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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Hmm... I dunno Xisto's new skin was hot but now Xisto new skin is even hotter, I think I will leave trap for asta now because of the new skin .
  2. Yes you can have affiliates but it would defeat the purpose of posting your referral link on the forums, the most common way is to add the link into the search engines and of course give them to people you know who are looking for hosting.
  3. Interesting that mention that truefusion as this is how I found your birthday topic as well since it was buried in everything else I had this cake rush so ignore the text as that was supposed to say truefusion on it
  4. I don't think it is ridiculous unless you happen to purchase poisonous ones or a giant Boa or Anaconda , instead it is about proper education and knowing how to handle a snake because poisonous or not. If they bite or start constricting themselves around you your in a serious world of hurt because those bite are still painful and you could lose consciousness if that snake wraps itself around your throat.
  5. I am not aware of Xisto using a expired password system but odds are it could have just been a bad password as well. Good point since the odds are you entered this password a few times and so you better send in a ticket to make sure your IP number hasn't been ban yet.
  6. Well I was told that the script that was causing all these losses has been turned off until the bugs are worked out and as for why I have no idea what was causing this problem. All I know is the script related to spamming and I what capacity of forum spam I have no idea.
  7. Well the topic is kind of misleading or rather the description of the topic since the Browser speed wars are between Firefox 3 and google Chrome. I believe Opera 10 A is in 4th place with Safari, Chrome and Firefox 3.1b2 in first, second and third place respectively and the latest bench marks prove that Opera is no longer the fastest browser in the world.
  8. If your having password problems send in a support ticket to have your password change and then once you get access make sure to change the password to something you know.
  9. I would have to disagree and the reason being is that using blog software to display code snippets and that you should set up more of a tutorial like website with more detail about the code snippets. Since you lack any detail except for what the code does in each of your posts and the website seems a bit plain even the template looks clean and organize odds are you could do more with it over time.
  10. Please refer to these two topics adriantc about the MyCent losses and how to recover them. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/63288-help-with-mycents-seems-i-am-losing-some/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/63258-mycents-glitch-resolved/
  11. The above post is correct as they have to verifying the information and set it up once they get your hosting request since others are requesting hosting as well. So while your waiting keep on posting to earn more and more mycents too help pay for your hosting package bill.
  12. For Kenya -If you can get into safe mode, turn off system restore and run spybot and SuperAntiSpyware, if possible, on your computer and see if it can detect the trojan anywhere. If you cannot get that far into your computer then you have to reinstall the operating system on your computer.
  13. Just to let everyone know that the Xisto Awards are still going strong and that we only have a couple of weeks left before we announce the winners and so if you haven't voted yet go ahead and place your vote.
  14. You need to submit support tickets stating your loss as their was some scripts added and people who were affected lost various amounts and so refer to this topic that I made referring to it. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/63258-mycents-glitch-resolved/
  15. It still exist because of the fact that the only competition it had back in the day was Microsoft in terms of web presence and even today yahoo is there for the competition. Odds are they in a year or so someone is going to buy them out because of the current market crises yahoo is going to be sold cheap and odds are that whoever buys yahoo going to be turning off a lot of things that don't make profit. Besides I have been a loyal yahoo costumer for a better part of a decade now and will be with them till they either shut down or get bought out. My daily routine pretty much revolves around yahoo and sad to say I don't use google all that much except for email and a few web master applications and that is it. Well the big picture is that yahoo has a lot of customers both ISP and hosting wise and if they were to shut down their server a lot of people will be very unhappy including those who are hosted with yahoo. Besides Google maybe the top search engine in the US and maybe Parts of Europe but it has yet to make a huge dent in the world search engine market. Well google has already got a decade under its cap and because of how powerful Google is I wouldn't be surprise if Monopoly lawsuits begin to start with them in the next 5 to 10 years.
  16. Well I saw this movie yesterday hoping for some action suspense, but instead I felt that this movie was made back in 1951 but with color and some computer technology. Even though I never saw all of the original movie the acting for both movies was the same and with Keanu Reeves acting style it went with how this movie played out, predictable. Although there was all-star cast in this movie I feel as they didn't put the effort into it as I was hoping they would have, heck even Kathy Bates wasn't all that good in this movie and if you seen Waterboy she was better in that movie then this one. As for the action, I was expecting War of the World kind of gun battles and that barely happen in this movie and so the lack of action really didn't really help this movie especially towards the end.There was a descent crowd for this movie and interesting enough I saw a few older folk who might have seen the original, but it was mostly teens who I doubt never seen the original or even knew it existed. Either way this movie was predictable, not entertaining or exciting and pretty much disappointing ending that capped it off as well. Box Office wise, this movie be lucky if it even breaks even or makes any profit whatsoever and so I would say that opening weekend $10-15 million with a disappointing $40 million tops overall take.Movie PreviewsAnother Trailer for Terminator Salvation, showed some good stuff it should be interesting how this movie plays out and if it makes any connections to the other movies.X-men Origins: Wolverine, I will say this that movie will take in more money then any of the X-men movies and some big names are in this movie as well, so it will be another year I go broke with some big name movies coming out in 2009.
  17. Yeah because it tastes good and its a good way to get a big group of people to eat together without the need to make a lot of food and stuff like that. As for cheap I doubt that I know Pizza Hut has been getting a bit expensive over the years and I think I hit every major pizza chain with the Exception of Papa John's but I don't feel like driving an hour just for one of their pizza's though .
  18. GASP! why oh why must I be a target of this spam I don't know anything about , still short 1100 MyCents though OpaQue. Psssh spam what lies that is and I think the bugs need a bit more work on that spam detection though .
  19. Uh no, as there is a problem with MyCents and I was told by OpaQue that he was working on something and so this negative MyCents would be fixed.
  20. Yeah I have to go with Ubuntu as well, though I do not use it much it is easy to configure and install in various ways such as the flash drive or through DVD. I know there are other flavors besides Ubuntu that you could try out but I stick with Ubuntu because I know the right people to ask if I have questions or problems about this Ubuntu.
  21. I know admin are aware of this and some members as well but right now MyCent's is in a glitch at the moment that when you post your losing MyCents instead of earning and I would advise everyone who sees this happening to post in this topic so admin are aware of who to credit. Don't put outrageous amounts either just keep track of what you been missing so far.To make things easier you must provide an image to your mycents lost like the one I provided above.
  22. It is official google has its first product that is not in beta form and official release is with the promise of extensions and what not. Of course the speed race between Chrome and firefox 3 is getting crazy with 3.1 beta 2 edging Chrome by a few points in terms of browser engine speed. Hopefully gmail will get out of a beta soon .
  23. No you don't need Greasemonkey in order to make this trojan to work it takes the disguise of Greasemoney and so if you have Greasemonkey installed then you might see two instances of Greasemonkey running instead of one. However, if you don't have greasemonkey installed they you might need to look out for this to make sure your not infected with this trojan.
  24. Loaded fast for me and as for the blog not bad it has a good layout not to cramp and the colors work good with the theme and so you should get a lot of good hits from other people who fish and what not.
  25. Finally, ug I think that was the worse tag to put into the forum especially when it came to editing the sig block and its funny though that I never did see the BR tag as an option when writing a new post any idea on that reason? Wonder what other upgrades they did to make this forum seem funky besides the BR tag.
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