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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. hi there ben - here's a super-quick tip: never post one-liners in the forums first of all, welcome to the Xisto forums. You're here no doubt for the freebies but you have to do some work for them and that is to post some good quality content on the forum. There's a long but interesting procedure about this. You can read all about it here: Readme! To tell it in short, here's what you have to do: 1) make some good long, quality posts on the forum - this will give you virtual money called myCENTs. 2) using these myCENTs go to your account at Xisto - Support and purchase your hosting/domain. that sounds easy, doesn't it well the first thing you gotta do is to restrain yourselves from making one-line posts. The better your posts, the better the money you earn. So have a good time posting over here!
  2. Hmm that's been asked before but never on Xisto if I'm not wrong I don't know about the rest of the world but in India, cell-phones came onto the scene somewhere in the early 90's. At that time it was something of a fashion-statement. To own a cell-phone meant that that person was really wealthy! That's because the rates were outrageous at that time - Rs.32.00/min for outgoing and Rs.16.00/min for incoming (today all incoming calls are free and outgoing is as low as Rs.0.10/min) So naturally, even the richest person thought twice before using it on a regular basis. But today the scene is entirely different. Everyone has a cell-phone thanks to the low costs of maintaining one. And it has proved to be useful in many cases. It's now a common sight to see a person take out a small piece of plastic and talk into it for hours together! Cell-phones are common property now and no longer a style statement. Well, maybe the only thing left about style is how expensive your handset is....anyway that's not the point of this topic. Cell-phones have become an unwanted necessity these days. Wherever we go, it follows us and it seems as if we can't live without it. There are some people who are addicted to cell-phones. They send text messages, click pictures, watch videos, listen to songs, and browse the web - all using their cell-phone. They are obsessive about it. Then there are people who don't care much about their phones. But still, they carry it along with them because they need to stay in touch with their near and dear and also their official contacts. So whether or not you like cell phones, you always keep them with you, allowing them to bug you at the most inappropriate times! Do you think you can stay away from them for one whole day? One day without waking up to check how many messages you have, or how many missed calls you got over the night? One day without wishing all your friends "good morning" "good evening" and "good night"?!! Do you think you can bravely switch off your phone, dump it somewhere and walk out of your house smiling?! I don't think there will be a lot of people like this. It would truly be great if we can fight the temptation to check the phone every now and then, but sadly, it's not practical these days. There might be some emergency and you never know what news the next call/message might bring you But still, let's see how many people can truly say "I don't need a cell-phone for a day!"
  3. I think the best solution would be to stop worrying how much you earn out of a post and start worrying about the quality of your post. If all the members were only bothered about how much they're making from their posts, then the forum would be full of long but meaningless posts! It's good to make a long post, but it should also have some good content. If one goes on talking about something in a random manner then it loses all meaning and whether or not the poster gets a lot of money, the people who read that long post get bored! myCENTs will come in unexpected ways - no one really knows how the script works. So let's all forget about how much we're making and concentrate on the quality of the posts, shall we?
  4. Bing is good looking. But that's what it really is. It's nothing else! Good looks aren't enough to snatch the top spot from Google. A lot of people are using Bing now-a-days only because they're curious about it. After a while they will surely realise that they were better off using google, so they'll go back there. This is just one of the bubbles that is waiting to burst. Microsoft has had experiences like this before and they can surely expect that this search engine is going to be another promising failure ;)Seriously though, is there anything new that bing offers? It is definitely not better than google, and so it must be somewhere near or below google in terms of search indices. So is there any strong reason for us to shift to bing now? NO! So why should we be taken in by the hype and waste our time? I wouldn't use bing any time. I've gotten used to google and even if it's plain, boring and old, it works just fine for now.
  5. I'm not really a fan of Windows but out of the two, 7 is much more better than Vista and I would strongly recommend switching to it. Vista has very few fans and even people like you who say that they haven't had any problem with it till now, have some feeling deep within that it's not so good. The very fact that you started this topic tells that you are somehow not satisfied with Vista! So take the advise of all the above members and switch to 7 as soon as possible, as it is the best one available for now.
  6. well actually, no! I have some plans for each one of them and if it doesn't work out I will try to resell them or abandon them. But if my experiments succeed then I plan to buy even more anyway thanks for the clarification xpress
  7. If I try to login at Xisto - Domains.com with my Xisto - Support account then it isn't accepting me. So that website is completely away from myCENTs I guess? Anyway for the first time I went deep into my account at xstosupport and there is an option to change the nameservers at any time. So that doubt is cleared. Also, at Xisto - Domains there is an option for bulk registration of domains. so naturally that means anyone can register any number of domains. so I think this doubt is also cleared. I should have thought of this before starting the thread. anyway, thanks to rvalkass and Tramposch for giving me the idea
  8. Just a small observation....all our present mods have posts above 1000 so I think that's the basic qualification now Of course there will be others but I'm guessing in order to be considered that is the minimum post count. I've been reading some old posts and back then if one crossed 100 posts then they could apply for being a moderator! Well those were the early days of the forums. There was someone who was ecstatic of being the first to get 200 posts! I don't see any of the senior members doing anything like that now!
  9. I think that's not true.....when my brother put in a lengthy article, it was credited $3. And I think I also got $1.5 for a post I made just yesterday. There will be a limit of course, but I think it's slightly larger than $1 or $5.
  10. thanks for removing my warning - I assure you that such a thing wont happen again :)

  11. When I first registered here two months ago, I was only looking for a way to get a personal website started. Just a website for me and nothing else. But as I spent more and more time here, I've learned a lot about domains and hosting and whatnot and they changed my intentions completely! I've bought two websites so far and none of them can be called a 'personal website '. Both of them are for totally different purposes. Now armed with some new knowledge, I want to purchase some domains in bulk. If my calculations are right, the first phase would be to purchase 10 or 15 domains at once. I have some really interesting purposes for these (none of them dangerous or illegal!) but two questions sprung up in my mind as soon as I got this idea. 1. Is there any limit on the number of domains a member is allowed to purchase at Xisto using myCENTs? 2. I'm looking to buy only domains and not hosting. So if I buy a domain now, can I change the nameservers at any time or only at the time of purchase? I don't have any intention to buy hundreds of domains The maximum target is around 20. So am I allowed to purchase these many domains? I won't require hosting for most of these - I will just be paying their yearly fee using myCENTs. (20 x 10 = 200? I think that's possible at the rate of $1 per day? ) The second doubt is whether I can change the nameservers for these domains at any point of time or not. If I am allowed to specify the DNS only at the time of purchase, then I plan to buy the domains all at once. Otherwise I will buy them as soon as I have the money for each one of them. So can someone please clarify these doubts? Please note that I do not have any harmful intentions in mind for using these domains.
  12. yes the first one isn't "ns1" but just "ns" I think that was the only confusion left. Anyway now that it's cleared up I'll go ahead and continue with the "transfer" or whatever it is called!
  13. Congratulations to our new moderator I think I've seen Alex a few times on the forums but I'm sure we'll see him a lot more now Congratulations once again and all the best in your duties.
  14. Hi there GC and welcome to the forums. I too think your English isn't all that bad. And anyway, by using it constantly, you'll get better and better. English was the third language I learned and after some practice I have become very comfortable with it And as jlhaslip pointed out, there are a lot of people like you here whose English is much weaker. Besides, over here it's not grammar or syntax that matters. What matters is the quality of the content in the posts you make. So pay close attention to that... Your profession seems really interesting and so does your family. You sure have a colourful life I hope your business is doing fine on eBay. I never personally trusted that place or any other internet marketplace either. I try to avoid online transactions as far as possible. Of course not all may have this opinion so if it works for you then it's wonderful Ok so now that you're here on Xisto, you will find that there are a lot of places to post in and a lot of members to meet. You'll fit in nicely within a few days so no worries about that. But make sure that you follow the rules properly or you might get a warning. The crux of the forums are the myCENTs, which will get you your domain/hosting package once you have enough of them. If your posts are long and good then you'll get a lot of myCENTs. So remember that it's not important how many posts you make, but how good they are. You may have 1000 posts and still get only 20 cents on an average if they are too short. Or you may have just 250 posts and can still make $5 on an average if they're good. So try to make your posts as meaningful as possible. The following threads are very important and I suggest that you read them right away: Readme! Credit System (myCENTs) Your myCENTs will start showing once you have made 5 posts. They will not appear immediately - just be a little patient and they will come! I think the myCENTs for all members are updated every 4-5 hours. Keep that in mind in order to avoid confusion.... Well I hope to see you around at the forums. Have a nice time
  15. I don't know if this estimation is true or not, but it is said that after every three minutes, someone on earth spots a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object). This sighting may/may not include the spotting of an alien. But most of these sightings are in fact just illusions which cannot be accounted to be real. But there are some weird cases which cannot be explained and one really begins to wonder if this is the work of an alien. The bottomlne is that no one can surely say if aliens visit earth or not. It's one of the many unanswered questions that we have today.But it's best if we don't take them very seriously, unless you want to go deep into the subject. If you want to spot aliens then better do some hard research and I think you will come up with a small list of places where aliens are said to appear frequently. Then you might be able to see them and tell us all about it. (I'm serious about this because I'm very interested in this subject too but don't have the time to pursue it with deep interest)
  16. Like every piece of software, this one is misused a lot. Many people use these to get around sites that are blocked and to which they have no access (reason may be that they were banned, etc). These proxies are effective on almost all sites, but now-a-days the more popular sites are well-designed to deal with these proxies and they simply ignore requests coming from such proxies. So it would be no use on some popular sites such as myspace and facebook. But there are some powerful proxies which can get past virtually any kind of blocked site. These are, of course, rare and even if found, one should restrain themselves from using it.
  17. If I'm not wrong, xisto (Xisto) doesn't sell premium domains, at least not what the world thinks are 'premium'! So there's a very good chance that the kind of domains that you get on xisto aren't really premium in other people's sense. That's because all the premium domains are already booked by many companies and are available for sale only through their websites and not anywhere else. That's the reason you can't buy them using myCENTs.So even if you have the money, you can't buy many premium domains on xisto as they're alreay 'taken' in the real sense. In all other cases I think it's acceptable to do what you want with your domain as you've already 'paid' for it using your myCENTs. Members can't purchase domains from other members because transfer of myCENTs is not allowed over here. I think this should clarify your doubts. If you want a cocksure answer, wait for a mod to answer your question
  18. The world's richest man, the man who opened the door, or rather the window to easy computing - Bill Gates - is now a bit unhappy now, isn't he?His pet Windows OS is slowly becoming less and less popular day-by-day and Microsoft is losing money - a lot of it! There was once a time when if there was a computer anywhere, it hadto have Windows installed on it! That was because in those days computers were new and people were looking for an easier way to utilise them. Even if they knew that there were better operating systems available for a lesser cost, they were buying only Windows just because it was easy to use..... But today more and more people are getting to know about other OSes like Linux, Open Solaris, etc which are available for free. Yet Microsoft hasn't changed its pricing policy and has put yet another exorbitant price on its next product - Windows 7. Bill Gates may no longer be in charge, but it was him who created this attitude among the whole of the MS employees I was thinking about all these things when I got a sudden doubt - does Bill Gates use an OS other than Windows for his daily use? Did he ever try using the OSes that were being termed as "excellent" by the users? Of course he's so rich that he probably has a dozen or more computers in his room () and maybe he installs a lot of OSes for himself, but do you think he uses them on a regular basis? Okay we may not know about the personal life of Mr.Gates, but what about the Microsoft company? Does it have any computers which don't use Windows? Companies generally get products of their rivals and do some sort of reverse engineering, don't they? I think MS does something like this as well. I'm surprised that even after all these years they are so confident about their OS's capabilities that they ignore all the signs which point to how weak it really is
  19. Over the past few months I have been observing the differences between windows and linux (in general and not particularly in hosting) and I can boldly say that there isn't anything special in windows hosting that isn't offered through Linux hosting. In windows hosting there is a free gift and that is the constant worry of being attacked Linux isn't 100% secure, but at the moment it's the best we've got and it's becoming more and more indestructible by the day. You may argue that windows hosting may seem a bit easier to use, but learning to use Linux isn't a big deal and anyone can easily do it within a few hours or so! So for important matters such as hosting, do not trust Windows
  20. Thanks a lot. I will inform this to my friend at once and report back after the process is complete.I'm beginning to understand completely all this nonsense about transfers and all just kiddin - it was good to know about all this. I will tell my friend to try and shift the domain entirely to xisto so that he need not waste any more money on godaddy...
  21. "When you can't beat them, join them!" It is only this motto that has led to the success of online social networks. When a lot of your classmates/friends are on a particular site, you can't resist joining them. But one doesn't want to join any other site even though it has a lot of better features. One will always want to be part of a gang, and that's why I don't use facebook much. Almost all my friends are on Orkut, and even though I know it is less secure and has less features than facebook, I'm not shifting to facebook, because why would I want to join a site without any friends?! Okay leaving this concept behind, I would say facebook is definitely among the better social networks. I'm not saying that it is the best but among the crowd it stands out and that has led to its popularity. koobface is a thing of the past - there's nothing 'latest' about it. it's a very old news and it's on the decline now. I'm not sure why you wrote all this anyway!
  22. BitDefender is the most effective anti-virus available today (Source) and its free edition, available for one year, is more than enough to scan and remove any viruses present in your computer now. Scan all your drives thoroughly with the latest version and all the viruses will be removed. As for how to stop viruses from using the removable drives, first of all disable Autoplay in your system. If you do this, the removable drive won't be automatically loaded as soon as you plug it in. This way you can scan the drive before loading it. Then your system will be safe. The best solution is - I have given this to everyone who has such problems - to install Linux on your system, keeping it along with Windows. Then all your internet and devices' work can be done in Linux, which is virtually virus-proof, and the rest of the offline work such as photoshop, gaming, etc can be done in Windows. This is a convenient solution which has worked for a lot of people. If you are interested, give it a try. I would recommend using Ubuntu Linux as it is the best place to start trying out Linux. You can download a free copy at Ubuntu.com and also order a cd to be delivered to your house free of cost Don't confuse the OP. What you mean is anti malware. If you type out 'download malware' in any search engine you could land on sites which will put malware on your system, thus harming it. So please don't use such terms! The proper word is anti-malware which eradicates any presence of malware. Bitdefender free edition takes care of this menace too so you need not download multiple programs.
  23. This is one of the crazy ideas you get while watching movies. Especially movies that talk about the future, most of which fall under the scientific - fiction (sci-fi) category. The writers write the story using their imagination, but the director has his own plans and depicts the future in such a glorious manner that we can't help thinking if we can ever see such a future at any point in our lives at all. One thing that we must ask ourselves is that, how much of that future has come true now? There was once a time when films which showed robots (such as Star Wars) became instant hits. At that time, we couldn't know whether or not we would see any such things in the future. But today we have some pretty interesting robots, which are very intelligent. Not as intelligent as shown in the movies but intelligent nevertheless. Robots are just an example.What about the tons of other things shown? Put aside films - let's take the example of a well-known animation series - The Jetsons. It was based entirely in the future, full of flying cars and space travel. People lived in tall skyscrapers and it was difficult to tell whether they were in space or on earth. But they captured the imaginations of many people and hence became a hit. It's all very well to create a cartoon or a movie. All it takes is a good script and some computer work. But it's not that easy to bring those things into the real world, is it? But today's scienctists are referring to a lot of movie scripts to come up with new inventions! The flying car is a good example. It was shown in many movies and cartoons and such. Taking it seriously, some people have come up with a real car that fnctions as an airplane. Flying Cars (Wikipedia) It's not very convenient to use because you need to find an airport/airfield everytime you want to take off/land. But still it's become a sort of reality. Another example is taken from the James Bond films. I'm talking of the personal jetpack. I can't remember the title of the movie, but in it James Bond (Sean Connery) uses a jetpack to get out of trouble. This was soon made into reality and today it is possible to obtain such a contraption. Like this there are many examples but still, they aren't that great. We still don't have the stunning buildings and locales and a jammed sky full of vehicles and so on! Will we ever get to see such a future? If so, when do you think we will get it? In the last decade, I don't think we have evolved that much to move closer to this kind of future. Wr have progressed, yes, but it's nothing compared to our previous achievements in the earlier centuries, where every year saw a remarkable number of scienctific advancements. I think after 20 years, all we will have achieved would be population explosion and nothing significant. That's because the best minds in each country are really busy in coming up with new ways to defend their country and are not thinking of the world in general. I will eagarly be waiting for a day when we forget about attack/defense for a while and start thinking about achieveing something good for mankind's sake. Please give your opinion on this matter...
  24. Thanks for the clarification. I had selected the second option in the form and that was for transferring, for which the price was $9.99. But after selecting the third option everything's fine So now after I have bought hosting I should go and update the nameservers, right? Or should I update them right away? Something tells me that I should wait!
  25. I use a piece produced by Virgin mobile along with Huawei. It's called vBling and I'm not sure whether it's available worldwide. Anyway, it's a pretty basic model but the looks are good and the mirror-finish is pretty attractive too. Here's a picture : It doesn't have many cool features but at my present budget, it's a decent flip phone and that's enough
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