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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Well, by reading the article I didn't find anything new, its really a great resource for newbies and I like that more and more "better" articles are appearing and I agree with most what is written there, I especially liked the 9 question answer which says why should we validate our markup? Because I never could find the suitable words how to tell it in my most posts where people talk about markup validation.. I never liked when people say "google doesn't pass validation, so why should we" Hmm, I don't think that Google is something from whom to take an example, well even though if you check the validator errors it parses on google main page, when maybe you'll understand that their main errors are & and not & and they don't use quotes, they have everything almost in several lines.. this is just to save bandwidth, their simple page is viewable by cross browsers, so I think this is what counts for them.
  2. Interesting tips and quite useful, but I just want to ask you one thing, where did you get this information from? Because the www and no www in front of your domain sounds quite unreal for me Today, who cares if you have www or no www, maybe people like to use subdomains instead? or is it really true? :/
  3. Quatrux

    Get Things Done?

    As mastercomputers pointed out, I also didn't visit that site for ages, but when I was a beginner in PHP, I really liked the resource, but most of the scripts didn't work the way I wanted, when I got quite advanced I wrote all the scripts myself and I really can say that they are better for me, due to I know how they work, I know how to edit them, but without any knowledge I doubt that all the scripts there will work with different php configurations, I don't understand why so many "bad" php scripts exists in that resource site, they would rather have someone really experienced who would test them or something, but of course that actually would be very hard on different versions and different configurations, different operating systems. In addition, hotscripts dot com isn't the best resource anymore, maybe it is one of the popular ones, but a lot much more sites like that appeared which as I remember offered much better scripts, even though there were less of them.. Also I remember I hated when I liked some script there and wanted to download it it pointed me to the maker of the script website, where you can't really always find it and moreover the site might be down..Most of the free PHP scripts are useless in my opinion, very good scripts usually aren't spread by programmers or just parts of them like classes, functions, etc. Even though, those scripts which aren't free on hotscripts also sucks, not all of course.
  4. I upgraded yesterday to this version, the only problem I got is one of my plugin doesn't work anymore, don't know why, the error is very strange with php } symbol, well anyway, I just uninstalled it and don't need it anymore, found another plugin which works fine. I like that wordpress is getting better and better
  5. Well, as I never really played games on Windows, due to I am a retro gamer and prefer all the games before the year 2000, I can easily emulate them on Linux and besides, people who use some other operating system than Windows really want the computer to be a computer, but if you don't want to know anything, just play games, listen to music, surf the web and watch a movie, which most of the people in the world does, use Windows, even though they (windows OS) can do much more, but it is a choice, personally my first OS was Amiga, then Linux and only then Windows, until I got used to Windows it was horrible; I don't see what Linux can't do what Windows can except Games, but serious people aren't gamers, just likes to play sometimes, personally when I start playing a game, my target is to finish it and people who plays counter strike, I don't see a finish there.
  6. Translating with automated tools won't give you good results, even though it is quite accurate, but I don't recommend you to copy paste the translated version and make your content, unless you don't really have anything else to do or you know those languages quite fluently yourself and can correct all the mistakes in the text. Just try for example to translate several sentences and then translate the translated version back to English, you'll see some funny structure So just make it that people who want to translate your site: they would need to push on a link or submit button and would see google or some other service translating it.
  7. Well, I use Wordpress as my blog software, I find it very easy to use and it has all I need, even to much, it has really lots of features and even more extra stuff is written for it, but beware of spam, because those spam bots really likes to comment *BLEEP*, as far as I know wordpress by default now has Akismet, so you have one of the strongest security from spam. Good luck.
  8. Well, I don't see this as some big matter, even though it shows from where it is, the javascript prompt window, still a lot won't see it and won't even look into it, but it might trick an unexperienced user, but I never seen a website which would want to login though a prompt, so I doubt that a lot of people would fall for such a trick, but if someone would, when good, because I heard/read that a lot of whom replies and gives their bank numbers to spam emails about millions of dollars in Africa banks ;DAnd someone in this thread said that he is safe that he has javascript turned off, safe, but most of the sites doesn't work, to browse without javascript in my opinion these days is stupid! Of course, if you surf the web and normal pages..
  9. I remember I needed some extra space and registered with phpnet.us, thought it is a good host, but saw that it doesn't offer anything, well it gives you all the main stuff, but you can't do anything with dns, I mean you can't add or park a domain and need to use the subdomain they give you or just have some redirecting domain like uni.cc or co.nr!
  10. Well, I don't really believe in mermaids too, I know tried to figure out where did I learn about mermaids and I think I first saw one on TV, then on playing a game, also I saw a movie with a mermaid, but as a matter of fact, that is the same way I found zombies, vampires and etc. TV and Games ;D I don't really believe in anything until I see it, but I just can predict if it is possible to exist for such a being, but for example, in vampires I can believe, they have a little different teeth and likes to suck or drink blood, but in mermaids.. it would be almost in my last list in whom I believe ;D Also I agree, that photo images doesn't really proof anything these days and that is quite a bad thing, that you can't prove something using a photo or video about some issue, because someone can think it isn't real, but made/edited with a computer.. I wonder, from where and when did mermaids appear.. or was it mermans.. it seems that I found my answer: "The first known mermaid stories appeared in Assyria, ca. 1000 BCE", the source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mermaid <-- lots about Mermaids
  11. Happy New Year for all the community of Xisto! I don't really believe that it is 2007 already, but you know, time flies very fast, especially when you're having fun. I just got back and can again surf the net, so it is better later than never to say this.
  12. Well, once I found this program, because I needed my written text to be an mp3, so I found on google VoiceMx, here is the url I found today for this product: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ But note, that it is not free, you only can try the trial and need to buy the software. And in fact, the voice isn't as real as in my opinion you desire, but it is much better than microsoft sam or stuff.
  13. Well, I just see an outage again, my domains return 404, but the subdomain of Xisto works, also everything seems to work through the siteuptime site and others I registered, well so it only seems to be a problem in my country, I can live with it, but it is still interesting why DNS servers do things like this.I just wonder? is it possible to change my account or do some research and create an account not with an Xisto subdomain, but for example straight with a domain like dqzone.net and if it won't have an outage for me, I could just move as it would be my main account?
  14. Well, I think the best way you would learn if you would search google for tutorials or something like that, because the best way to learn it is by yourself and all you need is practice here is a basic site which can lead you to that side and with time when your knowledge gets better, all you need is to continue and if you will have a problem you always can ask and get serious support on some forums or even better on irc #mysql support channels, for example on freenode server. http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
  15. Well, I wish a Merry Christmas to all of the Xisto Members and a Happy New Year too and I can say it in Lithuanian:Su šventom Kalėdom ir laimingų Naujų Metų!
  16. I always was/am amazed by people who draw pixel art, sometimes it seems to be impossible to understand how they do it, but as I said I was/am so amazed, especially when playing all the retro games, usually platforms or adventures, the graphics are so nice and when you know that a group of designers/artists made everything using pixel art and tools like deluxe paint or similar and of course + some other tools.. Those people are real artists!
  17. To tell the truth, I know it is possible, but I don't really know how to do it, but here is some links which I found through google, which can help you how to setup this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.sitepoint.com/forums/showthread.php?438921-Subdomain-on-another-server Just read through and choose, as I read through seems it is quite easy, just don't know what kind of access you got to the domain and stuff, hope it works for you.
  18. Well, quatrux.uni.cc works for me and as I know I have set uni.cc to two nameservers, due to it doesn't let to select more than two.. I have registered with siteuptime, so now I will just need to wait, but in fact they offer only 4 positions to monitor, from London, New York, San Francisco and Chicago, I will try to search for some other free website monitoring services too: https://www.siteuptime.com/statistics.php?Iamp%3bUserId=8913
  19. oh, ok. My main account is qzone.astahost.com and the domains are: quatrux.net, dqzone.net, quatrux.uni.cc, so automatically the subdomains for these domains doesn't work too, but as I said it happens in different period of times and to different people, gives 404 while the main account works perfectly.
  20. I wonder, if people on drugs, junkies or whatever you call them are playing games, normal games where you walk or etc., does everything seem to move for them like that
  21. Nice, all I can add is that I don't really like the green colour or whatever you call it in the right side, it really hurts my eyes.
  22. I found a really nice game, this is the only flash game I really liked, the idea is good, I don't know if it copied or not, but never seen something like it, quite fun to play it, but on level 6 I got bored though. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  23. Actually not Microsoft, but Netscape, due to the embed element was created by Netscape as their method of embedding plug ins and players in web pages, it is not part of the XHTML specification, and while some browsers other than Netscape support it, it is not standards-compliant, so it is out, it has nothing to do with IE, but eventually, IE cause a lot of problems too if you want that it would work in different browsers. Here is a good post on how to do it with different methods, so you can choose the best one, but the method with javascript - remember, some people might have it off, there is also an example of Flash Satay code in that article, here is the link: http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/
  24. Hello,Well for a quite long time, almost a year I was having different problems with my domains, here is the problem: my main subdomain I got with Xisto works every time the server isn't on downtime, but with top level domains like .net and uni.cc, for a month now almost everyday for about 6 hours I can't access my sites and I get 404 error, I thought it was my ISP stupid DNS stuff, because I could get to the sites using Google proxy, but the domains don't really always work for other people from my country on different ISP, so I though this is something only in my country, but I talked on IRC that some of my friends from Portugal, India also can't access through the .net and uni.cc domains, so is it an issue with the Xisto Server DNS? And how can it be solved? I don't really know a lot about DNS servers, but would it help me if I would point the domains to some kind of other server/host? Any ideas? Anyone has similar problems?
  25. Well, as a matter of fact, gay dogs exist, same as racist dogs and stuff Some dogs are just to stupid and don't care about the gender, but for example I have a dog too, he used to sniff female and male dogs and you know tried to make a family hahaha, but once he tried the real thing with the female dog, he isn't a gay dog anymore and every time a male dog when playing around in the plains tries to get on him, he gets really angry, because he knows, has the knowledge of what is the right way. So to answer your question, a dog needs to understand the smell and stuff, because there really are stupid dogs and smart ones, that is a fact among people too, but dogs have very strong instincts about which they can't really do anything, they are usually stronger, so without knowledge instincts goes first. Humans have instincts too, for example somewhere I read that if you grow a female together with a male separate out of world from their childhood and they won't ever see any humans, they will still want to have a family, but they won't know how much is 2+2, pure barbarians or something like that, etc.
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