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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Most students in my state (I don't want to say 'country' because I'm not sure about the trend in the remaining states) blindly opt for engineering courses without even considering to check their skills and interest levels. That's the reason most of them lost interest once college starts and their entire career gets ruined unless they take a better step for post-graduation. Well I decided to choose carefully and opted for Computer Science Engineering although the "trend" was towards Electronics. I'm certainly interested in the course, but the routine itself tends to bore me and causes my interest to drift away That's my major problem..
  2. Hello Ryan and welcome to the Xisto forum We have a lot of gaming fans over here(myself included) so you have some company! You're on your way to becoming an active member so just keep up the posting; make sure you don't make too many short posts or else your earnings may get affected. If you post regularly you'll earn enough to buy and host a domain in just a week So have fun and hope to see you around....
  3. Lol I never expected English to be one of the answers but it does make sense once you think about it. The grammar rules and vocabulary together make mastering the language a very difficult job. While speaking I think most people don't get confused but it is while writing that their problem starts!
  4. All this discussion is very interesting and only strengthens the fact that unless the user is really careless, there's no real chance of getting attacked/infected, unlike on Windows where a smart cracker can overtake a system even if the user is very cautious...
  5. Namaste Sea Mac - welcome to the Xisto forums! So you have three domains already?! Looks like you've come here with the intention of becoming a member of our community- that's awesome! :(I hope you'll find your time here enjoyable and am sure you'll fit right in. Have a good time!
  6. Linux is almost virus-proof Linux won't get viruses 99% of the time These are some of the dialogues that I use while suggesting someone to use Linux. I've heard others use them too. No one ever says Linux is completely virus-proof, because there are some threats existing for Linux too. But I never bothered to think what they were. I'm preparing for an exam right now and coincidentally the subject is UNIX, and just as I was reading about the security features, I began to wonder, what are the threats that exist for Linux? Could someone please give some examples regarding this?
  7. Lol sometimes I wonder how it would have been if the number was 13....that would surely drive away a lot of members!
  8. If I'm not wrong, iTunes is a practical solution only in the US and maybe also the UK. The average $0.99 per track price isn't such a good idea for other countries. In my country, that translates to Rs.45/- for one song, which is copy-protected! Now how many people would like something like that...
  9. Well I'm glad to hear that. There's another reason why I started this topic - I used to be a member/mod on a computer forum for almost a year and made around 1500 posts. Then one day, without warning, the admin sold the domain, meaning that the forum was taken down and disappeared into thin air! And that was just an ordinary forum, without giving anything in return; so that hurt!! Over here though, you get a lot back by posting so I guess we don't stand to lose a lot if the posts were to disappear.....
  10. Windows 7 certainly is fast but after a few months it tends to slow down (at least it did for me) and I say this about the RC version - dunno how the Retail version works out, though. So for now I'd say XP is the best for speed, but this question would make more sense after a few months, when everyone breaks into Windows 7 and its speed can be tested on a fully-loaded system.
  11. Wow you sure do seem enthusiastic about this one. The title itself is intriguing - I'll take your word for it and try to watch it soon
  12. It looks like there's no official "vote-counter" yet, so I'll carry on with my unofficial list. I've updated it again after the new nomination by Nameless_ Come on Xisto we could do with some more votes
  13. At the time of creation of this topic, I have less than 24 hours for my semester exams to start but I have no inclination to shut down the computer and start preparing. But I'm not alone - most of my friends are either watching a movie or are simply lazing around as I'm writing this. Why are we so carefree? All of us know that we're no good at studies and yet we're simply killing time. This is not just an isolated incident. This happens most of the time - students, no matter how intelligent/dull they are, tend to lost focus/concentration on studies as soon as they enter college. The blessed few who manage to continue their momentum from school make it big in college too, but the majority just risk their careers by not focusing enough on their studies, and instead enjoying their college life, with the one excuse that "You won't get a chance after college!" It is at this point of life that a student fully realizes what has happened in his/her life till now and plans out the future. Thus this is a crucial stage for any student. Yet it is wasted by many and they tend to mess up their careers. Why do you think this happens, and more importantly, can you suggest a solution for this?
  14. Well I have no shame in admitting that my original intention was to just come here and get enough myCENTs to keep my websites alive - I was even planning to stop visiting the site daily and post only once or twice in a month (believe me, this forum will be better off without me ) but the community and the members within make me come here daily and I enjoy the conversations and the occasional flame wars So in the end, I care for everything that comes with the posting, and sadly that includes the myCENTs and the post count too...
  15. Oh I'm right here!! Thank you for the full-length review, shadowx. I'm glad you enjoyed the movie - at least you didn't have to sit through the movie thinking "What are they doing?!!!" all the time I think when a movie like this (highly awaited and anticipated) comes out, we always look out for the positive reviews, and are willing to see the movie, even if the number of negative reviews outnumbers the positive ones! I'm not saying shadowx is giving a wrong review of the movie - this review is brilliantly written and brings out the good points in the film perfectly. Why, one could watch this movie for just these parts, and ignore the bad ones. Here's a small round-up of the reviews given by some websites for this movie: If I've collected the negative ones, I'd better do the positive ones too - according to a website that collects twitter statistics, 77% of all tweets about 2012 were positive while 23% of them were negative. Well it's a free world and as anwii himself said, it's based on personal opinion. So trust yourself and go watch the movie!
  16. If you're sure about the content you're going to write then it's advised to stop thinking about what others will feel and start writing! A blog if first and foremost your personal thing, and you should be writing it for yourself, with readers/monetary income being secondary. These will automatically come once your blog picks up the pace and your posts are excellent (even if they are less in number). Since you've already got the design part planned out, just concentrate on the content now and I'm sure you'll do fine. A small suggestion - wait until you make 2-3 posts on your blog, and then start to advertise it - eg., by placing link in your sig and profile page, giving an ad in free classified sites, etc. When your content's good I'm sure you'll find a lot of readers interested in your blog and thus you'll have a steady flow of visitors
  17. that was not a pleasing answer and wasn't necessary at all Well I should blame myself for creating such a thread in the first place... but I feel you shouldn't go ahead and start abusing Xisto even if such a thing happens (which will NOT, NEVER, EVER happen!) Even if Xisto were to reset my post count to zero, I would get a bit mad but wouldn't blame trap - it has hosted my first website and I'll forever remain in its debt for that.
  18. Languages getting extinct is really a sad thing and it's a pity theres not much outsiders can do about it - the natives themselves must take it up to themselves and preserve their language...
  19. Lol....anyway - even though there's no reward thousands of aspiring writers take this challenge every year and they feel proud of their achievement once they're declared as winners! I haven't done it till now but the concept really sounds interesting - could try it next year...
  20. That's strange....I find a dollar difference in the notification emails that I get, but in my case it's the opposite - i have a dollar more in my Xisto account than mentioned in the email. I don't know how much I've earned totally since I never kept count, but I think there's just a small glitch in the script that counts the amount of money earned.
  21. Lol anwii I simply love it when you reply to my threads That's a pretty good reply but would you really not care if your 960 posts were to disappear?! That's a pretty huge number and you've put a lot of effort into making those posts over three years and yet you wouldn't care?! @FouGilang and kittycatlover763: I guess my reply will be similar to yours too! That shock would simply be too much!
  22. Is there anyone who's participating in NaNoWriMo this year? It's supposed to be a "National" novel writing month(USA) but has participants from all over the world. I'm not going to ask if you've heard about it or not (to sum it up in one sentence - you have to write 50,000 words in thirty days and submit it on the site for which you get no real prize except satisfaction ), if there's anyone participating then please let me know because I want to see how the novels written in this event are like
  23. They were going to try and restart it this year but now that's out of the question I guess- in my opinion as long as it's not harming anyone it can do whatever it wants
  24. NO, that's not going to happen because there are frequent backups done and a lot of other precautions so no need to worry about it in real, but just imagine how it would feel if all the posts you made till today just disappeared suddenly ---- it takes a lot of effort to make the posts and everyone knows how significant they are towards our hosting accounts. So could you please sum up, preferably in 2-3 sentences, what your reaction would be if such a situation were to take place???
  25. I tried using Virtualbox sometime ago but since I have very little RAM (512MB) all it could emulate was XP and that too at a slow speed. But I agree it's a great way to test out new OSes
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