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Everything posted by serverph

  1. subsequent suggestions after Opaque's reply will still harness extra database queries for every page. my personal "ONE CLICK" solution? keep a bookmark on my browser for the Xisto forum index page where i can view my hosting credits with just one click. the simplest solutions are the best for me. it serves my purpose and works well, since i don't need to check on hosting credits every single page.
  2. UPDATE May 21, 2006: scientists claim to have cleared technical hurdle in fusion research! http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ one hurdle down, hundreds... thousands... more to go? hope mankind and the collective brainpower of its geniuses be able to complete this in our lifetime -- million of years even before oil is completely depleted worldwide.
  3. any updates on this, tidewell? your index page currently says: a visit to the forum as suggested, shows a phpbb default test forum. by the looks of it, everything is running fine and well. still having trouble?
  4. hope you remember our shoutbox discussion about this. still no luck with your friend dropping the domain from his cpanel so you can park it on yours? the waiting game continues...
  5. you obviously have not moved your domain with Xisto yet. your domain (IMACUL8carclub.com) status is currently LOCKED to bravehost. however, read the text in BOLD below: you may have to contact your domain registrar to assist you in setting your domain nameservers to that of Xisto. for more info about Xisto nameservers, please consult Xisto readme (link in my sig below).
  6. the google-davinci redirect link (as posted in earlier posts) is not working anymore. you need to directly access the quest page via the Sony Pictures website: http://flash.sonypictures.com/movies/davincicodequest/ BUT the da vinci code quest on google has ended, even before the movie has been officially released worldwide may 18/19. the promotion closed 11.59pm, Thursday May 11th, 2006. since it was simply a promo for the movie, which is now playing in theaters worldwide, it is now moot discussing it further (unless of course, any trappers successfully played the quest to the finish ).
  7. i nearly had convulsions with the train of thought in your poem, and had a hard time mentally figuring out the corrections needed for easier comprehension. seriously -- capitalization, grammar, punctuation, spelling -- these need to be threshed out. i suppose "bless" is meant to be "bliss", and "weap" to be "weep"? i'd like to read it more after you polished it.
  8. your domain is ASHMIN.ORG? this is what i got just now. the nearest nameservers for my ISP from where it collects your domain info seems to be updated already, at least for me. hence, i can see your main page. just wait a couple more hours for complete domain propagation, then everybody else (including you) will be able to see your main page.
  9. merged four threads of same topic with this one.
  10. what's your browser? you wanna read it via browser? better yet, you can simply download the PDF, then read it via your acrobat reader. that way, you'll have a local copy of the PDF and you won't need to be online to read it next time."AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe" is the full english installation for adobe reader version 6.0. but since you seem to have adobe reader installed already, you can keep it as a backup for future re-installations if needed.
  11. merged five GunBound threads with this one. if you need to discuss Gunbound World Champion, you can do it here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30781-gunbound-world-champion/
  12. you can try our ad-supported hosting service at Xisto.NET. no need for hosting credits on that one.
  13. merged 3 other thread of same topic with this thread.
  14. closed. for sure this time. old issue, anyway.
  15. moving from showcase to non-Xisto hosted.
  16. Four "Guild Wars" threads merged into this oldest GW thread...
  17. use search function for the forums next time to avoid redundant topics. closed. existing thread here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6953-guild-wars-do-any-of-you-play-guild-wars/
  18. closed. completed tutorial by author found here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33051-linux-infohowto-info-about-working-with-linux-part1/
  19. Notice from serverph 051706: merged with another thread of same topic.
  20. thanks michaelper22. above links merged as one here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/33898-google-to-take-on-geocities-google-page-creator/= this thread closed.
  21. it is possible. read all about PARKED and ADDON domains in previous posts. use the search function of the forum for that.
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