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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. Congrats, I just noticed that I joined here on 2005 July 13, so I am for one year here too and I can say that these forums are really great and clean, smart people are posting here, it is even interesting to read most of the posts on which I have some interest.
  2. Yes. if you use Xisto free hosting service on this free hosting server, you don't need to use these functions, just set the superglobal variable $_SESSION; and thats all, everything is on the PHP Manual, when PHP6 comes, it will be the best/easiest scripting/programming language, most of the problems will be removed, but most of the servers will still run on php4 so you all "must" write the code to work on all php4 php5 and php6 and even php3 if you have time.I recommend to go through the php manual user comments not in a day but time with time, when you write something big, to look up the manual and check the function you use what can it do and how to use it and with time you'll be a pro.
  3. Well, read the PHP Manual and search google on session register, it isn't needed anymore. Look at this code and read the comments. <?php// Use of session_register() is deprecated$barney = "A big purple dinosaur.";session_register("barney");// Use of $_SESSION is preferred, as of PHP 4.1.0$_SESSION["zim"] = "An invader from another planet.";// The old way was to use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS$HTTP_SESSION_VARS["spongebob"] = "He's got square pants.";?> session_register() is deprecated !!!
  4. This is really great and the video itself is nicely made.. I remember watching something similar in 1996, but there wasn't any car running on sea water, but the idea and the technology, so things are changing and it is good.. Driving one of those would be superb, but it costs to much for now, I will wait until the cost drops :DBut will sea water cost more and more?
  5. I wonder why people here still is using session_register(); Here is a caution "If you are using $_SESSION (or $HTTP_SESSION_VARS), do not use session_register(), session_is_registered(), and session_unregister()." and to end the session, one of the best method is to do this: function session_delete($sname = 'Current User') { # Set Session Name to a Variable $name = session_name(); /* Empty the Cookie from Session */ if (!headers_sent() ) { setcookie($name,"",0,"/"); } /* Remove the Cookie Value */ unset($_COOKIE[$name]); /* Remove all the Info from the Super Global */ $_SESSION = array(); /* Free all session variables */ session_unset(); /* Destroy all data registered to a session */ if (session_destroy() === FALSE) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } and just call the function when you need to logout or remove the session.
  6. Go with PHP Designer 2006, it is my favourite freeware editor on Windows and the only downsides I can say about it is that it does not support UTF-8 yet and the slow tabs, do not know why it is slow though. HTML kit used to be good in the past, but personally when comparing them now, I would really choose PHP Designer.And having a WAMP or LAMP Server on your own machine is really comfortable, I can't imagine uploading every time with ftp to test the script, it just takes time and time is money, with time you will know how to control Apache and PHP+MySQL on your own machine, besides there are plenty of support on the Internet, tutorials and even IRC channels on freenode server with people who can gladly help. Good Luck
  7. I didn't get into to your script very much, but isn't it $_SESSION['auth']; you want to use and not $_SERVER; superglobal?I myself that to optimize the script, usually at the start of the script, where I need to use superglobals, I do something like this $s =& $_SERVER; to use $s as superglobal, very convenient, but I don't do this for SESSION and COOKIES as I had problems.
  8. As a matter of fact I saw Google ads which looked a bit customized, I don't know how they did it, but I think they just added javascript, but maybe this is special ads of somekind, they really pointed to google adsense links, can't remember the site, so maybe it is possible, you always can email google adsense team, but I don't know what they could answer, it is better to ask if it is possible and not if I can, I think
  9. I think I understood where my problem was, I was uploading a file to verify my site, but just for "fun" in that file I also added some html with the meta tag to verify it, so something happened. Today I thought to use only the meta tag and I was successful to verify my site.. That thing with my error in my opinion can be fixed, its a little bit what I could call "bad programming"
  10. I have got the orkut invite and Registered there, one of my friends is saying that I can't access myspace, I mean I can't register because of my country selection, he is saying to choose UK, so I will try later, but this is really stupid from myspace side.. :S
  11. I saw this error too, more than 12 hours ago, but the error message "to many connections" says it all, of course it is bad for most of us, because a lot of whose content is in the database (I guess) so it is sort of downtown, I also couldn't access CPanel Mysql Databases and PHPMyAdmin, I understand why, now it seems that CPanel MySQL Databases and PHPMyAdmin works, but quite slow, but maybe this is just me.
  12. I will hope to get the orkut invite soon and join it, but I have problems with myspace, I can't even register, even though I tried a lot of times, I really think I filled the form very well, but it gives me an error message, maybe they have a stupid image verification or something, is it case sensitive or not? tried both ways, myspace sucks, it even does not say what is bad with my registration form, just says error blah blah
  13. I am with you, since the time I have got my first hosting account, I started using my host own created email address, the only web-mail I use is GMail, but in fact, I only use the pop3 service they offer with an email client, besides usually your host has a web-mail in CPanel, like squirrel mail But anyway, I totally agree with you, web-mail can only be useful for me when you're somewhere not near your computer
  14. Cool, that Google Earth is now available for Linux, they have done a great job and I think they still will continue to improve it.. the Online version of Google Earth is not so attractive to people who has not a such fast connection.
  15. Oh, I am so glad that you still need invites to get a gmail account, let it stay like this forever Well, gmail is the google email service offering webmail and pop/smpt services which is really glamorous and a google account as I understand can be used on some other google services, like google sitemaps, and stuff. Their site has all the information you need.
  16. Adding some words about illegal porn, those sites usually just link to each other and usually when created they aren't updated for a long time and as I understand they get a lot of traffic, people downloads porno a lot. As a matter of fact, the filters which filters porno and other stuff i very useful for your kids, for example Privoxy.. it also can remove all the ads and as I know there are people, even women who browse the net for porno sites and ads them to the filter system, that kids couldn't access them and etc. a very good job they are doing, but I wonder how do they feel about it.. Of course, if this is just an extra job, maybe you can get used to it, but watching/searching for illegal mp3 in my opinion is stupid, even though the "idea" is quite good, but I think it is just a waste of time.
  17. I would like that google mail would still be left with invites system, it is very easy to get an invite, now only more spam will appear on their servers, well I just think so, need to read more about it.
  18. Yeah, agreed, that is the "fun" way to create something like this, but for me sometimes it gives a big headache how to do it "the best way".. I used to do databases with text files making them work by directories and file names and text inside, so you can imagine how my things got a lot more easier when I started getting into MySQL.
  19. Well, the disconnection from an ftp server can also be the server setting, even if the ftp client has keep alive feature, I had issues being disconnected from different ftps using Filezilla, somehow they recognise with those ftp commands/functions, but it's usually on big FTP Servers, which isn't as popular now as they used to be, now p2p is more popular and faster.
  20. I prefer to use FTP for my uploading to server, it is much more convenient for me, always done it with FTP manager, currently I think the best is Filezilla which does everything I need. Web file managers for me is slow and not so convenient, even though sometimes http uploading is much faster, but I usually have problems when uploading through CPanel File Manager.
  21. I never used myspace myself, because I knew it sucks, but there are quite a lot of sites which offers something like myspace, friends and photos of yourself, well a lot of people get addicted to this kind of sites and wastes most of their time, why can't they do something else? like read a tutorial how to program using c language or something like this. The most funniest reason for me was "9. MySpace has members who think they are vampires."
  22. Hey, I think you can get the size of folders/directories and all what is inside them by using CPanel?
  23. Well, using a login script with PHP Auth isn't the best method, but I had this problem too, I just did a simple login for one customer, I would do it differently for myself, I couldn't understand how to logout, the Authentication using this kind of way is saved in your browser I guess and server side, I never got into it, even changing the password on the script didn't help, I think that variable is created because the browser sends a http request with it. Anyway, I prefer to use sessions with cookies.
  24. Well, meta redirection got standard for most of the browsers and it is nothing wrong to use it, I just don't understand why people redirect using javascript, it is useful only in some cases, but anyway there are other ways of redirecting, for example with htaccess, but the best way in my opinion would be using headers, which meta tags is the same thing, just HTML. Usually you can send a refresh header, which is the same as a meta tag example on the first post, except server side and a location header, if you use php, you can know more about it on http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php
  25. Yeah, the idea is nice, but I don't really like the actions which have been taken to prevent this, how can they stop music downloading when software like dc++ exist and people can easily share music or whatever they want. So downloading music through http is old fashioned, usually you can get demo or legal music there and nothing fancy. I think adult scouts would rather search for illegal porno sites and stop/close/filter them in my opinion it is much more bigger problem, even though I think I better be neutral, but it really sounds as "The Hitler Jugend of the Internet!" or maybe even little Pioneers in Soviet Union, parents were afraid of them too, because they told the "system" about illegal stuff their parents did.. What you want, China - communism.
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