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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. Thank you so much for this tutorial, I have been looking all over the web for one of these. Also, it is easier just to follow the tutorial than adding the cookies() function...
  2. Thanks for this tutorial, it will provide a great segway into C and C++... Oh, would you be able to write a C tutorial?
  3. Hey, Today I am going to show you all how to use Windows Explorer (NOT INTERNET EXPLORER) as your FTP client. Here we go: Step 1: Open up any window (eg. Documents, Pictures etc.) Step 2: In the bar at the top it should display something like: C:\Users\YourComputerUserName\Pictures or C:\Users\YourComputerUserName\Documents and Settings\Pictures Highlight that and delete it. Inside that bar write: ftp://username:password@username.host.com/ * The italics represent: username: Your web hosting username password: Your web hosting password host: Your web host (DO NOT INCLUDE THIS IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN DOMAIN... Step 3: Press enter and wait for it to load. There you have it, a fully working FTP client, straight from your desktop. I personally find it nicer than FileZilla
  4. Where I live, we have HUGE storms all the time, and I don't have this pack prepared, I know that I always have stuff like first-aid, non-perishable foods, and some other stuff.
  5. Statistically that is correct, but scientists have proved that more males are depressed than the statistics show as they are less likely to go for help. *Huge Generalisation coming up* Females tend to be more open about there problems and males usually hide their problems so that they can mantain there "tough man" image...
  6. Well you arte going to be pretty stretched with such a small Hard Drive. If you are running a desktop computer, try to upgrade your hard drive to about 180GB, otherwise you will be very limited with space. If you cannot upgrade your hard drive your best bet is to go for Vista Basic.
  7. *cough* It is VERY cheap considering that PlayStation include so many features:Blu-Ray Optical Disc Drive80GB Hard DriveBluetoothWirelessEthernetHigh DefinitionI dunno, but for $1000 it is suprisingly cheap, Blu-Ray itself is $1000. Stop complaining because it costs Sony $500 to make an 80GB PlayStation 3... They do need to make a profit you know ...
  8. Me and my sister have owned heaps of Sony products (PlayStation 1 x1, PlayStation 2 x2, Playstation 3 x2, PlayStation Portable x4, Sony Ericsson x5, Sony Bravia x2, Sony CyberShot x4, Sony Vaio x2), and we have only ever had a slight problem with the PlayStation 2, the disc drive kept jamming. We simply took it to the place we bought it and they gave us a new one. Later on, our little sister spilt milk all over it and we had to call Sony Support. They were very friendly and told us to send it to their official repair office, and it was fine after that, they even paid for postage and handling.So I disagree, Sony is a very good company and their products are great.
  9. I wish I could find a shell for Vista... I can't seem to find one anywhere on the net:(. Does anyone know of any sites with shells for vista? Will these ones work?
  10. How is Hypnosis explained? I think that to an extent magic is real, but you need to remember that it is impossible to cut someone in half. I know someone who was bullied when he was younger and he used to jump into a bush full of prickles and come out completely unscathed, and the people who would bully him would get thorns intheir hands... So who knows.
  11. The perfect girl would be:a.) Hot in a quirky wayb.) Individualc.) Not scared of spiders (always confuses me that chicks are scared of spiders, I mean they rip hair out of their thighs with boiling hot wax, yet when they see a spider they think doomsday has come)d.) Happye.) Adventurous (happy to try different things, I would hate a girl who was really narrow minded)f.) ExcitingI don't think that just saying that they need a nice personality is enough, a nice personality to you might be a bad personality to me.
  12. EasyPHP is a testing server. To run a full blown server onn your home computer would be a pain for all the users and you. Firstly you need to have an area that can handle a bit of noise and is well insulated. Heat/Cold would be very jepordizing on your home server. You would also need to have a decent speed internet connection, or as I said earlier, the page load would be very slow.Basically the setup cost of a home server out weighs the benefits of one. There are plenty of free hosts out there, and if you need paid, you would still save a lot of money in the long run.
  13. It would depend on whether the Centrino was a Core 2 Duo. otherwise I would say that the Pentium would be the faster of the two.
  14. Like everyone else has said, if they are well positioned I would not mind, but if they are pop ups, I would object very strongly. If you were to position them well, it would make the site look neat and lively.
  15. It would fail pretty quickly you would think, but they are able to use this nano-technology in such a way that it is almost fail proof. I wanna buy it
  16. I always partition with Nortons Partition Magic, probably the easiest and safest way to do it.
  17. The domain doesn't seem to be working, it says that I get a page load error as the domain cannot be found.
  18. The site looks terrible, it is full of ads for scamming companys, which will give your website a very bad reputation
  19. The link doesn't seem to be working anymore
  20. Colors seem to clash a tiny bit but I disagree that the blue and the green don't compiment each other. The logo looks really bad and the font could be a little bigger. The content's font could be bigger as well. Also try sticking to one blue bar down the bottom, it would look neater.
  21. I don't like it, the colors seem to clash. You might wanna lighten the green to make it lime. The website is crowded and it could be made better by slimming down the font. Other than that great work
  22. Nope, you cannot use any source code for google translate, if you do a simple google search you can find better translators that give you the offer to embed code so that you cn use an on-site translator...
  23. How about these names: PogaYahoogle (Maybe to close to yahoo and google)GameZ
  24. There is a million people with my name in the US. Why is my name so common, my parents must of been crazy
  25. I advise you to see a counsellor about these issues and you could try to resolve these things. My dad suffered from depression and he ended up killing himself, I hope that you can seek help and try to work your way around it.
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