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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. Yeah, I have a 2GB Imation USB stick which is about an inch long and weighs nothing:p
  2. I have used it several times but I dislike doing it because the cost is so great and it is soooo slow
  3. The lack of synchronisation makes it quite a bit less efficient and you will find that because they aren't synchronised, it can be slower than just a Dual core. The RAM is in fact 3.5 GB, sorry I was wrong, and to extend this in a 32 Bit OS have a look at this website: http://vistarewired.com/ .
  4. I looked around about this and the answer is yes BUT it is inpracticalas there is software to change your MAC address. Also I read an article in the New York Times where a thief was caught thanks to Remote Desktop Software:
  5. Yes you can, all you need to do is go to your download manager and paste in the address and there you go, you have the PHP file.
  6. I use torrents to "test" out how much I like something, if I like it I will go out and buy it, then I legally own it. I know that downloading copyrighted content off torrents is illegal, but it is more useful than criminal.
  7. I have found that my sites have always been indexed faster when I put them up with Google Analytics, Google Ad-Words never did anything for my site, in fact the site in question was never indexed (1 1/2 years)... I have heard that submitting your website in googles web-master area helps, I usually just let the robots crawl my site.
  8. I am sorry to say this but you sound like the creator of the site, it sounds like blunt self promotion... I have looked at the site and it is legit, BUT the way that you have wrote this thread makes it look like Xisto is turning into an advertising board. Just have a look at the your post and you will see what I mean.
  9. No, but the client can still download the PHP file... Do you see what am getting at, you would need to lock the folder the PHP is in so no one in the public can grab it out of your server space...
  10. You should go for the Desktop, although it is more expensive, they are easier for self maintenance and will experience less heating problems in the long run. If you are using your computer for gamming, then the desktop would be the way to go. Currently the Dual Core Quad Processors are not really good, you need to wait for them to be synchronised because they currently run seperately (eg. Each set of dual cores within the quad run seperately), they should released a synchronised version in mid 2009. If I may ask, what OS are you planning on running with this machine, you may want to run a 64 bit OS (eg. Vista Home Premium 64 bit edition, Windows XP 64 bit edition or some 64 bit Linux), otherwise you will find that it can only run a maximum of 2 GB of RAM. The hard drive is a good choice BUT make sure you have a good fan. I hope some of this information is useful...TriplebTalk
  11. That is a great script, isn't it a bit risky putting your cpanel username and password in there though? many people can easily access it and download it, then they have access to your account...
  12. I only recently started using Google Chrome, and I have got to say that it was not a satisfying experience, it was slow and javascript kept freezing up, I disliked it so much that I would never suggest anyone to use it. I have recently started using Firefox and that is a dream.
  13. It depends what the person looks like... I think that I would prefer all of my friends (girls) to stop wearing icecream because they are really hot without it... Still it is a self confidence thing that maybe makes them feel better.
  14. Ok, thankyou. So you mean there is no standard "each character is worth (x amount), and each thread is worth (y amount)"?
  15. I use many operating systems and by far, Windows XP was the hardest for me to activate, even Vista, which I have had to install twice, activated easily both times. It seems some aspects of XP are just to archaic.
  16. Thanks for that. I have signed up and I am really eyeing that domain:p. Also, how are the points counted?
  17. Can anyone tell me what the value of each post is? On the other forum I go on, each post is worth .5 $ and evry character is worth .01 $. Is it similar here?Can anyone tell me what the value of each post is? On the other forum I go on, each post is worth .5 $ and evry character is worth .01 $. Is it similar here?
  18. What is the sites address? I would like to find out about MyCent, when I google search it, I get some posts about mycent~1.dll being a virus...
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