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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Meditation in snow sounds interesting - it's just too bad I can' give it a try given that there's no snow over here :(And walking meditation doesn't sound too good to me either....if you keep your eyes closed there's the danger of walking into someone/thing, and if you keep your eyes open, you can't really call that meditation, coz you will still be concentrating on what is in front of you instead of concentrating on keeping your mind peaceful...
  2. 90% of the online money sites are scams and 90% of people find only these sites! There are some sites which cough up a respectable amount to its users but such sites are really very rare.I used to be on a site which paid $20 for every 5 referrals who signed up and clicked on two ads. It worked out well in the first two months and I earned $60, but after that the site simply closed down without warning. In this case, the site was genuine, but due to the lack of many users, it closed down. So genuine sites are hard to find and in most cases, they too shut down like the scamming ones.At present I earn $40 a month online through a deal made with my online buddy, and we both end up making good money every month. But it took me a lot of time to find him and make that deal with him! It's just a matter of time and how careful you are while looking for a good source.But we are still a long way away from depending completely on the internet as our source of income. It's still a fancy part-time job; that's all!
  3. I'm using the Windows 7 RC right now and it seems to be running smoothly. But I also love Ubuntu and have it on dual boot. So it's a tough question whether I would prefer to buy Win7 when it releases. I guess my answer would be that I'll wait till March 2010 and see the public response. The RC expires on March 1, 2010, so I've got a free OS from MS till then
  4. This theory is so funny; I could say "haw haw" a million times! First of all, an alien existing on Earth is far-fetched. And that alien being a world-wide celebrity is even more far-fetched. Anyway, this is just your theory, and all famous theories were ridiculed in the beginning :(However, I don't think many people will be thinking seriously about this particular theory...
  5. Yeah unreal tournament is simply unreal! I think it's better than quake in some angles and plays very smoothly. I haven't played the more recent versions but am still happy with the old ones. Quake wont run on my pc for some reason so at the moment this is the best game to play!
  6. I'm thinking of starting a forum on my website, and it's all about computers. My question is, are there any general methods of making a forum successful and active? It's not gonna be a huge forum like ours, but a small one entirely dedicated to computer issues. Can someone help me on this one please? Thanks a lot!
  7. I was unable to find my balance too...I think there was a small glitch in the new design. Anyway, I checked today and the balance finally started to show. So I hope you are able to see it now as well
  8. I personally feel that Microsoft has already lost the thing that made its previous OSes successful - simplicity. Vista was such a nightmare for most of the people that they just stuck to the next best thing - XP. But there were some things that could be done only in Vista. So naturally, they are looking forward to Win7 being a success so that they can do whatever they want with ease. If you ask me, people should learn to switch to linux, which already has the capability to offer whatever a person wants. All, maybe except the gaming department. A dual boot with linux and win7 wouldn't be such a bad idea in this scenario. Anyway, the RC is just okay for now. MS has already hidden the download from the main page, replacing it with a "pre-order" offer. But the download is still available if you want it so if you haven't got it yet, go now! A free OS from MS for one year! These chances are really rare!
  9. What's funny is that his albums are going off the shelves very fast now and most of them are bought by people who're never gonna really appreciate the real thing inside it! Well this is going to stay for a while for sure...And about the jokes...well that was bound to come up too. Some people will always be doing such things and they may never change
  10. Rapidshare is definitely better than the rest of the competition. I use RS whenever I have to send some important files to my buddies. The only complaint is that they change their operations every now and then. Once they used to offer downloads instantly. Now there is a waiting period before you can download the files. This can be pretty irritating!
  11. Without Arnie I don't think I can bear to watch a Ternminator movie! It just won't feel the same without him. That's why I haven't watched this one yet, but the reviews have been pulling me so I guess it's time to give it a try.Coming to the older terminator movies, 1 and 2 were great, but 3 was not so good, but still bearable My favourite is the second one with all the twists at the end! I must have seen it at least a twenty times...
  12. now they are getting doubts about michael's death...i mean his family....they were very shocked about the sudden death and are getting doubts over how it happened. and there is a rumour spreading that it might be murder....i certainly hope that is not the case...anyway, it's true that we will all miss him, no matter how he was, and we'll always remember him for the entertainment he provided on stage. his murky life off-stage is indeed sad but we can't do anything about it. so let's remember him through his bright life onstage...
  13. I stayed up all night to finish frozen throne and it was really worth it! It was better than the original W3 in my opinion, and delivered the expectations that an expansion pack brings. The only setback was the funny feeling one gets while playing this game - are we being the good guys or the bad guys! We end up playing on both sides and that kind of makes the game a liiitle confusing. Apart from that nothing's wrong with this game and I simply love the maps!
  14. Yeah good game to pak - this should help their cricket board a lot in restoring the present situation regarding playing cricket in Pakistan. Sri Lanka really dozed off at the wrong moment! Well it's over now and the world is at peace now That is....until the Ashes come up of course!
  15. There have been numerous debates on this and I saw a documentary on Nat Geo about this, where the NASA scientists answered questions raised about the issue. My memory is too weak to remember the programme's name or the answers, but I do remember the scientist(s) telling that even if there's no wind on the moon, there's a valid reason for the flag to flutter like that. It's too bad I can't remember the reason right now...I'll do some research and be back here later :angel:Until then, how about watching some movies about the moon landing?
  16. Since when did Microsoft not exaggerate their promotion schemes? It's been the same story since day one and it doesn't look like it's gonna change any soon. I don't know MS is worrying so much. They already have a lot of innocent users using IE8 - users who know nothing about other browsers! And if those people are really that innocent, then these schemes won't have much effect on them. If anything, it might make them curious about other browsers, so this scheme may actually backfire on MS! And coming to the people who are using other browsers....well some of them are brainwashed to believe that even running Google in IE can cause them to catch a virus...yes there are people like these! And the remaining small group of people are the only ones affected by this "charts". They will be left confused as to which way to go. Let's just hope they have the common sense to base their decision on a site which isn't in MS's pocket!
  17. The Simpleton

    Xbox 2

    There are unfortunate souls like me who haven't touched a real "console" till now, so there's no surprise if someone gets a 360 today! Let's see - I missed PS1,2,Xbox,Cube and everything before that and right now I'm missing the 360 and PS3 and of course, Wii...It's been a tough life without consoles, even though I don't know yet what life is with consoles Everytime I see one I wanna buy it but somehow I end up not doing it :angel: But I do have some basic gk about these consoles and the Live feature really sounds cool and I'm itching to try it out. Oh well, it doesn't hurt to dream...
  18. Theoretically it is possible to live without computers but practically.....never!Even if you're not a computer addict and do not have a computer at home, chances are that you may have to run into a computer pretty soon to get some work done. Even if you don't have to operate it yourself, you still have to depend on it to get the work done! Now howz that?So no matter what people argue about the ill-effects of computers, they still have to live with them till this Earth stands.
  19. Well I only said they were favourites but not that they're gonna win for sure! :(So anyway today's the day of the "big" game and we will all have a little peace after this one is over...not many big tournaments for India, and there aren't many Ashes fans in the country anyway...
  20. Nuclear weapons are always terrifying and pose a serious danger to the whole world but I somehow believe that these weapons won't be the end of our race - at some point in the future the governments will have to realise the risk these weapons pose and dispose of them immediately. Of course there won't be world peace and everyone singing around () but in the face of danger from outer space, I think these intercontinental fighting will cease to be.
  21. It's in our blood, yes that is true...well I think we've discussed our team's luck for too long...this thread is supposed to be about the world cup not about the Indian cricket team! :(So the final is between Pakistan and Sri Lanka...and naturally, Pakistan is the favourite coz it was the runner-up last time. But this is 20-20 so the last ball of the last over can change the result, as it happened in the last world cup. Once again the papers and the news channels will be full of predictions over who will win, but I think the best thing to do now is to be quiet and wait for the result!
  22. The Simpleton


    Hi there Surbhi and welcome to the forums! It's good to see yet another new member joining our community I hope you have a good time over here and enjoy your time in the forums. Here's a few important pages you might want to read first: Forum Rules Credit System 3.0 myCENTs info Your myCENTs counter will start showing after you have completed 5 posts. Well that's all you need to get started. See you around!
  23. Super Mario was the reason I fell in love with games! I used to play it constantly at my cousin's house and I was amazed by what I saw on that screen! In those days people were very easy to impress :angel:I'm fond of small games too. After a day of playing all those tough 3D games, simple games are fun to play, though many may beg to differ on this point by saying they "hate" small games!
  24. This is indeed a god theoretical idea, but will maybe never be seen in the practical world. I've always wondered about something - have we gotten so used to using electricity that we've stopped researching for other forms of power sources? Do they already exist right in front of our eyes? Maybe they could be wireless! I don't mean other sources which produce electricity, but entirely new sources. I'm not a science guy so I can't put that in words properly, but I hope you got the general idea! That kind of source could get rid of the electrical wires in this wireless world and we would have cleaner cities!
  25. Most of the people here seem to have schools as early as 9am. The school system here (oh how I miss it now!) is pretty much the same, with some small changes....School generally starts at 9 (never before, but sometimes later) and goes on until 4 or 5 in the evening with three breaks in between. There's a school for KG, and then the same school for the remaining grades (1-12) though it's the student's choice to switch schools for variety! Twelve years in the same building with the same classmates sure builds a strong bond, and that's the beautiful part of it. The bad part of it? Well there's no specific learning system, and most students have to depend on rote learning, which is useless after school. And some schools have very basic facilities, which is also very bad...But whatever the system, school life here is long and satisfying, and it hurts to let go in the end. Now I'm in college and enjoying more freedom, but I can't ever go back to those old days, and that thought really hurts!
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