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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. My friend bought a domain at godaddy sometime ago, without hosting. I told him about Xisto hosting and he seemed interested to join. But first we wanted to know how much it would cost us overall. So we proceeded by giving an order. First we selected the 'Logic' hosting package, then in the next page we said we'd like to transfer our domain to xisto (Xisto - Web Hosting) and typed out the domain name. Then we were surprised to see that the transfer cost $9.99 - the same as buying a .com domain! I don't know much about domain transfers, but I do know that some registrars charge less for these transfers, but I've never seen someone charge the full price of the domain for transferring. That's like paying the registration price twice! Could someone please tell me about this? If there is no other option, then I'll tell my friend to wait till his domain expires at godaddy so that he can register it again from xisto this time. But if there's a quicker alternative please give a suggestion.
  2. well all it takes is a little simple maths to know how many have given a null vote - you know the total number of votes and you can see how many have voted for each option. And the difference in the numbers will tell you how many chose to give a null vote. In this poll so far everyone has voted Yes and no one has voted "maybe" though some have written that they might stay or leave.
  3. Whoo-hoo I'm finally back into the positives Those were a scary three days - really. I'll do my best to make sure I don't go back into the negative zone again. Now all I have to do is to wait till I reach the level where my warning can be removed Till then I'm off to do some "quality" posting
  4. Whenever somebody gets a good idea, there's always someone else to prove that it is in fact a bad idea! The same applies to Youtube. It was initially seen a boon to amateur movie makers, photographers, musicians and even to the casual average human being. They had the freedom to upload their talent and share it with the world in a convenient way, without wasting any time or money (apart from making the video of course). So Youtube was seen as a very impressive tool which would help a lot of people around the world.But then the dark side came onto Youtube, set to prove that Youtube can do more harm than good. So then the dark side started uploading copyrighted material - movies, videos, music, etc onto Youtube, thus causing loss to a lot of talented people. Today there is less legit content on YT and more copied content. But still the site is flourishing and Google pockets a hefty amount through advertising! And the uploader too gets some of the money and that money has been earned off someone else's hard work.While uploading, YT doesn't know whether the material uploaded is copyrighted or not. Nowadays in the processing stage some of the videos are being filtered and that is a good thing. But some guys have found out how to get around this barrier as well and are continuing their business! This is irritating, yes, but it has to be accepted that most of us turn to YT as a quick way to find something we want. A lot of people use it as a video-steaming service to illegally watch the latest movies and videos. Due to this reason one can call Google (and subsequently Youtube as well) the largest Warez site in the world! ;)People should definitely be stopped from uploading copyrighted material, but how are you going to do it? Google may consist of the best minds in the world but there are more intelligent people out there who take it as a challenge to get past such barriers. They will try every trick in the book (and if needed they will write a book of their own ) to get the material onto the tube. The only possible way to stop this is to manually check every video uploaded, but then it would mean a huge loss for YT because the rate at which videos get uploaded over there is too big, and if all of them were to be checked manually, it would take a week or so and no one likes to wait that long to get their video on to the net. They would simply move onto other sites such as Veoh.I think a good idea would be to appoint a moderating team on YT who will constantly monitor the approved videos and report them to Google with evidence. If they hire ordinary people who know which song is from which album () or which clip is from which movie, then they can easily be identified and removed real fast. I think this will be an effective solution if worked out carefully. Till then, it's up to you whether you want to watch/download these illegal material on the tube!
  5. Hey there Hasan welcome to the forums!You will definitely not be disappointed with this website and will surely get some quality hosting very soon. Just be active in the forums, make some good posts and you will soon get a shower of virtual dollars into your account with which you can get your dream hosting package!I'm sure my friends have already explained in detail about the procedure worked out here but should you have any other doubts feel free to ask any time. See you in the forums!
  6. wow there sure are a lot of fans who would definitely stay! That's a really good thing. It is a common fact that most of us were attracted here by the myCENTs offer and once we settled down, we don't feel like leaving even after getting what we wanted, and that's the beauty of the forum. It's good to know that a lot of members share this thought too. Yes I wanted a bang-on answer - just yes or no. I didn't want anyone to stand on the fence so there are just two options. But I think in this "maybe" cases, the answer would tilt slightly towards "No", because "maybe" is sort of a negative thing too
  7. I never actually submitted my site to any search engine, but when I type out the name in google and yahoo my site comes out on top, even above a much older site which just has an 'inc' tag attached at the end! But in bing this doesn't happen and the 'inc' site comes first and mine is nowhere in site! So I guess it all depends on the search engine and the mechanism behind its working.
  8. It's not that I hate W7, but I do have to say that problems like these may crop up for a lot of people and the time is ripe for people to realize that there are other, better operating systems to run their computers! I'm 90% sure that your Nokia phone would automatically be recognized in any distribution of Linux and you can use it without any kind of suites. I use my Sony Ericsson phone without any suite and it works perfectly fine in my Ubuntu system. So if you get a chance to try out Linux, do so and I'm sure you'll find the result satisfying
  9. Sure, we all love posting at Xisto. Some of us love it because it's a good community where you get to meet a lot of interesting people from all over the world and you get to make friends and learn a lot and blah blah blah! The people belonging to this category are really very few. The majority of the people here love Xisto, because it provides great hosting services at the cost of spending a few minutes per day posting here. These people would probably consider Xisto just another ordinary forum, had it not been for the lure of earning myCENTs The question is, which category do you belong to? Would you honestly say that you would post here even if you didn't get anything in return? Or would you just give up and become inactive? Give a truthful answer! There have been some members here who suggest that for a forum to be successful, it has to offer something new to the members, or it won't be very successful. But does that 'something' have to be as lucrative as myCENTs? Can't it just be quality content? It was this doubt that led me to creating this thread. Xisto definitely has a lot of quality content and I would definitely visit it regularly even if I didn't get anything in return. So that's my opinion. Now give yours. Just cast your vote, or better still, cast your vote and explain about it through a reply - you'll get more myCENTs of course!
  10. I'm not an MSDN user but the main Windows7 site offered the beta downloads till a long time so I could try out W7 beta and also the Release Candidate, and I'm not at all impressed by what I've seen so far. Apart from the new graphics, there isn't really anything impressive that justifies the huge, greedy price set by Microsoft.For me Ubuntu (Linux) works perfectly well and the only reason I use W7 is to play the latest games. In fact, I think it's been over a month since I logged in to windows! It just sits there without any purpose on my hard disk. Anyway, I think hard-core Windows fans will find some hope in this new version. If those fans too find it distasteful then I guess MS has some tough days ahead.
  11. This is a pretty interesting discussion and I think all the "sports" that we have now should continue being categorized as they are now. It's just easy to understand that something that you're doing, and something that you enjoy doing and something that the people around you enjoy watching is called a sport. After all these years calling some 'boring' sports something else wouldn't be nice, because every person has some particular opinion about some particular sport. So that person may consider other popular sports to be "not-sports".Sorry to go a bit off-topic,and sorry if you feel that I'm hijacking this topic () but I would like to add another simple question - which sport do you think has an inappropriate title? I would say American football, because it doesn't involve a lot of kicking, does it? Just a little of course but not all of it. And yet when you type out "football" in google the first result is for this kind of "football" Now reading this I'm sure a lot of 'football' fans will type back furiously, and this is exactly what my answer to the first question means. Everyone has a different meaning to sport, and not everyone cares what can be called a sport or not. There's a lot of fun and enjoyment involved so let's not bother too much why something is called a sport and why something is not!
  12. Hey there xuan welcome to the forums. Glad you could make it here. Being an active forum member isn't a tough job to do and when it pays out in such an excellent way then why hesitate from jumping into the boat? Some of the members have already explained (a bit too elaborately!) what to do so I will skip all those details and just say, "Have a good time!"
  13. The media has really taken swine flu to a whole new level - people are unnecessarily panicking. It's true that some people have died due to this disease but the majority of patients have survived and are back to their daily lives now. And if I'm not wrong, there's been a report that H1N1 is a threat only to the very young and the very old. And even after catching it there's no reason to panic!Also, it is being told that this disease may not be caused due to swine, so it is better if it's not called swine flu. The sickening name makes it seem more worse than it really is! Let's wait and see what H1N1 does from now on. I'm sure it's booking a ticket for itself real soon....
  14. well this kind of thing happens from time to time - no problem Just a small clarification from my previous post - if you click on the 'Search' option from the top of the page, you get only a small basic search box. Only when you click on 'more options' you get the full search feature. otherwise if you open the 'Search' feature in a new tab you go directly to the advanced search page
  15. This seems interesting but just for one feature you can't expect people to switch to Opera even though it has quite a few disadvantages over the rest. Firefox is a brilliant browser and a lot of people are switching to it every day. But still the leader in the browser competition is IE! Do you know why? IE has few fans and that's a well-known fact. But still, a lot of people are using it and that's because it comes along with their Windows package and they may simply not have the time to get to know about the pros and cons of other browsers. Some people do know about this but they are just too busy to make the switch. When people are not ready to switch to more capable browsers like Firefox, how can we expect them to switch to a less popular browser like Opera?
  16. I'm sure every person on this planet might have thought of this question at least once in their lives. Then depending on the person, the patriotism in them kicks out and most of them feel proud that they were born in that particular country. But there might still be a lot of people who wish that they were born in another country. They must realize that it's too late! If anyone asks themselves this question, the answer lies either in spirituality or probability! Either way, one has to delve delve deep into these sciences to find the answer. But it is highly doubtful if anyone can truly find the answer by following either method. Rather than that, it would be best if one learns to be content at all times and try to do the best with their lives. That's a really good point (although it's 'Gandhi' and not 'Ghandi' ) If one awakens such feelings as these great personalities did, then they will truly feel as if they have put their lives to some good use
  17. One has to accept that myCENTs cannot be awarded for bad posts, right? But chances are, by the time a mod reaches to edit that post, the counter might have reached 100 and the dollar might have been credited to Xisto. Now the myCENT script can't get that dollar back even if it was acquired from a bad post. So the only sensible thing to do is to make the user pay for that dollar by going in to the negative for a while. It's like repaying a debt that's all ;)I've seen a lot of members going as far as -1200 so -500 and my own -300 (obtained due to no fault of mine ) are not such a big deal. No one loses anything because the dollars have already been credited in advance so it's just payback time!
  18. Till now we've had five votes on "Yes" and two on null. This is really an interesting trend. And it's starting to look something of a rebellion Well anyway we just have to wait for the officials to talk about this, and as of now, this isn't a very heavy poll. I mean, just 5 members can't speak for the entire community, can they? If Ash-Bash and the other people who feel they really need a change here, then they need to find a way to get more people to vote Yes over here As for me, I voted Yes. That doesn't mean I don't like the present team. They're really efficient and I wouldn't want any one of them to leave. I voted Yes because I feel that along with the old team we could do with some new mods too. If we managed to select some new mods from different time zones then it would be good because then someone would always be active no matter what time it might be, and that's the sign of a good community Like some members over here I too am interested in applying if there is an opening, but I will respect the admins' decision over this matter. Till then, happy polling
  19. This is a pretty interesting list so far - there's one thing in common though - very few members manage to sustain their interest in any forum after being active for a few months or so. That's why there are only a handful of members with an impressive number of posts in any forum. Even at forums like Xisto, which offers a fantastic advantage to active members, posting daily can sometimes prove to be time-consuming. Oh come on now I said I'm sorry about that I'm gonna send an invitation real soon
  20. Well, well all of a sudden we have a lot of people garnering negative myCENTs Phoenix.Illusion - in your case I'm guessing a lot of your posts must have been edited - that's why you have got a whole shower of negative myCENTs. Keep making some quality posts and they will come down gradually. But do ensure that you do not make any posts copied from another source and you will be fine.
  21. Thanks for the suggestions rvalkass. I've never used the log out option till now because I simply clear all cookies at the end of the day. But on the one day I forgot to do that all this happened. Oh well, what has happened has happened. I'll do my best to ensure that such a thing doesn't happen again. Just one last doubt though - will the warning get deleted automatically or does it have to be done manually by a mod (after monitoring my account of course)?
  22. First of all, here's the topic you've been looking for: Adam and Eve The search function is really simple to use - on the top of the page you click on "Search", right? Then in the page that comes up, there is a search box and underneath you will find the list of all the boards available in the forum, along with sub-forums. You just type out the search term in the box and click on the category/forum/sub-forum you want to search in. If you want to search the whole forum there is an option for that too. For example, "Adam and Eve" is in the spirituality section, so simply type "Adam and Eve" in the box, and click "Spirituality and Consciousness " in the list and bingo - the thread comes up Hope that helped
  23. As soon as I joined Xisto, I used to wonder how many mods were present in the forum and I was also interested to join the moderating team, because that's a job I like and have done many times before. But Xisto is such a complex community that it takes a lot of patience to keep everything in order and I really appreciate the fact that the current team of mods have a lot of patience and I seriously doubt if I have it myself. As for the question whether or not we need the team to be revised, I think it's up to the admins to think about it. @Ash-Bash: Or better still, why don't you start a poll regarding this? The community will have a say about this as well and then the admins/mods can think about the matter in depth.
  24. No offense, but even if this is real, 2000 posts is a long way to go and most people will take a lot of time to reach that target. For some people this is achievable in just 10 days or so, but for the majority of people, it is a time-taking process, since they're busy with their daily lives. I've been here for two months and I haven't completed even 500 posts yet Then there are members who've been here for less than a month and they've already crossed me in the number of posts. To cut things short, $20 for 2000 posts isn't a great deal, and I doubt you'll find many takers. Anyway, all the best....
  25. wow I seem to be getting one bad news after another. Just now I noticed that on top of getting negative myCENTs, I have received a warning too I think I can't ask for it to be removed coz the mod who gave the warning (wouldn't like to disclose the name) may not believe what I've said is true, but please know this: I have been in this forum for over two months and have never got a single warning and never a complaint of copying posts. That's because I follow the rules and try to make quality posts at all times. What happened yesterday was just a lapse of attention on my part by not logging out, and my brother, new to the forum (and even new to the forum system in general), obviously didn't drink in all the rules and went on with his posting. I've understood now that the only way to get out of negative myCENTs is to repay the cents that were credited to my xisto account, so I'll stay quiet about that now. What I'm requesting is, if there is a teeny, tiny chance of removing that warning, please do so. I've been punished for no mistake of mine and it hurts!!! I'll leave the decision to the mods.......
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