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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. For an added bonus if you have a wide screen resolution 1920x1200 look to the right and you will notice a interesting shadow effect going on. Other then that it should be interesting what kind of php includes you use for this template and how customizable it is as well.
  2. No you not stupid, many people wait till marriage to have sex, heck I wish more people would then we wouldn't have millions of orphans or kids with no parents. It just depends on your views and when you feel it is the right time, no need to rush into it as that's how kids happen . Just take your time and your ready to get freaky with someone then you will be ready for it.
  3. #1 Sadly this is a web hosting forum and not a role playing forum and I doubt you would find any interested parties since most of the members here are designers and programmers. #2 Well I don't know to many people who know psychology or taking classes in it, but it could be a interesting subject since a lot stuff can be covered in that category. #3 got several of them already need to look around and you will see them. #4 got those too Website Review, Website Discussion forums
  4. I thought this topic was about the Universe and not just some random facts found on some website.Here is one for you, although we are the only planet to have life in the known universe, that is somewhat false as microbes and bacteria are considered life and so they do exist else where in the universe. Also for ever galaxy in the universe there is at least one massive black hole in its center.The most distant object every recorded was a gamma ray bust that was some 12+ billion light years away, meaning that this gamma burst happen 12 billion years ago and we are just now seeing it for the fist time.Since the beginning of planet searching, almost 400 planets or planet-like systems have been found in our known universe.Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our solar system at 4.5 light years and on top of that our sun is the only star in our known solar system.-
  5. Although it would help to provide more information about this threat such as how can people get it, what names does it go by and such stuff like that, of course it would be better to provide a better crediable removal website then the one you provided since all we know is your site could be booby trapped with it. So to help those understand this threat more check out the following sites: Site #1 Site #2 Alternate Removal Site
  6. Welcome Angus, to Xisto.com the one stop shop to everything hosting, website designing and hundreds of years worth of experience at your grasp. So enjoy your time looking through all the posts and topics to help quench your thirst for knowledge and by the way get some hosting while your at it.
  7. Welcome to Xisto josh, the biggest website this side of the galaxy and since it seems you have yourself well situated in earning MyCents to get hosting I won't bore you with the details. Of course it doesn't hurt to know at least some of the inner workings of Xisto and so check out the Xisto Read Me to know everything that needs to be known about Xisto.
  8. Well your best bet is to look for websites that give some game programming tutorials, also look into finding various gaming programming books as well since there are quite a few languages out there that can be used to make games. So I would google game programming tutorials, game programming languages to help start you out in your search for programming games. Also I do believe we have a game programming forums somewhere in trap that might give you a few idea as well.
  9. Well first it would help to know what kind of router you are using and that we could find a way to set it back to the factory defaults and that way you can upgrade the firmware, set up proper encryption to it and making sure you get a stable connection as well. Other then that I would suggest unplugging the router and let it sit for awhile as I believe that will reset the router, not to sure on that though.
  10. Though most BIOS settings are universal, usually you want to and usually if you get a name brand computer they have somewhere on their website a BIOS guide but to help you just a bit check these BIOS guides websites out since they should cover everything that is pretty much standard in most BIOS. Site #1 Site #2
  11. Before I get into the introduction, rpg there was no need to quote the whole post, but you have a point though that need hit the enter key a few times some where to break the horizontal scroll bar.So welcome yuri to Xisto, the biggest little website this side of the internet, here is your gift basket of spam and eggs and since everyone pretty much covered what you need to do in order to the most out of Xisto. I will say see you in the forums and enjoy your time here.
  12. Well sadly you post those cracks then the moderators will post you a ban unless they are legal in some way, which I doubt. Although it is a nice list, I would stick with MSN until 9 is done because I am not the only one in which MSN likes to keep on booting me offline after a period of time, which of course I find annoying, even though 9 is all pretty I candy the hassle isn't.
  13. Yeah I had to take a class in public speaking it took a few weeks to at least shed some of the nervousness thanks to preparing and practicing and what not. Still it is nerve racking and so its hard not to be self conscious of you being in front of an audience and speaking and it is always a good to switch your brain off when giving a presentation or speech. Of course, the more you do it and what not the better you get and the nervousness eventually goes away, but there is always the oh crap moment and someone trying to out think you and stuff and loving to prove you wrong if its one of those speeches.
  14. Welcome to Xisto KM and we could always use some real advice instead of some spam advertisement on how to earn money through the web. Of course, nowadays it is bit trickier since there are a few billion websites with 90% as useful as a hang nail. Either way it is a pleasure knowing you and I will see you in the forums.
  15. Yeah useless e-books like that are pretty much pointless or the ones that tell you about how to earn more in adsense or junk like that. The only good e-books are those that show you how to program or give you good ideas how to design a website, program in various languages and draw a pretty picture. I try to stay from the other stuff because if they books are useful they would have build a content driven website about it instead of selling a cheap book.
  16. Welcome to Xisto Lakster37, and sadly for almost 5 years we heard of Runescape, heck it were possible we be the only site with more knowledge about Runescape then any others with all the junk we get about it . either way enjoy your stay on Xisto and if your interested look into some fine hosting with us as well.
  17. I have had a few problems like that either from not installing or FTP not connecting and stuff like that, just make sure you CHMOD the proper folders in order to get the automatic installation working. If your still having problems your best bet is to do it the manually way by uploading the plugins into the folder and then activating them that way.
  18. Well hopefully you look around a little longer and do some posting and then get some fine hosting with us, but other then that welcome to Xisto.
  19. Yeah I would go with the external CD-Rom drive, of course I question why your laptop didn't have a CD-ROM drive with it though? Cause I doubt Acer move to the no CD-ROM drives in a laptop method yet since that concept is still fairly new in the tech industry.
  20. In terms of what browsers have done since the beginning, well Mosaic lead the way for us to visually see the internet and of course thanks to Internet Explorer and Netscape they help revolutionize the internet through the 90's and of course Mozilla, Opera, Safari, Chrome and leading the way for the 21st century. That is why the browser wars have become the battle ground for internet improvement in the last few years because everyone is trying beat out the oldest browser to date (IE). Of course, some say in a few years depending on the success of Internet Explorer 8, Firefox is on its way to be the number one browser in the world.I think the criteria would have to be standards, speed, security, customization and functionality and right now Firefox is number 1 in all categories with Opera next and then IE then Safari and then chrome.
  21. Like some of the other members I haven't used coral draw in years and so I don't know they updated to get into web design or graphic design related things. I just remember using it for clip art and stuff like like that. Either way I would take Adobe over Coral any day.
  22. Nowadays I usually look for research information, web design solutions and anything that I might need for college courses, but if there is a book I am interested in I go ebook hunting and I have a few good sites to get some ebooks and what not.
  23. I will do you one better, here is a whole list of websites you can learn various CSS centering methods and this should help become a centering master in CSS.
  24. I like to welcome you to our little home away from home jackjames as we thousands of designers and programmers of various things and so you have yourself hundreds of years worth of experience to help you learn everything you need to know about web design, graphic design and anything else you want to know.
  25. Welcome to Xisto jungli, in which you can find thousands of topics that talk about thousands of different things, you could say this forum keeps up to date on the latest happenings or if your looking for something a bit older we have topics that are going on 5 years now. So check out the Xisto Read Me and then join the billing site and then start earning some free hosting.
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