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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. 13 Minutes aog President-Elect Obama has become President Barack Obama the United States of America. The first African-American to hold the most powerful position in the free world, and now this President now begins the process of fixing this country and bring it back to its glory. As to how long it will take President Obama to fix all the problem Bush has made, who knows, but I say this, his first 100 days of office will be the most critical not only to the US but across the world, Hopefully in 4 years, President Obama will make hte changes necessary to help everyone across the United States and of across the free World.So lets us bring in the new year with a new President of the United States, President Barack Obama.
  2. I would be against because of the fact I find those music players annoying especially when they auto-load every time you either refresh a page or go to a new link. On top of that it would slow down the loading of the website and with people on slow connections they will find it very bothersome and just stop coming to the forums. So a suggestion would be to use your own music while surfing the forums instead.
  3. Not to sure about the CD protection but why the dreamcast failed was simple it was out dated technology by the time Xbox came out and Playstation 2 was well on its way to dominate the console market. On top of that Sega has been losing its edge in producing games since then with only Sonic the Hedgehog keeping them alive really as I haven't seen anything new from them in years, but I would say that in a few years though that they will either be bought out or collapse. Due to the fact that they popularity they once had is pretty much gone and on top of that producing a next generation console is very risky and dangerous business, just look at Sony and their Playstation 3, they are still in the red and only now are more and more games getting produce for that system. On top of that Wii is dominating the market so not only would that new console of theirs needs to match the Wii but it needs to match the power of PS3 and Xbox 360 combine in order to have any change, which it don't.
  4. Well there is another fast and up and coming virus on the world computer networks but it would seem that this virus could be a dud or so people thought thus the confusion with this worm. The work has other alias's which include Downadup and Kido and as for the package that it delivers it would seem to be a rather disturbing one or common attacks you chose, but it disables the following services: Windows Automatic Update, Windows Security Center, Windows Defender, and Windows Error Reporting. However, that is part one, part two is that it connects to a server to download even more stuff to infect your computer with and so how is this done you may ask? Well an article from compterworld.com states that it " exploits a bug in the Windows Server service used by Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Server 2003 and Server 2008" and even though Microsft did make an update for this little bug it would seem that not many people updated there computers to fix it. On top of that though Conficker uses random file extensions to make its attack and so the security team that is watching this worm says too do a full scan of everything and not a quick scan in order to find this worm if your computer is infected. As for the security updates Microsoft mentions that users need to install Security Update MS08-067 and as for various security software, none of the articles mention who has updated for this one but your best bet is to head over to the websites and see what they have for this worm. Although the infection is small, 8-10 Million computers, rate of infection is pretty fast since it was at two million computers but it only took four days to reach the 8 million mark. So if you see that you have some Windows services disabled especially when you go to update your computer with this security patch, you might be infected but just make sure to keep your computers up to date to prevent your computer from getting infected. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  5. to clarify something from your post, viruses don't hack your computer they delete your computer, however, viruses can be created to penetrate your computer and so someone could hack into your computer. Of course, 90% of the time viruses do come from your email if you happen to download files from people you don't know or click on links to website that claim you need to fix something which in fact you don't. You shouldn't have to fear your email getting hack as long as you have a long uncrackable password and you don't plaster your email all over the place. Well the only Microsoft software that would store your passwords is the the software that opens the the text files that has your cookies stored in, usually note pad, but a person guessing your login details from cookies takes awhile to figure out though so nothing to really fear there either. Yeah I had my hotmail account hacked and stolen from me back in the day never figured out how it happen or who did it, but I assumed I made someone angry in a chat room. Lost quite a few girls email addresses when that email got hacked and stolen too . Of course, out of dumb luck though my current email that I used had a password that was very common and it lasted 12 years before I finally changed it and so I must have been very lucky that it never got stolen from me.
  6. With the wild card support that feature you need to send in a support ticket for that to be enabled since it isn't a normal feature that I have seen in the hosting packages. Other then that everything above is pretty much correct about what is included in the hosting package that you are looking at.
  7. I am sure most gamers by now have heard of Square, Squaresoft and its third incarnation Square-Enix, and odds are most gamers know about the RPG franchise this company has made as well. However, I doubt too many gamers know about a popular racing game that Square-Enix developed back in the 80s called Rad Racer. One of the few racing games made during the 80s for the NES, but what made this game so popular was its replay value, difficult and of course replay value. I spent countless hours to this game and at best made it to the third level and successfully entered the level cheat and got to level 8 but without beating it (lol). Heck, my brother hard a hard time with this game and I don’t think he made it that far either, maybe level 5 level 6. However, he might have made it to level eight without beating it either but not too sure though. Of course, what made this a popular game as well were its features, such as changing the music for your gaming needs, or if you happen to have a pair of red and blue 3-D glasses, you could play this game in some good 3-D fashion as well. I believe that was the only game to use red and blue 3-D or 3-D in general in terms of having to wear a pair of 3-D glasses to play a video game. There was a sequel to this game never played it on the NES, a couple of times on a Emulator but it was lacking what the first had. As to what was lacking cannot think of it off the top of my head since it’s been awhile but it lacked something (lol). Well let us get on to my review and see how I rate this ever-popular racing game. Rad Racer Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Square Co., Ltd. Year: 1987 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 8 Sound: 5 without the music 8 with the music, Graphics: 7, good transition between night and day and some good depth. Mini-Games: dodge the cars and the side of the road, well not really mini games but you get the point if you played this game. Difficulty: Back then: 10 Now: 9 Game play: You the driver complete the course is the allotted time or you lose, pretty much it, had turbo to use on the straight a ways and gas and break buttons. Plot: Become a racing god, that’s about it since there was no plot to this game. First Impressions: Damn signs and poles and those stupid cars that side swipe you into those signs and poles. Grrr, stupid trees, and OMG I finally beat a level. That should pretty much sum up how I felt about this game and how difficult it was to actually win a race. 22 Years Later: Still as hard with all the turns, cars, poles and such, press the load state buttons many times to try to complete this race. I also forgot about the turbo button and I think it could have help complete the races a bit quicker, thank god for the fast forward button to speed up the game. Still a fun game and actually I beat it this morning for the first time so yeah for me. Overall Ranking: 8 because of the low scores, but I be nice and give it a 8.9 just because how challenging it still is after 22 years. Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  8. Well to expand a bit on truefusion's answers a bit. As he stated, CSS is Cascading style sheets but there are three levels of CSS with various functions and as of right now only CSS 1 is 100% and CSS2 is about 50%-75% accepted and I believe CSS3 is about 75% in compatibility with most of the major browsers, but those are rough estimates based on the age of the selectors used in each version. As for the CSS layouts not so much of auto generating layout by pressing the enter key, but there are CSS frameworks that have everything set up for you and all you need to do is set up the html for them. I would check out this topic about the various CSS frameworks that this website located so far: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. As for free software all you need is notepad and to make sure to save the css file with the extension css Of course, if you have a HTML that file extension should be included so you won't have much to worry about.
  9. Its working fine for me the assistant is, but I did find the root of the problem on the friends list here http://forums.xisto.com/members/. Odds are OpaQue has been notified the PM's and the IM about this and on top of that it seems the PM box is affected by this as well.
  10. Well to go off my original post and asking my LAN instructor he gave me this response: sp go off my post and this one and you should be able to connect to that other computer with a shortcut.
  11. Even though 1985 was the beginning of the most celebrated gaming Icon in the gaming world, Mario’s origins go back way farther than that. His beginnings would start in the ever-popular Donkey Kong series in 1981 and with his first official game in 1983 simply called Mario Bros and the rest is history. In what would bring the video game industry back from the grave, Super Mario Brothers is the most successful franchise in gaming history and if you do not know him by now then you surely have been living under a rock. As for my connection with this plumber would begin in 1985 or 1986, do not remember when we purchase the NES but it came with Duck Hunt with the package. If memory serves me correctly, the furthest I ever got on the console was level 8 without beating it. It took many years to get that far, but of course, my brother was able to beat it, go figure. With Super Mario Brothers 2, I got it the Christmas it came out or the Christmas after, not sure though, heck I even remember how I lost it thank to some jackass and me not knowing I was taken advantage of. I know I beaten it on the console with the help of my bro and some friends and so I was happy about that. Super Mario Brothers 3 has a very interesting history, the first video game to be introduced to the world by Hollywood from a movie called The Wizard with Fred Savage as the star and Christian Slater as well, good movie by the way. Of course, it would be quite a long before I would actually play this game, but thanks to Nintendo Power, I got to Level 7 (lol). Never beat the console version as it was still as hard as hell, but I would eventually beat this game and the other two through the Emulator thus completely three of the greatest games on the planet. Although I have played many of Super Mario games across many different consoles and various graphic and sound upgrades, these games show the testament of time of how the video game industry would be from now on. So let go into review mode in 2009. Super Mario Brothers Trilogy Some Screen Shots Game Maker: (SMB I) Nintendo EAD (SMB II) Nintendo EAD, (SMB III) Nintendo EAD Year: (SMB I) 1985 (SMB II) 1988, (SMB III) 1991 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: (SMB I) 8 Words with 4 Sub Levels, (SMB II) 7 Worlds with 3 sub levels with the exception of World 7 which only had two, (SMB III) 8 World with 8-10 sub levels Sound: (SMB I) 10, (SMB II) 10, (SMB III) 10 Graphics: (SMB I) 10, (SMB II) 10, (SMB III) 10 Mini-Games: (SMB I) Getting Extra Coins, (SMB II) slots, (SMB III) extra 1-ups, equipment, memory card game Difficulty: Back then (SMB I) 8, (SMB II) 8, (SMB III) 8 Now: (SMB I) 6, (SMB II) 6, (SMB III) 6 Game play: Side scrolling run and jump action with some fireballs and stars. Plot: Two Brooklyn Plumbers of Italian descent name Mario and Luigi become unlikely heroes in the Mushroom kingdom as they must fight against Bowser King of the Koopa’s. With the help of the princess and the mushroom people, these two Italian plumbers stand up to this evil lizard and his family and minions as they bring peace back to the Mushroom Kingdom. First Impressions: Damn you Goomba’s and turtles and Damn all the Koopa’s minions, this game was addicted, fun and spent many hours trying to beat. When I did not feel like playing this game anymore, quick reset and off to Dunk Hunt or another Nintendo game. I believe I drop a lot of bad word to this game, take a wild guess what they were (lol). 23, 21, 18 years later: I don’t care if you were born under the Playstation or Xbox these games are still 100 times better then any game in this century in HALO. I still play them from time to time, with logging in quite a few hours during 2004-2007 and still the games are challenging and the music awesome and good to listen to. So to conclude, IT ME MARIO, WELCOME TO NINTENDO 64! Well ok, not really that but Mario you are a legend that will never get old no matter what the new generation says Overall Ranking: (SMB I) 10, (SMB II) 10, (SMB III) 10 Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  12. Before I continue I have to spam this Pretty Boy ALERT , the female members better watch out for this guy and thus the end of the Pretty boy ALERT . 17 minutes on a beta installaion seems fast you have to remember though that not everything is functioning on that operating system and there is much still that needs to be added. So I would have to say that at final release it could be a 30 minute installation given your specs. As for the boot though it rather seems slow for what I hear the boot is a lot faster then that, but I am not sure if people mentioned it under a minute or under 30 seconds. Heck if it took you that long to load photoshop I expect to see a 1 minute loading with all my stuff on it . Tramp did Windows 7 speed tests on his computer to see how long it would take to load certain things based on the computers hardware. I think some more computer specs would help out as what kind of computer, custom or pre-built, name of the RAM, company that produce the motherboard, AMD or Intel processor, hard drive specs etc etc. Windows 7 is the new operating system that Microsoft is making and will be releasing something this year, most likely towards the end of the year. Although I doubt tramp did but I hear stories of getting vista installed 30-45 instead of an hour and some change, but it depends on the hardware being used and what not. Well I never did a bench mark before but I would assume that dual or triple booting the computer might slow the computer down somewhat but not sure on that. You have your dates messed up, computers built with hardware 2004 and below will have a hard time running windows 7 and vista, but anything built in 2006 might be able run window 7 but not as smoothly but anything in 2007 and now should be able to run windows 7 smoothly since most of the hardware is geared to run resource hog vista as smoothly as possible. As for calling his computer a beast, unlikely, since it would have to be a quad-core extreme, multi TB hard drives, dual graphic cards and so on an so forth for it to be a beastly computer, since tramps specs are pretty much common specs now minus the graphics card which I doubt came with dell unless you got a XPS system. Well obviously it was going to be somewhat better then XP speed wise but from what your saying that drastic improvement comment is gear more towards Vista then anything else. Well I doubt you did everything you possibly could to destablize the operating or try to make it crash and stuff like that . That is one of the major improvements with Windows 7 and that being able to use less RAM run it smoothly and that is were vista failed completely on. Sure you could run vista on 1 gig but after you turn most everything off and not run Aero, but it needs at least 2 gigs as is with or without Aero on, but it should be interesting how it compares to XP and Vista when tramp gets t up.
  13. Well I just created the youtube portion to my adsense account and added the code to it to my website and it seems to work for me. Of course, I can't click on the ads for obvious reasons and so odds are they either lost their adsense account or did something wrong with setting it up.
  14. I would check out this website as it seems to have free software that can be used for your Handycam. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. I would follow the following quides to help you with your problem Setting up WIFI on your HP Computer WRT310N Linksys Router Guides Getting a Linksys Router to work with Comcast Also you have to remember that N-routers are still new and could be very problematic for some but to make sure to reset your router to default settings then make sure to update the Firmware, add MAC address for each computer, give them seperat IP numbers for stable connections and make sure to select Channel 11. Of course, if all else falls call linksys tech support to help you out.
  16. Well there are two things that could be causing the problem either the graphics card or the the screen itself and so the only way you know if you call Acer Tech support and tell them to send someone over to replace the graphics card or the screen. I would recommend that you say that your graphics card will be busted since they most likely will bring a new screen with them when the tech person comes over and fixes your computer.
  17. Names and places and thats pretty much it other then that most religions are the same, kill the infidels or try to convert the infidels and if they can't be converted then kill them. Religion is about power and control and fear and for those who say our religion is about peace are lying to you because all religions roots have murder and chaos in them, but some religions take it a bit to far with some horrible brain washing people that the need to kill for Allah or God and that pretty much sums it up for most of the religions. Violence begin religions and violence ends religions that is the only truth about them, just ask the radical Islamist's and most of the middle east who hate Israel and or the Jewish race, even Christianity was started from violence and hatred, just look at the Old Testament and the conquest of the America's and other parts of the world during the 1500-to now abotu converting the savages.
  18. First I be very concerned about that crackling sound as who knows what that could be, most likely a very bad short in the connection. Best way I know how to get your DVD writer to work is to reinstall the drivers or get them updated and before you do that check your BIOS to see if your computer even recognizes that is even connect and if doesn't try the driver installation to see if that will work. Odds are though that you need to call LG support if you bought it separately or PC support if it came with computer for a better answer.However, if reinstalling the drivers don't work, try it on another computer to make sure before getting it replace for a working one.
  19. Well I am not to familair with WHM in any sort of way but from my google search it did provide me to a document at cpanel's website that might help you get going with this. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  20. Unless it is in a zip file I am not sure about it but the only mod I could find for displaying flash in IPB is a mod for IPB 2.1 and you can find it here http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/6397. However, the description of the mod says you can by default but I haven't look at an IPB forum in years and so I would recommend that you post this question at either Invisionize.com or IPB's forums to get a better answer.
  21. Although I didn't use the same camcorder, but I would suggest that you get yourself a copy of Nero Burning software and a firewire cable and try to find some Nero guides to help you on your way. I also found this website that might be able to help you http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ thats the best I could find for this camcorder.
  22. I am not really sure it is possible outside of using remote desktop software such as Team Viewer or the built in remote desktop software. However, I believe this website might have the answer for your question but not to sure. Source http://www.answerbag.com/articles/How-to-M4b-f5eab6318fdf Of course the one thing I could never figure out is if you need to have the other computer on when trying access their resources or not, but make sure it is on and that you have shared folders enable so that you can access them.
  23. Well in the United States there is no Official language but most everyone here speaks English and most people who do business with the US either speak English or have interpreters. Of course, the major problem with the US people are coming her illegally and so they don't even bother to learn English because of the fact they go live within their own communities and rely on them to help them out and stuff. Another problem though is that going to school to learn English is not cheap either and most people don't have the money for those kind of lessons and so they don't bother. Of course, the only exception I believe people don't have to learn English if your just a tourist who is only spending a few days or a week visiting the sites and what not, that I believe is acceptable. Either way, people are not force to learn another language but you have those people who think if your going to live here you might as well learn it or get out. Sure I can partially agree that if your going to at least live here, Legally, you might as well try to learn English, besides people who already know how to speak English properly are horrible at anyway. As long as you try to attempt to learn another language or English then your off to a good start, best thing to do is do a lot of reading of English books, get yourself a bilingual dictionary and stuff like that to help you along the way.
  24. Usually the most comman problems come from either installing software, memory issues, BIOS issues and sometimes Blue Screen of Death problems, and driver issues. Usually to fix most of these problems you want to boot into safe mode if you can and either uinstall the software, do a driver rollback or doing a system restore back when you system was working good. However, if none of those fix your rebooting problems then last case scenario is to reinstall hte operating system, but *bottom* make sure your hardware is connected properly because loose connections can also make your computer do erratic things such as rebooting for unknown reasons.
  25. #1. Although I never used the the video service they still have it up on the site and so you still can get paid if you have videos on your website and what not.#2. Odds are they don't have their ads in the right spot or their content is not generating the right ads or something like that, besides today's world people hate ads and 9 times out of 10 they have them blocked so they can't be seen.#3. Well I finally made enough to earn a check and by looking at the calendar I have to wait till March to see it, but after that though I can't really answer why people are having problems with adsense.#4. Haven't had any problems yet and so maybe it is lack of staff and because of that lack of staff it takes time to get a reply.Well if it wasn't against the TOS then I post it but since it is I can't. Many sites recommend that you have more then just adsense on your site to earn your revenue but of it is amazing how much google hates that and so if they catch wind of it you good lose your earnings and what not.
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