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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Hmm strange, but I didn't have any problems with Internet Explorer 7 on my Windows XP installation, it never crashed and I tried to browse with it and look what it offers for quite a while.. So a lot of what I think depends on your system and what you have there. What you want, IE7 is in development, it is not a final product Even though I am not an IE user, but think realistic, everything what is beta from Microsoft doesn't work, everything what is final release from Microsoft needs to have bugs But you have to admit, they have made a progress for the browser, even though they didn't offer anything new, just copied/plagiarised other browser features into their engine and made a really stupid two button combination, back and forward where is the refresh and stop buttons? in the menu? :)What I still don't get is that why non other browser has wml support except Opera, there is really plenty of pages in wml format and I can only browse them using Opera. The only bad thing I found about Opera that Google different services doesn't support it and I don't know why, never bothered to ask what features does IE or Firefox have that Opera doesn't? Could be because of AJAX, but as I did AJAX, it worked on Opera and other browsers..
  2. Yeah, this is very good list, I have all those extensions installed except for FireFTP, just because I don't really need it.. But in my opinion, the best one out of those extensions is WebDeveloper, which was always helping me :)It is a pity, that CSSViewer still does not work for the FF2 :|
  3. Well, yeah.. IE7 is much better than IE6, I liked it myself, but not to much and I don't think a lot of people will move to it so fast and besides it is a beta version and is a browser for Windows Vista to which it will take time to move.. Remember how much time it took that people moved to XP? A lot of whom were still using Windows 2000, the same will be with Vista.. Anyway..If you have a "slow" computer and I really believe you that Firefox is slow when loading/starting, but so is IE7, as I read IE6 is two times faster.. so did you ever try Opera? It has all the features you want and is really much faster when loading and browsing and it is free. Only Internet Explorer can work on Microsoft windows update pages, firefox doesn't work, it wasn't created for that.
  4. I don't play games anymore, just for fun to waste some time and have fun.. but I prefer retro gaming and in my life I finished a lot of games which don't have password or saving ability This is my big accomplishment, I learned to be patient about it.. In fact I don't really like a lot of games, because you can save it anytime you want to, of course it is a very good feature, but its not a game when you do something "right" you save it and continue I played games over 24 hours thinking about one thing - "I wish the electricity wouldn't vanish and appear again in the period of one second" Due to I was in the end of the game.. But of course there are plenty retro games which has ability to save usually strategy games. :PIn addition, I never heard of any contests and stuff in my country, but I really think they exist, if I was a gamer I think I would participate.
  5. I read twice what you have written, but I still am not quite sure what you want to do, what kind of a result do you want from doing something?
  6. I tried the Firefox 2 browser, at last I found some time and as I didn't really use Firefox for a quite some time except for testing purposes, I would like to say they made some progress, but it still won't be my main browser, due to I said it in my post earlier.. I also installed IE7 and would like to say they made some progress too, the pages are displayed very nicely, but it is so slow and something buggy and the interface is a little stupid, back and forward buttons.. As I read, it is two times slower than IE6, but it shows css, xml and other stuff very well if not talking about speed of sites with a lot of html tags and content.. But maybe they will do something about it, I don't really care until Opera, Firefox and Konqueror exist (Never used Safari, but I read it is a very good browser)
  7. Well, I used to spend much more time online working and making stuff with the web.. In that time I learned a lot, but for several years now and especially now when I entered the University I can't spend so much time online or near the computer.. I usually am 4-5 hours online a day or sometimes if I am really busy I only am here for 30 minutes, but still I leave the computer on to be online on irc, skype, messengers and to get emails and stuff.. I wish the old days could be back when I was online for 16 hours a day :POne of my family members wanted to know if Internet is useful, I said yes, but don't get it (He lives outside the capital in his private house, but he isn't quite young) My idea was that You can really live without the Internet, but once you are there for say a month or 4, you can't really live without it anymore.. :SBu in addition, I used to think that people like me can't live without TV, but for a year now I only turn it on for 20 minutes a day and don't care anymore about it, so I think it is possible..
  8. In fact I think they both are quite good, but both have downsides and if to make one out of those two, it would be really good. The first one has a very bad font, it needs more effects like the second one, and the graphic of the first one is better than in the second one.. etc. Well, I think you can do much better by improving them.
  9. Personally, I just create a document file with any office suite, like Word and load it with open office writer.. and with it I can export document files to pdf format which does it quite nice.. you can even export to pdf excel and powerpoint files through open office.. I don't really need anything fancy using it, so OO suits me well with creating PDF files :Pand yeah, it is free
  10. I also could just add Winamp and QCD, or a better development version QMP, you can get Quintessential Player from http://www.quinnware.com/ I used to like it more than Winamp, but the development version is still under development and sometimes I have problems with it.. Winamp is a little bit more stable, even though QMP is much more powerful. Furthermore, the audioscrobller plugin on windows doesn't work very well with QCD, it often goes offline, don't know if it is the player failure or the plugin itself sucks, but the winamp version works very well.
  11. Well, if they bought it then that means they saw some profit out of it, youtube gets lots, I mean lots of visits.. and it is normal, that they couldn't compete with it, the google video - I used to use it, but not as much as youtube, even though I don't watch a lot of those crazy short movies/clips etc.I want to ask something, I never saw a google site with their own ads on the site, is it true..? I browse with privoxy and never see any ads or affiliates, but I don't think that they put ads on their own sites. :PNow all google needs is a Google Radio service and all the most popular Internet services will be taken over! Well, the company as said really grown big and can start a monopoly, but people are using them, just because usually their service is working and trustable, even though I don't like google as I used to before, I don't like superb big companies When the owners die, the next owners, maybe their kids will take over and you can never know what can happen, but I am just talking, I don't really know the owners biographies and who are their kids
  12. Personally, I don't see any point to move to php5 and mysql5 today, most of the servers still run on php4 and not having several functions and similar can't hurt you, it will only cause more problems as said above.. but if someone really need to have php5, he could find a host, but most having php5 would be paid, but I saw some topics offering hosting and searching for new members by advertising that they have php5 and mysql5 installed, don't know if they are reliable and stuff, but I don't really remember on which forums it was.In addition, I don't think that any of my written php scripts wouldn't work on php5 as I write them to work on 4th and 5th version by adding some extra checking.. Don't know how mysql would react, because I never used or read more about it.. but I think that all the querys should work
  13. I am using this version for some time now and really like that they are integrating more stuff into it and keeping it such a small program.. I don't write a lot of emails anymore, so I don't need a powerful email client anymore, so I started using Opera mail, even though I would want a bit more from it.. Moreover, I started using Opera chat to connect to irc servers, due to I don't like any irc clients for Windows, except for xchat, but it is using GTK, which I don't like.. but yeah, Opera chat is still a bit lame for me, it has all the things I need, but all this integration - I don't like that all the channels I am sitting are in the tabs, I don't need to see them, even though I can open a new window and have lots of tabs there with email and irc rooms.. but I would rather have one tab for chats in which I would see some kind of tabs of my joined irc channels..It is really useful to have bit torrent support integrated, especially if you aren't mad about them and just want to do several things, like download them when needed fast..Maybe anyone know how can I export all my mail inbox, outbox, sent mails etc. from Opera that I could have a backup? For example, if I would want to reinstall Windows and to have all the emails after a fresh installation of Opera by importing it? Any ideas, or I just can't find it?
  14. Yeah, I agree that it can fool people who don't really understand how computers work and stuff like web-mail But, somebody, who didn't have anything to do and was bored wrote this and now we are just reading But seriously, the first part of the quoted text was quite funny, I had a smile, but when reading further it got lame.
  15. Personally, my first search engine was google and I always used google as my search engine and never really liked to use any others, they were very lame and didn't show anything.. Something in the years of 2001-02.. but for some time now other search engines also provide nice results, but as a lot of people including me are used to use google, they continue to do so, even though I know some people who only use yahoo, due to they say google show stupid search results and etc. But sometimes I agree that when they, I mean google, started to use pagerank, the first top sites are actually different from what I am searching and I find what i need by scrolling a little bit down or on the second page. :SNevertheless, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Even though I am a bit late
  16. They look similar, but still, that is not a "photo" of them.. I zoomed in and stuff, it is as Jeigh said, blocks.. could be anything, because the position of the twin towers doesn't match.. Well, I am not sure, why not ask somebody who made it?
  17. But those "new" features were available using the add-ons or whatever they are called now.. To add about Opera, I used to use Firefox and the look of Opera wasn't appealing for me either, but when I used Opera for one month I just can't get back to use Firefox anymore.. I only use Firefox to look how pages look on the mozilla engine and also sometimes use the web developer extension for debugging. Opera has a lot of nice skins and I also stopped using thunderbird some time ago and use Opera as my mailer and even IRC client, even though I would like more stuff added into irc chat.. But it is good that they are integrating very useful features into firefox.. I remember it was a pain to reconfigure firefox after a clean installation or similar, to search and install all the add-ons, but one time I found Mozilla Backup program and never will need to do it again
  18. In fact, I think they all are amazing, but as I don't do a lot of graphics I can't rate the work, but I only can rate what I see in the picture :PI really rate all of them 9, except for the second one, due to I don't really prefer the round edges.
  19. I didn't get a very powerful hardware myself, because I am not a gamer of any kind, I usually like to play retro games through emulators.. So am not even interested into this kind of expensive hardware But, I also would like to have this, but maybe after one year it will all get cheaper.. I am really satisfied with my current setup AMD 1.7ghz, 1 GB of ram and an old cheap second hand Gforce2 64mb.. I needed a big monitor and I got it, so happily am using 1280x1024 and it didn't cost me a lot of money
  20. By saying the Best, what do you mean? You have any kind of statistics or something? Best for whom? me, you, others? I don't really think it is best.. by design, by programming and by integration.. You ever programmed for windows? for Linux? for any other Operating System? Do you even know what an Operating System definition is? If it is best for you, than say it like that, because in my opinion, it is one of the worst OS'es available.. Why the hell it needs so many resources? Have you tried any other OS available? I mean really tried for say 1 year to make some kind of a conclusion?
  21. What are you talking about? It is a PHP IDE, an Editor mainly for creating, reading, editing .php files with a lot of features. What is the difference what kind of sites were created with this program? You can create a one page html site with it, but you need some kind of html knowledge to do that - it is an editor and it won't create anything for you if you're just going to click the mouse, it has some things you can do with a mouse click, but just for people with some knowledge to make it faster for them to write the code.
  22. I just looked over the script and I think you could give a description some kind of what page rank it shows? I think it won't work, from where do you get the variable $argc? and where it should check the page rank? by the letters and numbers in the domain? I think it might be just one part of the script? I don't really understand Or it should be used somewhere I don't know? For example if a user will find this post from google search, he won't understand? Or this is just me who does not understand..
  23. Strange I didn't see this topic earlier.. Well as I am currently usually booting to windows, I will talk about it.. All the time I am online when I start the computer, so I usually have Skype, XChat, Gaim, Google Talk online.. WinAmp is always turned on too, but that does not mean it is always playing Moreover, my main browser is Opera, so it is usually active and with lots of tabs.. To continue, I regularly turn on ApexDC++ and share some files, I sometimes watch some kind of a movie or play an audio cd using VLC.. Email client is opened and closed once or twice a day.. When I am in a mood, PHP Designer 2006 or Gimp is always active in the task bar and Apache, MySQL services is turned on.. And etc.
  24. Does your school block google? for example, try to use use google translate as a proxy? Just translate a page to English and it will be something like a proxy?
  25. Welcome to the forums, it is always good to see a good new member on the Xisto forums, more members - more knowledge - even more experience
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