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Alex Cicala

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Everything posted by Alex Cicala

  1. Personally Opensource and freeware is always the better option. Like for example Photoshop is like $600-800, so why not go for freeware with Paint.Net. Or Vbullitin vs Phpbb3. Just go with the free one, just as good.
  2. Normally you are literally spammed with phone calls from your own country or many overseas countries, this is pretty much caused by what company you sign up for utilities [power, other] and definitely phone companys. In Australia, if you sign up with Telstra Cable internet, you could be called up to 3 times per day. Best thing to do is make your number private, or dont answer
  3. I don't like it either, because of it's massive RAM leaks, and it's annoying advertising. I can get by it with user created hacks that can get rid of the extras, like ads, unwanted links, and heaps of other stuff. But I'm not sure if I should say the name of the program. Anyway I still use it, cause I can never get used to other programs, and none of my friends use it, just MSN. So thats why I always use it, with the hack.
  4. Well I myself am trying to get one. Basically the points depend on the quality of the post, this can count as the quantity, the punctuation and word use, and many other factors that effect the MyCents per post. Now spamming posts all over the place, containing around 3-10 words about random things and what not is firstly I believe against the rules of Xisto, and secondly will give u no MyCents what so ever. You can do short posts, just they have to be replying to someone or a vote comment or something in that matter. Basically never think about your post account, just add to the community as much as you can and in time you will have enough credit to buy yourself a domain.
  5. I'll be going for Chelsea, wait are they in the Final. I have no idea, guys tell me?
  6. All I know is that there is a general graphic/theme difference and that in the past they ran different programs, some worked on one, some didn't and so on. Although I have always used Gnome GUI, some people say they like KDE but I'm not sure why. KDE now reminds me of Windows 7. I guess like Windows 7 stole the idea from KDE, similar to Windows Vista supposedly stole ideas from OSX. HAHA
  7. Normally for vista, the Admin Control "accept or deney" option will popup, surely if there is a virus on the usb this may popup. In this case click deney. But I have never seen a virus been activated by autoplay, autorun.
  8. Half Life 2 is the bestHas the best graphics for it's timeStill has an amazing story.Using the most amazing and efficient game engine ever invented. The Source Engine.Has the best of dialogue.Playable over and over again and never get bored. Well thats just me. The engine then produced many fantastic games after this, especially Half Life 2 Episode 1 and 2, which made the series even better.You should this game, it was awesome in 2004 and it's still seen as awesome today.
  9. I like using this site: https://templated.co/ They have heaps of CSS/XHTML based templates I use them all the time. But sometimes my sites are just forums thats when I wouldn't use them. I think they have just over 350 templates for free.
  10. Happy Birthday, just from a random guy... :)

  11. I think you mean Flickshot when you say drag shot. And when you say quickscope I though you meant, Have awp scoped once then quick switch to pistol/knife then switch to awp then scope then shoot again, it's faster but its a skill thats needs to be practiced to perfect.
  12. What do you think about crysis physics and ragdolls, I mean they are much better but how do they compare to the real thing? Also the source engine is in its 8th or 7th version, so this means thats there always working on it, never know what will happen in the future of the source engine. Hopefully it is not abandoned, because it was the engine for the best game ever made Half Life 2.
  13. My Tactics: M4A1 Assault Rifle: Normally to get the most accurate shots, and when playing against pros, use aimed shots to the head but use the silencer. Many people say that using the silencer affects your aiming, well it doesn't. It might have in 1.6 but not in source. After countless trial and error over the last 7-8 months the silencer proofs itself as a sweet bonus. Also when closer or fighting noobs spray toward their lower rib cage, you can also do this while running . AK-47 Kalashnikov: When long range Always aim between upper chest and lower chin, using burst shots of 1-3 rounds. This is a guaranteed kill. When Mid range aim for their body taking cover in the process, using burst shots. If you go for a longer spray pull down from the neck to the waist of the enemy. And at short range just shoot them in the head or spray your choice. Desert Eagle: Never spray this gun unless in very close contact with person. Always aim for the head. If the server has bad rego try to hit their hitboxes which should by default lag 0.01 sec behind the game model that you would see. Scout Sniper Rifle: FPS Doug once said running with a knife is faster, well he is wrong. When holding scout you run faster than someone holding a knife. Also when in close range always no scope [not using scope] to shoot it saves valuable time. When scoping try to practice aiming at the head. If your not satisfied with this, then try firing the weapon at the body, 2 shots to body equals death. AWP Arctic Warfare Sniper Rifle: 3 things. Does the most damage out of all the weapons. Heavy to handle. Always flick for close up shots. Oh and change your in scope sensitivity, try a cs:s command site to locate command, or maybe youtube. Will help with your flicking. MP5 Assault: Try to aim for the edges of the head, this normally gives me the quickest kill. Knife: 4 Techniques, trust me I am a pro at this. 1. Go toward player and use 2 slashes [left click] and 1 stab [right click]. Make sure you practice your slash distance on bots. Slashes can reach futhur than stabs. This technique is called Scout kniving. It is faster than doing 2 stabs. Oh and it takes exactly 100 damage. Also use your crosshair, it has to be on the enemy all the time. 2. Use the technique expained before but trick the players sense of direction, by following them, going around them or anything else you think of. 3. Use the opposite of previous 1 stab then 2 slashes, I never use it, but i know it still works. 4. The basic technique that everyone knows, 2 stabs, takes 130 damage but is the slowest. Normally I use this when bunnyhopping around the enemy. Also try to strafe diagonally beside enemy so they get confused where to hit you. ========================================================================= Hope this helps you in your gameplay. I could stick around to explain tactics for all the weapons although I get bored when typing alot.
  14. Same here, Love playing CS:S for online, and Half Life 2 Ep 2 just because of the story. The source engine is the only good game engine around. Although if you have a beefy pc than i suggest CryEngine 2.1
  15. Thats like playing the game Freelancer, or Sins of a solar empire. LOL, hope this happens, damn won't be in my lifetime.
  16. This is fun I like these types of threads.Um, my choice of power is to be able to have Telepathy and Telekinesis. [read/control minds, move things with mind]
  17. Take you a while to work that out. LOL Personally I think the human race will survive. Representation of Sci-Fi in current society is the new future.
  18. Mine is a double, Xisto, and FPS Banana
  19. Thats a huge debate, both movies are equally exciting, thrilling and what not.... Although myself I can not pick a favourite. Both are good in my eyes, but for the sack of this Topic, I'll say The Italian Job
  20. Cats are awesome. Low maintenance, easy to get along with. Listen too you. You can give it any name, lol :PDogs are the worst, High Maintenance and smell, even when u wash them. There the opposite of a cat basically
  21. What are you on about bk2070 Anyway yes I have had these types of feelings. Makes you wonder why life, the universe, time, why it all exists? Argh stuff it, back to doing what I was doing....
  22. It seems impossible to have another spacial dimension. My idea is still every thing is 3d and there is no such thing as 2d or 4d [4d is theoretical]
  23. I like the Sims 2 Level Editor. Very User Friendly but the PC version can do AMAZING things. Not looking forward to Sims 3. I find that Sims 2 will still be played more than Sims 3 for some time once Sims 3 is released.
  24. Dimensions are confusing.I don't see the point of dimensions. I'm thinking the when humans developed they drew pictures and shapes, by the time we get to 1000bc > then people start using the terms 2d and 3d. I'm saying that the term 2d and 3d was thought up by humans.As we know that 2d is Length and Width,3d is Length, Width, Depthand 4d is all three + time.What is 1d? there is no unit/value. I see what u mean.But by what we know everything that is living is in 3d. We dont know if 4d exists only theoretical, and 2d well that is something that is unknown
  25. I'm not entirely sure, but each admin that was caught. Were sued for $1 million each + they get 1 year jail term. Thats all I know now. Hopefully this issue is resolved soon
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