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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. You just need to have php installed on your system and use the php.exe, but that won't satisfy you. As most users, you can install a server of your own, you just need to get apache+php and maybe also you can install mysql, so on windows it would be called a WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) Server on Linux LAMP, the same just Linux.. For windows there are different software which installs everything for you. I also suggest to install Zend optimizer the latest stable version. Google is full of tutorials how to do it, step by step tutorials are available.. Even this forum has something, because I remember reading about it here, so you can use the forum search.Some PHP Editors (IDE) has debuggers and you just need to show the path to php.exe and it will output everything in an ie or some other browser engine.. but you won't have full features of php. :)Oh! Mark420 you were faster, but as I read your post you just suggested a php editor, I think he wanted to preview his php files without uploading them to an online php server through ftp or some other protocol.
  2. Because phpbb is so popular for a long time now, a lot of whom know the source code and know how it works, so if you know how it works, you can always mess it up, don't you? Eventually, I read that SMF is much more secure to exploits and sql injections, because it is coded differently than phpbb, but people who is used to use phpbb - they have difficulties of moving to other forums such as SMF or don't have enough income to buy IPB or vBulletin.. They defend phpbb and say that those sites which get successful attacks didn't configure it the way it needs to be configured + the server configuration is bad and etc. It would be best to create your own forum system, but it just takes time and why waste the time if somebody else wrote it? :)There are more forum software written but not so popular, so they might be more secure, but with less features and modifications + skins. I myself wanted to use phpbb, but as it is so vulnerable to exploits, I never did it, but I think I will use Phorum, which is available for a long time, but new versions are available now and I hope it will suit my needs.. I just need a very customizable forum software written in php which would work with mysql database.
  3. This is a very good solution they have come to, having the data categorized will be much more organized for all the google image search users, sometimes it is really hard to search for an image, especially for transparent ones or at least for black or white backgrounds to integrate it into some kind of an image..
  4. This is really easy.. I don't know if you can do it in CPanel, but you just need to create a htaccess file in the directory you wish to not list the files with this code: # This will not show anythingIndexIgnore *#This will not show gif and png images, but will list everything elseIndexIgnore *.gif *.png Hope that is what you wanted.
  5. This is a great list you gathered here, even though there are more of such lists on the web, I think that you could add some short descriptions of them and maybe some kind of rating from 1 to 5? Not here, but maybe on your forum and even better on some site page.
  6. I don't really like the idea of using gif anims to have an animated favicon, in fact I don't like anything sliding in the browser even the scrolling text done with javascript, I usually close the site and mentally say "a stupid webmaster" But this is just my opinion.For the favicon work, you need to save the file with the right .ico format, you can convert to ico anything using Gimp or Photoshop if you have it, moreover, you need to show the right path to it, say if you write href="favicon.ico" it will search for it in the current address directory, so use the right path.. Sometimes favicons doesn't save in bookmarks too, maybe because of bad headers sent by the server, don't know though..
  7. I think you can't see .htaccess file because it is a hidden file, all the files which start with a dot * is usually a hidden file, for example .backup;.temp; so maybe you need to use some kind of option if it is available to show hidden files.
  8. Well, I just noticed that PHP Designer 2007, the version 5 has been released, don't know for how long it is released, but you can get it on the phpdesigner website, I myself just downloaded it, but didn't use it yet, because it is time for me to get ready and go to the university, so I just wanted to put a notice on this. So anyone if is using PHP Designer, can write some comments? Reviews? :)Dar, I just noticed that it isn't free anymore It requires you to register or else you can use the Personal package which does not have special features.. I remember I read about PHP Designer, that he liked it to be free, now maybe he saw a lot of perspectives to get some money from it :/ Oh Well.. I rather use the old free version PHP Designer 2006..
  9. That is really a fun error page you have there Niran, but in addition, I remember I participated a lot on this forums about custom error pages and even more with htaccess, here is some links in the forum you can find interesting: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89467-topic/?findpost= http://forums.xisto.com/topic/87897-topic/?findpost= I hope that helps
  10. It is just another browser using mozilla engine with its own gui and similar, but as I remember, the address flock dot com was abandoned for some time, on some forums, maybe even on Xisto we were talking that it was registered on 1996 year for 10 years, now the design has changed and stuff, they do not offer older versions..Yeah, just looked into whois and it was updated on 2005 for another 10 years, so seems their project is moving forward again or maybe the programmers changed, I am just guessing, we can always ask them
  11. Well, I agree that iPod will have to improve to stay better on the market, but for some time now I am looking forward to buy gp2x, it is quite cheap and you can do a lot with it, here it is on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GP2X It is quite small, you can play music and watch videos, boot Linux and it has all the retro games, I mean it can emulate all the consoles, except the new ones like Sony Playstation 1, if we can call it new I am interested in it because it can emulate Amiga, I can play Amiga games or even boot Amiga OS, anyway you can find more on the Internet. It costs more or less than 179.90$ US dollars + you can get different accessories for it.
  12. I am not a religious person, I just like to stay neutral, even though I believe in some kind of a "creator", but creator of what? Definitely not humans, because that in some way is proved by science.. but nevertheless I think that now God is only our imagination, no one has prove he exists, we just believe in something we created our selfs, we even created "love" and "fate".. we created numbers and mathematics, we created ..1010 1000 0001.. we agreed on what we created. So in some way, we are the "creators" but we, the creators do not know who created us, the galaxy, the universe.. so we believe in theories which were created by us..In some way, I believe that the word God stands for something we don't know, for example in the ancient Greece, we didn't know why lightning appeared, so we created a God of lightning, it is logical, we don't know what is the last number in the mathematics, so we have an object -8 +8 just the letter 8 is horizontal, not vertical. We don't know yet, but everything is changing with time, we know more and more and maybe we one day will reach a such knowledge that we will reach the God and our mission will be over, maybe.. We have a wide imagination and can think of a lot of things.. People used to believe that the World is flat, so we have different theories what kind of form the universe is, but maybe the future people will be laughing from us, because they will know it.On this subject no one is right, no one is false, it is a lifestyle, if you believe it or not, I can create my own religion and can find people which will believe it, in some way the Church, Christians is a sect having the most members, same for any other religion. But this guy is right in some way, especially people start to believe in God when something bad happens, like you are near death. Humans are not perfect and I think there is nothing perfect.
  13. Yeah, the main p2p client for me is is DC++, I use ApexDC++ and connect to my country hubs where I find most of the things I need, Furthermore it is much faster for me than any other clients, for example eMule. It used to be called, not it but still - PeerWebDC++
  14. the Site/Resource pyost gave is brilliant. For addition, I remember when I first tried php, a lot of experience I got was from editing other php scripts with the trying to integrate it into my sites, but there weren't a lot of very good free php scripts in 2001-2 years.. I could easily read them and understand what they do in some way, but I used to ask myself "how do they write it from plain", but when I started to do it myself, I found it really exiting and laugh from the old good days.. I searched and learned everything myself, now a lot of whom on IRC #phphelp channel wants other people to do the script for them for free and they don't want to learn anything (not all of course), a lot of whom, especially from my country on IRC doesn't even now basic English and they want to become php programmers, maybe it is possible, but still, in my language there are only basic php scripts and tutorials, so no English basics, no php..And remember, PHP Manual (& mysql too) is your best friend You don't need to know all the commands and functions etc. You just need to know what is possible and whats not. And yeah, always learn practically and not only theoretically. Good luck
  15. I saw sites like that before, but most of the applications has shortcuts and especially if you have a lot of similar things to do it really saves a little bit of time. For example you have 30 photos and most of them needs the same effect or something and you just need to push the shortcut keys and not scroll somewhere with your mouse. :)I usually use CTRL+C keys on the desktop and not the mouse, even though it doesn't add a lot of extra time to do it, but I know several people who likes to copy with the command copy through the console.
  16. I saw this kind of a feature in TweakXP to clear the pagefile on reboot, maybe it is useful or maybe not, but as I am the only user on my computer I don't really care, I just need that my computer would shutdown faster, besides I have a lot of RAM and I have turned of pagefile at all and don't have any problems..
  17. the $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']; is always set because your browser sends a http request containing this, so I never really got deeper into this, but this is the right way it should work, even though I think there needs to be a solution, because you can log off from CPanel, but I think they know better how to control http requests and stuff and I don't think that CPanel is written with PHP.
  18. I would encourage you to not do such things, why don't you want to show the full path to the content? Besides it is much better for search engines, search engines never liked or likes frames and iframes too
  19. Yeah, you can go with Winamp, it is able top play music and video and is stable with a lot of features or you can use an alternative: Quintessential Media Player, QMP for short, the development version of QCD, you can get it at http://www.quinnware.com/ it is Freeware and very powerful, full of features and skins.. I think it is stable, don't really have problems with it, it is able to play most of the music and video files.. Just don't be like others and don't uninstall it because you didn't like the default skin
  20. I started with Gaim as my messenger, a multi-messenger to be exact, but I also tried Trillian and Miranda, but still I stick with Gaim, because I just got used to it and besides I don't talk there a lot, I usually use Skype and separate IRC client - XChat.. But as different people use different chatting stuff, I need to be online everywhere :S to be able to speak with all my friends and etc.
  21. The name doesn't really bother me, but maybe for people with small resolution it can take some space from the desktop, but I won't really bother to remove it For me, it even looks better, I see my Username
  22. I am using WindowBlinds5 and IconPackager and I don't really feel any speed differences, just a better appearance of my windows, besides there are so many nice skins made for it and icons too, but you can change a lot of things manually through windows preferences and deeper, you just need to know how, StyleXP or WindowBlinds doesn't do any magic, they work only on XP as I know, so you can do it to - I think so. :DFor the Speed, the main thing is the optimization and taking care of your OS! Using it for yourself and not the default.
  23. In addition, what is strange for me about all those dating sites, that no matter how much new sites like that appear in a week, all of them are getting visitors and people who register and come back to check.. but usually they don't if the dating site is not so popular.. I never spend my time there, unless it is much more of a portal than a dating site ;)oh yea, I am registered at orkut
  24. Quatrux

    Easy PHP

    Yeah, but I personally prefer to install everything myself separately, “even” the IDE.. I think by wasting a little bit of time and installing a WAMP Server makes you understand how everything work much better than using something like Xampp or EasyPHP.. I know some people on Windows compiles everything from sources, that seems to be a jungle for me, but this is because I never done something like this before, so I guess installing Apache is a jungle for somebody too But all you need is a few mouse clicks A bigger problem is to configure it, but there are Docs and loads of tutorials how to do it.
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