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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Well based on your two replies I can see that you aren't very interested in clicking on the ads. But there are millions of people who just click on the ads attracted by the title and most of the time they are led to useless sites. And google can't really do anything about this because the advertiser gives google money for them to be quiet and then place misleading links in their ads, perhaps trying to reach out for customers! The more I think about it, the more I see google as a bad company!!!
  2. this is really an interesting piece of news. I wish we had something like that over here too. We might already be having it, but no one knows it! But I may never understand the passion of coin collectors.... ?1,000,000.00 in exchange for a coin?!!!! That will surely sound crazy to a lot of people, but I know to the collector it's like a part of his life!
  3. I wonder how far the chrome OS will support games. I mean, Ubuntu can run some windows games through WINE so this satisfies a few gamers at least. I don't think Chrome will win in this field either. It seems that there are a lot of places where the chrome OS can go wrong! well let's wait and see...
  4. I'm guessing the software in question simply has the name 'Antivirus 2009' which is actually malware. It pops up and warns you that there are a lot of viruses in your computer and that you need to buy their software to remove them immediately. Users normally get scared seeing the long (and fake) list of viruses that it displays so some of them fall in the trap and actually buy the "software" which is nothing but more malware. I don't think there is any way to complain against the "company" because if that were possible it would have been done long ago (this problem is several years old). If you're looking to remove this, perhaps this page might be of help. Also, advise your friend to only trust reputed anti-virus software like AVG, BitDefender, etc. and not fall for these traps.
  5. can we do that? that would be like reserving a domain, isn't it? well if that works it would be wonderful. I'll send a support ticket right away and report back here what happens. Thanks for the suggestions all of you
  6. well it's a good thing that you got you problem solved soon but yours is just one case compared to the many others who didn't! Well I may sound like one of the many Microsoft bashers but it' a fact that there are indeed very little good things to say about MS and a whole lot of bad things! Why do you think your call got transfered to Asia? Yes that's the magic of outsourcing, but that's also because there's a large amount of call volume coming in, with people getting into problems with everything related to MS! They want a bite out of every apple and end up making products which fail to live up to expectations and ruin many happy days! Honestly, if MS just put everything aside and concentrated on making Windows virus-proof, it would be the best decision they ever took.
  7. I would also say in the flow that my favourite sport is cricket because I do enjoy watching and playing it, but to be honest, I don't really have a favourite sport, because there are too many to choose from! I like watching tennis mainly due to Federer and Nadal's intense competition; F1 because over there the best car, and not the best man, always wins; badminton because it's quick paced and easy to play; chess because it is fodder for the brain; volleyball because it is a fun game to play as a team; swimming because there's always the option of drowning and the list goes on......everyone has a sport which he/she prefers above the rest but I feel one should enjoy all sports because each one is special in its own way and each one is good for the mind and the body.
  8. This is a really tricky question to answer but why don't you try once Most of you here knows that when you search for something in google, you get two sets of results. One contains the ordinary web-page listings while another contains the sponsored web-page listings, which gives google employees their fat pay-checks :angel: In my experience, I have found that most of the time clicking on the sponsored listings is of no use at all, because they hardly ever show me what I'm searching for. Their titles are misleading most of the time and so I have stopped even looking at them and go through the ordinary listings. Then again, this might not be applicable for all the keywords. Sometimes the sposored listings could save you time and get you what you're looking for in an instant. It all depends onthe keyword. So how often do you click on these listings, knowing that you're profiting google? Ever since I got bad results I stopped clicking on any ads at all, so google's been getting a loss of maybe few cents due to me! But when I'm, not getting what I'm looking for, why should I give profit to someone else? That's my argument. I think I might as well add another question - do you think the sponsored listings are useful to you? Not to google, but you! They will attract you and tempt you with their clever titles and in some cases flashy banners, but will you fall in the trap?!!!
  9. I saw an old documentary about google today and it was funny to see how they tried to avoid questions like "What do you do with the data you store from users' search listings?" and "How much does google care for users' privacy" and something else like that. Somewhere down the road, google turned into some sort of a villain for its users, by not revealing what they're planning to do with the data they store and similar tactics.The sad thing is, not many people seem to be bothered by this. These are the people who are really busy with daily life that they don't think twice before choosing their actions while using google products. they would rather have their task finished quickly than waiting to think about their privacy. Well, this is what happens most of the time!
  10. five is more than enough thanks for clearing up my doubt that should save me a lot on hosting. Now I just need to collect $20 as soon as possible while taking care not to spam here...wow that's a challenge! but i think i can manage it fine. i just hope and hope again that my competitor doesn't reach there before me. we're friends actually but in matters like these best friends become best enemies! :angel: to tell the truth, if i had the capacity of paying at least $10 online by myself, I wouldn't be in these forums and all my friends are in the same situation as i am, so no help from them either!
  11. yeah the ISPs here are really very greedy. I think the highest speed we have is 100mbps but its not unlimited and the price is simply shocking! I don't know when things will improve over here and when the ISPs will start to think about offering better services to the customers. Well it was interesting to know the speed patterns all over the world. I can only dream of such connections at this point of time! Maybe someday there may be a miracle and speeds all over the world may be balanced so that better communication can take place between them. If at one end there are blazing speeds and at the other the speeds are at a snail's pace, there will be communication gap, isn't it? So here's hoping for better internet plans for everyone around the world!
  12. Wow I guess not many people thought of it in that angle! I just hope the desktop doesn't show ads every time we log in And I still don't understand how google is going to put all the applications people need to use daily into a simple browser. Is it possible to put an audio converter/encoder in a browser?! :angel:I somehow feel google is slowly turning into another microsoft, by trying to poke into every field of computing and trying to make their footprint there. While it's not a bad thing because google isn't taking money like MS, google is also bringing its ads into everything! People would rather have an ad-free zone but google still hasn't found a way to remove the ads and yet keep people happy (well, who has anyway?!)All in all, I feel Ubuntu and none of the other OS makers have anything much to fear from the entrance of the chrome OS.
  13. well i was only asking a doubt im not running away anywhere after registering anyway, thanks for the replies guys. If it had been a .com TLD then I could have managed to get the $10 from somewhere else but my TLD is gonna cost me $19 which no one is gonna lend me immediately. So I guess I just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope that my competitor's fingers are a little uncrossed :angel: I just have another doubt; I hope it gets cleared in this thread itself..... I'm using the Logic hosting plan ($1.95 per month). I'm not very sure about it, but does the package allow to host 2 domains ? If yes, that would save me some money with hosting coz I already have 2 domains with trap and m now competing to get another. So if they all can be hosted with the same plan that would save a lot of money. I think it's not possible with the Logic plan....any other plan perhaps? Please answer this doubt too before someone else thinks this is fishy or crawly or something else!
  14. This is a rather silly but also urgent doubt. I need to purchase a particular domain using myCENTs and I need to get it soon because I am aware that another member at the Xisto forums is also trying to get it. The problem is that I purchased another domain just today so my account balance has come down to $2.68, so it will take at least 20 days for me to reach the required amount to pay for my domain (my target has a .in TLD) My doubt is that is it possible to purchase the domain with hosting right now? I know the invoice will show negative balance, but I can guarantee that I will get the required amount within 20 days, because I am earning $1 per day on an average with myCENTs, so I will be paying $1 everyday in the invoice, reducing the negative balance. I hope I am getting my point through. Could someone kindly tell me if this is possible? I really need to get that domain very soon!
  15. Let's face it: If life could be modified like source code, it would be really very boring! The question to be asked here isn't 'can we change our future', but 'would we want to change our future'. Actually most people will be thinking along the lines of 'can we change our past', because they would want to erase all their past mistakes and make their life 'perfect'. But such a life would be just static and machinery. It wouldn't be exciting. Life ought to be a mixture of everything. If only good things keep happening to you, its good. But if anything bad happens to you, well it sure hurts for a while, but it's all part of life. Experiencing everything is what life is all about! So let's put that question regarding changing the past aside. Coming to the question of changing the future, it would be interesting to know what our future is and it would certainly be interesting to erase something bad before it happens to us. But once again the concept of 'enjoying life' butts in and tell you that "Let it happen....there's nothing wrong with that happening!" If I were given an option to change my future I would definitely say "no". And regarding the question whether this is actually possible or not, I would again say "no" and this applies from two angles. From the religious point of view, God would never give a mortal such a power no matter how ideal he is! From the atheist's point of view there is no technology or source which can do such a thing and it is very unlikely that any such thing will be possible in the near future!
  16. I would like to quote the words of a store clerk from one of the episodes of the TV show 'The Simpsons' (sorry if I misquote him...he won't sue me anyway! :angel: ) That might look like a joke from one angle but actually it's true! Computer technology is developing at such a rapid pace that we can't really say, "I'm up-to-date with technology!" and we definitely can't say that our computers are up to date either! New parts at cheaper rates with higher performance are coming into the market frequently. So it only makes sense to keep updating our computers. Some people do that, but many don't. What about you? How often do you upgrade your computer? The last time I 'upgraded' mine was three months ago and that was just putting in a new graphics card and a 320gb hard disk. But I still don't have sufficient RAM to play my dream games
  17. When GMail first came on to the scene, it was the 'in-thing'. Everyone wanted to be invited to GMail (Google didn't allow any sign-ups at that time) and soon it became a craze. Even PC magazines and websites began to hold contests with the prize as a GMail invitation! And the prized few who did get the invitation were in a dilemma because they could invite only 5 friends and were left scratching their heads whom to choose! I was one of the lucky few who got a gmail invitation just forty days after it was introduced and was able to get my dream id, thanks to an invitation from my brother. The fact that the craze didn't fizzle out is enough testimony for the fact that GMail does rock a lot! Even though it was a late entrant it has earned itself a good piece of the market share and does a lovely job of maintaining it. GMail even supports domain owners with Google Apps, which is another wonderful creation. There are very few reasons why one should not opt for Gmail over the rest of the competition. In fact, anyone who comes up with such a reason is really great! :angel:
  18. We all know that presently the most prefered Linux flavour is Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. It is so popular because it is easy and convenient to use even for the layman so it rightfully sits at the top of the chart containing the top Linux distributions. We also know that Google recently announced its plans of releasing the Chrome Operating System, which is also based on the Linux kernal. Many people are thinking about the competition between Chrome OS and Windows, while some are wondering about that between Chrome OS and Ubuntu! You may not have wondered about that but still, a statement from Ubuntu's side has been given, by its marketing manager Gerry Carr. He says just because Google releases a product, there's no reason for it to be completely successful. Carr may be skeptical about this matter but Google sure has ruffled quite a few feathers of all OS makers worldwide!
  19. Today there are lots of forums on the internet, as well as lots of forum software that are behind these forums. A majority of the forums today use these software, though there are a select few which use their own software. But that is not the discussion here. It is about those forum software which power the 'majority' of the forums. There are a lot of choices available such as IPB, vBulletin,phpBB,SMF,myBB and so on. While some of them are paid software (like IPB and vBulletin), most are open-source and free software. So which of these is ideal for forum use? Normally, open-source software may seem to be better suited because it is easily modifiable. But it seems that many people prefer paid software in the case of forums, because they already have a large range of options, on top of being modified! I just wanted to find out what you guys think over here, since a lot of you have your own forums Xisto uses IPB and it really appears great with a large range of options. But is there any open-sourced software which can match this? Also, since open-source software can be modified, can't we put all the functions of IPB in say, phpBB? :angel: I'm eagarly awaiting your responses, as it will help me develop my forums as well (there had to be a selfish motive for starting this thread! )
  20. well since it is based on the linux kernal I'm a bit doubtful about how innovative it will be. Of course it will be innovative and revolutionary but how far?!!! Google is a great company but so are Apple and Sun Microsystems and yet Mac OS X and Solaris have failed to dethrone Microsoft from the position of OS King! MS may be falling down in the other markets but still holds a lion's share in the OS market so it will be interesting to wait and watch how far the chrome OS will change the market dynamics. As for me, I will surely try out the new OS coz I like trying out new things and when google releases a product on such a scale, it's bound to be something!
  21. yeah thats a good idea and also a common feature on many forums. wow you guys are really so helpful - there's an overflow of ideas here! :angel: I need a little time to sort this all out....@Sky : Thank you for your interest - you're welcome to drop by any time you want, otherwise I'll notify you and everyone else when my shameless campaign part 2 comes up after the forums reach a respectable stage
  22. well while the others are busy fighting over the date and time formats, let me welcome FruitRocks to the forums I hope you have a great time here and that you earn enough myCENTs to last you till December 21, 2012 :angel:Hope to see you around!
  23. Most people don't believe in Astrology because there are very few people these days who are actually well-versed in that art. Most of the predictions go wrong because the people who make them are just show-offs and they don't really understand the subtle mysteries behind astrology. Another drawback is that the information has to be provided correctly otherwise the charts will be misinterpreted and the predictions will go waste! Ten years ago there used to be great pundits of astrology who predicted things with a 99% success-rate It's not possible these days because most astrologers themselves are not really interested in pursuing the art and are simply doing the job half-heartedly. And we can forget the dream of having websites to predict our future!!! No amount of marvellous code written by the world's greatest programmers can match the skills required to read every individual's charts and correctly predict their future!
  24. thanks for joining jlhaslip yeah it sure can....no real threat from me, at least for now Thanks for the encouraging words....I'm trying out a lot of themes now and then and I hope to find a decent theme soon. I'm using myBB and offers users the choice to select their preferred theme from a list of installed themes so that's a good thing as different people have different tastes! As for putting a link in my sig, that's part 2 of my shameless campaign, and that will come after the forum completes a few posts. Thanks again for supporting me :angel:
  25. I prefer NIKE more as they feel comfortable to me. I've tried out Adidas once but somehow they didn't feel so good as nike. maybe I didn't try out the good ones by Adidas but once you get a good feeling about a brand, it's hard to pull away!
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