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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  2. I received a PM that says it is all good now? Seems to have been a temporary Server burping?Can I close this Topic now?
  3. As per the description above, I would like to challenge the GFX people here on the Xisto to design a nice, bright, clear, professional looking 'avatar' for me and other members to use.I plan on including it in my Rotator Script, which I think can be found in the Tutorial Section here on the Xisto. (If not, I must write that one soon). :)I'm thinking that we need to open this up as a Competition so all Members can contribute and then the Admins can start a new section in the Community > Link us (Banners) page found at the top-right of the Header on every page of the Forums.Size: 90 x 90 px max since many Forums limit to this size.Color: Blue seems about right for the Trap, but use some Imagination...Theme: XistoText: Xisto.comRender: OpenSpecial Effects: No animation, please, but nice Glassy look, or rounded corners would be good, Embossed text, maybe? Perhaps something which can be downsized into a favicon?Thanks. This will remain open until a minimum of 3 entries are made and submitted.
  4. Same thing happens to a friend of mine. She uses a salve to soften the calluses and moisturize the skin in that area. It works to stop the cracking for her.If it persists, I suggest you get a Doctor to look at it.
  5. I just reviewed the silverstripe requirements and the Xisto server should be fine to set-up this package.I did not, however, look at the size of the download or the size of a Base Install, so i do not know which Hosting Package it might require. The small Hosting package may not be enough.Good luck with your site.
  6. Double the silverstripe recommended limit... 64 Megs is the memory_limit set in the php_info in the Account I have. Php Server is common to all the Hosted Accounts, so there is lots to work with.
  7. Only problem with what you are asking is: what about a CMS system which uses a "template" with php functions to produce the entire content of the site? There would be no Navigation, no sidebars, no main content, no footer, etc... only blank-ness... The place for a wysiwyg is to be able to drop-drag the elements of a page so that the design happens the way you want it. PHP will fill the content into those elements. Here is a partial listing of a CMS Index page I use: <div id="side" class="right"> <div class="single left"> <h3>Categories</h3> <ul id="categorymenu"> <?php categories(); ?> </ul> <h3>RSS Feeds</h3> <ul class="vertical"> <?php rss_links(); ?> </ul> <?php extra('extra'); ?> </div> <div class="single right"> <h3>New Posts</h3> <ul class="vertical"> <?php menu_articles(0,10); ?> </ul> <h3>New Comments</h3> <ul class="vertical"> <?php new_comments(5,30); ?> </ul> </div> <div class="clearer"></div> </div>What would you expect to see in your WYSIWYG editor for that?
  8. jlhaslip


    report the thread when you are finished, please...and turn off the lights on your way out...
  9. Very well said. Good insight to the (then) current programs and contrasting the different approaches to somewhat similar Economic problems. Both countries required the effort to move forward and provide work for their populations. I wonder how the Agricultural program in Russia was doing while the US could not sell their product?
  10. do a view source and check the path/to/images/folder.
  11. As a matter of setting the record straight, I will (once again) outline the important points about credits. 1. You earn credits by making good, quality posts. Deleting of posts, having them sent to spam bucket, or editting will reduce the number of credits in your account while you are not-Hosted. 2. It takes 10 or 30 to obtain Hosted status, with a review of your information and a screening of your Posts by a mod. Admin will activate the account following some further checks. (zero warnings) 3. Upon receiving Hosted status, your credits will be reduced to (min 1, max 4), credits. Credits are then reduced by 1 credit per day while you are Hosted. 4. When (if) you reach zero credits, your account is non-active. You can not view your site or use the cpanel until the account is re-activated (see 6. below). 5. When your account reaches neg 30 credits, the files are subject to being deleted and lost forever. Be certain to always have a back-up of your site and databases off-site. 6. When you are in the negative, you must reach positive 4 credits before the account will be re-activated. The lower your credits, the more credits you receive for a post. When you have many credits, you receive less for a similar post. 7. Be certain to always have a 'buffer' of credits. Ten is a minimum, although many of the members prefer 30 or more in their account. 8. Credits can be transferred between Hosted members only. You must have 30 credits remaining after the Transfer for the Transfer to proceed. I hope this clears up the credit confusion. Any more questions, please PM a Mod. ps: the exact details of the Credit Script are available only to Opaque, the site owner. He wrote the script.
  12. I used the Add/Remove feature to add an application, but now I can find it to use on my install of Ubuntu hardy Heron 8.04.The application was 7zip Compression/Extraction tool. I used the default application installer. It displays as installed when i review the Applications I have, but I can not find out how to run the stupid software.HELP!
  13. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  14. As explained by Saint Mike, the Credit system works to ensure that your credit stash is current to your input. When you edit the Topic/Posting, the credits awarded adjust accordingly.Several good reasons for this, the biggest reason is to reduce the instances where a member comes with a huge cut and paste posting, earns credits for the posting, and then edits it to avoid a Warning being issued. Also, if you reply to a Topic, and the Topic is then sent to the Spam Bucket, your posting credits for that reply are removed when the Topic is Spammed. We do not like Spam here, but original material is welcome.I believe the system is quite fair.
  15. So the problem is [resolved] ??? Good.
  16. Drop the Loser. There are simply too many other choices out there. Find partner who respects you just the way you are. Life is too short.
  17. What is wrong with NOD32?It worked quite well for me. Never a problem, always 100% effective, small footprint on the box, minimal lag on updates.
  18. I am writing a small script, and need an MS Word document that contains an email address, or a list of several email addy's.They do not need to be "actual" addresses, just formatted as email addies to test the script and how it handles them.I will NOT be using or selling the addresses. Guaranteed. Only the formatting of the address is being tested, not the address themselves.If you have, (or will create), a document, please forward a PM and I will send instructions to you about how to forward it to me.Thanks for reading this request.
  19. Here is a link to a Login script in the tutorial section. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho78&hl=login Have a look, or use the Search feature, for lots of good information in the Tutorial section here at the Xisto.
  20. Assuming that you have the following html code: <div id="input5"> <label for="comments">Comments:</label> <textarea id="comments" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea> </div> and the following CSS will increase the font-size: #comment {font-size: 1.5em; } // or pixel size? We would need to see the actual form code you have, prefer a link to the page, but the html and css code will work. Using the sample above, notice the id="comments" for the textarea id? that is how I have targetted the CSS to find the correct spot to increase the size.
  21. Have a look at this script: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Enjoy.
  22. I am guessing that the cpanel software requires a password that is not easy to Brute Force if an attack happens.A good password will have a mix of alpha/digits/special characters and not include a word found in the dictionary. Upper and lower case helps as well.The sample password you suggested is not up to standards for the cpanel on your account. Please try another one.
  23. Alternately, install the Joomla into the htdocs/xampp folder and make sure to safe/re-name the existing index.php from the default xammp install in that folder to index_old.php in case you need to reverse the process. Joomla should fire up as the default application if it is installed into htdocs/xammp/index.php. You might need to juggle a few things to get it into the correct location, but it should not be difficult to do.Another option is to rename the existing htdocs/xammp/index.php, build another htdocs/xammp/index.php that performs a redirect to the Joomla folder???
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