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Alex Cicala

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Everything posted by Alex Cicala

  1. I find that the base hosting plan on Xisto is beefy enough. Its good for me. 10000mb for bandwidth and 1000mb for space. Thats superior, especially because its free. I also want to build my credits up for a domain , wait :S $9.99 argh thats alot of posting. I'll be very informative. MyCENT system v3, or whatever its called is very well made, although I suggest for the admins too get rid of the old topic explaining the original hosting system before the MyCENT system.
  2. The best thing about Xisto is that they offer a cheap and reliable hosting service, (free with MyCent system) that is professional, also domains.There are many free things in life, from obviously "Web-Hosting" (too an extent), competition prizes. Although many things that are needed for living like food, bills, and things like that aren't free.Did you know its costs money too get attended by a paramedic. WTF :S. (although we have hospital cover, still thats not free)Hope I elaborated well on this free issue? lol
  3. This is an unlikely concept. Although the theory of cyrogenetics is a possibility too extend life, but only to extend to another time and then live the rest of your years.For example I'm 16, you cyrofreeze yourself now in 2009 and get thawed in 2109, your life cycle will have been suspended and now you'll live the rest of your life from 2109 onwards, although you'd be lonely, until you reach your 80's, 90's where you become weak and frail and soon die. (no offense to people that age, sometimes you can live till 120).But if I followed through with this example, I would be destroyed in the apocalypse in 2012, according to the mayan calendar.
  4. I am afraid you can't get that resolution on your laptop, unless your driver supports it. If your driver supports that resolution, then simply change the resolution in settings.If that doesn't work try connect a monitor that can support that resolution respectively.If your driver doesn't support the resolution, then try update your driver.If none of this works, then I'm afraid there is no other way to change your resolution.Hope this helps
  5. This is very unlikely. In my opinion, hacking can mean many things and can be done in different ways. A simple hack can be a tweak or change to an operating system. Or you can steal credit card details. for people who break the law Now, in my opinion I class legal hacking as software only, And hardcore hacking as software and hardware. Final thought: Viruses and Hackers will never seize to exist until technology does.
  6. Actually this happened to me last year also. You see Steam is still perfecting. Every month it gets closer to perfect. As of 2009 there are less frequent and smaller "blackouts" in the steam server. So there is nothing to worry about.
  7. I hate high-school also. BUT I will push myself in my final years whether I like it or not. I go to a Catholic-CoEd High School, it's a reasonably bad school. They get hundreds of thousands in funding althought by the next year you don't see any changes been made to the school.Our computer system is weird, we are all running computers that cant even bootup in less then 8 minutes, literally. The internet system is worse. Google is apparently in our blocked websites list at school.And aswell as WikiPedia. The source of all knowledge. They are complaining about plagiarism from the site. But if someone copies the information its easy to give them a fail.Our subject selections are about 3 times less than our surrounding schools. the content been taught in the current subjects i'm doing is limited. I'm doing 4 units of IT and which is 2 years worth in 1. We are actually doing the same thing in both year levels. Our school is the worst of the worst.
  8. My List:FirefoxSteamMSNuTorrentSource SDK w/ SteamWordK-Lite Mega Codec PackFrapsPhotoshop CS1+WinXP ManagerThese are the list of programs that I install first on my computer, or any computer I format/setup.
  9. Personally I find that PHPBB3 is the best. It's easy and simple. Also I have had some experience with using vBulletin, very very good. you'll just turn ur head around at the price. Also I know someone who used e107, he said it was hard to get hacked and had many interesting features. Ones that you listed: IPB: well i've used this. This in my opinion is the second most professional board. compared to vB been the first. Not that good though SMF: A definite no, looks ugly. Bad features and bad admin/mod abilities. FluxBB/punBB: Don't know this one Drupal [and Joomla]: both are widely used. If you use a CMS, use one of these.
  10. 1. Wrong, this statement is referring to Unreal Tournament 2. Might seem as this at first but no this is incorrect, one technique can surfice, although there is always a better technique 3. Yes, half true, Hitboxes in Source are abit iffy. Although more ISP's get better this will cease to be a problem. And Source is probably targeted for Graphics and the use of Realworld physics. And a brilliant SDK package. 4. IDK what your on about. It's only $20 USD. Alot of other games such as COD4-5 and Battlefield 2 are over 50% more expensive. 5. Why are you spamming Final thought. Please it is not right to flame the game. Post positive criticism. Or just don't post at all.
  11. Agreed. 4.5 years after the source engine was released. Thing are still going strong in Australia. We have over 160 public servers running in Aus and New Zealand [ping from Melbourne to NZ is around 100]. The source SDK community is still booming. Even I use it. Servers aren't lowering there pricing much, still around $45-$55AUD per/month for standard pub server. I recommend Counter Strike source to anyone in the world. It has a base price of $20.00USD lifetime license, which is stamped into one steam account, [which is fine] There is also a mod that is, in my opinion, the best mod in years. "Black Mesa Source - HL1 remake" still not realeased but by looks of the trailer this is a mod to wait for, i think in development for 4 years
  12. Now this is just a quick idea. "In geometry, the tesseract, also called an 8-cell or regular octachoron, is the four-dimensional analog of the cube. The tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of 6 square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of 8 cubical cells." wikipedia.... Is it true that if we involved the 4th dimension, which is time, into our lives today. Would this allow time travel. Imagine the net of a tessoract, [3d version of 2d cube net.] now imagine time as that. Then we fold. Now this is "time" fold in on itself. This is theory would allow time travel. In short, we say timespace is a tessoract net. We fold and this allows possibility for time travel. Do you agree? If so can you please elaborate. or and your ideas.
  13. The theory of black holes is similar to a Worm hole. I believe. trapp17 you are speaking fact although as rvalkass said there is no hard proof as to the existence of these worm holes.
  14. Nice info.... Another idea, which is fact currently. Look into the sky long enough you'll be looking into the past. Distant starlight and the time it takes to get here is than calculated in years. [this is as simple as Sol [our sun] which is currently 8 light minutes away from earth, which is simple as saying look into the sun. "ur looking 8 minutes into the past". I believe the Universe we live in is theorized as 14.4 billion years and our solar system as 4.5 billion with a predicted 5.5 billion yrs to go hehe..... But if we were to keep looking.... What would we find? Just take this statement...... "When you look into the sky your looking into the past"
  15. A wonderful idea. I know most teenagers are addicted to MSN and Yahoo Msgr. Although younger ages [5-12] and older people [20+] are starting to use these types of communication system [chat]. Weather Forecasts, in terms of serious conditions, should be posted on chat programs. The information will be more widely spread.
  16. My theory about different dimensions comes under one phrase/statement."Imagine, if there was a different dimension for every second of every day of every year, and every different variation that we know of."Please tell me what you think of that....
  17. Actually in AUS our fastest residential internet at the fastest transfer rate can download a game [approx 4-6gb] within 5min, or a movie in 3min. This I am sure is based on 2 twisted CAT7 cables. Fibre optics in residential internet is only got a speed of 1Gbp/s. I am sure of this...
  18. Thanks for that information, I was unsure if that Xisto plan was still active. I agree it should be updated.
  19. This is AMAZING. As soon as I get enough money to get my new comp, ill try old hardware as it says. Then I'll use my new parts and test. I wonder if Water+Coolant Submersion is better?
  20. This reminds me of GoPC similar type of Online OS program. But iXeta is right. The speed and amount of data we can download is not at the standard that would allow "cloud computing" to become a permanent reality. But the idea is awesome, although the programs I have used aren't entirely User-Friendly.
  21. I agree with you. I am also sure that uses less RAM than avast and other types of AV programs, and doesn't hog the cpu for scans.
  22. Photoshop is more for Major Companies and schools. Although Corel is cheaper and more useful for Home and personal use. I recommend Corel Paint Shop Pro, because it has some similar features as Photoshop. I bought my copy for only $199 AUD.
  23. Alex Cicala


    Try the MSN Web messenger. http://www.msn.com/en-ca/
  24. May seem that way for Utorrent, it stilll actually installs its just installed seemlessly and doesnt seem like it has and it just opens the program within seconds. Thats simply because its such a small program. Utorrent is recommend just as PhyberOptycs said, but be careful what you download. You may end up downloading illegal warez software.
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