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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. I just don't understand one thing NoMore, you want to turn off safe_mode, right? It isn't ON on your account, because it is globally turned off for all the accounts and the setting can only be changed in php.ini on php as apache module..You want to say that <?php php_info();?> returns that safe_mod is ON on your account? I don't think so.
  2. Everyone here forgot about my personally best Linux distributions: Arch Linux and Gentoo :)I also like Ubuntu, due to a lot of people just without any computer experience (almost) can install and use it, it is getting popular here and people just start to move to Ubuntu, because they are pissed off with different viruses and spyware (from which they don't really know how to protect) that is usually not teenagers or students, but a bit older people. Which I find really good, but of course Ubuntu is used not only by unexperienced.. Even though, more advanced users don't use Ubuntu.
  3. I can't say that domainlagoon dot com is the best free domain service, because it still is only available for USA citizens, so I wouldn't call that an Internet service, because usually I refer an Internet service as for it is worldwide and available for everyone, no matter where he lives or what isp he has. Furthermore, ezyrewards dot com just makes them money for you wasting your time and spamming getting referrers. So still hostbidder is quite good, because it is a worldwide service, you just need to participate at the forums to get a free top level domain with a very powerful management panel and as I know hostbidder doesn't earn a lot of profit from this service. But of course, reading and hearing different opinions, domainlagoon for an USA citizen is great
  4. yes, with register_globals it works, but safe_mode on/off is only changeable in PHP_INI_SYSTEM and you can't control it through .htaccess files using php_flag or php_value and this is the reason it is SAFE
  5. I think you can always request a ssh in the right forum of request. And about safe_mode, in my opinion safe mode is turned off. At least on my account, I just looked into php_info() and it says that it is off and it always was like that.
  6. Yeah this is indeed useless and just a waste of bandwidth of whoever thinks that this is really cool. Saint-michael said it was done somehow, but I don't see how it could be done (the disable of menu view source option) by a server side way or php.. I would like to see a website like that with my eyes, only then I would believe you, but if you browsed with IE it might of been something what only works with IE.
  7. I sometimes use Songbird as my Media player, but the thing that I don't need such a powerful media library, I don't use it frequently, but to tell the truth I like it because it is very powerful and a lot of what is integrated to it what is associated with music. It has mozilla engine inside it which is quite nice But if you use Firefox and Thunderbird + Songbird that means that Three Mozilla engines are loaded, so that is a minus.. :|
  8. Well, OK I will post my Screenshots: My old Desktop (2004-2005) My second old Desktop (2005-2006) My current Desktop (PNG Warning 2MB) My current Desktop (JPG Warning ~450KB) the last screenshot, I mean my current Desktop does not use WindowsBlinds.
  9. Well, I think a lot of whom know about it Today, especially when google started to use it on gmail, before it wasn't as popular and a lot of people didn't hear about it and there weren't a lot of tutorials how to use it, but Today there are so much tutorials of how to use AJAX that I can't choose which one to use. I have used AJAX and find it very useful, but there are always problems with browser support.. The only thing I don't like with it that I am not a fan of javascript and I only used it for html forms and not the content.AJAX might be or will be replaced or something like that, a better usage of AJAX I think will be the E4X and it will be much easier to use it together with xml, but of course you'll need a browser supporting it? Always a problem for a web-designer.
  10. I am still just a blogger.com user and I also use wordpress, but I am not as an active as I used to be and my topics aren't so interesting anymore, so having another blog site would be unnecessary, but there are quite a lot of them which are really good.What I dislike about blogger dot com is that there are no categories like on wordpress to put your written topics, but anyway it is still usable.
  11. I used to use WindowsBlinds for over a year and I really liked it, now I use other of their software, like Iconpackager, Boot Skin and CursorXP.. But when I used to use WindowsBlinds, it didn't get any slower and didn't eat a lot of resources, for me everything was clean and nice. I just don't use it anymore, because I want to get bored of the Windows XP Default theme.
  12. I would suggest you to go with Filezilla, due to it is free and you won't need to worry about trial stuff and similar like with DOpus for Windows.. Even though Directory Opus is really good, even better on the Amiga though, but anyway if you can waste some cash, pay for DOpus if you can't just use Filezilla, it doesn't use a lot of resources, it is well written and I never had any problems with it, in fact I think it is one of the best and simplest FTP Clients out there, but a lot of whom just use the one they got used to.
  13. That was just my sarcasm That would be more understandable if my previous post in this thread would be seen in this page.. Of course the ad blocking software work, just differently. I don't see ads myself as I mentioned due to privoxy.
  14. Well, I wouldn't suggest to do that for anyone, even if it helps sometimes from certain ads, but sometimes you need frames or inline frames and of course javascript too if you want to turn it too to see even less ads. Don't want to see ads? Don't browse the net don't use a computer, watch TV ads
  15. Well, for those who wants more control on this and don't want to do anything manually, I would like to offer to use Privoxy, which is available on a lot of operating System and it really works, I never see pop-ups I don't want I never see ads and it saves me time, because they never get loaded, but it works similar as above, just with much more configuration abilities, get it at: http://www.privoxy.org/ After you install it, you just need to use it as a proxy in your network settings as, but if you already are using a proxy in the privoxy configuration you can forward to your proxy and whola. At first it can look quite hard to configure, but for more than 4 years I am satisfied with it and I don't need any other stupid programs to block something.. And if you want to see the ads for some reason, just disable proxy from the menu on Opera, on Firefox use Direct Connection option and etc.
  16. I heard about this too, but I am not really worried about it, because fish is cool for one thing, it is quite easy to clone them, they are all the same, do you sea a difference of the same fish? We (people) catch a lot of fish every year and when we will get more advanced in the cloning area (this century definitely) It will be possible to clone billions of fish in our oceans and in that way we will have a lot of fish to eat. But to tell the truth I don't like fish, I don't eat sea food. So cloning also has positive things, but I wouldn't like it to be used for people.. We also can clone bulls, cows, pigs, sheep in the farms. :DBut that doesn't sound to good too, but the world is changing and you can't do anything about it, people won't finish fishing, they usually don't thing about the future, they think about present and money.
  17. Well, I suggest that you wouldn't get Vista until the first Service Pack appears, do you remember Windows XP without any service pack? It was/is so unstable and full of holes, Vista will be the same, but I think that in the year 2008-2009 it will be the most used Windows version or maybe not who knows.. But in the year 2009 where will Linux be? It will also get much better
  18. I don't really need more than two computers, but I personally have one main PC which I rapidly use and next to it an working Amiga 1200 for fun to enjoy, both connected to the network. My brother has one more PC and my another brother has a computer too, so that makes 4 computers If to count the ones which are not used (old or broken) so I could add three.. And I don't let to use my computer for anybody!
  19. Well, Windows Defender is an application for the upcoming Windows Vista and when Windows Vista will be released and will have at least Service Pack 1 and people will start to move to it and more and more illegal copies and not valid CD keys will appear (More users) by that time a lot of whom will really have a much better hardware and an average user might be using it without feeling how much resources it is eating.
  20. I personally don't have a lot of programs starting on my startup on Windows installation, usually I try to avoid to let them start in the startup and I edit the msconfig if there is no such setting, my system boots up quite fast.. And later I just turn everything manually (quite a lot of programs) but as I rarely turn of my computer or rarely restart it, all the apps I need is usually started.. When I need something I just execute it and leave it, I have lots of RAM, so why not
  21. Well, I don't play much these days, but my favourite always were strategy games, usually turn based, but real time games are nice too.. Sometimes I played/play some action games, aka shooters just to relax and forget about something, to make my head relax, but I am not into them.. In fact I am more a retro gamer and like to play "good" games which were made before 2001 since 1991. But to tell the truth, I really like adventure games, I played and finished most of them I know, in the style of monkey island, kyriandia, beneath the steel sky and etc. Also I was crazy about point and click adventures like Myst 1, Labyrinth of time, Aqua and Clue, the or the Clue.
  22. Well, it is nice that such a service exist and that you can get a free top level domain, but reading I found this: note; by reading their site I found quite some spelling mistakes so does that mean that they offer free domain only if you're from United States? Because I am not from USA and would it be possible to get a free domain if I live outside America? Well, I am using hostbidder.com and I got two free domain names for free only bu posting, even though their rules are more strict, you can't get a domain in one day, due to the max posts a day can be 10, well it was like that when I was active there, but the main thing it accepts all the countries in the world.
  23. In addition, I once also was looking where several websites were hosted, because I noticed someone was stealing my content, was making the same html copies of my website and putting them somewhere else, on other hosts and was adding his/her own ads.. I was finding these sites through google and was contacting his hosts, at first it was easy as it was always a subdomain, then he used uni.cc so I still traced the host and after that he even become more smart, due to he got hosted at Chinese website and I didn't understand how to contact the web host owner and gave up..
  24. In addition, like for a simple computer user who is not interested to use a computer at all.. not interested into learning how to use it. For example he/she is only interested in browsing the web sometimes for school or work or university etc. to find something in wikipedia or any other resource.. So he/she really wouldn't use Firefox or Opera, she/he would use IE and IE7 having tabbed browsing and more compatibility with CSS is really much better for such a user than IE6. I won't be using Internet Explorer 6 or 7 unless for some kind of tests, but I am quite "happy" that a simple user could have a better web browsing, something like that Sometimes I call a simple user on the web an "idiot" but of course I don't have anything against him, this is just a word. So web got better for idiots.
  25. Well, as I am using Windows and didn't really have any viruses, except for one time when I tried to use a crack for a game, but that was a long time ago.. For security I just use NOD32 and think it really "does" something.. Don't have any problems with it and it doesn't take all the cpu time.. I also have ClamWin Free Antivirus installed just for fun, even though it is not recommended to have two antivirus applications.. Who cares.. For spyware I have Spybot search and destroy and Lavasoft Adaware, but the main purpose for it is to protect my registry. Also I ma using Spyware guard, I read that it is good for protecting holes in Explorer.. and the last thing I have is Zone labs Firewall which with time becomes a really good Firewall, even though now when I am behind a rooter I don't really need to be afraid about this. :)So my setup looks like this:NOD32,ClamWin Free Antivirus,Spyware Guard,Spybot Search and Destroy,Lavasoft Adaware + Ad-Watch,Zone Labs Firewall..
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