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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Just a suggestion for you:If you could put a brief synopsis here on the Forum for the members to decide whether to download it or not, and so the Server doesn't get overloaded? And with a short text introduction, there will be much better MyCents for you as well. Furthermore, the Search Engines are more likely to pick up the content of the posting instead of simply a link...Thanks.
  2. Found out the hard way, (of course), when I went to validate a Web Site I am building that the CSS attribute for font-stretch does not pass the W3C Validation Test. And it fails to do what it is intended to do. It formerly was used to 'stretch' a text string by adding spacing between the characters in the string. It no longer does that. Long story short, font-stretch has been replaced by the letter-spacing attribute in CSS 2.1, so if you are using it on a page, and no longer get the results from font-stretch, use letter-spacing instead. Font-stretch has worked in the past, and passed the W3C validator in CSS 1 and CSS 2, but it was changed for CSS 2.1. And the replacement attribute is not documented in CSS 2 Specifications, so here is your notice about the switch-over. And for the good news... CSS 3 will revert back to font-stretch instead of letter-spacing. I wish they would get their act together... Oh! and the marquee tag looks like it will get supported in CSS 3 as well... go figure. Moving text on a page is just so wrong in terms of Accessibility, in fact, the specs for 508 approval level 2 state very clearly ... no moving/flashing text. ... why are they doing this to coders???
  3. If one of you guys would draw up a Sig of the week competition, I'll post it up to see what the response is like.There might be enough GFX types around to give this a chance at succeeding.Post here, or send me a PM.
  4. Alex corrected you on the first one, so that is covered. I look similar to the Avatar when I forget to shave or during winter. I average about a beer a month (sometimes I save up for 6 or 8 months). I live in the middle of the Canadian Rockies, so no need to travel far. This place is gorgeous year-round. And I have yet to make a nickel on the web, but that might change shortly.
  5. That might be a very appropriate topic for this sub-Forum. Especially with the issues that small business is (or will be) facing in light of the current economic situation.I would very much like to read the posting.Thanks for offering
  6. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  7. I have digitalidad imagined as a late-twenties/early-thirties who knows some Web stuff and has a young child. Articulate and educated with a job in the Tech world.How did I do?
  8. You can install any script you want or need as long as you do not violate the Xisto Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy.And remember that you are on a Shared Server, so any scripting that consumes excessive CPU or resources is cause for Admins to restrict your account.
  9. Can't seem to Merge this with another topic, so Closed it instead.Maybe someone else can try it???Thanks.
  10. I'm thinking that HSUS is the Humane Society of United States as found on Google: http://www.humanesociety.org/
  11. Messing with the Registry can be Harmful To Your Computer.Know what you are doing before you attempt any changes, and be sure to Backup the Registry before altering anything.
  12. Fabulous stuff there. Can you get some of them to start posting in the GFX Forum here?Speaking of which, what happened to our GFX Crew around here? They were very active for a long time...Anyone interested in starting it back up as a functioning unit? (hint)
  13. Twice as cold would be 0 degrees Celcius, unless you can multiply by zero.Any number times zero is equal to zero, so two times zero is equal to zero.If you convert to degrees Fahrenheit, then 2 times 32 degrees would be 64 deg F. Not exactly twice as cold....
  14. Both very nice. I'm sure she will love them.Wondering if the background could have a texture added and the colour lightened up. They atre very dark.Or maybe a translucent/transparent background?
  15. Well, well, well... it finally happened... took you long enough... :PCongrats to you on achieving the near-impossible. (The Mods not banning you for all the Spam you spread around here.)
  16. Post several times a day if you want Hosting, but please post in the correct sub-forum. I'll move this one.And check the Tutorial section for the SMTP Tutorial.
  17. First of all, what happens if you seek only the sub-domain name?I get the default index page (list of folders) when I use the sub-domain and a cpanel login when I use your posted link, so it appears that you might have an IP ban from Xisto - Support. maybe.Go to the Billing Centre and submit a ticket requesting the IP Ban removal.Failing that, contact your ISP to see if they have a block in place.
  18. Try an AEF if you are looking for speed. Demo: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. The bigger issue is the size of the Image in Kb size. Notice that the last one is nearly one fifth of the 'weight' of the others. Our dial-up users would not like to have to download those larger ones all the time. It makes page loading a nightmare for them.
  20. Another favourite of mine is Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ There are 4 Youtubes showing a Canadian Comedian interviewing Americans and bluffing them into replying to mis-statements about Canada, from allowing Daily newspapers, saving their national igloo, getting electricity and many more. I particularly liked President Bush and the "poutine" story. Of course, there is the apology, as well. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. Boy, you'll be glad when today is over and in the History Books.That sucks. It once cost me over $100 to fix a fridge. Took the guy less than 5 minutes, but it was a Sunday of a long-weekend. The option was to spoil about $400 worth of food, so over all, a good decision, I guess.Glad you got your wheels back in action. Good idea to have a spare around.
  22. Well, as far as I know, Dreamweaver only writes html and Css to design Web pages, correct?In order to use MySql, you need some scripting language like PHP to place or retrieve data from the Database. There are tutorials in the Tutorial section here about setting up XAMPP and writing php scripts.Perhaps you need to look at a Content management System?
  23. If you want to see snow, I'll take a picture the next time we get a decent dump of it.24 inches in 24 hours, then it does it again the following day. The joys of living in the mountains.
  24. Should be enough to check your emails and visit the Xisto Forums... :DIndeed, you need to spec some Ram Cards and no sense going light on it. I didn't really check, but if the motherboards will handle 8 Gigs, I'd try that. A Quad Core would be really wonderful to have, althiugh the Benchmarks I have seen against Intel's core 2 duals doesn't bode well for these AMD Quads.Go check them out at Toms hardware site. The Dual 2 Extremes kick some serious butt. Very powerful, very fast and very pricey. The Chip costs about triple the price of this laptop I use.
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