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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. What I ment to say about clicking on the box it would have unclick it since that is a default option and they are assuming you have an Acrobat book of some kind. In this case Adobe Acrobat 9 PDF Bible or Adobe Acrobat 9 Classroom in a Book. It took me about 5 minutes to make sure I had it correctly so I had to make like two different PDF websites to make sure I was in the right area. What is funny, until I saw this post I assumed that as well ROFL .
  2. first here is the website /defraggler and second, compared to the windows defrag program this one has more options. Such as defragging single folders, and being a able to defrag a file of all things and on top of that it gives you more information such as how many files need to be defrag, how much space it is taking up and stuff like that. I didn't say it was great just a lot better then the windows version in terms of what information it gives you when defragging a hard drive.
  3. Luckily for you I happen to have a copy of AdobeAcrobat 9 Pro and even better I found you a solution Mr. Dee. Go to Create > select Create PDF from website and then you get a pop up, then you click on settings and in the General Tab click the checkbox that says Place Headers and Footers on new page and then click ok and your set. Also here is the location of the Help file about websites and headers and footers with concern in how to remove them.
  4. I would go with defraggler, besides being free it is a thoroughly defragging software and so the bigger the hard drive and the more files that need to get defrag the longer it will take. Either way it should be all that you need in order to clean up your computer.
  5. Um you might have misinterpret that, but English is my native language, what I wrote is my perspective on the English language. As for monetizing my website it don't phase me whatsoever who visits my website it was one of those it need to be done websites since I don't plan to really update it daily and what not.
  6. To make the process go a bit quicker, you want to log into the billing site as normal and then go to My Products & Services and then click on the product details link, its next to the Next Due Date. Then at the bottom click the Request Cancellation button and then go from there.
  7. Well there I found a topic somewhat close to this on Xisto that might solve the problem your looking for http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90235-help-adding-my-videos-folder-to-start-menu-windows-xp-only/. Looks to me a mini tutorial or something but if you check out the coding and the posts you might find out where to go to tweak the right menu on the start button.
  8. I remember about this website, heck even the community college I go to has a poster of this up as well, it interesting that news media hasn't picked up on this or they have and I haven't seen anything about it.
  9. Well to be quite honest your site looks more like a splash page without content and that is why they are not accepting your website. Now your blog and that web show website might get you to be accepted into adsense because they have more content then your other website and so I recommend that you submit one of those two sites there and then once one of them is accepted then plaster all the ads you want on that splash website of yours.
  10. I pretty much get all my info on the internet as the news is mostly brand new and not outdated by the time the paper gets here in which I just read the comics, dear Abby, and more somewhat scary accurate horoscope. Of course if I happen to get board I check out the local paper online and check to see if anyone talks about it on the paper's forum, which I have posted in a couple of times.
  11. xpress is correct in order to get an e-mail account through Xisto you need to purchase a top level domain in order to get this added to your account.
  12. Well yours truly has finally designed a website for himself, spent the last couple of weeks getting all my stuff uploaded and organized for digital portfolio. Includes all my graphic designs, website work, my writings both on trap and from school and so I thought I let you trapper take a look at the site and see what you think of it. You can check it here by clicking the following link.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. Well if your a classic movies fan by all means, but if your not into really old movies then I doubt it would interest you all that much. However, you could compare the movies and see what has changed between the movies and other stuff like that.
  14. I saw this article the other day about some office management software that might help a business out and I have to say a few of them have caught my eye. 1. PolicyPak I definitely like this software package just because it adds more customization and the fact that it might make it a lot easier to lock down a system or customize it to suit your business to keep your works busy instead of playing solitaire. 2. ClipTraining Personally I think this service is kind of outdated now just because all you need is computer recording software, which you can find for free, and a mic, and a youtube account and your set. Besides its $25 or $100 a year, now the question is who set that deal up because it is either $300 a year for $25 a month or $100 a year but either way there are more free ways to get your training videos set up. 3. Password Reminder Pro Although I never work in a network environment that required me to monitor computers and set up accounts Ii do software likes with its good points and bad points, the good points would be the automation of the software and the less work you have to and what not, but the bad point would be that all the passwords would be located on one piece of software and not properly secured. Odds are though that there might be more efficient ways for setting up the automation process and making sure passwords are under lock and key. 4. HiveWare Now this little program I like and I would think anyone could use this program, especially students who are working on group projects and need to write up a paper quickly and with everyone's input. Of course, the business applications to this are ten fold because because the of the time it would cut down on typing something up. 5. Open VPN The only downside, to me at least, that this software is open source meaning a well rounded computer person can find the security loop holes in this program and exploit it. Of course, if yo uhave that same rounded person odds are you could find the same holes as well to help secure the system a bit more. 6. Excito Bubba Server From looking at a website if your looking for a low cost server then this might be for you, especially if your running several home computers, got an WI-FI enabled devices and stuff like that. Interestingly enough odds are you could use Open VPN to add a bit more security to that server and what is even more interesting at this post you could start a small business with what has been provided so far or in fact provide a small hosting company as well. 7. Windows 2008 Server Core Configurator Well this might be useful for those working in a windows server environment or rather using Windows server 2008 and looking for some fast configuration. 8. Open IT Online Downloaded and installed, I haven't given it a run yet but it should be interesting how this tool works and puts open office out of business . SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Ahh a classic topic and of course with the classic answer, the simple answer is you can't because if you start deleting old topics then it will start affecting everyone who posted in those old topics. Of course, now that we are no longer using hosting credits we don't have to worry about losing massive amount of hosting credits, but archiving the old stuff might be a possibility now. However, the problem is those you can't be selective on what topics can be archive and so if your going to archive 2004, 2005, 2006 then everything will be archive including tutorials and so the alternative solution is that if you see a really old topic that has been beaten to death in replies, report the topic and mention that it needs to be closed.
  16. I just saw this article today and it is really sad and that all the blame is going to the wrong person in this case. It should be the driver who was most likely drinking as well that caused the accident but odds are this woman needs someone to blame and so she is blaming someone who rescued her. I know I wasn't there and didn't know what happen besides what was told the article but whatever the outcome a lot more people are going to lose their lives because no one will rescue them in fear of being sued, especially if a house was caught on fire and that person who was rescued could sue saying you cause the fire and junk like that. Either way the woman's anger is being directed to the wrong person but sadlhy greed caught her eye when some crooked lawyer saw the opportunity for easy money. SOURCE http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/story?id=6498405&page=1
  17. Well as a student you could get the discounted price and save yourself about $1000 and some change, but even then it is still expensive at about $600. So it is one of those things you would have to about especially if you can use it for a way to make a living.
  18. I cam across this topic on digg and thought I would share it with trappers who love extenstions, love firefox, and love analyzing their website with various stats. Some of these extensions you might be aware of from my various topics on Firefox extension packages that I created a while back and so enjoy these extensions. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. miladinoski that is interesting must have been on top of that as well, but again it has to do with passwords and if your banking online HTML and the data source is a big part of the password problem. It wasn't the matter of finding it, the odds are it was difficult to fix, shockingly as that may sound.
  20. I would recommend that you clear out your browser cache, cookies and history and see if that will help because of the fact it could be the files in the browser themselves that are causing the problems. As for xpress I think the best way to go is get a cheap router like linksys WRT54G and then use that as a way to get a static address and that might help with your problem.
  21. As if, it may look it, but in fact I am using two different fonts with the text. As for new features that I used, non really, tried out some new brushes and that's about it really. What I like best is that they didn't change to much in terms of how the layout is or any significant changes to the software itself. Nope full version bluebear and thanks.
  22. This is my first sig in Photoshop CS4 and it has been a while since I design any sigs but I think I did well with this one.
  23. Yep, I been keep somewhat tabs on this and the critical flaw has to do with retrieving passwords after getting infected and I highly doubt .02% are affected if this has been a very old problem. Especially since this flaw is hitting every version of Internet Explorer and then Microsoft either did nothing or tried to keep it as quiet as possible about this. Either way this is going to hurt Microsoft for not fixing a problem as old as this and I doubt to many will be flocking to Internet Explorer 8 after this since who knows what other global browser problems there are with Internet Explorer.
  24. From what I was told and I could have mis-read the conversation but the spam mod that was installed had a character count on it and anything that was below the character count was considered spam. So odds are this script was not only working with current posts, but odds are it was retroactive as well and went after any other posts you might have had. So those with the large posts counts, such as yours truly were going to get hit hard each time we posted and so OpaQue disabled the script and to fix the problem quickly the MyCent rate was increase hugely for everyone. In a way this increase was not only a x-mas bonus and to fix this problem and so I would drop the support tickets and do some posting and see what happens, but odds are it only lasted a couple of days though.
  25. I finish this game a couple of weeks ago and it was ok, it was supposed to be like Most Wanted but it wasn't which means that Most Wanted is still the better of the Need For Speed games that have come out for the PS2/PS3.
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