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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. Peer to Peer itself is a completely legal software which can be very useful in terms of distributing your own material, this would usually cost a large amount of money, now all you need is a internet connection. The US could not just ban some software because it CAN be used for pirating software, movies, music and other interesting stuff... Really it is just like saying "Why don't we ban email" advantages: you can get immediate responses. Disadvantages: people can scam you if you are stupid enough. I say go-figure, if everything that could be used for illegal purposes we would all live in boxes, or not because they can be used to smuggle cocaine in...
  2. I think Tramposch is a 23 year old male who dresses in a suit everyday. I think that Digitalid is a 14 year old kid with pimples who is sitting behind his computer laughing and wondering how to bludge school.
  3. I am going to say no on the basis of a circle being made up of a whole ton of little dots which are positioned into a shape thus creating the circle. The theory you present is very similar to 6 not having a square route, your calculator gives you a small number, but the actual number goes on forever, in no apparent cycle. Any shape is basically just a lot of dots positioned in what we call a shape, the dots could be replaced with a line but I am unsure which it is made up of. The idea that angle must create a circle is slightly clouded, if a circle was made up of dots then where would the angles fit in?
  4. A way to change it is to apply a specific class or ID to the text, it will make your website look a lot neater and you will find it easier to use. It adds quite a bit of control:.comments p {font-color: #CCCCCC;}then in your html you can put the area which holds the comments in that class:<div class="comments"><p>insertcommentshere</p></div>
  5. If you receive enough credits (via posting your files and them getting downloaded) you can eventually buy a premium account. That is the legal method, the illegal methods are numerous and it has been stated that you cannot talk about them on this site. Look on google if you want to find those method. The best way to get a premium account is by buying one, there is no point waiting for a free one...
  6. Good on you, people power will always prevail no matrter what the government chooses. Try and think of World Politics as a "play" in which the actors are the politicians. The stage that the supported (by a "superpower") politicians are on, is lit up VERY brightly, and to the side, there is a small stage with the "unsupported" politicians, the less traditional leaders, the ones that the people like. This stage is poorly lit, the stage is smuggled into the dark and all the people are forced towards the light of the center stage. Then there are people like you, who do say NO, I am not going to be drawn to the "light" stage, I will watch the play I want to see, slowly people will follow, becoming brave enough to access the less traditional version of politics.When you are protesting many politicians will say one voice won't make a difference, but it will, look at people like Ghandi, Nelson Mandela and many other "movers", they moved and made a difference. Anyone can move, anyone can make a difference, and if you keep it up, you will make a difference!The problem is, organisations like Hamas and other terrorist organisations use violence, remember that your weapon is your voice, not a gun, make a peaceful change, and then you will always have the moral high gound.P.S. I know this reply is a bit delayed, BUT this information applies for anything, "move" and make a difference!
  7. Well, because I am a psychic (I read the news), Obama signed a deal today to close down Guantanamo by the end of the year... YAY
  8. Here we go, it seems like the good ol' religious smoke screen, not all people who are religious push their extremist views on other people, not all religious people are extremist. It is just that when someone like truefusion comes along, contradicts himself and then doubts the Bible (which is the "Christians Handbook"), just really annoys me. I have no right to tell everyone else to live their lives, so why do you? How can you say that, homosexuals have the right to have a family as females have the right to go to work and make to a pub.
  9. I have noticed it since I joined up the forum, I just thought it was to trivial to car about (no offence)... It is probably a slow updating script.
  10. Google Earth is an amazingly useful tool banning it would be absolutely ridiculous. These people are the reason that people can no longer know the truth. The terrorism that is so emminent around the world is the reason that hundreds of thousands of Afghanis, Iraqis, Inidans, Pakistanis, Arabs and Kurds are living in fear everyday. They think that because there "God" told them to do it, it is right, I just wan't to make one thing clear to anyone (it doesn't matter: Extremist Christian, Extremist Catholic, Extremist Hindu, Extremist Muslim, Extremist Buddhist etc), killing someone in the name of your "God" does not make the killing lawful. I agree that people are just trying to blame the Mumbai attacks on something, and taking out Google Earth is WRONG, this service is exactly the same as a map or an aerial photograph, we are not going to ban them I hope (hopefully not in Sydney, traffic is already bad enough). Then trying to put it down to a GPS styled piece of equipment, again designed to make our life easier, what do you think, Glass Bottles were made to drink out of it, some people stab people with them, same with chainsaws, made to cut down trees, can be used to kill people, it just depends who you are, and suddenly you can change a completely innocent item into a violent weapon (yes, Google Earth is a "weapon of the mind" for some people).
  11. From what I have experienced, yes. It doesn't matter what OS you are using, I have even used it on my Ubuntu, all you need to do is open up an "Explorer" window and then you need to enter in the details I wrote above, press enter and then hey presto, look what happened you can view your site!
  12. It doesn't matter, I did configure it for Windows Vista specifically but all you need to do is open up any Windows Explorer window and put the information in there. So if you opened the My Computer on Windows XP all you need to do is write in the correct information (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/).
  13. I got the exact same telling me how I could recieve money online. The PM was from CashGifting123, I have now forwarded this message onto the one and only SM.
  14. Chamomile Tea is great, I have trouble getting to sleep and drinking a cup of Chamomile before bed always helps me get to sleep. I looked up some information about it a while ago and here is some information I found.German Chamomile, which is commonly known as "Chamomile" (this is the "Chamomile" used in Tea), has been proven very effective agianst stomach aches and sleeping problems. In 2006 a review was taken and they came to find a number of beneficial effects of chamomile in in vitro and animal tests, the review did also state that more human tests were necessary before they could come to any conclusions. In the tests they found Chamomile did the following things:Chamomile sped healing time on animal woundsSome benefits to animals with DiabetesVery preliminary in-vitro results show potential against cancerSome potential risks include:Interference with warfarin and infant botulism in very young children.Although extremely rare, very large doses of Chamomile may cause nausea and vomiting.Even more rare, Chamomile can cause a rash if taken in large doses.
  15. Well I do not believe at all. My whole family believe, except me and it is definitely a conscious decision. My issue is that, try as I might, I cannot "believe", befor writing this, I did what I did five or six years ago, I sat down, reading a book about science and I thought to myself "if a "God" does exist, why is there no proof, why can no one say this definitely?" Another good reason NOT to believe in a "God" is all the pain, suffering and violence it has caused, look at the Middle-East, what are these men doing in the name of youe "loving" God. Look at the Middle-Ages, the Christians "reclaiming" the holy lands. If a "God" does exist, then why did he cause these bloody uprisings. A lot of religious people will say that it is not God's fault for this happening, but these people who have caused violence in the name of "God" will always claim to have recieved a message from "God". What about the story of Noah, wasn't the cause of that flood, people being careless or "evil", another one of "God's" acts of kindness.I would say that the Bible is basically a fairytale in which we can draw some interesting yet completely ficticious stories. Yes, they may have some good morals, but I would definitely not claim anything to be true. I have excerpted some information from the famous biologist Richard Dawkins, where he basically says that God is an imaginary friend. I think that this sums it up, it really does just spell out the facts. If God did exist, why can no one find any proof? If God is all around why do people look up when they pray. I would say that even the smallest thinngs like this, shows that there is a sort of "insecurity" even amongst the people who believe.
  16. Well I am from Australia and I will be waking up at 3 AM to watch it and I will make sure that one of my local TV stations are going to be displaying the show.
  17. My view on Global Warming is SIMPLE, I am in a slight disbelief about it after people make wild predictions and then they expect us to all go and cry about it. YES, Global Warming might be a consequence for our actions but if we look back into the past we have seen that there have been periods of high temperatures during the middle ages which did not cause permanent damage. I have heard a theory that it is sun spots that cause it, I highly doubt this theory, but the point I am making is that Global Warming may not be as prevalent as we think.In Australia, last week a politician and all the major weather bureau's predicted a massive king tide that would have been caused by Global Warming. This did not end up happening, the result was a very average-small tide, which was in fact smaller than most days. I think that before we all start making these crazy, I think we need to all look at the facts, remember the Y2K bug, what was predicted then didn't happen, remember the Cuban Bay of Pigs and the nuclear bomb that was going to destroy the world, I don't think that happened...
  18. Actually Illustrator is really not for editing Photo's. I use Photoshop for editing Photos and then I use Illustrator for designing. All you need to do is take the names of these programs into consideration: Illustrator (generally means that you are drawing something), Photoshop (Photo... Shop, not graphics shop, Photoshop is made to edit photographs). I can no longer stand Photoshop since I was introduced to Illustrator, now days, I only use it to edit Photos. Illustrator is also used to edit Vectors (resizable graphics), basically a vector can be resized without becoming pixelated. Photoshop works with Raster image so that when you resize it it will be pixelated. I hope that helps.
  19. What you will need to do is delete the "applications.php" part at the end of the URL and you will be redirected to the new website.
  20. Yes, I would love this to happen, you know what else would be nice: A wireless mind-reader . THis idea is excellent but the problems that it faces are quite big. Imagine if a hacker hacked into this computer while you were thinking about your bank pin number or something like that, hacking would be at the next level, they would now have access to all of your personal thoughts. What about that 90% of your brain that does not get used for "concious" thinking, how would you be able to control that, an alpha wave is an alpha wave, whether it is a concious one or not. Other than your brain becoming "hackable", what about if they added a "write" function, then you could be very easily brainwashed. Think about that annoying jingle you hear on TV, now think about that playing 24/7 with the words "Buy Kelloggs" repeating over and over again. It would be "super advertising". This is, not to mention what China or other dictatorship countries could do with it. What if a politician got this into his/her hands, you would suddenly be voting for some red-neck farmer who waants to exterminate every living animal when you would normally vote for a left-wing party. Suppose this "computer" (yes computer in inverted comma's, I am starting to wonder whether thhis would even be a computer or a "lose-your-brain pill") got a virus, imagine thinking about Trojan.Vundo all day, it would drive you MENTAL, that is when the agitator of the Virus starts loading heaps of other Virus's into your brain (Now Winmad.exe actually makes you mad ).Other than those risks, I am sure that it is possible to makke something exactly like a brain reader, in fact they already have one, they use it to record dreams and other things that happen during REM. I think that it is to risky to make a computer a "mind reader", it would kill all privacy and it would turn the world into a massive show of "Big Brother".
  21. The Joomla one is really bad, what sort of site displays this message: The other site is ok, the blue background took a while to load and you might want to use more information to "indetify" your site better. Currently I only see "TakeOver Gaming Community" which signals what and who your site is about. A favicon for the browser bar would also be nice. Other than your site having 0 identity, it is a pleasant site to navigate around and the colors match well.
  22. I am sorry if I sound mean, but I am giving the design 2/10. Like Ousk said, I am only giving you 2 because it is simple to use. The design itself was horrible, the tables look unprofessional, use <div> and CSS for better results, if you need help with your layout add me on MSN: triplebtalk@live.com.au or Yahoo (username) triplebtalk. I also found the English was very poor, I did not put the language into consideration, but again, if you need any help PM me or add me at any of the above addresses. If you want your web page to look professional you might want to consider some heavier colors (example here). Otherwise you need to go the other way completely, make the colors light and bright, the dull yellow sits very badly for me. If you coded it by HTML, you might want to take a HTML lesson (here), after that you can do a lesson in CSS (here) and that will make your web design neater and it will look cleaner. Other than that, you could consider a different format, such as Flash. If design isn't your thing, try and think of it as a mathematical equation, use the numbers in the CSS to guide you. Good luck
  23. Yes, I enjoy the website and it is asthetically pleasing. My main issue with it is its "pixelly" presentation, the corners of the blue header image are "big" pixels. Another part of the website annoyed me, on the Home Page you have a weird assortment of these: , I don't know if it is me being pedantic, but they look REALLY ugly. Otherwise your layout is awesome, it is not to cramped and it contains the "web design golden formula". Good job!
  24. Absolutely NOT. I have converted .ppsd files to HTML and CSS for people that have asked. I dislike using Templates because:a.) They make your website look cheap (especially if it a popular template and it has been seen on several other websites)b.) With a template the author usually asks to have his/her name in the copyright sectionA template always makes a site look worse according to me, a template shows that the webmaster has not taken the time to consider something original and neat.
  25. I would have to disagree with the use of w3schools.com on that, there AJAX tutorial hardly even covers the basic. I would suggest that puneye learns Javascript (here) and HTML (here), then look at the AJAX tutorial (here). AJAX still is incrediby useful and being able to build a web application is a great skill. The main issue with AJAX is that sometimes you need to know a third party coding language, such as ASP or PHP, then it becomes an issue.
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