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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well, not everyone can afford the software as it is quite expensive since it is still brand new and besides why pay for something you don't need if you have the software that can do what you need it to do. As for solutions your first one would to make sure the CD's are still readable and if not see if you can get them cleaned up with a CD cleaning kit. If after then its not the CD's then I would go ahead and replace the CD-Rom drive if you can and then see if the CD's work then, but if that isn't the case and this would be the only time I would recommend it. Is download a torrent version of the software because that is the only place you find it as not to many software sites have trial versions that old.
  2. Although the question has been answered there are a few things that might have been missed, sure you own the domain but since you bought through Xisto on top of the hosting as well, they still have the right to cancel your domain and shut down yoursite for any reason that might consist of illegal activity. You could say the ownership is like 99.9 the person who bought it and .1 the person who sold it to you or hosting it for you if it bought it through them, but you have to remember though that there is a 3 day waiting period before someone else can purchase the domain and so if you forget to pay for the domain it goes up to the first person who buys it. So you own the domain as long as you can pay for it just like any other web service out there.
  3. For the guest/David where is this original forum post from? Because after reading your post I did some googling and what your describing is not possible and even if it were, there are solutions for this problems. I would think that disconnecting the slave drive before reinstalling the operating system would work, but since I never ran into this sort of problem I am not sure.
  4. Wow!! that is all I have to say and it makes sense since it seems to be randomly affecting people and not everyone but alas odds are though finding the spot to fix the problem will be a lot harder then we might think. It is funny though when this did take effect the larger the post the more you lost, but hopefully now we know what is doing this, we will all gang up on it and beat it into submission .
  5. I try to watch as little as possible of those TV shows because quite frankly they have ruined TV and destroyed many shows that could have become good. The only reality TV show I watch is anything with Gordan Ramsey, that dude is my Idol , takes no crap from anyone and a great chef too.
  6. You heard Xisto calling you didn't you? I bet you were all shocked when Xisto said, "bishoujo, bishoujo come back to Xisto bishoujo." Don't worry everyone goes through that especially the older members and if I am right that pesky voice visited me a half a dozen times . As for the food topic, I can't wait maybe it will help me lose the 900 pounds I have on me and welcome back.
  7. The thing is this glitch randomly affects people and so it is hard to say who will and will not get affected, odds are though that MyCents will get a revision update once any mods or any new stuff added to it is done.
  8. That I find hard to believe as I have been a loyal Mountain Dew fan for years and I don't feel any more smarter then when I don't drink it. Besides dropping a few energy drinks is not going to help you complete a test quicker because it will 100% make you unfocused because you be jumping around in your chair like a rabbit. Also lets not forgot once that stuff wears off your going ot be as tired as hell and so it will feel like this test is draggings for hours instead of 1. That is the problem with addictive you don't know that you have a problem and of course since caffeine cannot kill you, that I know of, it is still a harmful drug especially to kids. Heck everyone knows that when a kid is on a sugar high they are the most destructive force on the planet, hell a hurricane has nothing on them but for being unhealthy all that sugar is and could hurt the child in their growing if all they do is consume a ton of sugar and no dairy, vegtables and all that stuff. I know I regret not doing more of that in my younger days but alas I have to deal with the sleepless nights every time I consume that caffeine . Well who do you think these enrgy drinks and soda companies make most of their money from? Kids on energy highs or those who need to wake up since it is really early in the morning and stuff like that.
  9. What do you mean Hydrogen Dioxide isn't toxic RPG? That stuff kills millions of people a day I have gained numerous pounds from the sugar side affects of that stuff . As for the topic at hand, botox has always been one of those procedures that has some negative impact, especially when the botox gets botch and mess up a person's face. As for it being poison I haven't heard to much about that but of course anything Wikipedia says take for a grain of salt but I wouldn't doubt it that there is some toxic side affect to it.
  10. Well plugin's aside it would seem that GStreamer has always been bad, especially in the codec department. It would seem that the codecs that are package with GStreamer are horrible and this one article I found and it would seem that VLC Media Player is the way to go to solve your video problems. So check out this article and get a perspective on how to solve your problem.
  11. Well on top of the scripts being outdated and stuff it would seem that many web hosting companies had ban these scripts either because of the resources they take up, the spamming or the hacking of accounts that could be achieve from using these scripts. Which of course rvalkass mentions in his update , but yeah I had asked OpaQue about this awhile back after noticing it myself about those mail scripts.
  12. What did you say? . well here's the thing though rpg, the first few times this happen everyone's billing account did get affect, I know I sure did. Most likely it was changed so if a MyCent did glitch the billing wouldn't get affected this time. So it isn't a matter of everyone not listening to you but people wanted to make sure it is universal and not selective as the glitch seems to be sometimes.
  13. I thought I would do another Nintendo Classic review and talk about one of my favorite series of all time, Wizard & Warriors. Some of my great memories of playing the NES were around this game, heck I even played this game with a busted controller to and that was even more difficult (lol). This was the only games I actually beat back in my young days of gaming without cheating, of course it did help that you had as many continues in the first one to keep on trying and trying to beat that game. If my memory serves me correct, I think I got Wizard and Warriors II the Christmas it came out and boy did this game frustrate me since I had only two continues to work with and many ways to be killed in this game before reaching the boss. Even though I had made it several times to Fire Mountain I could never beat it since I was pretty much on my death bed with limit magic and a death touch each time the elemental's hit you. Heck when I first got a taste for emulators one of the few games I thought of was those two and after many hours of searching for them I got them and played them for hours upon hours. They sure kept me occupied while I was in Iraq, which I am glad they did even though I had my Playstation 2 with me. Of course it was at this time or maybe a few years later that I would come across Wizards and Warriors III and I thought to myself woot another awesome game that will be just as harder or harder, sadly puzzle wise it is hard but enjoyability was not there and major disappointment for this fine trilogy. I tried it out several times but could never get into and not because I never had the time, trust me I did, I just never enjoyed it. It would be interesting to see this franchise continue or maybe give them a 3rd generation face-lift with the current technology, but alas it is wishful thinking on that though. So lets get on with the insanity and begin my review. Wizards & Warriors Trilogy Some Screen Shots Game Maker: (W&W I) Rare Ltd./Acclaim (W&W II) Zippo Games/Acclaim, (W&W III) Zippo Games/Acclaim Year: (W&W I) 1987, (W&W II) 1989, (W&W III) 1992 Price: Odds are they were $40-$50 a game Levels: (W&W I) 8, (W&W II) 10, (W&W III) 1 but broken down in several different parts which are too many to list Sound: (W&W I) 10, (W&W II) 10, (W&W III) 9 Graphics: (W&W I) Perfect Pixel 10, (W&W II) Perfect Pixel 10, (W&W III) 9 Mini-Games: (W&W I) none, (W&W II) gambling, (W&W III) N/A Difficulty: (W&W I) Back Then: 8 Now:2, (W&W II) Back Then: 10 Now:10, (W&W III) Back Then: N/A Now: 3 Game play: (W&W I) (W&W II) (W&W III) Plot: In this trilogy, you play as the hero Kuros and you battle with an Evil Sorcerer called Malkil. In the first game you must rescue the princesses and destroy Malkil and his evil power. In Ironsword, you goal is to complete the four pieces of the Ironsword and destroy the four elementals Wind, Earth, Fire, Water who are controlled by Malkil. In Wizards and Warriors III you once again have to destroy Malkil as he posses the King of Piedup and you must learn various skills in order to finally destroy this wizard once and for all. First Impressions: One of the best Nintendo trilogies of all time and one of the most difficult ones as well as these games had so much replay value that it never got old. I played the first two games on the original Nintendo system and seeing number three for the first time a few years ago. I don’t remember how long it took but I did beat the first one and only getting to the last stage in number II without never beating that game. Although the Wikipedia article states that the second game was easier that is untrue if you ever made it to the final stage and took on all four elementals at once with limited magic and no continues. As for the third game I wasn’t really impressed with it when I first tried it out and even though I have never beaten it, I doubt I will as I feel that game is let down after the other two games. 22, 19, 17 years later: With the exception of number three, the first two games are still the best and I still play them now and then with finally beating Wizard and Warriors II 2007-2008. The music, the well detailed graphics, the bosses and so on are still great and well ahead of the time for the gaming World. Overall Ranking: (W&W 1) 10, (W&W II) 10, (W&W III) 3 Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  14. Well my first response would be OH MY GOD CALL A DOCTOR! when you see metal sticking out of someone's eye. I don't care that this dangling from a contact lens I would think that the weight alone could do some damage but even then whoever thought this is even a style or even cool should lose there eye sight if they had one of those in there. Of course, to make things more interesting check this article out about eye tatoo's and it should make you cringe some more. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/=
  15. I swear you had won something last year but alas it was the sexy award that you won Wrong topic for you to be asking about MyCent related issues -Sky-
  16. Yeah it is no easy challenge to staying this long, even yours truly finds it difficult to post sometimes but I get by I guess. I can understand about getting older thing and although quite young I feel as though I have aged quite a bit and on top of that there are real world commits and stuff that pull us away from being online more and more. I know I am glad to help out a fellow member and what not and don't worry about the EVIL sig thing I haven't spent much time with that myself due to other real world situations .Either way Mich, don't dwell on things you don't have control over, visit when you can and by spring you have better weather so your internet won't get knocked out as much Also happy trapiversary Mich.
  17. To me. I think Wine only purpose was to run windows applications and not games because odds are most of the applications use the same code unlike PC games. Which they develop their own gaming engines and thus side stop a lot of the programming necessary to get games running and so I think the only way WINE will be able to run games on linux is that the developers of WINE need to access to those gaming engines and then make mods or patches for it.
  18. You don't make a point that the third package isn't there but again rpgsearcherz since all the packages are set up with certain defaults. So like rpgsearcherz mention, just customize the package to your your needs and your fine and besides it would cost more to match any of the default packages if you want to set it up that way.
  19. The New Year is upon us old school gamers and I thought I give you all a treat of another Old School Game Review. However, this time we are going to review second-generation console video games and thus let us go back to the past of the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is funny about the stupid stuff you can remember, we went to the Ames store for some shopping and I think either my brother had the $100 or my dad did or it was split in half do not remember. I do know we were excited because of the fact we got a Nintendo System to play games with as the system came with two controllers, a light gun, the system itself and of course Mario/Duck Hunt game combination. As for the cliché slogan, the rest is history because that is what started us off in the gaming world. True we had an Atari system back then but I was a bit young and so the coordination was not there yet. So you could say this is where my gaming world began and so as the years go by we played some of the most difficult games in the world during that time and of course found various ways to cheat as well. Like putting the light gun against the TV so as to shoot those stupid ducks quicker and of course the ever popular Game Genie. I know my brother was the only in our family to Super Mario Bros and Mike Tyson, can’t remember if he beat Zelda or not, but I do know I accidentally erase a friends saved game because of the mechanics to saving that game. Of course, the only game I ever beat without cheating was Wizards and Warrior but that is for another review. As for the game itself, the furthest I ever got without using the Mike Tyson’s password was Soda Popinski, but I do think I go to Super Macho Man though at one time though. Either way, this game was rated one of the most difficult sports games of its time, and even if you did memorize the entire boxer’s patterns they still beat you good if your timing was off for just a millisecond. Of course, with only 2 losses before GAME OVER, you literally had to spend hours trying to figure everyone out. However, the problem was the designer’s 180 us gamers and not only change the difficult for 3 fighters, but you needed to upper cut one just to knock him out. Of course the day was finally mine in 2006, that I finally beat Mike Tyson after countless hours in a emulator and reloading my last save in order to beat him. To me that was a proud moment even though it was technically cheating I did not care because after so many years I conquered this game. Interestingly enough, I think it was around the same time I found out there was updated version to this game and that Tyson got replaced with a fictional character, although the same move set. The Wikipedia article did not help much but I would have to go with the contract expiring before Tyson’s falls from grace happen soon after. Mike Tyson’s Punch Out Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Nintendo IRD Year: 1987 Price: Hell I don’t even remember how much these games cost, $20-$30 maybe. Well after looking around, it would seem like $40-50 for a game. Either way I think my brother barrowed this from a friend LOL. Levels: 14 with each level increasing in difficulty. Sound: 10 Graphics: Perfect Pixel 10 Mini-Games: none Difficulty: Back Then: 10 Now:10 Game play: Two punch buttons, left and right moves, body blow and face shot, and super upper cut Plot: You play the role of Little Mac, your goal, become the great boxer in the world and if you succeed, then you get to face Mike Tyson in the Dream Fight. First Impressions: So freaking awesome oh my god so freaking hard too, just replace freaking with another word and you know where I am getting at. 22 years later: Still a great game to play as it still provides a challenge in your reflexes and timing of trying not to get the crap beat out of you. It is interesting to note that after many and I mean many times replaying the same fight, that these fighters are completely random in how they throw their punches except for when they get knocked down or they have a time on a certain combo. Overall Ranking: 10 Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  20. If you want to look at must have extensions then you should check topics I made about various Firefox extensions I used and or have. Dream Package #1 Dream Package #2 Dream Package #3 Dream Package #4 Dream Package #5 Web Analytics
  21. Obviously there are still some bugs either directly or indirectly caused by tweaking to the scripts and even now I have seen a few people in the negatives today. So the best thing you can do let OpaQue know that you have been getting nothing but negative MyCents and he will take a look and see what is causing the problem and hopefully fix it before you go bankrupt. Also if you notice yourself getting negative MyCents stop posting and let the mods or admin know and that way you won't lose anymore if you keep on posting.
  22. True I didn't notice anything different about Vista SP1 except the quick installation time and so it should be interesting if the hype around Vista SP2 this year will make vista bit better even though Windows 7 is about to come out sometime after it I believe. As for the WinSXS folder you cannot disable it as that folder is the brain of Vista especially in terms of making various software compatible ot run on vista and what not. That is why every time you install some new software that folder gets bigger and bigger just because the files in there make it possible to run software on vista. Check out my topic about I made awhile back and it gives some more information about why you can't get rid of winsxs http://forums.xisto.com/topic/51398-the-reason-why-your-hard-drive-seems-to-get-smaller-when-running-vista/
  23. As for the graphics software that I currently use is Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, which I happen to get a couple of weeks ago and so far I enjoy it quite a lot. I previously used Adobe Photoshop CS3 extended for my graphics needs and it was quite a package to used for my graphics making needs.
  24. Yeah I am agreement that it is one of the fastest browsers out there and the standards are great but Firefox is the browser to beat. Firefox is way to customizable and just as fast as Chrome and so in order for Google to even make a dent in the browser wars, they will need to spend at least a couple of years designing, tweaking, securing there browser. Sadly though, Chrome won't be providing anything new and google will be pretty much copying firefox, opera, safari and Internet Explorer and that is why a lot of people say that Chrome has lost a lot of steam after a couple of months of going online.
  25. Or alter the image and cross out his name and then underneath it say Saint Michael ONE MORE YEAR!! Well I think that year year everyone knows what they need to do in order to dethrone me and that is make great posts, provide great support for other members, display their graphics skills and overall work hard. Besides no one is funnier then I and so you need a miracle to win that award from me .
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