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The Simpleton

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Everything posted by The Simpleton

  1. That's a really cool name! Oh sorry - welcome! Judging by your username I'm sure you'll fir right in very soon and yeah, this forum is for getting hosting and socializing Just stick to the rules and you'll do fine, and if you post regularly you can get your domain+hosting in less than a week (no spamming please ) well all the best and see you around
  2. people keep on saying that China is going to become the next superpower of the world - but with such policies it's never going to survive on the inside! It may be great and all to the world but to its own citizens its like a prison
  3. Proprietary software? If there was such a thing we would have heard about it from some disgruntled MS employee, isn't it?! I'm not sure but they do mix up a lot of languages in my opinion. I won't take any more wild guesses! Do you still have it with you? I think I could learn something from that source code....
  4. That site's looking better than the last time I visited it - Good work I understand it's important to get word about your blog around, so putting it in sites isn't such a bad idea...I might try that as well later..Anyway, here's a site which has a whole list of blog directories for you : Link 1 You could also visit Link 2 and Link 3 for some good directories. And I believe there are some drupal modules to put in those digg, FB and other buttons on your site. I'm a bit sleepy right now (it's 6AM here) so I'm not looking it up, but I'm sure you'll find it easily or a non-sleepy member will soon find it for you Keep it going!
  5. Wow a lot of questions but I think I know the answers to only a few....let me try though. I didn't experience this till now and mine is a pretty slow computer. But as it seems you're not comfortable with the beta, do try the stable version and see if you get better results. You can use the installation CD to reinstall GRUB if I'm not wrong. As I said before, mine's a slow computer and yet when I put special effects on "Extra" it does work for me and all that "wobbly" effects when you maximise/minimise the windows are all there. But when my friend tried using "extra" graphics on his computer which is much faster, he didn't get the required effects. So that setting is not working on a few computers I removed Empathy too just recently! It wasn't that bad but Pidgin made me feel more at home....never heard of Emesene though - is it better than Pidgin? I'm not entirely sure about this question as I didn't understand fully understand it, but you could always make an executable so that you can run it outside the terminal?
  6. Thankfully, in Windows 7, Live Messenger isn't included by default so we don't have the hassle of going through the uninstallation headaches!
  7. Wow what an amazing offer! A lot of members would gladly do it for free today, but I guess in those starting days offers like these were the only way to get things done! Good find, this one...
  8. Hmm so you're running a program that 7 doesn't support? I've never seen that problem occur before....if you find out what that program is you could try using compatibility mode, isn't it? Well I hope you find the fix soon
  9. Yes, you can specify your .co.cc domain in the order registration page - just select the option and enter your domain name and it will take care of the rest. Make sure your .co.cc domain is pointed towards Xisto - Web Hosting's nameservers. As for the rest of your questions, I have very little idea so I don't want to try answering them But you'll get a reply soon
  10. I wanted to write articles a lot of them - but whenever I tried to do it I always got held up with the complexity of the site and then I postponed it and never went back @TDH : spammers aren't so bad on Wikipedia because I think the editors take care of them really fast! I'm yet to find a spam page on wikipedia - I found a lot of spam on other wikis but not on wikipedia - not yet..
  11. Well I usually sleep for around six hours - I'm usually online from 9pm to 11pm and then again from 5am to 8am!! And I love sleeping - I don't have any trouble sleeping - only problem is that I'm at the computer instead
  12. And what if you have a mixed review? There are a lot of people who can't make up their minds whether this is good or bad - "Love the graphics, hate the story" that's their opinion; well I'll be waiting for your reply eagerly
  13. The US President is the most powerful person in the world - I think they want to force this line into everyone's minds so that they start fearing the US, and acts like these will weaken that Come on now let's stop thinking about who's more powerful and get on with life!
  14. Thanks for the advice everyone! It's really useful and I'm going to try some of the things you mentioned here. The schedule and reward system are really good in theory and I've tried them before, only to be disappointed. Well I'm going to try again now... Well actually I do have a somewhat active social life and don't do much networking online. I do have Facebook and Orkut accounts but they're mostly inactive. So you could say I'm an introvert online! As for going out I do that a lot - most of my online time is spent in the late hours of the night or the too early hours of the morning
  15. Well in this thread all the reviews are "good", supporting the movie Since you already have the tickets, go for it, sit through the 140 minutes and tell us how you felt
  16. There's a thread in this "Addictions" forum which talks about addiction to computers, but my case is a bit modiefied - I can live without a computer, but not without the internet! You know the routine dialogues- "I can't survive without it"; "If I don't use the internet for one day I feel something's gone terribly wrong that day" and so on.... I spend around 15 minutes on Xisto per day so that doesn't play a major role in my addiction. But I spend 4 hours more just lazing around, not knowing what to do....I stumble onto something useful from time to time but that "something" isn't necessary at that point of time Now that I come to think of it, I don't use my computer a lot when I'm offline. And if I'm away from my computer I try to browse using my mobile! I'm sure this is a situation that many of you might be aware of. So could you please give me some suggestions on how to control this addiction and get back my life?
  17. JCD Diesel Max Pic This car, built purely with the intention to break the speed record, can reportedly touch a speed of 563 kmph! That's pretty awesome but where can we get to try out all that speed?!!! There are very few places in the world where you can have a chance of driving at that speeds!
  18. Oops sorry for missing out on this thread - you've already gotten over sixty posts so I guess you can't be called a new member anymore? It's good to have such a skilled member on our forums and I know we're going to have a lot of interesting discussions with you involved Well accept my late welcome and continue the postin!
  19. That's the million-dollar question everyone's been trying to answer!!! The routine statement is that if you have good content then visitors will flock your site, but you need to have good marketing skills too, and that includes SEO. If you can figure that part out, then your website will soon start to gain traffic
  20. Recently, my college did the unthinkable and signed up for Microsoft Dreamspark. I was looking for a way to get into this programme but my college saved the day and now I'm in So now a lot of Microsoft tools are available for free download But I'm a bit confused by their website and no one told this clearly in college either - how long are students allowed to use the software freely? Until they complete their education or forever? Also, if you happen to be a part of Dreamspark too, could you share your experiences about it please?
  21. I don't understand why everyone views this as something very special - Mr.Obama was just following tradition as a goodwill gesture and this doesn't make him the least bit inferior. It's better if the media stopped concentrating on such trivial issues and pointed their cameras elsewhere...
  22. It'll take a long time for the "implementation" to be done for sure But I agree with mahesh - these stats are somewhat suspicious. I agree that in major cities you see a lot of people suffering but in the villages they manage to live in at least basic conditions if not in comfort. I've never read a UNICEF report before so I don't know how much has changed over the years, but these stats are really unbelievable, and even if unfortunately they're true, it's surely gonna take a long time for our leaders to do anything about it
  23. I'm surprised no one suggested this till now, but it's a good idea to ditch phpBB altogether and choose an alternative forum software like SMF (that's the first name that comes to mind....), MyBB, etc. They offer better protection against spam. They're not 100% spam-free, but you'll never see as much spam as you're seeing on phpBB.
  24. Wikipedia is nowadays used as a reference tool for almost every subject/topic possible. From general knowledge to film reviews, it has everything. And as you know, all the content has been created by some dedicated editors who spend a lot of time keeping the articles clean and fresh. I once tried my hand at editing/creating a Wikipedia article but since I didn't have much time I didn't quite enjoy the experience. But I do admire the patience of those people who write hundreds of articles and also keep track of them, making sure no one supplies wrong info. Have you written any articles so far on Wikipedia? Could you share your experience here please?
  25. I just only finished watching the entire Dragonball Z+ GT series in Japanese and that's over 350 episodes! It's been one helluva ride but I think too much of anime is bad, especially if you have a never-ending stock of it!
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