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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Well the purpose of creating the site (as well as the forums) was to help those people who aren't very computer-literate. There are many sites which can help them but most of them do so in a sophisticated manner, leaving them more confused. My "tutorials" are intended to be written in a simple way so that the layman can understand computer concepts very easily. Since I'm writing these from scratch, I'm not being able to spend much time on the site and forum design well I certainly hope not to lose the site soon. I'm spending more time on creating the content so that people's minds will concentrate more on the content on the site rather than on the design Anyway, thanks a lot for joining Rob, I really appreciate it :angel: Thanks for taking the time to visit my site kobra500. I hope I make it good enough to pull you there
  2. The best thing to do now is wait. The prices are bound to come down soon and will become more reasonable. Till then have to be content with less demanding games
  3. Thanks a lot rvalkass and TheDisturbedOne. I really hope I reach the reviewing stage soon enough. I will remember your words when I do @TheDisturbedOne: I was playing around with a lot of themes yesterday and somehow got stuck with the present one. I'm not really impressed with it but it stays temporarily. I got rid of the background image but its replacement is rather lame, but its temporary! Thanks a lot for your feedback!
  4. Thanks a lot shadowx and Baniboy! Your feedback was most helpful. I'll change the theme pretty soon. I'm working on the main site (pcdynasty.com) so the time spent on the forums is a little low! But as most of the interaction is done in the forums itself I'm looking for active members I'll get rid of the present theme soon.@shadowx: I did want to add more subforums, but what's the use of too many categories in an empty forum? That's why I want to wait till the activity picks up and then I plan to make the suitable changes.@Baniboy: I understand your interests so I know I won't be seeing you there, but thanks for taking the time to go through my ad :angel:
  5. well as I said before, I know something about the latest gadgets but I can't afford to get them and take their pictures myself! That's why I was looking for an alternative source. Your idea is pretty good....I'll try that one soon. I don't think I will be putting my digicam to work any soon now! I hope to reach that road someday!
  6. Hmm that's too bad....blocking torrents just because a majority of the bunch are illegal There is a way around this if you want - you could ask someone to put the .torrent file in an archive and then you could download it. That would solve the problem wouldn't it? :angel: And talking about torrents in general, we can't really blame anyone. The usage of torrents depends upon the person. There are a lot of legal torrents out there but they are outnumbered by the number of illegal ones so they are hidden to the common eye! That's the main problem today.
  7. Wow I'm in the same situation as you are. I've experienced the excitement of owning a site but now am worried about making it popular :(Well it all comes down to what you keep in your site and how many people actually want to see it. I agree that forums are the best way to make the website interactive but try to make some static pages too with a good design and the discussion for those pages can take place in the forums. If everything is done in the forums it doesn't seem very good to me!
  8. This is a pretty shameless advertisement and I have a feeling that this post may be deleted and maybe I'll be getting a warning as well, but I hope it doesn't go till a banning Like many other people over here, I too started a forum recently and have a far-fetched dream of building it into a large community. For that to happen, I need members! This is really silly - asking for members on a forum which already has a lot of members posting day and night :angel: My forum cannot provide any benefits like Xisto does and neither can it match the user base of this forum. But I'm a bit optimistic about this so I'll continue. My forum is completely about computers and the world of computers. Xisto has a pretty impressive section which deals with this topic and I seriously doubt if I'll find any takers! Anyway, all I'm asking for is for some of you guys to help me build a community. Just one or two posts per day would be awesome for me, and once we have a respectable amount of posts, I'm going to advertise the forums so that more members come in. I think the strongest point of my forum is the tutorials section (which is also present here!) I'm currently working on a few articles and so presently that forum is empty So could some good-hearted people help me please? (evil-ones are also welcome provided they keep it decent ) Here is the forum's link: PcDynasty Everything there is pretty basic as I'm working on a lot of things right now....anyway, thanks a lot for reading and hope to see you on PCD!
  9. thank you rvalkass that's a pretty good idea! I will work on it pretty soon. I just have a small doubt, actually it's a little cause of worry as well - tutorials or reviews cannot be complete about images, can they? And while screenshots can be arranged from one's own computer, what about other images? I can write about some new hardware but I can't get a (legal) picture of it, can I? Is there any source which provides free images?
  10. thank you for the advice :angel: I'm using MyBB as it seems to be a little convenient for me. The fake members idea seems to be sly and convenient but it's a lot of work and I prefer to put that time into making tutorials and stuff.this is a tough time for all new forums coz there are already many old and established forums and new forums aren't really offering anything new. That said, I don't have any new ideas as of now. Still have to think of something!
  11. I think there is no technology yet to hide the bandwidth used, is there? And there are very few answers to the question "How did you use this much bandwidth if not by downloading torrents?" :(I recommend that your brother use an internet card for these purposes so that he can have his own, unmonitored connection for using torrents. For all other purposes the college connection will do just fine. Of course, this depends on how much such connections cost in your country...
  12. To the mods: If you think this topic isn't right, please delete it.... Recently I visited an old friend and while we were talking casually, suddenly the topic of online earning came up and then he slyly told me that he was making a lot every month by placing ads on his websites and then making people to click on them everyday. I was a bit surprised by this and asked him how he did it. Then to increase my curiosity, he showed me one such site. Here's what I saw....the site had nothing but ads! Now how could any CPC service allow that? What's more, he has 10-15 sites like this one and he gives these sites to some people and asks them to click 2 ads on them daily! He didnt' tell me how much he was earning but he did tell me that he was paying $20 per month to the clicking guys. I was shocked! If he was giving away $200 (or possibly more) per month then how much could be be earning?!!! Naturally I asked him this but he said it was a secret. Now all I want is to know how he does it. I wish he hadn't told me about it but now that he has I need to know!!! Here is the site he showed me. Could someone take a look at the site (and maybe at its source code) and guess what service he is using? I know what he is doing is wrong, but all I want to know is how he's doing it! I hope someone finds out soon. Thanks a lot.
  13. that's not true....gmail does have ads, but most people do not notice them. They are at the right side of each mail you open. Well anyway they're not much of an annoyance since most people only concentrate on the mail instead of the ads. I doubt if google earns much through gmail than its other services. But looking at all aspects, maybe gmail loses out on looks that's all. otherwise it is the most preferred mail everywhere.
  14. When I was young I was very excited by the concept of chatting, and it was a good experience when I got into my first chat room at yahoo. But slowly an gradually chat rooms became murkier and I soon lost all interest in it. People lying about their age and gender, etc all began to turn me away from those rooms. Now the only thing I use is IRC and that too only when I have some tech problem, coz the guys in there are serious when they want to be and fun if they want to be!That said, I'm always ready for a casual chat and anyone is welcome to contact me for a chat. Just PM me and we'll get going!
  15. That's good. Many people have been having problems with their account balance and some even have trouble in sending support tickets. Well let's hope this doesn't happen again. We need a little time to get used to the new design!
  16. The xistop support site has been given a new design and a lot of people have been having problems with this design....I wasn't able to see my account balance for a lot of days though now it has been corrected. I think you're facing the same problem as well. I recommend that you send a direct mail regarding your problem. The address from which support tickets are answered is support@Xisto - Domains.com so sending a mail to that may help. I hope you get a solution soon!
  17. It's been over twenty years but the spammers (or) scammers still haven't lost hope with such scams, and that's because even though the majority of people now don't even read the mails and simply delete them, there are still some people who actually believe these mails and go through the process and end up losing their money! If there are no responses to the mails there wouldn't be any such mails isnt it? well they havent stopped so there are some innocent people being tricked daily.
  18. ya one can never forget the good ol' days no matter how "awesome" the new games are. Sometimes I pity today's generation as they will never get to really experience the old games! They cant bear to play a game which isnt in 3d!!!i can never forget super mario, contra and a whole lot of other cool games.
  19. In those days all consoles were good as long as they allowed you to play games! Playing games in itself was a marvel so I think most people didn't think much about which one was better. But in the general sense, PS had to be better as it was the first console to support cds.
  20. Paypal can now be used by Indians as well because bank transfers have been introduced, which were not available earlier. So any site which pays you through paypal is a good source, since you can transfer the funds to your bank account. And I think it's better for you to try your talent on sites where some companies look for writers, etc There the money is kept in escrow till both parties are satisfied and then it is transferred to you. This is a very convenient process and can be trusted, unlike sites like reviewstream.Well, all the best in your money-making endeavour!
  21. Online hosting services can never take over torrents, because they are just too greedy. They take a lot of money and still provide sub-standard service. Torrents, on the other hand, are free and very convenient to use with little complaints. Suppose there is an important file which is very large in size, and it has to be shared with a large number of people. Using file hosting sites, that file has to be put into archive format, then split into suitable sizes and then each part has to be uploaded individually. And when at the other end a person has to get the file, he has to go to each link and then download each part (at a miserable speed) and then join those parts together!On the other hand, using torrents is fast and easy and the file can be transmitted very fast. That's why torrents can never be replaced by RS or anyone else
  22. I'm using Bluefish editor and it works very well for me. Unfortunately, I don't know whether it works in Windows or not (I'm using it in Ubuntu). I think you can give it a try - it hasn't disappointed me yet and there are a lot of people who recommend it. If you're looking for a free editor which is like a clone of Dreamweaver, then I recommend using Aptana Studio. It's very helpful as well.
  23. I think you have to agree that the whole point of the game becomes boring In the beginning everything seems to be very exciting but the fun wears off and if the game is so huge like Sims 3, then you are bound to be bored at some time or the other! And not to mention the numerous clones that have come up since this game became popular. Well it was a bit fun to try this one out. Has anyone tried Spore? It is like Sims, but really too weird and too long!
  24. Actually when you login you are taken to that same page. I'm glad that I wasn't the only one finding a problem in logging in. Bugs do creep in no matter how hard the programmer tries, so I guess this was what happened. Well we're all glad that everything's back to normal now
  25. I've done some research on what you said and the results are not exactly encouraging...I didn't actually get to see anyone who had tried to reach the minimum payout mark,; I just saw a lot of frustrated writers!Apparently, this site rejects a lot of your reviews for no good reason. So if you think you're going to have a smooth road ahead, earning $2 per review, then I guess you're gonna be a frustrated! And the ones who got rejected weren't amateurs, they were published writers. Some of them are stubborn, so they're still trying to reach the min payout amount, but others have just given up!So I think it's up to you to decide. If you want, try googling "reviewstream response" and read up on the number of articles from people who have tried and failed on that site. Do tell us here what you decide
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