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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. As fair as this isn't here is my entry. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  2. The problem with that is if a person doesn't agree with another person's point of view they could easily just delete the post and besides everyone's MyCents and MyEarnings will be affected by this decision. So it is best just to report it and let the mods take care of it or people will be complaining about freedom of speech and all that stuff.
  3. Well I tell you why its funny, in 2008, the computer underground cost businesses around the world over $1 Trillion dollars that is a combination of losses and or theft, a few hundred million credits cards worth of data has been stolen in the last couple of years, millions of people have lost money too Nigerian (419) scams. So yeah, I am laughing because that is pocket it change, no one is going to say nothing unless the reward is $1 million dollars or more and even then they they will want more if the tips are legit. Rewards in that price range would be be for noobs and script kiddies, but it will be a lot more to take one of the big boys down and that is if they live in the U.S. or in parts of Europe as many countries do not have computer hacking laws and if they do they are weak at best and some countries won't ship their own to the US to pay for their crimes.
  4. $250,000 ahahahaha, for anyone who gives info on the creator of a worm ahahahahaha. How stupid does Microsoft think people are? If you know about a virus/worm/trojan/malware/spyware obviously you will have connections to it as most people don't go bragging about their activities these days unless they are a noob. So it has come to me that whoever designed this worm made sure to hide its tracks in the coding because that is usually the first place they look in trying to find someone. The next part is $250,000 is chump change to the underground because they can make more than that in a day if they get lucky, and with today's users they are all laughing to the banks. You best move is just to use that money and put it into solving and breaking this worm, because your already spending millions as it is trying to figure it out and finally put a stop to it. However, Microsoft has provided a nice web page of the current status of the Conficker worm and it looks pretty, ahahaha $250,000, morons. SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/dd452420.aspx
  5. Today, we American's of the United States celebrate the 200th birthday of one of our greatest U.S. Presidents and most famous political icon, Abraham Lincoln. We remember what he has done, young or old, that help save a country not even 100 years old, he freed the slaves after nearly 3 centuries of slavery, and would set the standards of what it is to be a true leader and role model to a country still in its infancy. I would put him in the 10 top of great leaders of human history, such as the likes of Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, George Washington, Ramses II, Napoleon. Like everyone, he struggled through life such as the loss of a child, bouts of depression, however, the strength this man pulled out has yet to match. Since Lincoln presidency other Presidents have been compared to him, such as FDR with the depression and World War II and even now President Obama has been compared to Lincoln, but I tell you this Obama you are no Lincoln even though you became the first African-American President of these United States. Even though President Obama made history, Lincoln changed history and brought a country back from its darkest hour.On a interesting note before creating this topic, I did some searching and that the last descendant of Abraham Lincoln passed away 24 years ago, his name, Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, the great-grandson of our most famous U.S. President that our nation has ever produce. So on this day, February 12, 2009 we celebrate the life of a man that would redefine American freedom that our fore father would define 89 years before his death. To you Mr. President we hope to take that very strength and continue the work you have done in order to us a better nation
  6. **cough** fangirl **cough** excuse me I had to clear my throat for second. Besides the obvious fact this girl got paid to write this article in favor of Internet Explorer 8, it would seem that there might be some valid points why Internet Explorer 8 will be great. Not lets be reasonable here, is it the greatest browser in the world? Yes and no and I tell you why, it is the greatest browser in the Internet Explorer family tree but compared to the other ones, still not even close. I try to prove my point as I break this article on down. Easy to Deploy you say, where have you be for the last 15+? obviously it is easily to deploy because Microsoft has been building Internet Explorer into Windows for years now. Of course 95% of the whole world hates Microsoft because of that and thus the reason it is easy to deploy because with other browsers you have to do various tweaks in order for them to do with Internet Explorer does. Besides it is not the matter of network support, most users are either students, home users or Microsoft and IE haters and sure other browsers are slow to develop on that because of the fact Microsoft wants to make sure nothing else but their products get in, especially in a network environment. Again, where have you been, designers have hated Internet Explorer 7 for years because of the web standards issues and what not, why would you want to hype a browser that has failed and converted others to other browsers that conform to standards. Granted the smartest move Microsoft did was throw out a beta release because now designers have the time to see how truely broken websites are because of IE 7, but odds are that it will take a couple of years for everyone to revamp websites, intranets, software applications etc etc. Less we forget with HTML 5 and XHTML 2 quickly on the rise Microsoft will either have to push out IE9 or do some patch to keep that browser current. I rather see the latte but I doubt it will happen. Well at least the author admitted that Microsoft stole the crash tab idea from Google, I think Mozilla did that for 3.1 but not aware if Opera has that feature, I know Safari doesn't. However, I think one feature they left out that IE should take from Firefox is restore sessions, you don't know the many times I am glad that restore sessions save my butt, Microsoft should at least do the same. Better Productivity Really who cares what you can do with tabs, bloating them with extra features just does phase all that much, I thank Firefox for turning me off to that. Do you really need to color code your tabs? I think it is unnecessary and redundant because if you don't know what tabs are for what then you shouldn't even be using the tabs or using more then one of them. However, I do like the fact they included some sort of shortcut function and like many others I do happen to do the copy and paste thing as well, even on Firefox as well though I have a few extensions for the right click. As for the web slices, I am in the middle of there usefulness as I didn't use IE8 all that long when the first beta came out, but odds are I give it a go when the full version comes, because my days with IE7 are almost over. The only original idea IE came up with the url bar was you can delete the suggestion, other then that, if you haven't been living under a rock and have been using Firefox 3 for awhile then you need not be impressed by this update. Private Browser HA!! I knew it, well ok I had a suspicion that private surfing wasn't really private, but again if your going to use private surfing as a feature, make no connection whatsoever that is including caching websites that collect information from you. We all know everyone visits the Myspace and all the other social networking sites during school, work and at home, but it would seem your activities still could be trace if look in the right spot. Of course, on the buusiness side of things I bet there will start installing spy software to monitor your browser habits both private and public as that will be the only way to catch that slacker. Better Security Even if the security of the browser has improved, the rest of the world is a lot smarter then most of the staff designing the browser and since it has been months now since IE8 has been out. Odds are every whitehat, blackhat, redhat, bluehat hacker out there has stuff ready just to see if Microsoft has caught it or not. As for XSS, to me I think that always been an enigma security breach, just because everything has to be right for a successful XSS. Of course, I wouldn't doubt that is part of the payload for trojans, worms, viruses and other bad stuff. As for clickjacking, that is a whole new one on me unless its part of the phish scams that go around, but I would have to agree with another article that this will a well exploited tactic for the hacker underground. Overall this article is a bit misguided and it seems to be gear to the corporate world and not the whole world and just because it has a bunch of cool features doesn't mean it is the best browser in the whole wide world. You need a few thousand extensions running with your browser to make it the coolest browser in the whole wide world SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. To throw an another perspective I would say try to post at least once or twice a day until you have build a steady MyCents/MyEarnings cash flow, meaning you have enough MyCents/MyEarnings that you have enough to pay out a couple of months. That way you can slow down your posting habit and pick a couple of days to post as many times as you want, but of course the more posts and topics you make the bigger the forums get. The goal is try to at least get $1-$2 dollars a day in posting which isn't as hard as most people think, since it is just a matter of quality over quantity.
  8. Trust me, Kaspersky isn't the only website to get hit like this, *bottom* many other websites have been defaced or deleted over time. As for sales I highly doubt it since hacking a website verusus hacking a computer are two different things and you have to remember Kaspersky HQ is in the heartland of hackerland since it is based out of Russia. Odds are they have staff that have been on both sides of the track and so I would think their actual computers would be a lot safer then their website.
  9. WOOT WOOT, I have just joined the 7000 post club of Xisto and so come one come all to the 7000 post of Saint Michael and remember folks no spamming . Although, I should add more to this topic since it would be considered a one liner spam, but bask in my glory as it took me four years, 4 months, 19 days to reach this feet, and so the question is could I reach 10,000 by my 5th year? Not likely but one can hope though
  10. I thought I pass some more information about what Conficker does as the details of this worm are slowing being found. The first part is that conficker contacts at least 250 domains a day to get issues commands and so odds are infected websites are part of that contact and in some cashes new created ones as well. However, it would seem that algorithm has been cracked by F-Secure and Kaspersky and so they have a good idea which of those 250 domains will be contacted on top of that F-Secured has provided a list of domains for network admin to use to start blocking these sites from being contact. So if those domains are not contacted then Conficker just because a dead worm with no where to go but to sit idling by and maybe wait for a new website to be added. Because of that this list will always get updates as new domains are either added each day or each week and so make sure to check this list weekly if your a network admin. It also seems OpenDNS is doing a similar move and so if you have an account with them already they you have at least once layer of protect, but if your not it is highly suggested, especially if your a small or medium business. SOURCE http://www.pcworld.com/article/159126/opendnsconficker.html
  11. Well it seems that it is time for you Firefox 2 users to upgrade to Firefox 3, because it seems Google has disable the feed that updates the Firefox 2 about websites that are phished websites. Granted I doubt everyone is gullible enough to believe every email they read, well some people will believe those emails, and so depending on your surfing habits I doubt it will affect you this much if keep yourself aware of the dangers of some websites. Either way I recommend that Firefox 2 users upgrade to Firefox 3 because most of the extensions should have been updated by now or alternate extension should have been made to help make your browser experience better. Although, it seems that this is old news after looking at a related article about it, but still the more people that know about it the quicker they can move to an updated browser. Of course, I think the moment Firefox 3.1 goes gold, then Firefox 2 is on its last days. SOURCES http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.pcworld.com/article/159238/virulent_worm.html
  12. Wow talk about a complete shocker, that alone shows you someone knew what they were doing when they program this worm/virus. Obviously if you read the story it would seem some people don't pay attention to computer security as much as they should. I wouldn't put blame on the entire French Navy but it could have been a lot worse if entire country's military network was completely infected. However, something in that article really caught my eye and that was the fact that a simple firewall has kept this worm from infecting more computers then it has right now. As for the current count, over 10 million and counting and so far it seems quick patches are keeping this at bay but there seems to be no clear solution to stopping this worm and so it makes me believe Conficker could be even worse then the storm worm if it hits the 6 month mark. On top of that it seems this work has been able to penetrate the British military as well and so who knows when U.S. military will be next. SOURCE http://www.pcworld.com/article/159224/article.html
  13. Hard to say how long have you had the hard drives for and what are some of the other computer specs, but I did find an interesting solution and that was to disconnect the hard drive from the mother board master socket and if you have another master socket plug it in there and see if it recognizes it as new hardware. Then once you boot up windows it should refresh the connection, interesting I know, but you could try out a new SATA cable and see if that helps or not, but I check the post out and see if any other information might help you out.
  14. I have to say that I am yielding better results with kontera on a daily basis then I am with adsense and odd are that is because of the traffic the forums get. My best day had over 20,000 impressions and I took in a nice amount from that, to bad I don't get it on a daily basis because I would be set. Of course, I wouldn't doubt that three other websites that I have kontera added to have help contribute to those impressions. I would say you have better results using kontera on a blog then adsense just because you don't have to mess around with the ad placement and stuff like that.
  15. I am a carpet person and I tell you why, many times have wood floors and linoleum get slippery enough and you can have an accident, especially wearing socks as there is no traction. Sure I understand it is easier to clean get a mop and BAM! your done ten minutes later, but still it feels oh so comfortable if your walking in just your feet . Sure the compromise would be to get a rug and I could live with that as well but carpet soooo gooood .
  16. Pretty dumb since he had a crock pipe amoung other things when they finally caught him, and so I wouldn't be surprise that he will spend at least 10-15 years in jail and pay at least $50,000-$100,000 in fines on top of the court fees.
  17. There are huge differences between CS3 and CS4, first CS4 is more integrated with the software that is involved, Dreamweaver and Photoshop are connected a lot better then they were in CS3. Also the inferface has been updated for a more sleek and efficient look. On top of that CS4 integrates a remote desktop/chat room software meaning that if you working on a large project with a group of people then they will be able to view and so instead of saving the work, email or load it to a flash disk, send it over to the person to look at, send it back to make the changes and then repeat the cycle. They can watch you do it live or they can make the changes right then and there with the remote desktop feature.There are some big differences between the two, but you have to look for them to notice the differences, but if you already own CS3 as a individual then there is no real need to get CS4, but if your running a business you might as well add it to your collection and use it but only if you really need to use Adobe CS software.
  18. My brother and I spent countless hours playing this game, either single player or two player mode, we would eventually beat it with great success and many, many continues (lol). Although I have played the other Contra games, I feel as though the first one, excluding the arcade version, was the best one. Sure the graphics were pixilated and not loaded in layers of 3-D depth, but it was still a challenging game especially if you playing not to lose a single life. Of course, that was a challenge in itself until you learned all the patterns and had quick thumbs for all the enemies and bosses. However, after brushing up on my Contra history I was rather disappointed where Konami went with series, especially turning the heroes into criminals and the evil they fought to destroy. What can you do though, besides creating a game that goes back to its roots like they did with Contra 4, I wouldnt mind seeing the original Contra remade to current generation systems as that would be insane graphics and sound and some great detail landscapes and bosses as well. So lets get it on with my review of the game and see what interesting stuff I come up with. Contra Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Konami Year: 1988 Price: $40-$50 a game Levels: 8 Sound: 8 Graphics: 7 Mini-Games: none Difficulty: Back then 9 Now: 4 Game play: Side scrolling run and jump action with some various weapons at your disposal to blow aliens and soldiers up. Plot: You the player take on the roll of Bill and Lance as you take on the alien invaders the Red Falcon in eight action pack levels. With the help of a various weapons including the only useful weapon the spreader, getting through these stages takes time, patience, and some sweet skill. First Impressions: One of the best side-scrolling games ever and being as difficult as well since you were limit with two lives and I believe three continues. So my brother and I spent countless hours at this game, we would eventually beat it, and what do you know instant replay value. 21 years later: Still a great game after all this time, sure it gets a lot easier with a emulator but if you still have a NES and the cartridge you will still enjoy this game and the challenge the contra series gives the old school way. Overall Ranking: 8 Even though it is a great game, but once you mastered the inner workings and just repeating it over and over again it gets a bit dull. Of course, I would not be surprised if games have challenges like using the original weapon only and stuff like that. However, with this game because of its replay value needs to play in time gaps so it does not get as boring and you can rust up your Contra skills. What am I kidding, that is impossible for old school gamers so enjoy it as much as you want until your eyes bleed. So this is my review of the NES classic Contra and Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  19. Rarely, but sometimes the graphic card is compatible with the operating system and so you would have to try and find x64 drivers in order to run the graphics card on the computer. Your best shot is to get a hold of the graphics card tech support as they will provide you with a better solution.
  20. Have you tried doing a system restore that might fix your problem as for recommendations on alternative software all I can say is google search. Since point to torrent software is not a good to be doing these days and it starts attracting the wrong type of crowd here.
  21. Well Xisto does allow cron jobs, but what do you that requires cron jobs to go every minute, sounds like email spamming to me and if that is the case. Well, I can surly tell you you account won't be lasting long since not only would you be crashing servers you will make a lot of people angry that they can't access their website. On top of that you will get reported for all that spamming as well and so I would think very carefully about why you need a hosting website to allow you do to 1 minute cron jobs.
  22. Well, strangely enough Comcast was busted for throttling connections of bandwidth hoggers and everyone ripped into them about that. Besides if we were to have unmetered bandwidth our Internet bills will be a lot higher and on top of the the US is having a hard time convincing people to switch over on top of the fact it is expensive to get broadband and fiberoptics to everyone and besides when your living in the middle of no where it is just waste of money for them.
  23. The 250GB BW limit was anything new, most everyone knew about it since October I believe, besides this was the only legal way for Comcast to stop the the illegal downloaders from download massive amounts of gigs. As for usage I would suggest renting movies at Blockbuster, hold LAN parties at different locations, limit the number of devices connected to the main line. Odds are you have to set up another ISP in your house or see if Comcast can put in a second line that will give you another 250GB of BW because unless you can give Comcast proof that illegal downloaders are not the cause of this, you have no chance in removing the cap.So you need to find alternatives to lower your cap because if they call you again and tell you that you over your BW they will terminate your connection for a year. I would suggest finding another ISP company and then get a WIFI router that your PDA's and your xbox can leech off of, but other then that you either find a way to trim down your BW usage or look for another ISP that is unlimited. As for groups there is none since bandwidth capping is legal and companies like Comcast have the right to limit their users to how much bandwidth they use, since Comcast pays more for it then you are.I would suggest downloading bit meter and let it track your bandwidth usage, it monitors daily, monthly, and yearly usage and with that you might be able to see how much your using. The problem is though it only monitors the computer your using it on and so my other suggestion would be once that computer hits 100GB cut the usage down until the end of the month. Being a tech family you have to give priorities, and like I mention find alternate ways to watch movies and limit the gaming because online gaming sucks up a lot of bandwidth every hour.
  24. I would have to agree that a lot of white space is on this site, even though it is a fixed layout you should be able add more to it. Although I don't know if it was place before after but the website is set up for translation and British English is being used as one of them, anyway. I think the tab layout looks find but that giant border does not maybe a 2-3px border with will be plenty for that. Also add a little AJAX for tab transitions , I check this website out and see what tab effect would suit your site best. Banner wise I think it could be a lot better, maybe lose the cars and keep the focus on the crown and the text with a gradient background to it or maybe have the city drop as is and then center the royal taxi and make it a bit large and then blend the edges into the city background. It is a good effort but always room for improvement to a website.
  25. After looking at your site and working on my portfolio I would say you should move your site to a wordpress as you can do a lot more with it in less time, especially with images, about page, resume and stuff like that. take a look at my portfolio to get an idea how to set it up or at least the pages and the images and what not and if you need plugin suggestions if you do decide to move over to wordpress let me know and I give you all the ones that I am using/
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