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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. There is a similar topic about this announcement, here is the link: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/90930-topic/?findpost=1064353360 I am really "happy" that they made Pluto a drawf planet, it is more logical and I think it is the "right" way to call it.
  2. I don't really like the idea, even though it is nice, but when I see people walking and talking to the air they look like idiots But a lot of whom said a lot of downsides of this idea, I could think of even more, but to avoid these problems/downsides I can come up an create a new cell, if I could call it like that.. integrate a mobile to our brain It would have everything, unlimited storage, a camera and etc. I mean we could speak by our thoughts so we don't need to talk to air, we could write sms or send mms with our thoughts too, we could use our eyes to make photos or movies and etc. But I rather use my mobile phone instead.
  3. As a matter of fact, there is a Filezilla Server and a Client, but if you wanted to correct him, then you're right, he needed to say an FTP Client and not an FTP Server.. You connect to a Server with a Client.. I recently started to use Filezilla Server and I find it rather good and simple, I didn't find anything better on Windows for free
  4. Well, currently I am not really happy by having all this PR stuff, because I used to be more popular on Google years ago, because I read a lot about SEO and did everything to get to the top on Google and some other search engines too, by top I mean on my websites subject.. but with time and the appearing of Page Rank a lot of what has changed, now I need links from other websites to be more popular, but to get links isn't as easy as it sounds, besides sometimes when you put links to some websites which Google does not like it is a problem, especially if you're using Google Adsense, you really have to be careful and not "cheat" but somehow, Google doesn't work as it used to, because I remember I was looking at the first links from my search results, but now I usually find what I need on the third link or even on the second page, because the first links are some kind of big websites , but not always.
  5. I myself use both, and MS Word and OpenOffice.. I like the possability to create PDF files with OpenOffice, because most of the OS can open them, Well I don't know an OS which can't open them, on AmigaOS it is a bit slow, but you can always convert it to text if you really want to.. Sometimes, to people who can't read OO documents I use Word, but for personal things I use OO.. and as I noticed I am moving from using .doc because of the posability to make PDF files free with OpenOffice :DThere are similarities and differences, but as I don't need anything fancy using Office, I don't really get deep into it..
  6. Yeah, I wouldn't use that on my Desktop, just imagine all the icons and a task bar on it, I think you could do a much better wallpaper than that, for me it is just a nice graphic, some kind of a background, but not a wallpaper.. Even though I don't really like all those colors mixed together, but this is just my opinion, it is something what could be made in 5 minutes by playing with Gimp and finding out what does this button do
  7. I also can confirm that I can use the CPanel PhpMyAdmin without any problems.
  8. Yeah, I saw this on the TV News too and I really found it interesting.. I myself on physics lessons where we had astronomy too was arguing with the teacher that I don't agree that Pluto is a 'real' planet and same with Ceres and the so called 2003 UB313.. I am glad that they, the Astronomers came to such a conclusion, I don't have anything against it.Furthermore, I disagree that this isn't interesting information as said on the previous page, to know what is around us, if you like to live a monotonic life and only know how to use a computer and go to job, then it is alright, but to understand "everything" around us is really great, I mean physics, chemistry, astronomy and especially history - a lot of whom say that this is stupid Well, of course you don't have to get superb deep into it, but the normal basics and a little bit more is good enough to be an intelligent guy.. I used to call art and music stupid, but knowing some basics and history of it, you can have interesting conversations and you don't really get lost among other when they say some kind of a word like: Gothic style Church. I think I got a little of topic.I also think that there is life somewhere out there, but I don't think that I myself will see it, now it seems to impossible to reach the nearest star even if traveling by the speed of light and besides, the aliens can be little organisms and not as smart/intelligent as we, the humans..
  9. Everything is fine on my side too, where exactly are you getting this error message? From the Server or your entire domain/subdomain or maybe some software you're using? Cpanel? or FTP Server? Because I think that you could tell us more about your issue, because I don't think anyone here can read your thoughts
  10. Yeah, happy birthday IBM PC But in fact, it wasn't the first IBM PC, but it was at those times the most successful version, I remember I read about it years ago, but not to think about it, it still can be called as "the first" :oBut what I never liked about IBM PC, that they were in a such rush and money "lack" that they took the CPU from Intel and the OS form Microsoft.. But maybe this is better, who knows.
  11. This is cool, I heard about it a lot, but I just have one question, maybe this is off topic, but why aren't they supporting Opera browsers? The Opera9 version.. What can IE or Firefox do that Opera can't yet? I think it is because AJAX, but AJAX can work with Opera too, or maybe they don't have time to rewrite something like javascript a little bit? :?
  12. This is a bit funny, I also can plan a lot into the future, but as a matter of fact I did plan a lot, but it is almost 2007 and I didn't do a lot. Anyway, they should think about releasing a good Windows release of Vista first, I think a lot of whom already forgot about Windows Longhorn Besides the name "Fiji" doesn't sound very nice.. for example Vista in my language means chicken
  13. Yes, I would also like to see those files, I see them expired too, don't you know any better file storage online services? if it is possible, put them somewhere online or just email them to me too at the address quatrux [at] gmail.com
  14. Well, if you want to fix this problem and that the cache thing would work on all the standard browsers, you have to send the right headers using php or any other language, apache has the default headers and the browsers has the default way how to cache the websites, also there are some preferences.. You really can find a lot of good sites which would teach you how to send the right headers, for example IPB has no problems with cache on the dynamic pages, on the archive they cache, you can control the browser, so why not do it? It is the way it should be done, like if you only put a html file and the apache default is to cache it for 30 days, when it will cache it for 30 days, that is just plain old simple, php pages are usually set differently..If not headers are sent, the browser has its own method how to cache.. Ok, I think I said what I wanted Here is a simple example code from the php manual: <?php header( "Expires: Mon, 20 Dec 1998 01:00:00 GMT" ); header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT" ); header( "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" ); header( "Pragma: no-cache" );?> There are a lot of things you can do with browsers using headers, just be sure to use the right way and test on all the browsers and try to search google for more information everytime. To end - Caching is good if you know how to control it, besides it saves bandwidth.
  15. Your Design is really great, good progress so far, as most of people here I don't have any comments too, just awaiting for the full version, but I do agree that the best part is the wheels, I just would like that you could create really superb front lamps and maybe a transparent front window? if it isn't transparent yet :SGood Luck
  16. I agree that mod rewrite is really cool, but for those who can't use htaccess files on their sites can choose an alternative to this, just use php, for example, you can also "fool" different crawlers and robots (etc.) and use links like this yourdomain.com/file.php/mysection/myid.html the string after .php can be get in the $_SERVER; superglobal 'PATH_INFO' so here is an example, if in a file file.php you would write this code: echo $_SERVER['PATH_INFO']; You would get "/mysection/myid.html" So you can do whatever you want with it, of course if you have htaccess, you can remove the usage of .php and use only file, the .php will be found automatically, but nevertheless, if you can use htaccess, better go with mod rewrite.
  17. Hmm, I like this effect and would like to use it, but as I don't have Photoshop, only Gimp, I got lost as bit on Step 5, how can I do the Step 5 thing on the Gimp? Any ideas? :S
  18. Quatrux

    Php Basics

    To understand the most basics you also could visit w3schools website, I think it introduces people to the basics of php in a quite simple way, here is the url: http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp Later you can find yourself a PDF book about PHP, once you read it and do some practical things with it, you will know more and more, always remember to use the PHP Manual when developing something. Moreover, I think you could install yourself a WAMP or LAMP Server on your system, to test your php code on localhost, if you don't know how to do it there are loads of tutorials online how to do it and even software which does everything for you, but I never used it though.
  19. Furthermore Ky1e, not all people are rich like you and not all can buy this kind of Expensive Software, but he might use Trial versions for some time to finish the layout, but as mentioned his question was a bit different. :S
  20. Well, I am no Anti Firefox, but I don't see anything special yet in the FF2 Beta 1 and that is why I don't see the point to change to Firefox from Opera9 as it has most of those features and is much faster.. But they are doing a great job updating Firefox engine though, I like Firefox just for several reasons: it has a lot of fun/useful/powerful extensions (add-ons) and people browse with firefox - it is much better than using IE Here is a really good site about browser speeds and conclusions: http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html The best one I found on the Net
  21. I personally avoid to use $_REQUEST; superglobal, but I know quite a lot of people who like to use it, so I guess it is alright, but it can make problems in your script, because I never trust user coming information into my script, so knowing through which method it came is quite alright, especially if you use both methods, but for some time now I really like to use QUERY_STRING with which you get the string index.php?string and even better PATH_INFO, with which you can get the string which comes from /index.php/string, but eventually I don't have anything against $_REQUEST; I just avoid it
  22. Well, I don't know if you're using plain html or what, but you can do a lot by using CSS, if you don't use it yet, sorry if you use it and think that this is a lame suggestion.. Once you know/learn CSS you can create really good layouts with html and maybe even some javascript, but not to much, just for what is necessary. Just my two cents..
  23. You are right, but not all the stuff, I believe that php6 will be much better than php5, but until then the best now is to use php4 for such hosts as Xisto.. I never upgraded to php5 locally, due to most of online hosts have the 4th version, but when php6 comes it will be much more secure and a lot of stuff which was bugging a lot of people will be removed and redesigned, but a lot of older scripts will be needed to be rewritten.. But it could be a quite nice idea to choose on which version to run php virtually in the script, but nevertheless it would be a problem either. If Xisto will be upgrading to php5, I think that this announcement should be very visible and the members who are hosted could be given some time to get ready for it, the same with upgrading mysql.
  24. Well I just did the test and here what I got (Some questions were quite stupid) Well, I think I agree with most of the Ratings
  25. As most of you when I saw this game in the newspapers for the first time, I didn't understand how to play it and what to do with it even when I read the short rules, but after some time my friend showed me how to play it and I really thought it is a hard game, I messed up several times, but with time I found it interesting, it is fun to do it while you're going by bus or you feel bored.
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