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Everything posted by triplebtalk

  1. Thankyou for the awesome tutorial, I only did the first part as the second part wasn't useful for me, but great job... On this topic, is there a way you can move the testing server folder so you can put files in without having to give it "Admin" control?
  2. Sorry if you accidentally wrote it, but it is impossible to have a "broadband" speed of 32kbps, dialup is faster than that... As for YouTube you should get a 512kbps connection, it will usually stream youtube ok unless you are doing something else at the same time.
  3. I am sorry if this is a bit off topic, but is there a reason it is not immediately update? Wouldn't it be easier if that was the case, I would like it better.
  4. Oh sorry my eyes skipped across it . When I say autmatically I mean, will the script ever be able to update your myCENTS immediately after you post.
  5. I know you will all hate me for being a semi teenage stereotype but, I drink and my grades are fine, I started drinking when I was 12-13 and my life is not ruined. I think that if you want to get really drunk, that is your own choice, not some religious nutters decision. Alcohol is fine as long as you know your limits and are with people you know welll and trust. Drugs, I really don't care for. I have never tried them and I never will. The thing with drugs for me is the fact that my father died of an overdose and I disagree with anything even slightly related to them entirely. I am 15 and I know that I have no right to criticise people who enjoy drugs, so I don't, because people who do drugs are not going to give a damn whether YOU disagree with what they do in their recreation time. As for cigarettes, I can't stand the smell and taste of them, being the stupid teenager I am, I tried one cigarette and never tried it again, they were terrible and they tasted so wrong. One of my friends does smoke occasionally and it worries me sick. Because she is my friend I am able to talk to her about it, but she just tells me its like me doing alcohol (to which I reply "Alcohol tastes nicer "). Underage sex is an issue but this is caused by lack of education on the matter, I personally have not had sex before and strangely enough, I haven't met the right person anyway. If the sex education campaign was better we might be able to lower the teen pregnancy rates... As for the "No sex before marriage rule:, I say "If that is how you wanna live your life, go do it, but just because you are part of a religion that forbids this doesn't mean you should stop your self, this is of course provided that you actually love the person. Please remember that this is coming froma 15 year old atheist, so you can tear away at my theories you oldies/religious people.
  6. Smoking will not ruin your looks immediately but there is a high chance that it will in the long run, I know many people that look terrible because they have smoked for too many years. Also after you have smoked for a while, your lungs won't looks so good...
  7. I personally always buy name brand because I know I can trust it. This is because a lot of the fake rip offs are made in China and they have a lot of scares to do with food and health. If I can avoid it I will not buy foods made in countries that have poor health and poor working conditions, not because I am a snob, but because I don't wanna risk it. Also it is not that much more to buy good quality foods and other products and you will find there to be a benefit in the end.
  8. I would advise Magic Video Converter, it can convert anything to DVD and many other formats. It is also very cheap so you would not have to pay to much for it. I think it offers a free trial as well.
  9. Thanks for that. I am sorry I have so many questions but heres another one: When will opaque be finished modifying the script for myCents and when he is finished will it update automatically?
  10. Indeed it does seem to be back to normal, does anyone know how often this happens? Is it a once a month thing or ia this a very isolated case? Also is this at anyway going to affect anythhing we have already bought?
  11. Absolutely, I may be new but I post frequently... What really just confuses me is that people sign up here and post 10 rubbish posts and expect to be applauded. What also annoys me is the fact that some people seem to have accounts that they use only to get a domain or hosting package. To put it simply, I HATE inactive users.
  12. I cannot wait to try it out, in fact I am downloading now and I hope I am within the 2.5 Million people mark. Has anyone else tried this yet?
  13. Haha, so basically the myCENTS has been overcalculating how much you should have... You see if everyone could know what the formula for earning myCent's was it would all be fixed. I think that opaque probably needs to revise the code and the formula for earning myCqENT's if people are earning way to much.
  14. That was an amazing experience... I feel like such a bad atheist . Actually, the site is so disgusting I have contracted a "terrible" illness, I will never be able to sing a church hymn again (YAY)
  15. I am sorry to sound really NOOBISH but is there a dead line as to when opaque will have this finished?
  16. I am currently -53.48, and before I had 80 something... , what is wrong with the script, I haven't experienced this issue before.
  17. I am a previous user of Flash MX but I have upgraded several times, now I use Flash CS4, all of the Adobe/Macromedia Flash programs I have used are great. I used Shishmax on several occasions but I never reallly liked it
  18. One of my favourite sites for these tutorials is PsdTuts, it is so simple and you know that it is only the best quality because the site owners pay for tutorials...
  19. Well I personally love all of Adobe's products. Flash has been given a complete makeover, as has FireWorks and Dreamweaver so it is no longer a macromedia product. I own almost everyone of Adobe's products and I never have a problem with them, including Acrobat Reader.
  20. Now this is a subject that I am undecided on. I want to believe, not only because it would be pretty cool to know that all those people who said "Ghosts are a figament of the imagination", were wrong, but also just to know that something happens after death. On the other hand I am Atheist and I really do not believe in a lot of this "poppycock". The fact remains that in some cultures it is common to honorr spirits etc. I have made up an explenation for why people think there MUST be an afterlife, it is hard to admit to yourself that something or someone is gone, you want to think up another explenation for it. It is a simple human tendency, we want to understand how and why everything works in the way it does.While ghosts as such may not be real, even scientists have not doubted that something in the "paranormakl" is not entirely out of the question. In fact I was listening to the radio yesterday and some UK scientists have said that FM radio waves are the radio waves that are most likely going to be able to beam into space because of the clarity... Who knows, maybe there is something out there, but I doubt that it is ghosts.
  21. I use lots of different HTML editors including:DreamweaverNotepadNotepad++Microsoft ExpressionWeb Page MakerScreemThey all work differently and I like Dreamweaver the best.
  22. Ok... Sorta confusing topic as you need to know basic HTML to be able to learn PHP. I would suggest, no, INSIST, that you learn HTML first. PHP will be easier and without knowing HTML you will have a hrad time implementing the PHP.
  23. Here is where I learnt all of my PHP skills: W3Schools Tizag NetTuts All these sites work very well and they have taught me all the basics, and now anything I need to know is easier to learn.
  24. Haha, it reminds me of the time at school were I was learning to develop film and also how to clean it . Cleaning film is so hard, I only had to do 24 photos, they have to do millions
  25. You need to think of what your website relates to and then try and spice that up. My name: TriplebTalk, I thought that up by doing the following: a ) What is my website about (a talk and music radio station) b ) my last name begins with b so I thought why not TripleB (ala Triple M, Triple J etc) c ) combined it together and tada TriplebTalk
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