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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. Telugu has more number of letters (56, and three additional patterns - a total of 60) than Malayalam so by your theory it is more difficult than Malayalam But I do agree that the Malayalam script does look a bit confusing and complicated to a non-native. Well this is just the case of Indian languages. Consider the case of the Chinese and Japanese people - they have to learn a minimum of 3000 and 1945 characters (kanji) respectively before they can read and write normally! Now how tough would that be to a new learner
  2. Yes you can order a domain without hosting and then from the control panel you can configure the nameservers
  3. I feel it's up to us to keep Xisto's review on that website positive. I think there's an old thread by OpaQue which requests members to give their honest opinion on Xisto at that website. Here's the link to the Xisto review page - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ We are currently at the 13th position in their top20 list. If we get some more reviews then we could certainly climb up! So if you haven't submitted your review yet, go and do it now
  4. Hey Ash you completely missed the point here! I wasn't talking about the problems themselves but about creating a thread explaining about these problems!
  5. Hey there JTorres55 - welcome to the forums! You can notice that we have forums for all your topics of interest so you can start posting right away If you have any doubts regarding the functioning of the forum feel free to open a thread in the relevant section and a member/mod will attend to it immediately. So have fun and hope to see you around!
  6. I've never heard of anyone reporting such a problem till now so I'm sorry to say that it appears the problem lies with your computer configuration No matter how fast it may be than Vista, 7 still needs a lot of RAM to run smoothly and without it you're constantly reminded of Vista!
  7. Yes only if an admin creates the thread it would make a lot of impact and it won't affect them a lot to keep on editing the thread. I wonder why no one else has commented on this suggestion so far...Maybe they just prefer replying to the duplicate threads - they gain more myCENTs that way!
  8. While BSNL's pricing policy is reasonable, the speed/bandwidth packages are still unreasonable and unfailr From the rural point of view the services offered are good, but for the urban folk some new packages could be introduced. For example, the unlimited bandwidth package needs a speed boost - I wouldn't mind paying around Rs.1000 per month for unlimited b/w at 2Mbps speed. But that's a distant dream right now...
  9. I think this topic is of no particular relevance to those hailing from the US/UK/Australia as their first language is obviously English Anyway, here goes....You may/may not have known that ICANN has approved registration of Internationalized domain names. I recently checked GoDaddy and they've already opened registrations for these "local" domains. You need to be able to type in your local language to be able to visit these domains, and that's the reason why still many people haven't picked up the "hot" names yet! I'm looking forward to purchasing a .com domain in my native language, which, if I manage to get, will be only three letters long! I've already opened a support ticket inquiring about the availability, and in case they're not available here yet, I've decided to get it on GoDaddy anyway. So what do you think - will you buy one?
  10. That's very mean of them It doesn't make a lot of sense either. Well anyway, as mahesh2k said, you'll have absolutely no problems with Xisto - Web Hosting - it's one of the best and I'm yet to see my my sites having downtime! It's simply that good. So once again congrats on your new domain and enjoy your hosting. As for the mod position, I don't have extensive knowledge in the areas you mentioned so I'll just pass! I do hope you find some good members, though - all the best!
  11. The funny thing is that I know what you've said is true, but it's somehow proving difficult to put into practice! Many senior students I've met have expressed similar thoughts; I can only imagine what my final year in college will be like, with projects and all going on. It will be hectic but fun in a weird kind of way... My only advice to you is that don't go with the crowd - choose your course wisely and no matter what happens, don't drop your concentration in the first year! You can possibly relax in the later years of the course but once you're down in first year it'll be hectic to catch up later
  12. Congratulations! It's taken a lot longer but you finally reached your goal Care to share the name with us or is it top-secret?
  13. WOW! you sure are an excellent addition to our community I've seen your post in the freebie section and now this recent post....you're a really interesting person
  14. Hmm I guess you're right - all of us unknowingly butcher our native languages - it's most noticeable only in the case of English! I've recently started observing how people speak around me, and I've noted that they're just too lazy to get their language right - they want to get their point across in minimum time, so they tend to butcher the language
  15. After a show gains some reputation it's almost always impossible to maintain it and almost every show I watch tumbled down after some time and while some picked up, the others are still lying down
  16. My site is still new so I haven't tries out a lot of analytic services but Google seems to offer everything one can expect from such a service so I'm sticking to it now..
  17. My "reverse" problem just intensified - now it's showing two extra dollars in my account! I did change my email address but that was long ago but now I didn't do anything and yet this bug has arised. Well it's not harming me so I'll keep quiet
  18. The new PS3 now doesn't support PS2 games and now the PSP Go won't support older PSP games? Wow Sony sure has taken a wrong turn somewhere. I don't know how the fans are going to react to this
  19. The basic screen-capture button is great but I prefer using screen-capture software for snagit for more effective results. Still looking for a good video-capturing software tho
  20. For virtualbox it is recommended that you have at least 1GB of RAM because the performance will be low even if it is running with lesser configuration.
  21. I'd surely like to get on a helicopter for a "joy ride". That would really be exhilarating and I'm only waiting for the opportunity to get aboard! I've been on an aeroplane only a few times and you don't get any real view from in there - helicopters would offer a truly beautiful view from above so I can't wait to get on one soon
  22. Well generally kids hate school only in the early years and gradually they learn to accept it, right? Well in college it's the routine that most students hate. Otherwise they love the campus, friends and everything else except studies!
  23. Lol that's very interesting - I think I will try it for "research purposes"
  24. 1) My myCENTS are not being updated 2) I'm getting a message saying "License Validation Failed" when I login to Xisto I'm sure many of us have faced these problems in the past, and we know that they're usually solved really soon. But the new members, in all their innocence, start a new thread in the Q&Q forum every time they get one of these problems. This has lead to the Q&Q forum being cluttered with such threads every now and then. Frankly, it's boring to read and reply to such threads I could very well ignore them, but wouldn't it be better if we created a pinned thread explaining these problems (and any other, if spotted)? We could instruct all members not to create a new thread regarding these problems, unless they're the only ones facing the problem(s). (This can be verified from the shoutbox - many members say "me too" whenever we get a problem! ) I think this could make the Q&Q forum a bit cleaner. What do you think?
  25. I do watch a lot of shows (like all of you do ) but most of them just wane away and become boring after a while. I won't touch on regional shows since no one here will know about them, but some English shows that I watch - Heroes, The Simpsons, House- declined in quality after sometime. But I do watch them regularly even though one part of me wants to quit The on-going season does seem to be promising but the magic of season 1 is definitely missing...
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