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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. an expected answer, and I think the others will be like this as well! So I have another small suggestion, and that is, allowing users to change their display name only once or maybe thrice after registering. This way, no one can abuse the feature because they can use it only once, and for people like me, it will be a golden opportunity to think carefully and make the ultimate change!
  2. I got this idea while replying to another topic....can't we change our display names in the forums? I am aware that this feature is available in the IPB package, because I use it frequently on another forum.On that forum, the users are allowed to change their display names thrice a month (not the "username" just the "display" name). The change is allowed only after checking if the new display name is available or not. I think this might not be a very huge feature, since some users are proud of their current display names and will stick to it for life, but there are others like me who are ready to create a new identity given a chance. So do you think this will or will not be a good idea? please say so so that the admins/mods can take a decision (my prediction - suggestion rejected! but I'm still optimistic.....)
  3. I am aware of your situation asomormridul. A lot of people are using pirated OSes without even knowing it. And they are obviously missing out on the updates. Some critical updates from Microsoft cannot be provided by antivirus programs so your system could be at risk. My suggestions to you are:1) Since you cant purchase a legal copy of XP anymore, try getting a copy of Windows Vista, or better still, wait till Windows 7 is released in October. Then you can get the updates from Microsoft and keep your computer safe.2) A better option would be to install Linux on your system, which is completely FREE and is virus-proof. You wouldn't need to get worried about damaging your system while you're using Linux, because it's virtually indestructible (of course if you go looking for trouble you will get it!)
  4. The best thing that the Ipod (oh sorry, "iPod" ) did to the world was to show how convenient it is to use such music players. I don't have an iPod and never dream of getting one, because of all the restrictions it has in place, and all the software it requires. I use a Philips GoGear player and it's the best thing I've owned till date. It has drag-n-drop support and doesn't bother me with any software to install, etc. It just plays on and on and that's what I expect from a music player. The iPod is good, yes, but it asks for a lot of things and that really irks people.
  5. I've been noticing for sometime that some people over here have negative myCENTs ([-22.89], etc). I was just wondering what is the reason for this. If everyone knew the reason for this they could avoid getting into such situations! So can someone give me the answer to this please?
  6. My Vote: Ubuntu Until last year, I was completely unaware of any other OS other than Windows (and of course it's different versions). I grew up using Windows 95,98,ME,2000 and XP. All these years it became sort of a ritual to format the system once in two months or so, because the OS would frequently crash if I gave it a slight overload. Of course it was my fault too, but I used to grumble that such a famous OS couldn't handle a little strain. Then Vista came and I was shocked at what Windows had become . I couldn't bear Vista a bit and switched back to Windows. By this time I knew about the existence of other OSes such as Linux and Mac OS, but someone had brainwashed me that Linux was very hard to use and OS X was very exensive. So I kept away for a while, but after even XP began to trouble me frequently, I took the giant leap and switched to Ubuntu, and it was the best possible experience I could get. Except for the fact that the latest games couldn't be played on it, there was no other reason for me not to use Ubuntu. (Older games can be played conveniently using a software called "Wine") No viruses, good stable speeds, easy to learn, and friendlier than the other Linux distributions......there are a lot of reasons to switch to Ubuntu. I've been using Windows 7 recently but that's just to quench my gaming thirst And from the voting done so far, you can see that Ubuntu is just behind XP, which means there are certainly a lot of people leaving Windows and joining the Linux community!!!
  7. Most people who look at my username think that I'm a fan of Wayne Rooney, but I don't even watch soccer! My inspiration comes from the character Ned Flanders from the show "The Simpsons"My username story is really silly, and I don't know how I came up with it in the first place. While I was registering here all the possible combinations with my real name were already taken, so in desperation I typed out "kasper" (I had watched the movie "Casper" the previous night) but even that name was taken!!! Then I remembered how Ned Flanders says silly words ending with -diddly, -oodly and sometimes -ooney. So I simply choosed kasperooney and it worked! ;)That's a really silly story but at least it worked and I got into the forums. But given the chance I would surely change it, because later when I searched google, I found out that this name isn't unique at all!
  8. I think google is indeed heading the MS way, but is a little better than the latter. Google isn't taking a lot of money from people right now, while MS asks something for any small thing they make. So google does seem a little better. But like MS, google is always looking to monopolize everything they do. They're looking to become the kings of the market, poking into every business that seems successful. They're not content! This does seem a lot like what MS has been doing over the years so yeah I would say that google is looking to take MS's bad name as well!!!
  9. Joining traffic exchange programs never actually helps because the number of people who will genuinely be interested in your website will be very few. Most of them, and maybe even you (when viewing others' websites) would probably just feel bored and will be waiting to go away from that website as soon as possible in order to complete the required quota.I am yet to find someone who has benefited from such programs. So the best advise is indeed to keep awayyyyyyyyyyyyy!
  10. That's not true - I have a personal account and it can receive 5 (or 6 but not more) credit card payments per year. Anyway, credit card payments are useful only in ebay, etc. Any money earned from sites will come directly from a paypal account and not a credit card. This is also isn't true I was in the same situation as Nameless_ was and created a premier account at first but then I requested that my account be degraded and it was promptly degraded soon. Just write to them and they will respond soon. @ rpgsearcherz - I'm not sure whether the rules you pointed out are for all countries. Paypal has certain rules for certain countries. For example, a US paypal account can't send any money without being verified, but my account (Indian) can send a maximum of $500 without being verified, and that's the way I'm using it right now, because I don't have a credit card yet. So I think the rules you mentioned apply in your country. @Nameless - I suggest that you contact the paypal support team regarding your doubts, because they may have different rules/guidelines for your country. And personally I feel that a personal account is the best option you have right now, because you'll only be using it to receive funds for now, isn't it? And I strongly advice that you use your real email address with paypal, because you may have a problem while withdrawing money to your bank account (because the names have to match on both the paypal and the bank account) if the need arises. 98% of pay-per-click sites are fraud, but the 2% are legit! It's just difficult to sort out the real from the fake.
  11. That's a good point you make there! Of course we all know that the producers make all that money, but this thread is just pointing out that the actors are making those "negotiations" more often now, and it's indirectly affecting the show. For example, due to their recent negotiation effort, the 20th season was postponed for a while and it had lesser episodes. And the producers know that the show's popularity is slowly decreasing so they may also not put up with these negotiations much longer.
  12. Kingston has its own anti-virus software? I don't think so....I bought one last month and it had no such thing. I read somewhere that it is san disk which supplies anti virus along with the pen drive. Of course it may not be the only company to do so, but it's the first among the reputable companies.Based on experience, however, I would suggest that you go for Kingston. It has a very competitive price and gives an excellent performance. I've used Transcend and Sandisk too but they were either slower, or offered a short life-span. So at the moment I would advice you to go for Kingston. Another important thing to keep in mind is that the higher the capacity you take, the slower the transfer speeds will be. So better be content with a 4GB drive - opting for higher capacity isn't a wise idea for now. Wait until the USB 3.0 standard comes in - then the transfer speeds are promised to be in GB/S!
  13. We are allowed to change our email id/username at anytime, but doing so without informing the support staff is useless, because only they can truly "change" the username and link to the new account. I think it should be made clear that it is necessary to inform the support team before changing the email id on your own. A much more efficient system........I don' t think there is one or there is a real need for one.
  14. You got that right - this community is indeed very useful and the free hosting can be thought to be something of a bonus! Many people start out by knowing diddly-squat about web designing and website maintainance, but a few days of roaming in the forums is enough to give anyone sufficient knowledge about how everything works in the web world.
  15. I may be wrong here, but wasn't there a time when one had to shell out $100 for registering a domain? What do we have now? A mere $10 per year! Domains may be an entirely different field altogether, but the overall concept is similar. When something becomes more and more popular, the price will decrease sometime or the other. Take Xisto for example. The lowest hosting package is $1.95 per month, while the average price out there is around $5 per month. Now isn't there a good chance that others will succumb to the competition and reduce their prices too? Asking visitors to pay for the bandwidth to use is really a cheap trick! It just shows how greedy people can be - trying to make money off everything.
  16. your myCENTs counter has opened up now But here are the things that are generally required to activate it:1. You must have completed 5 quality posts.2. You must have used the same email address for registering at Xisto and Xisto3. You must be a little patient because the myCENT script runs only once every 2-3 hoursnow the counter has opened but it won't be updated again till another 2-3 hours so even if you earn $5 during that time, it won't be credited till the script is run, so all it takes is a little patience on your side
  17. Xisto is certainly the best host available these days. Free hosting/domain registration backed up by an excellent support staff.....it's impossible to find something like this elsewhere! And there is actually very little to complain about. It's only fair that the rule about posting continuously be enforced, because we're paying for what we've taken, only it's in the form of posts and not money! Nothing in life is free and besides, it feels good to know that we're doing something to repay for what we've taken. Regarding the lack of WYSIWYG programs, it's hardly a hiccup, because there's always the option of using a CMS or a third-party application. $1.95 for 1GB space is an excellent deal! Other hosts charge at least $5 for the same, and asking for more is not very wise well said! Other companies just charge money and are too busy to care. Here they just ask for little time and care a lot more
  18. The support ticket did the trick! The amount was credited to my new address safely. I must admit that it was a pretty quick process! I think the maximum time it took for me to get a problem solved was three days. The support staff are really very quick these days! Well, let this be a lesson to anyone seeking to change their address - open a support ticket straight away without tinkering on your own!
  19. well I successfully screwed up my account I guess only the support team has the power to change the address on my billing account. I was able to log in to xisto with my new email id and I sent a support ticket but I knew that the change didn't work, because I got an email to my old id confirming that my ticket had been submitted!! It's night now so the support team won't be answering me any soon; I just have to wait till tomorrow and till then my counter will still be"READY"!
  20. The first thing you need to know is that the Logic Plan is sufficient for your purpose. The very fact that it allows 5 add-on domains tells you that it can handle a lot of graphics and stuff. And talking about add-on domains, that means you can host 5 domains with the single Logic Plan(your present target is only 2 websites ). That's why it's an excellent choice for you right now. Once you get to know the other stuff about web designing, you can move on to the advanced plans to take advantage of the extra features. Don't worry there are a lot of people in a similar situation like you Anyway, "Aptana Studio" or "BlueVoda" are some good alternatives to dreamweaver. I haven't used them personally, but have heard a lot of good things about them. I'll tell you about those things in brief here: FTP Accounts or File Transfer Protocol Accounts are a simple way to transfer (upload/download) files to your website. Instead of logging in to your website control panel each time to upload your file, you can simply use an FTP client like Filezilla to upload/download files from your websites. You must create an FTP account from your website and this will give you access to your site through the client. well you can always learn about these more once you get to your website MySQL Databases : I too know very little about this so I don't want to say much, but all I know is that a database is where everything is stored! For example all the posts, topics, member data etc on the Xisto forums are stored in a database. Similarly databases are used whenever you put a blog, portal, etc on your website. Shell Access Xisto hosts websites on the Linux Operating System platform. This is because Linux provides more security than the Windows OS. In Linux, the traditional way of carrying out operations is through a shell, which is basically an interface between the user and the OS core. Simply put, you type out commands in the shell and it executes them. Shell Access gives full power to the users to administer their websites. cPanel cPanel is an advanced control panel using which you can control every aspect of your hosting account. You can manage add-on domains, create FTP accounts, databases and add new content to your site......just think of it as a place where you can do anything to your site If you take the Logic Plan, you pay $1.95 per month towards hosting. And two .com domains cost $9.99 each. You can host both domains on the same hosting account. So it will roughly cost you $35 to host two websites for one year with the Logic Plan. If you post frequently here, you could earn that amount in a month! Hosting has become very easy these days and since Xisto offers "cPanel" you will find everything easy to do so don't worry If you get into trouble the forum members are ready to help you and if they're busy you can open a support ticket And once you start maintaining a website, you'll learn a lot along the way so you'll feel confident about your skills soon. I hope this post helped you. If not, please say so. All the best with your website plans
  21. more than good grammar, the post should be of good content anyway, Welcome to the forums Nameless_!!! You'll be up and creating your very own website soon enough. I spent just twenty or so hours here and now have two functioning websites I have nothing to complain about this website (okay maybe the myCENTS could be updating faster, but that's not a big problem and the current system is sensible enough) and it is sure to help you a lot.I too am a newbie in the world of web designing though not in the world of programming! This is the first time I ventured into web designing and am seriously thinking of switching from core programming to web designing; it's very interesting Do let us know when you get your website up! And enjoy your time at the forums
  22. well I took a giant leap and changed the address and if everything went off well, I should receive $1 in my account within the next 3-4 hours. If not, there's always the option of sending in a support ticket! I just hope if something goes wrong the myCENTs wont disappear anywhere.
  23. I too think it's virtually impossible for piracy to end anytime soon, and even if all the companies which churn out media (music, movies, games, etc) drastically reduce their prices (which isn't going to happen anytime soon! ), many people are gonna look for a quick way to get what they want. And unfortunately, in many cases, piracy is the only way through which people can fulfill their selfish demands :DFor example, you have watched the latest blockbuster movie just now. As you walk out of the movie hall, you can't stop thinking about the movie. You want to watch it again, but you cant get tickets for the next show. You go home, but still can't stop thinking about the movie. In desperation you turn to the internet and check if there's a pirated copy in there. It's no surprise when you find a copy with crystal clear quality print. What would you do now?You would say that you wouldn't such a thing, but everyone's not like you! A majority of people would download the movie as soon as they come back from the theater. That's the hard truth. Same is the case for music. As soon as people hear a good song from somewhere, the first place they look for is not the local music store, but their favorite "warez" sites to download it. And if you want to talk about software, please don't get me started! Agreed that the developers work hard on the software and they deserve to be paid, but we don't really know whether the exorbitant prices they charge for a small piece of software is worth it or not. A decent computer in India with 2GB RAM, 320GB hard-disk space and an LCD monitor can be bought at a price of Rs.20000 (~$415) but add the Windows Vista Home Basic and Microsoft Office Student and Home Edition software to the computer and the price reaches almost Rs.30000! Now why would someone like to get a deal like that? That's why software piracy is still ruling the roost.So as of now, there is no real method to stop piracy; any form of piracy. And there's no saying if we'll ever find a reliable method to stop it. We may be able to catch the source and the people who download, but there are simply too many people like these! Wipe out one and another will come up.
  24. hmm $1.5 million you say? that's a pretty impressive figure and yes it's not easy to reach that level. and once a certain reputation has been earned its not easy to maintain it! bandwidth is the most important factor for website costs but I think in the coming days costs will reduce considerably, seeing that the internet population is growing day by day and many people are starting their own websites.so naturally maintainance costs will come down. that's just my thought
  25. I was wondering if it is possible to change my xisto account's email address so that my balance is linked to that email id instead of my old one. The problem is that I've been receiving a lot of junk mail on my current account (not from xisto; from outside) and I plan to abandon that id and shift to gmail. But my xisto account is holding me down because all important emails are sent to that id only.So is it possible to change the email id without any interruption or damage to my current domains? Please help me with this query.
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