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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I thought I give a little update post for my blog because I gave it a new theme that I like oh so much, and because of the desktop interface I find it more covenant for a lot of things especially the side bar, I hope to work on pages more and do some good stuff with them, of course it don't help to save leave some comments or digg the posts and what not .
  2. No IE 8 and Windows 7 won't be release at the same time because Windows 7 has to wait for IE8 to go gold since IE8 will be the default browser. So anywhere from a month to 6 months after IE 8 comes out then will Windows 7 because that way it gives many developers a chance to update their websites or be well into progress into updating their websites, thus the move for IE8RC1. Since Microsoft says that not to many changes will be happening between IE8RC versions and the final version, since it all about fixing any holes, web standards problems or hopefully memory issues.I will say this though I will be the first to download IE8 since the browser is a lot better then IE7, ug I wish Microsoft soft Mozilla's extensions idea or rather a better set up for it .
  3. Well with India being the epicenter of computer technology support around the world I would assume the biggest tech sectors there will get all versions of it. Since India, what I know, is a develop nation in some parts, other parts are still developing and so it would have to depend on a countries status really, but again since most of the tech support is coming there, India will most likely get all 6 versions to use.
  4. Well the big story that everyone been waiting for and that being how many versions of Windows 7 will be out there and the magic number is 6. Of course, everyone is asking why especially since the the 6 flavors of Vista hell were out there but it seems that are a bit more organized as to who gets what. As for the break down it is between Developed nations verses undevelope or currently being developed nations and so this little guide will tell which version is for you. Develop Nations -USA -European Union -Japan -Russia -China You get the idea which countries that are fully develop technological countries As for undeveloped and developing technological nations -Parts of Africa -Parts of Asia -Parts of Middle East Basically countries that slowly building their computer infrastructure up to meet standards like the US, European Union and Japan. As for the versions Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate/Enterprise go to the develop nations, while undeveloped and developing nations get Windows 7 Home Basic and Windows 7 Starter Edition (With some restrictions). Also in another bit of news is the upgrade process and the fact that now all you need is a upgrade key and instead of spending an hour or so upgrading it will only take minutes. Now odds are I think, is that features will be lock and invisiable until the upgrade but that is only a guess since more information will come up about all that. So one question that is left is pricing and I am sure everyone is biting their nails for that. SOURCE http://www.pcworld.com/article/158861/Windows_7.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.zdnet.com/blog/bott/?p=659
  5. That can't be true, everything I know about CSS is wrong? Lies! Sitepoint.com it is all lies! Well maybe not all lies but I guess you would have to read the book to find out and thus I will give a review about what this book is about and see if the title of this book is correct or not. Chapter #1 The problem with CSS is that CSS is too hard. Now that is a interesting quote now how are these authors thinking about that statement, they referring to how some website designers set up a website or how the coding is setting up the layout? They talk about web designers using grids in order to set up websites, now we all know designing a website has various stages, pre-layout, graphics, coding technologies, layout, debugging and providing content. Thought they go into some more details with grids and tables I thought the most interesting part of chapter one is the browser wars and that is because thanks to the browser wars we designers have to develop websites for various browsers in order for them to render properly. The problem lies in Internet explorer and Microsoft doing its own thing when it comes to standards, but now with Internet Explorer coming out this year, everyone hopes and prays that all the problems we have suffered since Internet Explorer 6 will finally go away. Of course, we all know the problems Internet Explorer 7 caused and so many people did not really switch over right away, but with Internet Explorer 8 showing good promise in the rendering aspect it could be the saving grace for Microsoft. Chapter #2 Now the authors go right into the meat of things and I think they are encouraging people to bring back table designs even though the last few years have told design no, stay away from table designs. The reason again was Internet Explorer 6 and 7 doing them injustice when it comes to using CSS to design those tables. However, the interesting part to this chapter is that they talk about two popular techniques in CSS design, absolute positioning and using floating to set up your computer. Obviously the point that there are trying to make is that they fail in certain aspects and that you add more into the coding in order to use them properly. Granted they are right to a certain aspect, but I would think it would have to depend on how you design your layout and if it requires them or not. That is where their examples are flawed because they expect most everyone to set up a website like so. Now if you read their section of CSS Tables you know I called this so right about them wanting to bring tables back into mainstream design and the example coding and pictures show obviously that. Do not get me wrong they are right that it will work and with the help of Web 2.0 and AJAX displaying dynamic content it tables that would be the best solution for websites who want to incorporate data with a lot less coding to set up. The reason I say that is there will be a lot less code to deal with, a lot less divs to be used and a lot less CSS as well. The question is can you still use tables for layout design without compromising a lot stuff to make elegant designs or today's world of blogging a blog layout. Another problem I see is those who design layout in Photoshop and slice them apart and then put them back together again. How will the table CSS structure solve that problem especially with repeating images and trying not to break the images like years past? I would think the authors would need to look at that perspective in order to bring both groups of designers back into table design instead of just half the designers out there. Chapter #3 Now if you read most of the book you might have notice they been using fixed layouts, and they make that point right in the beginning. That is another problem designers had with tables and that was with fluid design and the fact it was impossible because of the separate parts in a websites (header, content, footer). Now the example they show that is possible to do this now, but I think it is one aspect that still needs to be look at in the near future. In the rest of the chapter, they cover a few more ways to work with tables and of course talk about a few more CSS table syntax that can be used in order to make table more useful again. But I have to say that they are making a convincing argument about tables being more useful now especially Internet Explorer 8 being more web standard friendly. Chapter #4 This chapter pretty much covers what to do with users and their older browsers and from the table provided pretty much Firefox 2 and up, Opera 9.5 and up and safari 3. I would assume google chrome would use CSS tables coding as well but due to the lack of users and interesting I doubt to many will care about it since IE, FF and Opera are the top 3 browsers on the market. Chapter #5 Chapter 5 focus is about CSS3 and although CSS3 getting to 100% will take a couple of years, give or take. Most of the major browsers have begun to implement many CSS3 tags with the exception of Internet Explorer 8. Although I do not know percentages of how much is being accepted it will be at least another version of Internet Explorer before it be on equal playing grounds. Still with the multi-column module they use for an example in this chapter a lot of new paper websites and maybe word press template designers might enjoy using the 3 column layout for blogs in order to display their content and treat it like a real newspaper without needed to print it on paper. Of course, that is wishful thinking on my part but one can hope though. Overall Opinion This book is a great read especially for those who are big backers of using tables and of course going over some CSS that I doubt many people don't use, especially the table CSS syntax to create great table designs once again. they give a good background history of browser trends and tables and of course talk about the current trends as well. So I would recommend picking up this book to give it a good once over for some great info and maybe relearn how to code tables once again.
  6. I don't know what the hell happen but I have been waiting over a month now for a book that I need, first they give me the wrong book and when I called support I was assured it would be sent out, two weeks later I find out it was never shipped and now I have wait three days to find out if it was shipped out not and I will be really pissed if it isn't. First I won't get hte refund for the book I had to return, and I don't even care it was like $2, hell I don't even care if the person I talk to was nice and fix my problem, although I think it was the same person who helped me the last time. I already gave them a bad rating through their amazon account and now I am giving them a bad review here and on my site. Freaking horrible how they could screw up my order and then not fix it promptly and I have bought some other books from theme before and they got it right, but they lost themselves a customer and I don't even care if they have the lowest price I will be going to someone else from now on.
  7. Yeah the 100 yard interception didn't help them much either on top of the penalties and everything else that happen to them during that game. I think by the end of hte first half the Cardinals were pretty well demoralize and like I mention earlier if they played like they did in they did in the 4th quarter they might have scored a few more touchdowns and what not. Either way the Steelers spread their defense out quite a lot thus the game winning drive.
  8. I would start with safe mode and see if you can get in that way, since it seems to be a boot/memory problem and see if you can access the account that way, if not try repairing as mentioned above and see if that will fix any problems you might be causing the computer. Now if your computer doesn't get repaired to let you get into the account then sad to say you have to reinstall the computer unless you go to a computer shop and see if they can fix it.
  9. Well the game is over and we have NFL Superbowl Champions, the Pittsburgh Steelers, not only that they are the first team to win 6 Superbowl Championships as well. Obviously they deserved to win that game since the Cardinals didn't start playing until the 4th quarter and of course those huge penalties in he 3rd quarter didn't help them either. It was a great was a great game ans up there with some of the greatest games, but not thee greatest game though, but it woulds have been the greatest game if the Cardinals did pull the upset and the comeback as well. So a shout out to the Pittsburgh Steelers for their great win and I will see you all in 2010 for the Superbowl 44.
  10. Your account balance updates only after earning a dollar or more and then it will update, don't worry the update process is automatic and so keep on posting and you will see your earnings increase in no time.
  11. OH OH OH I want to reply to this one since I am a been there and done that person with my veteran status both of the forums and of the military. I will say ignorance is bliss especially for the youth who do get lied to about joining the military and trust me they are, but lets not forget the Military is now using video games and simulators to fool the youth even more in order to believe that they will go out and blow and shoot stuff up. Now granted when I sign up various events happen and I found myself in boot camp, even though I knew the dangers of being in the military but I hope I would get lucky and get through my enlistment with no problems. Then September 11th happen and so we spent the rest time getting ready, well we missed Afghanistan but we got sent to Iraq instead and for the most part I was lucky that nothing physically happen to me (except the herniated disc), but mentally well I am still working on it after 4 years of being out of the military. Now on that note, through out our wonderful history, we had some of the brightest military minds in the world, Washington. MacArthur, Grant people like that, and sure we get a few lucky grunts like Audie Murphy. Now we haven't seen people like this in quite a long time, not even Norman Swartzkoff or Colin Powell where that great. The only reason we have been lucky is the trillions of dollars we sunk into the military to give us the best technology in the world to make people think twice about trying to invade the US. Actually one person I know that was damn smart was my Company Commander, heck I think he would have done well at NASA or MIT because he was freakishly smart, and last I know is that he is working in the R&D for the military. With me, I went with the college money and I putting it to good use so far, and most people know I am not a genius, Misa , but I get by with what I know and how I do it. Now we all know Bush screwed us all and no one is going to forget it either, but hopefully Obama will get our troops home because after these two wars it will take years for us to recover. Even Misa cannot deny that without the military we could be worse off and the world could have been a bit different, maybe even controlled by the Nazi's, but still it will take years and trillions more to repair the losses our military has suffered and I wouldn't be surprise if the military goes back to 1 million active service members from every single military branch. Besides with the economy as the way it is the military would be a safe bet, I get paid, I get living quarters and get to eat as well. I am not saying that is my first option though, but with all the stuff going on now I would be taking a hard look at signing up again, and sadly I been thinking about it and not for myself but for the family. However, due to my back that isn't an option for me and so I have to struggle like everyone else, but I will say one thing though is once your out of the Army the government could care less about you. I had a writing assignment that covers this fact and you can check it out here about how bad the government has treated its veterans and if you go back about 100-115 years, the Civil War veterans had it worse off then we do now. Nonetheless, the suicide and military related murders are up, homeless veterans is up as well because battle exposure and PTSD is to difficult to handle sometimes. I would recommend reading my experiences and thoughts about my year in Iraqi as it tell you a lot about what soldiers really deal with. Article #1 Article #2 To end though, those who died in battle should be honor regardless of your beliefs, because without them dying you wouldn't be able to do half the stuff your doing now, granted it seems we are losing those freedoms but that is because of crooked politicians and what not. I find it rather disgusting that some people like those church people calling soldiers *BLEEP* and thank god for dead soliders, that personally pisses me off and I would spend time in jail and beat the living hell out those people from Kansas for spouting their hate and of course taking their freedoms for granted by dishonoring a soldier is being laid to rest because he or she died so you can live on and be ignorant, hateful people who ae just a bunch of religious fanatics and what not.
  12. I thought I do some more cheat posts that I found on the next and I thought I toss in a combination of cheat sheets since these two work side by side with each other. The first cheat sheet is for PHP in which it lists date formats, regular expressions and some common functions as well, but I am unsure of how current it is since PHP 5 or rather PHP 6. Either way I think these are common enough that it wouldn't really matter which version of PHP you are using and so you can download it here. The next cheat sheet is for MySQL database platform and list pretty much all the stuff you can do within MySQL, of course it would help to know what everything does. Thus you would need to know about MySQL just be able to use the cheat sheet as a quick reference then anything else, but I am a bit surprise how much you can do in MySQL. Of course, I am not much of a database programmer and so those who do it for a living might not be as surprised and so you can download it here. Now that you have these two cheat sheets you won't have to go through all the books, visit all the websites just to make sure you type the syntax correctly. Of course, it is always good to have a few books and know some website to help you learn how to program in PHP and MySQL.
  13. Learning to web design can become a tedious task, especially trying to code to standards and of course trying to figure out all the tags that can be used with those standards. As of right now HTML 4.01, XHTML 1 are the current web design standards, with HTML 5 and XHTML 2 still in progress of being finalize. Although, quite a few sites have since been moving over to HTML 5 and XHTML 5 but but you can't much without really getting to know who uses what for coding a website and so I bring you cheat sheets that could help you out in learning the various tags in HTML and XHTML. HTML Cheat Sheet 2 cdburnerxp.se/csstidy/htmlcheatsheet.pdf With these cheat sheets and what other websites, books and tutorials you have it will help build a better understand and of course being able to find out what can be used in designing a website.
  14. For the last decade or so, CSS has made web design a lot easier for designing pretty website and of course being able to design a global look without the need to using a bunch of CSS files to do it so. On top of that it made the source code for website smaller and smaller as the CSS mark up got larger and larger. Of course, in the last few years CSS frame works begin to appear and thus making designing the CSS file itself become less tedious as these frame works made it easier with predefine mark up with various styles. So I want to introduce some of the more popular CSS Frameworks out there that might make your designing websites a lot quicker. Blueprint CSS Framework Yahoo's YUI Framework
  15. For users of Adobe Photoshop, being able to learn all the shortcuts to the various photoshop commands and what not. So how would you like all the shortcuts to all versions of Photoshop then? These cheat sheets includes Photoshop 5, Photoshop6, Photoshop 7, Photoshop CS, Photoshop CS2, Photoshop CS3 and latest installment of Photoshop CS4. PC Cheat Sheet Photoshop 5 Photoshop 6 Photoshop 7 Photoshop CS Photoshop CS2 Photoshop CS3 Photoshop CS4 Mac Cheat Sheet Photoshop CS Photoshop CS2 Photoshop CS3 Photoshop CS4 With these cheat sheet you should be able to move around faster depending on which version of Adobe Photoshop that you have on your computer, but odds are most people are using Photoshop CS3 or Photoshop CS4 now. Source http://morris-photographics.com/photoshop/shortcuts/
  16. I thought I pass another Conflicker worm update and it seems that the designers of this worm had some special means to design this worm. Since the worm has affected countries known to be big piracy countries such as China and parts of Latin and South America. I doubt that they are doing this out of the kindness of their hearts though, but odds are they have some good info on those locations or rather they live in either or. However, what is is interesting is that the new version is now going after Ukraine based computer unlike the other version and on top of that North America and parts of Europe are not as heavily affected as everyone else. Which is surprising to me but hey you got the resources and the money, then the quick response to protect your computers is a sure thing. On top of that it now seems Conflicker is installing Antivirus XP a very popular rouge program that trick people into believing that it is an anti-virus program and in order to get full protection you need to purchase the full version. However, the big package has yet to be delivered and many security experts believe this one has a payload to it, but right now they are still figuring out what it is. They do believe could be a giant botnet or could be sold off but they are not sure of that as of yet as the infected computers are going through hundreds of different websites waiting for further instructions As for the USB infection, this article finally makes it clear how or rather how the worm spreads through USB flash drives, and that it only happens when the computer is infected. Which means that this worm works by also seeing if there are any memory devices connected to the computer and then work its magic. SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  17. I don't know why I didn't think about it or rather why not too many people where talking about it, but alas the topic title says it all. So as I reading the article I would have to admit the way Google set up the security for Chrome, but I am no programming/security expert but there could be a flaw with how it is set up as well. The only flaw that I could see that could be a potential danger are in fact two, first no admin privileges in order to install and that googleupdate.exe process, but how man news reports you know of that someone successfully tapped into google servers or their corporate office? Like I said, the security set up to Chrome is quite good, but alas maybe in this big block of text you might find something google might have missed, or maybe not. Even then it would seem everyone's favorite firefox feature, the add-on won't be coming any time soon and after reading all that up top it is quite understandable. As all of the security will either be nulled out or the add-on would maybe do something to the broswer itself. Of course, that is quite disturbing about the passwords though and I didn't even know that could be done and I don't think there is any documentation stating that little fact either. Luckily I don't use chrome that often to store my logins and what not. Even though, someone would have to be familiar about it, but now everyone should be aware of it now. However, though it would seem as though when Chrome first came out they made rookie mistakes with the Buffer Overflows and after working with Mozilla for a few years they would have learned about them in someway. Now the question is, does Chrome have Merit as being a safe browser or does it simplicity have it ready for some fun by the criminal underground? SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  18. Software generate dropdown menus come with too much stuff needed to run them, CSS, Javascript and of course junke code. Granted they look spiffy and could make your site look better, but if you want to actually mimic some of those menus I would try looking at this website, all CSS based menu with some to no javascript involved, sure they don't look pretty but after a bit of coding and redesigning they will look better then ever.
  19. Although bluebear wanted something of Twilight nature, but since I know of a few bluebear images of uber cuteness I thought I use one of them instead. So here you are bluebear enjoy your gift sig.
  20. Well, my Mountain Dew Chugging, nacho eating, twizzler licking fans, time for another movie review and tonight's movie is Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Obviously this movie is a filler and twice as obviously it is a prequel that fills in the gaps of the first most but not as much as the second one. I sense another prequel film that ties everything up and leads into the first movie, but for that to happen though this movie has to succeed. Sadly though, with a lot of Oscar nominated movies out and the Oscars coming soon I don't see this movie doing to well. Either way lets get on to the movie review.I will say this that they kept the dark nature to this film like the other two that I like, but I feel as though the dialouge was a bit weak from the other two. Of course, wasn't really to fond of the second movie though, but what really surprise me though how much they packed in for a movie that lasted 90 minutes. Not only did they pack in a lot but they didn't change to0 much about why the vampires and the werewolves went to war and stuff. On the otherhand the fight sequeneces felt short and not as action packed as I have hope for, especially when its vampires against werewolves. Of course, I am fan of the old school vampire and if you seen the other two movies only light affected them or getting trashed by a werewolf, but killing a vampire with a sword without cutting the head seems unrealistic in my view. Could the movie have been better? Yes, especially since vampires were dropping like flies, granted thats what happens whenthe lycan rise from their slavery. Box Office wise it won't do as good as the other two so I will be generous and give it $100 million overall with a $30-40 million opening weekend.
  21. Well to toss a little update to this worm, it would seem that USB flash drives add more to the difficulty of this worm, now it goes after anything with autoplay or autorun. Which means every time you plug in a flash drive you are in line of getting your computer infected with this virus, of course they don't make clear if the USB drive has to be infected in order for this virus to be installed or it waits for a USB drive to be plugged in and you to open the new options for the virus to go into effect. Of course once it goes into effect it would get you through that network flaw if you have not patch it yet and thus becomes even more difficult to remove. The reason for this is that it can bypass the anti-virus scan and so it won't be picked up at all and thus you have spend time looking for it, but if your anti-virus software does pick it up and does not remove it, F-Secure has a tool to do it for you. So make sure your system is protected and make sure that no one except for you and people you know handle your Flash Drive, even then I wouldn't give it to a friend because they could pass it off to someone who could be infected. SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  22. 1. Well first it depends on the games you want to buy and so you have to decide which system is most appropriate for your gaming needs. Due to the fact that what kind of games you play depends on the system you want, sure you could buy both systems and then play one type of genre on the consoles, but of course you have to understand that some games are exclusives and so it depends really on what you want to buy. The XBox is a good system but its your money and so it is up to you if you want to buy it or not. 2. Xbox that comes with the biggest hard drive and since I don't pay attention to the Xbox you have to find that out yourself. 3. I think it is, especially the original Xbox since it came out during the Playstation 2 era, but again it depends on the games you like, the franchies you like and the developers that produce those games. 4. Trust me accessories are pretty much pointless and a waste of money, a second controller and maybe a headset is all you need. Other then that everything else is pretty much unnecessary for your gaming needs. 5. No idea. 6. Again it depends on what you like and I wouldn't listen much to the fanboys and fangirls and haters and their opinions on games because thats them and they think they know more about games then anyone else. Well I like to correct you on one thing, more expensive the game console the less likely it will have a long shelf life, besides Xbox's are know for their RROD or Red Ring of Death, meaning that if you get one of those on your xbox the system is pretty much toasted. Last I heard, they never fixed the heating issues and so you need to make sure the Xbox has great ventilation or run the risk of overheating the system. I bought one of those system, do I regret dropping all that cash? Not Really, although it comes to still play those PSX and PS2 games on my PS3 . Hmmm I think it is the 60Gb PS3 that are not backwards, but I think because people didn't like that very much they produce another one, of course if you wanted to you could drop in a 300GB hard drive and format it and have some more room. However, you will have to seek some guides on that procedure.
  23. What your asking is most likely against company policy and anything methods are pretty much illegal and so the only way you would be able to install those programs on your computer is either put in a request to the admin. Or become admin the right way and install the programs on your computer, but either way those are unlikely to happen and most likely be unproductive to the business as they will be losing money while those programs your using will distract you from completing any work your doing.
  24. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So comment away and any suggestions from master bloggers about what I can do and of course looking for other websites to connect with and stuff. Also check out my website too, although I might be getting rid of it and let the blog take over everything.
  25. Well I gave my website a overhaul, more or less, after starting to upload my writings to my website the old fashion way I begin contimplating about how to do it more efficiently. So I bit the bullet, installed wordpress 2.7, uploaded some stuff and came to realize that I should have been doing this long ago. Although I am not a full time blogger, I came to realize that a lot of the stuff I posted on Xisto I could have posted a lot of my stuff in one. Which of course I have done, thanks to the help of predating blogs I got stuff from 2005 in my blog , I don't consider it dishonest since I have already posted it already here on Xisto. So for the next few week, and while in school I be trying to get as much of my good topics uploaded to my blog. So content wise I am set for a very long time, it is a just a matter of getting it all on there. However, the only content I wouldn't be uploading is my sigs, not because there is a lot of them, or the fact I could add a plugin to add a gallery, it would be the lack of content these sigs would have. Although, I am still thinking about the process of moving the blog over to the main page, but want to see how things go before I do that. However, knowing how SEO and websites work I have to think about it pretty quickly before I get too many visitors . In the mean time though, I be going through about a thousand of my topics and see which stuff I will be adding and what I won't be keeping and so I bring you my blog. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So comment away and any suggestions from master bloggers about what I can do and of course looking for other websites to connect with and stuff.
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