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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I saw this kind of thing on my friend computer, but he had one graphics card with two outputs/inputs for monitors and what I can say is that it was cool, something like that can also be done by adding your TV to the computer for watching Movies not on the monitor, but on your TV set if you have a big TV, TV can be your second screen and when you scroll your mouse goes to the other side.But if you want to save power, you know Two monitors always on can take a lot of electricity, so you can buy one big monitor and use very high resolution which is recommended for that monitor and your desktop can look really fancy. As said, you get addicted to high resolutions and it is hard to come back to 1024x768 or even 800x600 after using for example 1280x1024 or higher. Just my several cents..
  2. Well, the first method is a bit wacky, but I guess it works Never would think to do something like that, I would suggest another third method how to hide files from your little brothers or maybe even parents..This is a really simply one, just create a .tar archive with your movies and set a password for it, no one will be able to open it and see the files without the password and if you want to open it, tar files open really fast, because most of you know why Anyway you open it and watch it without unarchiving it with somekind of manager like 7-zip file manager and that is quite a good solution.
  3. I agree with most opinions, but the most I agree with twitch, if we really had wanted, we would have already changed to alternative power source, currently it is very hard to do, different suggestions about changing fuel as oil, petrol etc. to something "better" was mentioned even in 1995, but a lot of whom agree, that it would damage our world economy, because oil is really black gold, just imagine how much companies, especially smaller ones would be out of business.. But anyway, if alternative source would appear, it doesn't mean we wouldn't need oil at all.. Airplanes, Shuttles and even Ships would need more power.. Electric cars are in the market, but they have some disadvantages, which don't look good for a customer, even I wouldn't buy an electric car, I would rather get a petrol one, even though I don't like that petrol prizes got so hight during these 3 years..Economics is a very big discussion, until oil brings billions of dollars, even more, it will rule the market, a lot of people as above was said, continues do the stuff until it is to late.. A lot of whom are thinking about now and not the future, they say "after me, they all can die" I agree with the opinion, that oil as main power source will fail after some time.. I remember that coal as main power source would end in 2005 if it would be used as in 1985 year, so I hope things will change.. You know, Fusion power is coming and as I know in 2014 the first fusion plant will appear in France which would bring enough energy, with which we could use Hydrogen fuel cells and etc. Energy would be cheap.
  4. Well, I don't see anything bad about it, it is an agreement which both sides are "happy".. So I guess it is alright, besides piracy is very high in Asian countries even in the government and official companies.. Some of them even is moving to Linux, I read some article about it some time ago.. But with time this will change and piracy will get lower, it is getting lower in for example my country, it is very dangerous to register a company or similar with pirated windows or software, some use Linux, but it is minority.. Furthermore, I think piracy will still remain in the home market, because it is against my rights to come for somebody into my house and check my software, so I or other people don't need to be afraid using something illegally, even though it is recommended to buy software.
  5. Hello both of you, nice meeting you on this forum, I am also from the Baltic Sea countries, which one you can see on the left side in the bottom of the avatar. Anyway, the forum rules are strict, so remember to post "good" non spam posts
  6. For some time I was interested in Racing games and mostly played NFS, but for more than a year now, I don't like any racing games at all, they seem so boring, don't know why my taste changed so dramatically. Still, my friends play it and I saw NFS Most Wanted, tried to play it several times and thats all, nothing special about it, I rather play something else.
  7. I think for me the best of the crappy windows was 2000, but XP is alright when you configure it for yourself with extra time and software, besides it is newer, even though 2003 or 2002? is old, because it is 2007 after 5 months, so it is almost 4-5 years old and Vista currently sucks and makes me laugh. Sometimes I call XP the same 2000 except for a new cool GUI with some extra unneeded things which just eat more resources :unsure:An I know some people use 98 I always ask why and they say because on 98 a lot of more games works without any problems, but as I am not a gamer I don't really care, I think they talk about older games, which does not work on XP or even 2000..
  8. Yeah, knew about this, but I prefer to change all the #fff to #ffffff, because it is much better for me or maybe even other people to edit or check the colour, I don't know if graphics software like Gimp accepts #fff but it can of course easily be changed.. Besides, you have a much less colours to choose from.. but using #fff and #ffffff together you can save some bytes.
  9. Well, yeah, I meant sitemaps, this was just a silly mistake, well anyway the file really exists, because they even provide an anchor link to it in the panel of Google Sitemaps and when I push on it I see that file with no 404, my server is set alright and responds well, I don't even see google coming to that file in the stats, they just say that this is a temp verification error as I quoted in the first post of this topic, well I just wanted to knew if this was/is a global problem, I will contact google as soon as possible. In that time I even wrote and auto sitemap updater, when I create a new database entry it is written/added in the sitemap file as gzip file, but still I need to resubmit it at the Google Sitemap Panel manually, but I get Google temporary error. Anyway, I hope Google Sitemaps support is as good as Google Adsense.
  10. Hmm, I never read that article before, but I always though that Pluto had only one moon called Charon, in the photo they look so small, that it seems to me their are non bigger than some little country in Europe.. But I still didn't see any actual info, but that site can't really lie unless those articles can be written by people, who just want to write an article with some theories, because as said above, maybe those spots are stars? :unsure:Yeah, that 10th planet vanished from news very fast, I never even wanted to accept it as a planet being a human, it is so small, I would call it as most smart people, planetoids or how it is called in English, as I read further about it, because I wanted to argue with my physics teacher about it, there are much more planetoids in that territory, just that one was "bigger" than others, I think that it is hard to explore that territory? Darn, I lost a lot of interest in astronomy since 8th form, found other interesting hobbies..
  11. Yea, only the person who used or has this font (if it is a font) can say this.. I saw similar fonts to this one, I downloaded an archive with the best fonts inside it from A to Z for free (best for someone), I can't remember where I got to download that archive, maybe download.com, but it is only a guess. There are plenty of nice fonts, maybe you'll find even better than this one, all you need is some software, with which you can easily browse the fonts.. I don't have the archive now, I don't know why I deleted it, but I recommend you to find it, if you won't be able, PM me, on my spare time I will look around the web.
  12. I found the service Google Sitemaps really useful and all the online google sitemap creators of your website too, but I have a little problem for it and hope I can find my answer here on Xisto forums. I have created a sitemap for my several sites, but you know I need to verify the site with an uploaded file or with meta tags, I did as said but for 2 months now I am getting this error: And the question is is the sitemap functioning ? if it is then good, but I want to know the stats and other stuff? Or others don't have this problem? and what if I will create a fake sitemap for other domains/websites which does not belong to me? I can, because they might work without verification..
  13. I used to use uni.cc it was my first dns domain and was for free a lot of years ago, I had maybe 4 domains, some people registered even more, but I didn't really need more, I don't know how does uni.cc get along now.. There used to be services offering free dot com net or org domains, but a lot of them was fake or just scam to get visitors and some profit, but for some time now there are quite some services which really works and offers you free domain names, but usually you need to participate on the forums. I think a lot of whom knows about hostbidder dot com on Xisto forums, I have got two domain names from their service and all I needed to do is participate with non spam posts on the forum, its quite easy in my opinion. Posting on different forums/categories you get different sum of points. http://www.findingresult.com/?dn=hostbidder.com&pid=9POR3TG0A
  14. I will start with a quote that everything is possible, but I don't yet believe that by using genetic engineering we can make such mutants as in the movie x-men or comics whatever, but I believe that something simple can be done, but I rather see the usage of genetic engineering in making something good, in medicine and etc. Like making people walk again after some accident and etc. This is more useful than mutants, isn't it? Besides, if mutants or even telepaths appeared among us, it would be our end because they would be more superior then we, people having no power in some way.I read about that this century will be biology age and genetic engineering and stuff such as nano technology etc. For example, our lungs can be made to breath in water for a more longer time or even to adopt our bodies to live on mars or something similar, well I think you got my point.
  15. Other way you can do it is using Output Buffering, use ob_start(); and later when you output something, it won't be sent to the browser yet, the script will still be able to send headers even though you made echo and etc. so later just use str_replace() to replace the title or to write the title from the area {title} ? There are a lot of ways in my opinion.
  16. Well, for me index.html worked as I used it the last time quite well, as a matter of fact it is apache's httpd.conf setting called DirectoryIndex, so Xisto server allow us to have our own custom settings for the servers using .htaccess server, if you want to put these settings on all your account, just put the file into /home/username/ or in your main root, the directory before public_html in that file write: DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php index.asp default.php or whatever you want, the first one will be searched, then the second and so on.. if the file is not found it will show something, using the command IndexIgnore, you can avoid directory listing like writing it like this in the same file: IndexIgnore * you also can use a lot of other options/settings using htaccess, search the forum for htaccess, I have wrote a lot about them on this forum, almost step by step, for me they are very clear, other members wrote a lot too. God luck.
  17. Well, it works for me with /cpanel and logs me to secure connection https which is using 2083, so port 2083 works well, the same with port 2082, it logs me in without the https, but through http protocol and everything works, maybe this is problems with your side? something with ssl, I just needed to accept third party something.
  18. This is really great, once I was dreaming of such a tool which would show this kind of information, but I would want it to work a little bit differently.. I am really interested of what people is searching on through google, except for porno and stuff associated with it that I could know what kind of content to write and how to get more visitors from search engines. Thanks for the link
  19. Personally, I don't believe that in those days somebody landed on the moon by the technology they had and came back safe to Earth, I believe only in facts and what I see by my own eyes, don't want to argue, but facts are facts and to brainwash someone today is very easy, even I can do it. But the moon landing was shown on Television, it is written in History books that they were the first men on the moon, so let it be, even if they really weren't there, I don't really care. It was the "Space Race" between Democracy and Communism, USA and Soviet Union. As a matter of fact, if I was American something, I would choose to foul all the world by making the moon landing in some Area 51 if I could, after all, after it a lot of what changed.. to better..I don't really see any point of sending a life human to moon or to mars, what's the point ? Why do we need a base there ? It would only use a lot of resources and precious money which would be better be invested here on Earth.. Having a Space Station is a good idea, to do research and get more experience on living in Space.. A moon base would be a good idea too, but only if we were already be travelling from planet to planet, it is much easier to land a big ship on the moon or even to dock a space ship in the space station rather than on Earth, but Today this is only our fantasy, but I believe that someday this is going to happen and in the future people will be saying that USA was the first country to land on the moon, even if they didn't, it is better to waste the time on something having more point. Cold war has a lot of things which we rather wouldn't know, I don't really want to know, I was interested in this kind of stuff earlier, but lost my interest by gathering a lot of facts.. USA or Russia.. they stole a lot from Germany, even the stealth fighter model.. German scientists in the end of World War II had plans of triangle planes (currently Stealth Fighters) and etc. Spies were working as crazy.A lot of talks were made about technologies being bought in this topic, but China having mode of communism and successfully developing market economy, Japan with its powerful economy.. Remembering the History, England on Industrial Revolution was the leading country in the world, but after some time things changed, I really believe that things will change after some decades too.. USA won't be the leading country. I remember a lot of talks that USA will fight with Russia and World War III will begin, now this sounds stupid to me. When Soviet Union vanished, new talks that USA will fight with the united Europe - the Europe Union.. When Terrorism has become a real threat, the East will fight with USA.. Everyone wants to fight with USA a lot of whom hates USA, but still.. People don't learn from their mistakes, they don't like the facts which happened in the past, they continue to do the same mistakes, were only Humans Conspiracy is a really strong weapon, which intelligent people use, if you think for a little, I think you use some sort of "conspiracy" among your friends, family members, teachers and etc. The Romans and the Greeks did it, if you don't want to get brainwashed - use your brains and believe in facts. The USA government and even other governments has a lot of what to hide and if they have then it is better for most of the people, but there were always a lot of to much inquisitive individuals who want to know everything, let them.. The thing that the government even hides what blown up the Pentagon on 2001 September 11 even though they have it filmed, but as I know showed only couple of frames is stupid, if they didn't have anything to hide, they would show all the video.. Someone was talking about UFOs.. I don't believe in them, but I believe in Aliens, but not that we or they have any contact, be realistic.. Imagine we would find another race, what would we do ? Columbus found America and Indians, he started taking the gold, because he saw that he was more powerful, all the Indians knew about the new comers, Columbus didn't talk with their chief and didn't make secret plans with them, he just used them, just imagine how would you make your first contact with aliens if they would be less technology experienced? I don't think you would be flying into their most powerful countries presidents apartments and making some kind of a deal, you would just use them, because you're a Human? But if that another race would be more powerful than we, humans, we would be good to them, we would wan their support an technology, we would be searching for ways to get it.. this is logical..
  20. But on most browsers I know (older versions) I could change the fonts and sizes of <font size=""> numbers from -5 to 5, I could set my own sizes in px. I still can do that on IBrowse and AWeb. Now, as I see I can't change that, only the H1 to H6 and some more stuff. But this is good in my opinion, the font tag is deprecated and it is better to avid using it, unless you want to create a version for old browsers which doesn't fully support CSS or doesn't support it at all or even for browsers which has CSS disabled for don't know what kind of reasons.But changing font sizes on your browsers settings was a good idea, because some people were browsing with low resolutions some with high and making one standard would be stupid if you couldn't change anything in the preferences.
  21. Well, that site isn't special or anything, the only thing which makes me feel good about it, that the webmaster can make the text look like google logo, I once tried it, but never succeeded, but maybe I just didn't try enough..And about the copyright ? so why not sue all the sites which has a google search form on their website ?
  22. I have never really used AVG yet, but I read a lot about it and always hear a lot of different opinions about it, some say it is good, others say it is bad, so I never tried it myself.. I would like to see some statistics made where different software would be tested to find viruses in the system, the time it took and how much it found and etc. Because now I think that most are just saying their opinions here without any actual facts.
  23. Well, if I were Adobe I wouldn't really want that MS would use my product not even asking about it and etc. But what I don't really understand is that OpenOffice.org has this feature included and Adobe didn't do anything about it or maybe they had some deal with Adobe, never read about this.. Moreover, I can always make a PHP Script (I believe using some other stuff too it is also possible) using some libraries and create PDF files from simple text files and even DOC files. When I print my projects done with OpenOffice, I always export as PDF and only then print them.. because as I know PDF is really good (maybe even made) for printing documents. But I like that Adobe is threating Microsoft.
  24. In my opinion a lot of whom for personal usage is pirating different software all over the world (especially in more poorer countries), even though I like to use alternative Open Source or Freeware Software and always encourage my friends to do it. In my experience and knowledge a lot of software cracked by different patches can be updated online through "check for updates" but when entering serial keys found somewhere, there is usually a lot of trouble later, it depends, but usually they say "you are using pirated/illegal software" or "error on updating" something like that and you can use the software further, but it might depend on the company and software application.The most popular software which is getting pirated is graphics, anti-virus softwares. Hopefully, there are a lot of free anti-virus programs, but a lot of whom Gimp or Blender does not suit their needs.. Personally everything on my Windows installation is Open Source and Freeware and I have everything I need, except for Photoshop it is to expensive for me..
  25. The idea is good, because when you fly on a plane, there is usually nothing to do, especially if you're alone, without any friends or family members, but I always think that talking with somebody near a cup of tea is much better than through a computer screen on some chat.. I personally got used to talk with my brother through IRC even though he is in the other room, if he is offline I just write him an SMS, but of course if I need to talk about serious things, I do it by real chat.. I think that alienation is quite a big problem in our society, I would prefer to talk with somebody near me on a plane during the flight rather than browse the Internet, but in my opinion if I had access to it, I would use it.. So this would make as even more alienated. Besides, on the planes wireless connection would be used and everyone knows that it is not save to use it, so I don't think it would be a good idea to login somewhere with your password and username without SSL (If you want to check/read and reply your emails) Furthermore it wouldn't be recommended to make bank transfers too, well I think you know what I mean. Don't you feel somehow strange when someone near you is watching what you're doing on the computer ? I feel strange and usually don't do anything, maybe this is just me.. I can't stand if somebody is behind my back, I feel outstretched so chatting with someone when some guy is sitting near me is strange and uncomfortable. To tell the truth I don't even like to listen to people when they are speaking on the mobiles phones in a bus or trolleybus. Nevertheless, its a good idea to have Internet access on a plane, it might shorten the trip and kill your boredom.
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