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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Nice Blog. I went to the maxthon Browser link, but it needs IE6 or 7. I don't have it in my Linux box, so I didn't download it.
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Try this as a "questionaire" form that will email you the results. Styling is a blend of several templates, but it can be made pretty very quickly.
  3. Sounds to me like you require the use of a "mailto" action (or a Contact Form).Mailto will pop-up the user's Mail Client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc) that is installed on their machine. A contact Form would require some php coding.Are you comfortable with PHP? Do you have a Hosting account which allows the use of the PHP Mail function?Xisto allows the mail() on their Hosting Accounts. Make some good posts, apply for an Account and someone will likely assist you with the code. *Possibly even write the bulk of it for you.* (reaches into his php folder... )
  4. Any idea if this will affect Baton Rouge?I have a few friends who live there.
  5. the account seems to be set-up properly. I get the default page when I go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. Can you log-in to the cpanel? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  6. couple of my sites are working a-ok...
  7. Found this comparison of PostGRE and Mysql on the net. Might be other comparisons out there that will assist you. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Translated to English by Google: You Sacasa an account at CDmon, which is a free DNS manager. In the control panel CDmon ponés "manage DNS static." At the bottom you will appear 3 server names:
  9. Another (short-term) option would be to load up another Forum software until you can Upgrade to the Default (larger) package. I suggest looking at AEF Forums http://anelectron.com/ for a fairly slick Forum software.
  10. I am not a Database guru, but I'm pretty sure that you can install several Database Servers on your machine. It would simply be up to you to start the servers as you required them.XAMPP includes a MYSQL Server and SQLite is included as well under the php engine of XAMPP. POSTgre is Open Source, but Oracle and the MS stuff is proprietary, so will likely cost money.
  11. Joomla is a Content Managment System (CMS) that is designed to assist Web masters to build a dynamic web site without knowing how to write scripts.Google joomla for the full picture.
  12. Will this Trojan attack Linux machines? Do we need to stay away from Google Apps? Any idea how wide spread this Trojan is at present?
  13. When I go to your site, I get a site under construction message with a link to your old site. I assume that is the site you can not view on your machine?Try deleting your cookies, cache and temp internet files.
  14. check out AEF Forum software at http://www.anelectron.com/. Free, includes a shoutbox, lots of Ajax features, Search the tutorial section here at the Xisto for an Installation guide. Tutorial by me. I Mod at the AEF Forums as well. Do some Development/Mods, too. I like it. Several other Xisto Members have been using it, too.
  15. The account suspension script requires that you bring your account credit balance to above 4 credits and then your account will be reset the next time the script runs. It is a Cron job which runs approximately hourly, subject to Server load.As per the shoutbox, your account is now reset and active.
  16. Difficult question to answer exactly. Without seeing the Specifications for the job, i would not be able to suggest a rate/price.Dynamic site coding aside, there is a local fellow that does web pages for $15 each. 5 pages for $75.Of course, they are very bare boned, no Mysql/php coding. And he does the Design work. You select a Template colour and that is about all you can select.
  17. this issue has been noted and discussed in theb Staff section and we await a correction.I think the DB values for time might be affected, so the Admins are reluctant to repair the time. Not sure.
  18. Use the Report button on the Topics/postings you need changed and a Mod will alter the title/description for you.
  19. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  20. What Login URL are you using? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ takes me to the right screen. Enter your Username and password (case sensitive) and it should log you in. Please describe the steps you have taken in detail and we can go from there.
  21. Try Xisto - Web Hosting.com.That is a paid Hosting Service run by the owners of Xisto Forums. Another Xisto Company.
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