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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I checked out a few more articles and it didn't mention which version is was on, but if oyu think about the add-on part of firefox is usually universal in terms of where the add-ons and extensions are placed in. Wait nevermind it says it affects firefox 3 only and here is some more info on this trojan.
  2. The problem with the Mayan predictions and their pyramid calender is that most of the mayan tablets were destroyed by the conquistadors and so the odds of their being more to this is very likely. As for the Web bot I do not think our programming skills become that could for a program to make predictions like that, most AI do not even come close in thinking like a human or match a human way, so this is morme like a bunch of guys trying to get famous. Trying to add Albert Einstein into the mix seems a bit desperate but comparing the end of the world with the bee population is way out there even for him. As for the planetary alignment it would seem this has never happen or will never happen at least not in the sense that the planets all line up in a straight line in front of the sun. Should check out this website about planetary alignment, it is a bit crazy but makes sense I guess. As for the Christians/Catholics they are sticking with the second coming Jesus and his connections with the apocalypse and as for the supernatual, well when I see a ghost then I tell you. Odds are it will be mention in the paper the day of and day after but I won't be surprised if a lot cults start dropping off the face of the planet because of this. Well odds are the time was converted to match with the GMT in some funky calculation and so odds are that is where the GMT came from. Well some are saying 2012 is the end of Mayan cycle of some sorts but even then, the Mayans disappear almost 1200 years ago and no one knows how that happen either.
  3. Though it is rare for Firefox to get hit by the hackers either by trojans, malware, spyware and stuff like that but it would seem Firefox finally got tagged. Called Trojan.PWS.ChromeInject.A this little piece of malware likes to hide in your addons and then when you start firefox it goes to work taking your passwords and the bad part about this is that this program likes to run under the Greasemonkey name and so if your one of the millions to have greasemonkey installed you could run into some more problems. The security company BitDefender was the one who discovered this piece of malware and have updated accordingly and the other vendors are soon to follow. SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/
  4. As amazing as that is, I think they should be concerned more about making the technology more affordable since the players are still very expensive regardless of the holiday markdown prices. Besides who wants CD's and DVD's since that technology is slowly being replaced by external hard drives and TV/Movie internet services? It wouldn't make much sense to start developing large DVD's such as this one and even then odds are one of those disc would rival the price tage of the player itself and the fact your basic home user doesn't blow through 400GBs of data to require a disc like that.
  5. Although this attack isn't new because its been done before on Myspace a few thousand times, but the idea is for you to watch this video someone sent but in order to see it you need to update your flash player. The name of the virus is called the Koobface virus and so jst like I said in order for this virus to kick in you would have to download that flash player update for it to kick in your computer becomes a zombie computer for a botnet and usually to get rid of all traces of a virus/zombie/worm is to reinstall the computer. Even though some security software will pick them up usually it takes a bit more effort and so if your a facebook user that got tricked by this then head over here to find out what to do to get this worm remove from your computer if you know if your infected. SOURCE http://www.pcworld.com/article/155017/facebook_virus_zombie.html
  6. Well I just got back from seeing Punisher: War Zone and put it like this it puts Thomas Jane's version to shame and of course it puts Dolph Lundgren's version of the Punisher to shame as well. They went to work on the blood and guts special effects as they were some really juicy ones every time the trigger was pulled and there was also a good mix of comedy and seriousness as well which really help this movie out. I think Stevenson played Frank Castle well in this movie and I think the violence made this movie a lot more better just because it needed a bit more of it .Although this movie has some tough competition this weekend I think it will take in 20-30 million maybe more and then break over $100 million at the end of its run, but it would should be interesting if it beats out Thomas Jane which took in $13 million and some change and $33 million overall (crosses fingers). So if you have nothing else better to do and like to see some good oh vigilante justice then check this movie out bring a little Christmas cheer with some bad guys getting shot all up.Movie PreviewsMichael Bay's Friday the 13th this should be a good movie and bring it back to its original roots unlike Friday the 13th part 9 and part 10 which were a bit ridiculous in my opinion.Another movie previews was Push, basically its a combination of x-men wannabe and that movie jumper as a bunch f people have these powers and the EVIL government wants to turn them into weapons blah blah.
  7. I do the nominations list and my formula for picking them and I have a system set up to pick random numbers just in case there are ties anywhere. In galexcd's case there was a tie for the third spot and so I ask someone to select a random number and his didn't come up. That is why I tell people to post up nominations and that way I don't have to break up tie breakers and get posts like galexcd complaining he did not get in. System may not be perfect but it has worked so far. No prizes this year as there is no transfer system up and I highly doubt I would get the MyCents needed for the $320 cash pool and so hopefully by next year if there is a transfer system and people have more MyCents then maybe. So all you will be getting is a banner this year if you win.
  8. Yeah it is pay per click sort of set up and actually I think it is the mod that is being used and not the advertisements themselves that are failing to load and so in order to see ad's you have ot basically refresh your browser or view various topics in order to see these text links. Of course it is going ot be interesting since everyone will be choosing the same colors and so it will be kind of tricky to tell yours apart even though the color you choose won't show up.
  9. Yeah it hads it funny moments and stuff like that and towards the end when they were about to die they should have let them die instead of letting them live. Granted the giant heart in the moon was awesome but it is hard to make a sequel when there are only two immortals left, of course that's if another showed up from another planet or something but other then that I think the sequel or prequel would do just as bad unless you get like Michael Bay to direct it or something .
  10. Like all the posts pretty much said, hosting credits are no more, but if you would like to see how many hosting credits you have, just log into https://support.xisto.com/ and you can see them there. Either way it don't matter since now this system is all about MyCent's and nothing else. There ae various MyCents topics covering everything you need to now about the system and so check them out in order to get yourself into the new system. you select the third option in the domain selection and then type in the sub domain in the first text box and then Xisto.com in the second one and your set.
  11. Well I finally saw the movie Hancock and yeah I am glad I never went to go see that movie or buy it because it is quite disappointing. First the movie did not get good until an hour in, background story/plot was weak at best, the action sequences and special effects were ok. I give props for Will Smith acting in this horrible movie and your at least granted a couple of bombs and even though it made $227,946,274 this movie still bombed in my opinion and so at best this is a rental or if you got On Demand service or Tivo then your fine, but save you $20-$25 for regular DVD and your $30-$35 for your blu-ray dvd. So all I have to say about that sub-par movie and its clear lack of anyone really trying except for Will Smith.
  12. Well odds are the rating system was specific to that version of the forum and so it might not work with this version and OpaQue hinted at the reputation system being brought back and so that will be very interesting to see here again. Either way I wouldn't mind seeing the rating system back here as well and so lets wait and see what happens next few weeks.
  13. My questions is do we put our own website on the list or Xisto because I recently got denied because of the lack of website I have and I guess I have to submit some other websites to help me out in the mean time and what not.
  14. Think of the upgrade as get getting hosted for the first time and that once your submit your package it will take a few days for it to be upgraded. So be patient and your hosting account will get upgraded.
  15. A thought occured me to about this and that being link colors and that is because I saw someone choose pink, bleh. First is don't chose eye sore colors or colors that make text hard to read and also I don't know if it against the TOS but I would think everyone should list their color and that way people don't chose the same colors and make it a lot more complicated .
  16. Ug I always hated that mod because all the websites I have seen over the years who got like 100 different groups used some variation to it and it was quite annoying. Now yeah Hosted group title is going to be remove, most likely next year and so odds are a topic will be created as to what group titles people would be interested in. I think though that bk2070 hit a good idea and with a little php scripting a member will be able to select which hosting group they are in, either Xisto or Xisto - Web Hosting but again the topic of group titles and stuff like that will have be discussed in a later topic though. I agree on both arguments about this mod I found it annoying that when I clicked on white space that pop up would show up on me , but again I have to agree that double clicking in the forum is a bit unnecessary unless your using the right click button after tricking out your browser with extensions like I have with firefox For some who don't know that was another mod that was built in house and because of the upgrade process, each mod has to be tested to make sure no bugs are in the system and to make sure it works properly. Cause of that odds are the code for this mod has to be change slightly in order to work properly again and so don't worry because the upgrade to this forum is not even at 100%. Yeah still, members are not going to go through every single tutorial and tag them though and so this is rather a more organized and quicker solution especially at 700+ tutorials. OF course the other argument that ti would take a lot longer for the mods to go through each tutorial to decide which one it belongs to as well and so that is why I think it was put off for so long because no one had the time to go through them all and what not. Well if your switching different IP numbers each time that means the browser cookies are going to be changing each time as well and so there not much you can do about that unless you get a static IP number. Of course, there could be a solution to this since I think other members might have dynamic IP addresses as well. As for the shoutbox hard to say what could be causing the problems, but have you tried clearing the browser cache and the cookies to see if this my stop that problem?
  17. Well, another problem I was thinking of is what are the odds of members clicking on their own links when they show up? The reason I ask that I look at their knowledge base and they frown upon clicking your own links and stuff like that.
  18. Well more like the password can be bypass but most of the time though you can gain the password and be able to do whatever you want to the network the Wi-Fi router is connected to. As for your password problem all you need to do is reset the router and the default password is reset to either admin, Password or 12345 and so that should fix your problem.
  19. Interesting idea, and now people will stop posting their referral links , but of course now Xisto members will have a source of income to help pay for their hosting to help cover the costs with the use of Mycents. So it should be interesting if anyone makes a profit from this, but the one problem I will see thought is that eventually the forum will be one giant link, but odds are the mod that was used to set this up is customizable to prevent that. Either way it should be interesting how this ad revenue works out.
  20. Its not everyday when a girl turns sweet 16, I bet we will see you on MTV on the TV show Super Sweet Sixteen getting what you want and so to start you off here some cake. So Happy birthday BB and enjoy your gift and the cake .
  21. Since Xisto is in the process of getting updated I would think it would be time to update the forums themselves and I want to start off with deleting some forums that are pretty much useless both SEO wise and MyCent wise.FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS Forum should go because everything is being done on the billing website this is a useless and dead forum and people won't have to worry about people getting their email addresses. Also since it has no connection to SEO and credit and post counts I think removing this forum safely will prevent any loss that might occur.Xisto dot NET Forum (Archive) - needs to go by now everyone move to Qupis and the domain is in limbo as well and so it is just wasting space.Sad to say but the The Army System Forum needs to go, as the army system hasn't been on this forum for 3 years now and if you don't know ipbgaming.com then you know now.Now for some moving around.Move the Support and Feedback Forum to the Xisto Network along with the Hosted members forum and then move the Xisto Network Forum group up top.Also put the following forums in the Xisto Network GroupHealth and Fitness (WellnessPostive.com) Trapinion - Your Voice! Your Review! Business Forum - Beta (LiveBusinessTalk.com) Put the General Talk Forum into the Real World Forum group and might as well Drop the Vent and Counseling, Advice, Support forums in Real World Forum group as wellI think it time to sub categorize the tutorial forum as well and that way people will be able to find and comment on tutorials better as well.Those are my suggestions and if anyone else has any including the ones I mention them here.
  22. Chances are looking that way and as for 2009, who knows, maybe I make OpaQue do a youtube video of the nominations and winners . Well BB I know it will be you since I be going over IP addresses once again, but hopefully everyone is doing this the right way this time . Already have like 5-6 categories based around being helpful in the forums. I already know about it the next day when I check the website to see how votes were going. Ah no one No because how would I determine that award? I saw you post 200 times in each poll .
  23. Heck I near had a stroke when I saw the new skin, I new this morning the update was in progress but when I saw this skin that velma picked out I was WHOOT and WOOHOO!! . Yeah the skin has changed and it will be a few days till everything is added, updated or remove and yeah the forum has been upgraded but the its the skin that makes it look new . Yeah there are still some mods that have to be added like the ratings mod and any new MOD's OpaQue plans to add including the IPB SEO which is going to be awesome later on. The forum upgrade was necessary to get rid of all traces of the Hosting Credits and so anyone who hasn't switched over to MyCents sites are either suspeded or deleted not to sure about it. Its back and so let the spamming begin. Heck I would make love to this forum because it is so darn sexy, sad I know but that is how excited I am about it. yeah Xisto isn't the same without the shoutbox. yep should be awesome to see what Xisto looks at 100%. I can't wait I be up all night waiting for everything. Yep the skin is a lot better and more warmly and of course my sexy banner made the forums look all hot, couple tweaks I have left to do as you can see but it such a sexy banner though . Well that is what happens when some big changes happen but remember it is only smaller because of the side bar and I think the side bar will be great to have on this forum now.
  24. Well here we go the nominations, although not many, are in, the cut offs are done and so vote for your favorite member to win the prestigious Xisto Award. Go here to make your votes here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ VOTE NOW I might got this one vote per IP thing but either way I got the IP log running so I be checking the lists on January 1st or that week , so please just vote once.
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