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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. I'm always interested in knowing about new OSes, especially when they pose as a rival to Windows! I've been using Linux since a year and although I can't afford to try the Mac, I know it's pretty cool too. Another one I've been hearing about a lot is the OpenSolaris OS from Sun Microsystems. I managed to get a Live CD and tried it out once. Since it uses GNOME, the desktop is similar to that of Ubuntu and other Linux distributions, but I think the changes are in the interior. But I don't have the expertise to test out these things. Does anyone here use OpenSolaris on a regular basis? I'm not looking for a list of its features; I'm looking for some reviews by regular users. Please share your experience here.
  2. $120,000 is a ridiculously large amount to run a site. And even if they are paying that kind of money to run the site, I can say that the money used isn't being put to good use. The site is so cluttered that a newcomer has a tough time going around. Everything is squeezed into small parts and it's a really a strain on the eyes to find something in particular there. I don't think the outside world should be bothered much about how much the site makes. They're not looting anyone, are they? But I wouldn't click on an ad or do anything else there which will give them profit, because I feel that site isn't worth the effort. If only they were to make the design more sensible, more visitors would get stuck to them and they would be able to meet that 120,000 cost!
  3. The best thing about open source is that it is free and it always has the source code accompanying it, irrespective of whether or not you have the ability to modify the code And open-source software is generally backed-up by an excellent community of developers and experienced users who will help you at any time if you run into problems. Of course there are such communities for other software as well, but this one has a good feeling about it. You feel very comfortable while using open-source software and being in the community
  4. I have always been wary about banner exchange programs.....somehow they always don't work out well for me This one seems similar to another program I found some days earlier, but I can't remember the name of that one...anyway, if someone else finds that this one is working out well for them, please say so here so that I and the others might jump in as well!!!
  5. lol you make a good point but my argument's good enough too. Well first point is I can't get a full time job coz I have to attend college, and in my small town part-time jobs are non-existent (mowing lawns? no one's got one! working @fancy restaurants?show me a good one first!!!) anyway my argument is that the PS3 will stay for a while no matter what, and even if I splurge all my savings onto the beast, I can still afford to buy the PS2 games and play them on the 3, isn't it? and when I do have the money to throw away for the PS3 games, the console will be ready!
  6. Well I've already changed my password and haven't revealed how many letters that one is, so I'm safe. Also, I didn't state my username and my gmail account isn't linked to trap 17. So yeah, I'm safer! If you succeed do inform me I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one who faced this situation. It was really scary for a little while and I'm careful now never to let it happen again. Finger memory may be cool but in many cases it is really dangerous.
  7. I was stuck in this really sticky situation recently and thought to share my experience here to find out if anyone else has been in a similar situation... I'm a fast typist. Okay, not so fast, but fast enough to type in my gmail username (12 letters) and password (14 letters) in under 30 seconds. I was using the same password for over two months and in all this time, without me realising it, I was slowly forgetting what my password was, but my fingers remembered it very well! As soon as I saw the 'username' field, they would automatically fill it, press <Tab> and finish the 'password' field as well. This habit was hard to get rid of! Anyway, recently I had to login through a mobile since there was no computer nearby. I was doing this for the first time in my life, coz there was'nt a need earlier. I keyed in my username without any problem, but when it came to the password, I was left thinking for a while. I tried my best to remember it but couldn't! I tried various combinations but simply couldnt't get it and finally google blocked the login page saying that I had to either give the correct password and get through a captcha or login through a computer. I went on trying various combinations for around an hour and then finally gave up... When I reached home I switched on the computert immediately and went to gmail, and logged in with the first attempt! I was relieved and immediately changed my password to something I could remember easily. So although I wasn't in any real trouble, I was tensed for a little while due to my finger memory! So has anyone else faced such a situation anytime? Do share your experiences here
  8. I've been facing a small problem lately with my cPanel file manager and it really needs to be resolved soon. My problem is simple: I delete a folder, but it comes back again! The folder is "forums" and contains an old installation of myBB which I removed ages ago, but the folder is still there! Temporarily I renamed it and created another forums folder to install SMF which is working now. But I want that old folder to disappear!!! When I try to delete it through FTP I'm getting the message 'Permission Denied' even though the chmod permissions are set to 777. And through the file manager it gets deleted and when I restart the file manager it's there again! Can someone help me through this please?
  9. No offense, but you can't say what a whole nation is like just by meeting a few people! Sarcasm is used commonly everywhere, and between friends it is present 24X7, no matter what the country may be! Does your friend understand all the nuances of the English language? I'm guessing the change in language must have intimidated her....just guessing! That, or she must be really sensitive as you said;. I personally hate all movies which try to "discover" India through comedy. They really exaggerate on a lot of issues and this creates a wrong impression on those who watch them. If these movies were to be believed then India has more elephants than people, and the people don't know a single word of meaningful English! So the next time you see such movies, I suggest you have a laugh and leave it at that, coz most of it'll be just made-up stuff. A lot of comedy shows are using vulgarity to sell laughs these days. It's happening here too, but we don't really have much choice It's not really impressive - many people here know at least three languages - English, Hindi and the regional language. The only extra one I know is Japanese, which I'm still learning. And if I'm not wrong, a lot of people in North America are interested in Japanese too. I'll find you some good videos and send them to you soon
  10. In most cases, to enjoy comedy in another language, you need to know that language, because subtitles may not capture the comic essence or they may miss the point completely! For instance, comedy in my state (whose language is Telugu) is mostly created by clever manipulation of words, which can be hard to understand with subtitles. For that matter, try watching "Friends" with subs from any other language - it can be done, yes, but you can't enjoy it completely! Bollywood, the Hindi cinema industry, is surely going places, but its becoming too commercial. There are a few good films coming now and then but most of the new ones are duds But it doesn't hurt to look at the past for something....If you can get these movies they're a treat to watch. I'm not giving an exhaustive list because some people may not like that, but if you want to get a bigger list, feel free to PM me 1. Hera Pheri : An old Hindi comedy which has some great acting and a lot of funny, crazy scenes. 2. Golmaal : Fun Limited - If you are ready to believe what is shown in this movie, it can sure be a great comedy ride 3. Pushpaka Vimanam/Pushpak - This is a real gem and I would highly recommend anyone to watch it. It's a silent movie and although poorly edited at times, it is a comedy classic, rated very high at Imdb (9.1/10 At one time it was rated higher than the Godfather! ) It's a really sweet movie with lots of comic instances. Your concept of comedy from around the world is really interesting. I too enjoy comedy in different languages (my total being 4 for now . From the US I like "The Simpsons" very much and watch every episode. There's an old British comedy called "Mind Your Language" from the 70's which can really make you laugh. And one doesn't really need to know the language to enjoy Japanese comedy!
  11. ya you'll surely get your credit back there's no worry about that!. The support team usually responds faster to cancel requests than ordinary support tickets because there is the matter of negative balance in this case and it's a loss for the customer
  12. That's a good point you make Saint_Michael. We know for sure that the PS4 (or whatever else it will be called) won't come out for a long time now. So it does make sense to go with a PS2 or a 3 right now. And your point on there not being many good games for the PS3 is debatable, but nonetheless a very strong point :angel: But there's always the argument that you can play the old games on a PS3, and there may be some good titles for the 3 coming up soon with better graphics and all, so the wait may be worth it. It was good to hear your point of view too
  13. Thank you for your valuable opinion guys. Before even starting this topic, I had temporarily picked myBB, because I was having some problems with my initial choice, phpBB, and also with SMF. I don't have the budget for paid software. So I stumbled onto myBB through Fantastico in my cPanel. Does anyone else here use it? So far it's been just satisfactory, but it could sure do with some more additional features. This brings up my next question - in case I want to change my forum package, can I do it without losing all my posting data? I'm guessing I have to backup the database or something like that, but don't know the exact procedure. Could someone tell it to me in a brief way please?
  14. Hey that's a cool list you've come up with :angel: I was just thinking.....you could have easily got this list by googling, but seeing that so many people came together to give a reply for this topic, I guess it's only fair to say "Well Done!" But I just hope someone else doesn't open a topic like this just to garner a lot of replies. Nothings wrong with it, but in the long run it can become uncontrollable! As someone has already added the sentence in all the languages I know (5 of them ) I think I have no other work here.
  15. well the story's over guys....the reason due to which I wasn't able to book my domain is that there is a rule stating that all .in domains must have a minimum of three characters in them and the one I was trying to book had two. I was thinking quite a lot till then that why didn't someone book this one ages ago! But it turns out that I'm the fool at this end I wasn't aware of that rule. It's okay for .com domains to have only 1 character but I don't really know why they made this strange rule in the case of .in domains. Anyway the deal's off; my balance has been restored and my account is healthy again But I must admit it was a great few days filled with excitement and what-not! And with all you guys looking interested too I wanted to write my victory story here but it turned out to be a flop show! :angel: All i got was a little bit of G.K. regarding domain registration rules and the answer to my initial question, Is it possible to pay with negative balance?' is that you can take the risk for a maximum of 24 hours, and after that your order may be canceled, along with your xisto account! I'm not taking risks like that anymore. I'm waiting for a few days to pump up my balance and I'm off to buy my third .com domain. Rest assured that there won't be any stories like this one about that!!!! Goodbye my dream .in domain.........
  16. yes .in is the TLD for India, in the same way as .uk, .us, .jp are TLDs for the United Kingdom, the US and Japan respectively :angel: I don't know about the other countries' TLDs but .in domains are costlier than .com domains (they're double the price - $18.99 per year as compared to $9.99 per year). But they are convenient to use because they cater to a specific caudience and tells you which country the owner is from
  17. Hmm xisto domain search is saying that the domain name is available while godaddy is saying that it is an invalid one I don't really understand what is going on, but I think it does have something to do with the .in TLD itself. I'm now waiting for the support team to reply. They were quick to say that the domain is invalid, but they haven't given a solution yet. Well, can't really blame them , as it a sunday! Looks like both me and my friend are losing the competition, but at least I'm the one who almost got there! :angel:
  18. wow I never really expected this many people to respond to this topic! ok, first let me tell you I did nothing special for this. It's just that Xisto is holding a special offer valid till 29 July. They're offering .in domains at $5.49 for the first year, and the usual $18.99 from the second year onwards. Well I'll be safe from the second year, I'm just happy that I was able to pay for the first year. The support team told me to contact them with the invoice number so that they could correct the amount from $18.99 to $5.49 and restore any extra balance that might have been deducted in the process. I did it and am just waiting for their response. I forgot to ask them whether there are any such offers for other TLDs as well. I guess I'll do it after all this is over. Well, that's it - that's the 'trick' - nothing special about it! We had that discussion too but we figured that it wouldn't work out in the long term because one of us might be giving up on the project, resulting in the loss of both! So we agreed to fight it out on our own well it's not a domain like that one, but all I can say that it's not entirely useless for me. I already have a website about computers, and now I plan to use this for a similar purpose - it's short (maybe not sweet) and easy to remember. well since I didn't mention the domain name anywhere I was pretty sure I was safe until the last minute! And I'm really surprised that so many people responded to my initial question. That's really sweet of you guys :angel: NEW TWIST: this just happened as I was typing out this reply - I got an email from the support team saying that my domain is not available!! They asked me to check for another domain at Xisto - Domains.com and guess what? The domain still says "available" when I check it. What does this mean? I got till the invoice step only because the domain was available in the first place, isn't it? Then why did I get such an email? Please help me out here if you know of such a situation....
  19. in the documentary i saw google said that with a little money, your ad could compete with the top results. That means, if you're selling something in a category, with a little money you can compete with the top companies which show up in the free listings!! But what if your site doesn't show what it promises? You lose the customer, and you lose the money, and the only benefit is for google! That's why it is never advisable to click on google's ads - they will keep on getting their millions anyway, we should just try and save our time.
  20. I recently came across a site called fwebtraffic.com which claims that it can direct 1 million to your website in a month! I was a bit skeptical about this and read more about the site. The procedure is simple but its functionality is questionable. Users have to sign up at the site to submit their website url, but the catch is that the sign-up process involves clicking ads of 6 websites. Each website has to be viewed for 15 seconds, after which they get a code from that website. After entering all 6 codes, the user can finally submit his url to the site. Then your site gets added to another list of 6 sites, which another unsuspecting user clicks and views your site for 15 seconds. There's a long series of clicks and it ultimately adds up to one million visitors in one month! This may all seem very good to read, but how many of those million viewers will actually decide to sign-up at your site based on what he sees in 15 seconds? The million visitors might be more interested in submitting their own url's than viewing the six sites with keen interest! So such a theory might be good to hear but I feel that in real life it doesn't work out, because this is just fake traffic and a sheer wastage of bandwidth. Does anyone here use such a site, and if yes, did you have favourable results? Please let me and all others know. Thanks a lot.
  21. Don't worry that wont happen soon, but the war will never end, that's for sure! It's only going to get more and more intense in the coming days. Let's just grab a bag of popcorn and watch the war
  22. It's not a problem to say that name aloud, akashi-san; everyone talks about how bad that "youknowwho" company is Well google won't be taking any money from us soon, but we can't say anything about what will happen in the future. And if we're not wrong, in the notebooks which wil come with chrome pre-installed, google will get a part of the money you pay for the notebook (so in that way chrome won't be totally free!) for now I hope google won't turn into "youknowhow" in a hurry!
  23. It's not a trick actually, it's pretty straightforward and you can do it too, although it's for a limited time only and you need to contact the support team immediately after you do it, or you'll temporarily lost a lot of myCENTs (they'll restore it of course!) Anyway, I'm looking forward to tomorrow coming sooooooooooooon!
  24. In a way, today's scenario is really very confusing for the average consumer. Too many options and so many ways to go....it's a battlefield out there, with all the companies fighting it out to win the consumers' attention. For someone who wants to buy a computer and get his job done quickly, it's going to take a lot of time to decide which OS is the best for his purpose and which will give him good value. Windows, Mac, Linux (which in itself has a lot of distributions to choose from), open solaris and now chrome OS and gazelle...whew! when will this war ever end?!
  25. Well I got a surprising answer from the support team and it's in my favour - I'll give you more details tomorrow, after registering my domain! Yes, that's right; the reply has enabled me to register my .in domain tomorrow itself! :angel: I'm not giving more details here lest my competitor-friend takes benefit of it as well but I'm really happy that I'm going to win the race at last (unless my friend posts all night and reaches there first, which is very unlikely!)I'm putting it as an add-on domain so it's a big saving for me. Oh I'm loving Xisto more and more with each passing day - it's been so helpful for me
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