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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well as spammy and one liner this introduction is welcome to the forums, I would recommend reading the Xisto Read Me so you will know the rules of the Xisto forums and that we frown upon posts like this. So how giving us a proper introduction and tell us a bit more about you and your interests.
  2. Welcome to Xisto rachiche and your not alone about the power of the internet as there are those who believe in the good and there are those who believe i nthe bad of the internet. It is just a matter of of which perspective you believe in that counts in terms using the internet effectively.
  3. It either sounds like a bad CD-ROM drive, loose cable or driver issues, I would try this guide out and see if it helps out at all. Now if it is a Desktop make sure the cable from the CD-ROM drive to the power supply is connect properly or see if the cable is bad, or if it is a laptop your best bet is to get a hold of tech support for that laptop as it iwll either be a driver, registry, or hardware issue.
  4. I am not to sure myself on offline or online Joomla template generators, but I do believe this a plain version template in the joomla file download that you an use to learn and customize your own templates. Of course, it helps to find some tutorials or even some books on how to make efficient Joomla templates.
  5. Odds are that you might have type your e-mail or password wrong when you first set it up and that being the case you may want to contact support directly at support@xisto.com to see if another variation of the email exists or see if the password is wrong. Make sure to give your cpanel name, website url to help to speed up looking for the correct information and changing it if needed.
  6. Yes it is true that Google has never index any flash related test such as menus and content, however the few things you can Flash and not worry about is some menus, banners, flash games and what not. Just make sure you have some sort of text equivalent somewhere on your website since usually the only things most people flash are banners and maybe the menu under the banner. Of course, there is nothing wrong in designing 100% flash base website since your best shot is to have websites indirectly connect to your website in some fashion to give it some indexing power.
  7. Well compared to Safari and Chrome Internet Explorer is still customizable it just doesn't have a lot of options to choose from or really expand from, odds are because the security holes some of those extensions might cause and what not. On top of that the latest says Safari 4 beta is the fastest depending what benchmarks you take and loading process as well, and some test have it beating Firefox 3.1.
  8. Well odds are either your canvas is too big with a lot of detail since loading a file could take awhile depending on the size of it or you need some more RAM to up boost up the speed and drop the lag time. Of course, it could be your motherboard and processor as well, but I would replace the RAM if it is a few years old and that might speed up your photosho.
  9. Welcome to Xisto, this is a great little hosting community with thousand of members and of course thousands of topics of various kinds. Since some of the members have already filled you on details on what to do in order to get some great hosting here on Trap I just say hi and see you in the forums.
  10. I would say that you want to learn your languages in the following order HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, ASP (Optional), Java, ActionScript. Although HTML and CSS are the easiest to learn you need to build a good grasp on JavaScript, PHP and Java and that way once you tackle ActionScript it should be easy to learn. Of course, you could just skip PHP and ASP and Java all together and just tackle ActionScript but it helps if you know at least one of those languages to learn structure, variables, strings and operators and what not.
  11. Yeah I would have to agree that a 1000 Watt pwer supply would have to work especially since your using the new I7 processor. As for performance the I7 is supposed to be the fastest processor out now ffrom Intel and although it is still a bit new I would search around and see what they have for bench marks and reviews for this processor.
  12. Welcome to Xisto the biggest little community this side of the internet, to get yourself started in this little community I would suggest reading the Xisto Read Me file as that will tell you everything you need to know to start getting some free hosting here. Also, don't forget to register an account at https://support.xisto.com/ in order to begin earning MyCents which is the currency used here on Xisto to purchase hosting, or if you want to spend some real cash you can do that as well at https://xisto.com/. So enjoy your time here on Xisto.com
  13. Well I thought I give a little update, to start I had called them to see if my book was ever ship and of course not. So I was talking to a different woman this time to see if it was shipped and of course it wasn't, but a few days later I get an Refund email which really ticked me off and so I had to reorder the book, from someone else, and get that sucker ship in 1-2 days. Though I paid a bit more since I bought it through Amazon themselves, I got free shipping out of it and so I got it on Monday about 2-3 weeks ago and so next time I am making sure I never order my books from these people so watch out for this seller on amazon or you will go through the same problems I did.
  14. Its funny the few times I have used google I end up getting trojan alerts either after opening Chrome or closing it. Of course, now time has past and Chrome has lost some of its flash and flavor because of the lack of things such as security and configuration options, of course everyone is waiting for them to add extensions into the browser and so people can start converting the firefox ones to chrome ones.
  15. Although I never watch any of the events we get to vote on exclusively, but when the Summer and Winter X Games are on I try to watch them and of course the Winter Olympics as well. Either way I am a College and Pro Football fan along with College basketball, especially during March Madness.
  16. Thought I have replied to almost every browser topic here on Xisto, out of the browsers that I have *Safari 4B, IE7, Firefox 3 & 3.1, Chrome, Opera) I have to go with Firefox just because of the extensions and security. Sure each browser has its pros and cons but Firefox's Pros pretty much outweigh everything else.
  17. Well, after rereading this post and checking it out, it would seem that there are no options to remove the url from the PDF if you were print it out in PDF form. Although I could have missed something as I am rather sleepy writing this post so I have to check again later to make sure on that.Update:I tried some various things but it seems not to be possible to remove it through the print settings on a browser and so your stuck with method I mentioned earlier.
  18. I have to say Duke Nukem, Star Wars: X-Wing and Star Wars : Tie Fighter were my favorite DOS games since those were the only ones I really own or played with. Tried to get Tie Fighter running on my laptop but I guess technology has its drawbacks .
  19. What is the most interesting party about that whole incident is that due to the Malware problem PR rankings got affected big time by this, I think some reports talk about websites losing up to 3 PR ranks. Still it is funny how the almighty google cause the problem internally, luckily they didn't delete large databases worth of websites from there search engines.
  20. Well luckily for us designers, all the problems with cross browser compatibility will be gone the moment Internet Explorer 8 goes into its final release. Once that happens people will be people there websites over as quickly as possible and not have to worry about quirks mode and having to do all these IE only patches and what not and on top of that it won't matter which browser you use to design your website as well. Of course, I don't doubt it will be as smooth and I bet there will be some compatibility problems but I think most of them will disappear once people start switching over to IE8.
  21. Super powers are easy, speed strength and being able to fly and of course being able to breath in outer space or rather be able to survive in the harshness of space and that is all I need. Of course, what guy wouldn't want invisibility MUHAHAHAHA!!!
  22. Well it seems Conficker has a twin sister, thought about going twin brother but nah, anyway, it seems the creators of Conficker B decided to do an upgrade every since the Conficker Consortium busted this worm wide open and crack the algorithm that Conficker uses to send and recieve data. Basically the updated worm was created so it could bypass the CC attempts to keep it under control but that is only speculation, since the CC have been buying up domains Conficker has been communicating with. However, I think this little blurb really is the heart of war on Conficker: Of course, if that is the case then Conficker will definately become more dangerous, because now it might target any domain and not just the ones it communicates with. It should be a interesting 2009 and odds are it will be Confickers year as it was the Storm Worm's year, its funny its acting like Skynet from Terminator 3 . SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conficker
  23. http://www.larryullman.com/ Well I thought I give another book review as this is my forth book in the visual QuickStart Guide Series that I have. If you have read my other reviews on this series you have a good idea what this book is about and this it is all about and that in this book you will be learning basics of PHP programming. I would have to say this is a great book for beginners especially if you want to learn the basics pretty dark quickly without needing to vist a hundred websites or get one of those 1000 page books on PHP programming. On top of that, this book doesn't stick to one example and then cover everything about PHP, but uses specific examples that you would use PHP more on instead of going all over the place. Also some of the PHP tutorials I cover come from this book with my own interpretation but still it is a good book to get a good grasp of basic PHP functions, shortcode, operators and so on. Also, the book comes with a website in which you can download all the source code examples and either just look at them or even modify them for your own use as you learn how to program in PHP. So I would recommend picking up this book, but if you can't I would have least check out the book's website out and download some source code to try out in order to get your PHP skills up to snuff.
  24. Using GPRS will only work if your connection is fast enough and since Dial Up maxes at 56K you need to go with DSL to get some sort of boost. Don't rely on software to give you speed boost for your internet connect as those never work and so your best bet is to see if you can get a better connection.
  25. Whip this up in 30 minutes, nothing to fancy but it has been a few months since I have designed anything enjoy.
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