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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. running on Ubuntu 8.04 with an XAMPP - php5.2.5, Apache 2., etc Getting this error when I try to access an sNews CMS which requires mod_rewrite and is installed locally: Using this link: LOCALHOST/jim/snews/snews16_email/ with an .htaccess is as follows: I have tried all combinations of the rewriteBase imaginable, but still can't get the Internal Error to go away. Combinations from home/jim/www/snews/snews16_email to snews/snews16_email . The folder being used to contain the files is not in the htdocs folder, I have a symbolic link (short-cut) pointing to a User account folder instead. Is this the issue? and how do I overcome this problem so that I can test locally? The Server works flawlessly for applications not requiring the mod-rewrite, so it seems to be an issue in the handling of the short-cut, I think. Thanks for having a look.
  2. Sounds like a javascript solution, but I don't know enough about javascript to know how to do this, or if it is even possible.There is a distinct line where javascript can not go past to affect the Viewer's experience. Things which affect the security of the Computer being used is area where the javascript is not allowed to go, and I'm pretty sure that your request would cross the line, too. Otherwise, we, as viewers of the page would never know how to re-set the things you affected.Similarly, javascript is confined to affecting the cookies and information from the Domain it is being run from, otherwise, any page you went to visit would steal all the cookie information off your machine. This is not something to take lightly. The User needs to be able to control their machine, not the page Author. Accessibility would be adversely affected as well. Some Clients need specific light conditions and contrast on the screen or they would never be able to read the pages.I might be wrong, but I doubt very much if your request would be obtainable.
  3. Hey, I remember you... welcome back after 2 years or so... good to have you back. Well, Saint_Michael is still Spamming along, buffaloHELP is the Admin now, Membership just keeps growing, the Hosted list changes from time to time as people come and go... Same old, same old. If you need some emergency hosting, try http://www.quipis.com/, otherwise, keep posting...
  4. Safe Mode is OFF, open_basedir is ON for the Hosted Accounts.PHP version 5.2.5
  5. Nice!I see you gave it a haircut before bringing in out of hiding... that took you 4 years to make?
  6. *leave me out of this... I got enough problems without being tagged onto this one... * Yup, it is SM's fault that you guys have to put up with my EVIL Ban Stick around here... If it wasn't for him, I'd still be coding Table based sites, probably... someplace else. Truly a spammer generous with his knowledge of Graphics and Computing. Now if he would only get some of the answers right... Happy Trap Day to SM. And thanks for all you do (have done) to make this place what it is today.
  7. won't we need to see your code in order to 'stream-line' it?
  8. For the benefit of any or all AEF Forum Software users, there has been a Security Issue found in the BBcode handling of the software. A Patch file is available and it is as simple as uploading a replacement file to overwrite an existing file in the Install. File download and further details are available here. The Update is highly recommended since the vulnerability is now public and no telling what mischief could result on your Forums.
  9. I think the Tutorials for these are all completed. Check the Tutorial section under "Contribute" sub-forum. Or use the Search feature. And thanks.
  10. Assuming that you have an AEF Forum software installed on your Hosting Account, and that you need [or want] to display a list of the most Recent Topics to be display, say, on your Index page, then read this Tutorial. To begin, Define the variables that you need to connect to the Database and also define the URL to the Forum in the prescribed format as follows: <?php //start the script//define db information hereDEFINE ('DB_USER', ' '); // required infoDEFINE ('DB_PASSWORD', ' '); // required infoDEFINE ('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // required info. localhost works frequentlyDEFINE ('DB_NAME', ' '); // required infoDEFINE ('FORUM_URL', 'http://[sub-domain.]domain.com/[aef_folder]/index.php?tid='); // required info// the optional parts are inside square brackets ie: sub-domain and folder// include the parts you require in your URLConnect to the Database and select the Database for the Query, and run the Query // Connect to the db.// Make the connection.$dbc = @mysql_connect (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD) OR die ('Could not connect to MySQL: ' . mysql_error() );// Select the database.@mysql_select_db (DB_NAME) OR die ('Could not select the database: ' . mysql_error() );// Make the query. Select the last 5 topics. adjust the LIMIT quantity to suit your needs$query = "SELECT `tid`,`topic`,`t_description` FROM `aef_topics` ORDER BY `tid` DESC LIMIT 5 "; $result = @mysql_query ($query); // Run the query.The following variables are actually used for in-line CSS so that the script can be styled independently of the site CSS file. Of course, you could also remove them and use the Div ID to style the output via the CSS file, but that is another Tutorial. $dl_div_bg = '#bbbbbb'; // Set the div background color$dl_bg = '#cccccc'; // Set the dl background color$dt_bg = '#dddddd'; // Set the dt background color$dd_bg = '#eeeeee'; // Set the dd background colorNow that you have the database open and the Query results in an array, the script needs to start its output. I have chosen to include the results inside a Div with an ID, and its own header, so that this div can be specified in your CSS file. If you do that, remove the styling variable values from the script . // start div and dl hereecho '<div id="forum_topics" style=" width: 220px; padding-left:15px; padding-bottom: 10px; background-color: ' . $dl_div_bg . '" ><br /><h3 style=" margin-top: 5px; width: 200px; background-color:' . $dd_bg . '" >Latest Forum Topics</h3> <dl id="defn_list" style="background-color:' . $dd_bg . '; width: 200px; ">' . "\n";Use a while statement to display the results as a Definition List, with Definition Terms and Definition Data. Again, the style info is in-line, but could be external to the script if you choose to do so. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { // loop through the results echo "\t" . '<dt style=" background-color: ' . $dt_bg . '"><a href="' . FORUM_URL, $row['tid'] . '">' . $row['topic'] . '</a></dt>' . "\n"; echo "\t\t" . '<dd style=" background-color: ' . $dd_bg . '">' . $row['t_description'] . '</dd>';}echo '</dl></div'; // end the dl and div here// tidy up the db stuffmysql_free_result ($result); // Free up the resources. mysql_close(); // Close the database connection.?>The last segment also frees the results and closes the connection to the Database as an example of good programming style. To add this script to your site, simply paste the code (in the listed order) into your page. (or use the attached file) Of course, you need to name the file with a php extension (or adjust the application-handler for html to get it parsed as php), but that is another Tutorial. p.s.: notice also, that the script uses the 'control characters' to add tabs and new-lines to the html output. (do a view source to see them in action). that makes reading the source code a lot easier to understand. Hope you enjoyed the Tutorial. Hope you install an AEF Forum and enjoy both the Forum and this script. last_tut.php
  11. Not sure about the Jet-lag thing, but be sure to read this Topic before you fly: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=60749= And enjoy yourself...
  12. *rumours abound*Yes, Home Depot or Sears both provide a decent quality of 'Home Improvement Contractor Service'. They are screened for their level of work, and most of the time, the sub-contractors specialize in various facets of the program. If you need floors, they have Flooring people, etc. I'd give both of them a call. I am not familiar with Lowes, but I understand they are a large company and they may also provide a similar service. I don't think Lowes is in Canada. At least not in the Western Provinces.Regardless, post up any questions you might have. I'll answer them as best I can. Of course, we do things differently here in Canada. Different Building Codes, etc, but I'll answer based on my own experiences. And no, we don't use Snow blocks to build our houses...
  13. review the Table BBcodes here: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?s=&CODE=bbcode scroll down towards the bottom. The table=1 adds a 1 pixel border to the table.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Try going to the Applications > Add/Remove > System Tools > select: All Available Applications > Hardware Drivers.Add that to your Ubuntu.It tests and configures the Wireless card for your system. The reason many Wireless and Modems/Routers are not included into Ubuntu by default is the Vendor has not released the Software required to run it into the Public Domain. The Licensing Agreement for Ubuntu does not allow them to distribute non-public proprietary software (drivers). If your driver is found to be a proprietary driver, it will prompt you to request the download. Works fine.
  16. Start a new Topic in the HTML Sub-forum, please.
  17. Disabling right click to prevent users from viewing Source code or protecting images is not a good idea for several reasons. See these links: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  19. First reaction is that the Form method you are using is wrong. Your query string will show in a Link.The solution would be to modify the php Form to use the POST method so the input is more secure.The query string would not display and a normal user would not be able to easily add the data for input into the database.Second, review the Tutorial section here at the Xisto for a Log-in script you understand and can implement.Third, there is a Tutorial about User Permissions for a Log-in script that was written by me. The full package is not yet complete. (got sidetracked)It has several 'Levels' of Users and the intent is to built a system which allows various users consent to perform certain actions as defined by their 'Level'. IE: a member can do more than a guest, a Moderator more than a Member, and an Admin even more things. Interested?In order to use this system, or for the regular Log-in script, you will require knowledge about Sessions so the Login will persist across several hours/days/months. These are typical of the system you describe.Summary: drop the GET Method and the query stringdevelop a Log-in script using Sessionsdefine User levels and permissions on every page in the siteAre you working towards a Commercial Sales Application? If so, you might be better off finding a full eCommerce script that already includes these features.Hope this helps outline the type of script you need to be looking for.
  20. I can eat the stuff, but it doesn't like me the next day...
  21. No doubt that would be a Level 5 Alarm dip.That West Texas Dust sounds exciting. NOT!
  22. https://support.xisto.com/ will get you to Live Support if they are available or submit a Ticket if they are not. oh, ya! welcome back!
  23. Check this php function http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecolorat.php Requires the GD Library, which is fairly standard for a PHP installation. User Notes at that link include some scripts.
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