access your cpanel. As for the DNS flush it is a simple command C:\>ipconfig /flushdns and that is it.
  16. Well Shell Access is the most secured form of communicating wit hyour servers by using command prompt. So if you have ever used commpand prompt on Windows or ever used a linux operating system and needed to change permissions or create files or folders quickly it is basically the same thing. In this case someone could use Shell Access to create a web hosting account without hte need to use WHM or Web Hosting Manager to create hte account for you.XO Communications is the company Xisto join uped last year to help provide better server technology and better hosting for the xisto network and so that is why you see all these wonderful features in your hosting account. As for the Multi-Core processors it is anywhere from 8-32 processor chips on one server thus making it fast and able to move massive amounts of data within second with no delay.
  17. OOOOH!! the makings of an EVIL person on Trap and an original introduction with so many questions with so little time to answer them and so I shall .You wants 150 words as we prefer quality over quantity.There is a counter but you don't see it and so you don't have to worry about it as we want long content filled posts and not one liner spam.Do it to many times and maybe you will jlhaslip is mean like that, but to solve your problem just report the topic and the mods will move it for you.If during that time you need to make a payment to your account then it will be suspended and after a few days it will be deleted and so if you want to pay early or something just send in a support ticket and I think they will accommodate you.No we don't use feets or fists we uses bats and chain and large cans of spam to instill our justice here on Xisto.Then you have a smart cat who should be typing your posts for you and you can take the day off.It could be a possibility and yet here I am answering all your questions for the heck of it.
  18. After rereading all the gibberish because of using hte enter key too many times, I would say either get another ISP account or buy a server to add more IP address to your network. Or You can put them in subnet mask and actually group your computers and thus freeing up a few IP address or turn one of the IP address into a dynamic one to reall solve your problem, but either way it would seem that your network is set up wrong and your not utilizing your network equipment properly.
  19. Heck, replacing parts on a laptop is has easy as taking a lid off a jar, but the question I have is your laptop still under warranty? If it is then you don't have to worry about paying for a new one and just let them know that your CD-ROM drive has stopped working and they will ship it out to you ASAP hopefully with some instructions and your set. Usually the only thing you need to take out to remove a CD-ROM drive is a screw and it pops up and so before you do the torrent thing see if you can fix your computer first.
  20. It will be fixed when it is fix and so there is your deadline on when this problem will get fixed and yeah the second process would make more sense as the first one would only apply to spammers or people caught spammer or not using the proper BBCodes.
  21. Great games?? Unlikely they just know how to market their franchise and get away with sloppy games, trust me if you check out the forums on EA, people there want EA burnt to the ground because of how bad they been getting. I wouldn't be surprise if you see a lot of franchise series stop being produce because of the lack of staff and money to produce them. Its funny though because the only thing not to be affecting by the recession is the gaming industry but alas, when your spending millions on producing one game it does takes it toll, just ask Midway since they are on the verge of shutting down if they don't get back in with some good games.
  22. As mention in the above posts to many incorrect logins and your IP will be banned, but sometimes though by accident you could get your IP ban for some strange reason. However, the quickest way to get your IP unbanned is to send a support ticket to get it resolved and thats about it. Pretty much. If you having problems logging into your cpanel odds are your password is being inputted incorrectly and maybe the password could have been changed as well. Even if you know the password is correct and you keep getting the failed login's it will cause your IP to get banned and so if you password fails the first two times stop and get your password changed before continuing. Odds are though have to send in a support ticket to get it change or you can change it on the billing site now I believe. No IP cannot be faked, they can be spoof or taken over, but never faked even if its a dynamic IP it still can't be fake unless you hack the ISP and take control of the IP number set up. Besides keeping a log of peoples IP number is bad stuff since that basically gives someone who hacks into the computer easy access to your computers and doing some of their own havoc on your systems if they get in. Well the quickiest solutions I can think of because this has happen to me several times is first to delete your cookies, browser cache's and history folders, then flush your DNS through command prompt and wait about 4-5 hours and try again. By doing this your resetting your computers IP access and that should be able to get back in. However, just make sure during that 4-5 hour waiting period you don't visit your site or any other Xisto site or you restart the process all over again. If your having IP issues with your hosting account I would suggest dropping a support ticket to them and see if they can see if there is any problems on there end that could be causing these issues. Sad to say though it is usuall the ISP or the users computer itself that is the root and or cause of the problems.
  23. Everyone is pretty much right, the only way you be able to get that domain is to call the person who owns it, but expect to pay a lot if the dude knows bad you want that domain, that's if he reads his emails and not.
  24. First it would help if you had a website link so people can get there without the need to post to let you know, second I highly recommend the purchase of a camera and start taking photos yourself. That way you can make money from you photo stocks on top of the small commission you would earn if they are sold from your site.
  25. If I read your post right you want to make Firefox your default browser instead of Internet Explorer right? Go to Tools > options > Click Advance Tab > the make sure to click on the General Tab. Then click on the check box that says "Always check to see if firefox is the default browser", after that close the browsers and then just open Firefox and it will ask if you to make this the default browser and click yes.However, if you want to remove the browser entirely, then go to Control Panel > Add Remove Programs > Then Click Add/Remove Window Components and then deselect Internet Explorer. Remember though once you do this you might have problems updating your Windows XP since it needs the Internet Explorer browser to download the updates.
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