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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. I use AusLogics Boost Speed, it is great and the basic version is free. Of course it has some small downfalls such as you cannot defrag to often in trial. But I still find it amazing and very useful.
  2. If you are very interseted in making your computer look like Vista just go to this website: Theme XP I have used it on my XP and they all work very well
  3. Haha, I started attempting to bake this cake and got bored half way, so I decided to make a chocolate cake instead, unfortunately my camera is broken, it did look a bit like this though: actually very a like this
  4. There is a few problems that I find with it such as the light grey background, try something a couple of notches up form #CCCCCC, it will look better. THe font in the login box looks really misplaced and the header is a little to thin. Otherwise, I would rate your site about 9/10, but because of those few problems, I will give it a 6/10
  5. This myCent system is so good. To make it better, instant updates would be nice. Also knowing about an earning guide would be good as well.
  6. The Dark Knight is one of the best films I have ever seen, the acting was all amazing and the story line just added to the comic. The Joker, Heath Ledger's role, was so amazingly acted out that he acted more like the Joker than the Joker out of the comic. It is sad to think that we have lost such an amazingly talented actor. Christian Bale's performance was good as always, but as someone said before, Batman's voice really annoyed me, I dunno why he does the deep "I am going to kill you" voice, but it was not effective and slightly annoying. I think the suit was better than the tight latex ones I have seen in the past and it suited tghe movies much more. I loved Batman's gadgets and the way that the Batmobile self-destructed, I would pay to see that live. There is something about Christian Bale which just annoys me though, and the way he acts is not the problem. I don't think that he wilol win an Oscar, but I do think that Heath Ledger's last, spectacular performance will.10/10, everyone needs to go out and see it
  7. I have had several Apple's over the years and they haven't always had problems. The MAC OS7 I had about 8 years ago was probably the sturdiest MAC I ever had, the only let down being it was old and incompatible... I then had a MAC OS9, it was good until it started having over heating issues and its screen became VERY defective. Then I got the laptop that made me leave MAC all together: The MacBook OSX... I had torubles with the heating, troubles with the screen, memory reading problems and a hard drive failure. Then one day I started it up and found that I had a kernel error . Yes, so I take it down to my local MAC shop and I ask them to fix it, they tell me that it will cost $AU350, am absolutely appaled at the cost of MAC parts and their customer service is absolutely disgusting. I wouldn't even buy an iPod from MAC, let alone another Computer.
  8. I hate GoogleAdsense, I never click on the ads so I wouldn't think that anyone else would... Try ads that look neater, try selling the web space directly to the Advertiser, you will make more money
  9. THe site is dead, I am getting redirected to an Apache Server, Installation Correct message... You might wanna have a look at what has happened to your website or Xisto - Web Hosting.
  10. You can also redirect to your homepage from another page with PHP like so: <?phpheader( 'Location: [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; );?>Make sure you put it above the HTML code like so: <?phpheader( 'Location: [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; );?><html><head><title>Redirecting Now...</title><style type="text/css">body{background: #000000;}p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h{color: #CCCCCC;}</style></head><body><h1>Redirectiom Page</h1><p>Redirecting Now...</p></body><html> Notice from rvalkass: Code tags are needed around all code.
  11. A couple of tips, you might wanna supply a link that works, because right now I am just getting redirected to CJB.NET...
  12. I know this thread is old, but ds-portal.com seems to have been taken over by cyber squatters... Admin might wanna close this threead down and remove it beccauuse it seems to be advertising one of those unsightly websites
  13. uTorrent and BitTorrent work fine, it is just Azureus that has issues... I used Azureus and Windows completely blocked the program...
  14. Thankyou so much for that, i will concentrate on that when I have had a bit of sleep. I can't wait until number 2 is accepted
  15. Haha, your Wireless mobile internet is fdaster than my 51kbps DSL connectio, I cant wait to upgrade to 1.5 MBPS:)
  16. That is awesome, disposable OxyGen... It isn't that hard to make, all we need is a stable atmosphere to keep it within a planet:)
  17. Obviously that was fake and the moon landing was very real. America could not of faked it, there was nothing to gain and the space race had already been won by the USSR with Yuri Gagarin being the first man in space...
  18. What I find funny is that they took the joke so far. It always seems that they release these things on April Fools which is very funny. I remember one year they were offering a "free sewer internet service", where you just had to drop your cord with a "sinker" down the toilet and flush. Then a google technician who worked in the sewers would plug it into a terminal and you would have free internet. Another good example of Google going to far is the Google MentalPlex (here), very funny. Google announced it as "Google search technology crossed with the technology of reading the mind to save you typing". For more Google Hoaxes go to: Google Hoaxes at Wikipedia
  19. I think it is impossible for Google to keep up with that motto, they are a corporation like everyone else in that business. In fact if you look at most corporations, Apple for example, they all are built on money making and nothing else. This seems fairly obvious but, in some cases, they start to care less about the quality of their product and more about the income. Google seems to be growing massively and luckily they still care about their products and servicse.A nice example of a corporation that is still more worried about there services is Wikipedia. The website itself is good and still free, like Google. Hopefully Google will not grow badly, and will keep on a good and honest path.
  20. That is ridiculous, you need to actually have a product developed to make a patent for something... Maybe different rules apply in different countries, but it does seem to be very strange to be allowing the to put a patant on non-existent products.
  21. Of course they are dodgy, if it is a "cheap shop" it will never bother about caring about the quality of any products:(
  22. Bandwidth can mean to things:a) The speed of your internet service:P the amount of data allowed to transfer between a server and a computers user
  23. No, I am 15, and I drink, it isn't that bad, and as long as you don't do it all the time, you will be fine.
  24. My resolution is to not tell anyone my resolution... Damn I broke it, it doesn't really matter because 95% of New Years Resolutions fail. In fact QuitLine (Australia's Anti-Smoking helpline) advises you not to give up smoking at new years eve for this reason
  25. Wow thats even better than the other tutorial I read on this site. Thanks for making such a simple PHP counter. You could explain what each function does, but otherwise, great job.
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