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Everything posted by Quatrux

  1. With the current versions of the Apache2 and PHP4 I can't seem to install everything by myself too, when I try to load the php4 module it says that it can't find the module when I try to start it through run->cmd, I used to install a lot of times before, all the paths seemed to be ok. But when I uninstalled everything and installed older versions which I had and everything worked perfectly again. I remember everytime I install apache, mysql, php, zend and everytime I had a different problem, due to everytime I used newer versions of that software, but oh well, if you want to avoid problems and don't want to have different issues like that and don't want to read tutorials when use easyphp.
  2. Well as Firefox usually updates itself or it makes a notice that a new version of firefox is available for download, you don't really need to visit their site to get updated, the same thing is for most of the software, for example skype, opera, apexdc++, thunderbird, last.fm, winamp, phpdesigner, clamwin and many more, so this is nothing special, other software could integrate such things too which still doesn't have such a feature, because it is really handy to keep up to date with the software. When I started FF it just asked me if I wanted to download and install the update, so I did it, I think on the same day, can't remember, but I know it was yesterday on my GMT+2, I turned on Opera and it said that a new version of Opera 9.10 is available, so I also installed it, but I didn't see anything new or special, those were just minor updates.
  3. Well, it is definitely wrong that people can smell like dogs, we, humans, never really needed such a nose with which we could smell drugs or bombs in the distance of 500 metres.. Just imagine if you could smell/have a nose like a Dog, your life would be miserable, you would smell everything and because you aren't so stupid as a dog, you would understand much more from where that smell is coming from, dogs are used to stinking smells, their life is based on smell, they can tell from far if it is a girl dog or a boy dog, can we? Don't get me wrong, but how many times you mistaken some women or man with opposite sides? You can't smell it, you just can see with your eyes and long hair doesn't mean it is a women/female. Dogs life is based on smell, so this is pure evolution, we don't need such a nose.Moreover, dogs can hear much better, we don't need to hear so well to, also try to imagine your ears would be very sensitive, you would be hearing what your neighbours doing upstairs and stuff, you could get mad by going through downtown.. Etc.Well, I am not saying it isn't possible to make humans smell or hear much better by using new technology and stuff, but I wouldn't want that, the natural order would fail and stuff, that is why from ancient times we have dogs, horses trained for us, sometimes wolfs or eagles for eyes
  4. Well, I can give you an example of valid xhtml strict code for the object tag and you just need to learn from it and use yours. <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="images/banner.swf" width="288" height="128"><param name="movie" value="images/banner.swf" /><img src="banner.gif" width="288" height="128" alt="banner" /></object> This code is 100% valid, I don't really know why your code doesn't validate, but think the validator parsed you the error message what wasn't valid, I didn't check, but it might have to do something with embed tag. And moreover, there isn't such thing as traditional html/xhtml, I think you mistaken it with Transitional.
  5. Well, Skype in my country got very popular and almost everyone has it installed and is using it regularly being online or offline, almost everyone moved from irc to skype chat, messengers here aren't very popular such as yahoo, msn, aim and etc. But what I don't understand about this virus/worm is one thing, how can it prompt to download a file for some kind of a user, if Skype doesn't let to receive or send anything who is not in your contacts and you haven't shared your contact details, so in my opinion for this kind of a worm/virus only people who don't know a lot about computers can be tricked, due to firstly the virus/worm needs to ask for contact details (I don't share contact details with anyone I don't know of) and only then it can offer to receive a file and you would be stupid to download it anyway from a stranger and furthermore, you would need to to execute/run it.. So what is the difference from getting an email with an attachment from a stranger which has a virus.. Skype is quite a save software, the protocol it is using isn't save, I mean p2p.Anyway, it affects only Windows, of course, this is not a surprise? Does anyone here using Linux is afraid to open an attachment in an email? I don't think so, I never was afraid of any virus when I was regularly using AmigaOS, so this is nothing special.
  6. I agree, it seems that Akismet is the best thing which can deal with SPAM these days, I installed it several months ago, due to I was terribly tired of deleting spam, but now I just go to akismet management and delete all the messages, due to I know that it is spam comments.. Also the image with random text, symbols and numbers helps, once I wrote I script with it and the spam messages/registrations in my site also has gone, now I am afraid only of stupid people who can register and spam manually Here are my Akismet statistics, I have it maybe a little more than 4 months.. Caught Spam Akismet has caught 15,559 spam for you since you first installed it. You have no spam currently in the queue. Must be your lucky day.
  7. Wow, this topic is quite old and Firefox has the best results from Xisto members in the poll to be the safest browser.. I think at that time Opera still was with ads? and wasn't free in the early year of 2005? Can't really remember.. But as it been pointed about the security of Firefox, Opera is proved to be the most secure browser, the info can found in http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ in the category "Security Myths" and it might amaze a lot of whom, especially people who love Firefox.. All I would want to see now is a website like Opera myths, even though there aren't a lot, usually just the facts, but it would be fun to see this kind of a site, which would exploit Opera bad things.
  8. As I usually say, I don't even want to try Vista until I don't see at least Service Pack 1, because it will really be unstable and the main thing for me I think is a Stable Operating System. I have managed to make my XP installation quite stable and don't really have problems with it.. To use Vista normally I would need to upgrade my Hardware which I don't want to because it is really enough for me, Internet, webdesign, studies...If you really want to have something better than XP, just install some Linux distribution or MacOS and learn how to use it, you won't want to get back to Windows unless you are a gamer and want to play games, on Vista Games will be even more slower, I remember when people didn't really liked XP, because it was resource hungry.. they still used win98 and said Games run better on that system, for two years now I don't really hear thins kind of stuff or they stopped playing old games or something like that, so I don't think that you won't have problems using Vista for the first year, I don't like problems - I won't use it.
  9. Well, maybe a lot of whom doesn't like rich people, but I like to be neutral until it doesn't touch me or somebody close to me But just imagine, that rich guy bought this mobile for such a high price which is useless and can be put to his museum in the basement, but it was beneficial, due to somebody (engineers) manufactured the product, somebody created it, somebody else was involved in all of this and they got benefit out of it, money with which they can buy something for themselves and their families, even though bigger companies got more, but still. As a matter of fact, usually people who donate to charity and stuff, that charity money doesn't always get to where they should, for example, to children or to poor people etc., because somebody else who can and has power or is just a bandit and a bad guy takes part of the money to himself, steals them.. so it is hard to control this kind of stuff, if somebody bought something stupid, somebody got the money because he/she sold it.
  10. For my personal stuff I usually use OpenOffice to write somekind of a document for myself or a friend, but when I need to do something for my studies, I need to use Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access mainly), even though I could work without it and for example .doc files could be shown to everyone as PDF file, I don't like .doc files anymore, because the PDF is much better for me, and it isn't editable and can be easily printed..On Linux if somebody doesn't use Wine and similar stuff, when Openoffice is the best choice if you don't want to boot to Windows or you don't even have it installed. :PBut I agree that the GUI of OpenOffice is quite terrible and it is quite slow, when OO will be rewritten using c++ language and will use a better GUI, who knows, maybe it will become much better.
  11. Err, I don't understand this sentence a bit, Linux is a kernel, so a Linux machine is a computer which has Linux installed, GNU is environment for the kernel and that environment can have anything you want, including MySQL, but a lot of distributions don't really include mysql automatically.. So if you have Linux installed (the Kernel), that doesn't mean you have mysql, you have mysql only if it is installed (from sources or as binary) by some install script or by you.
  12. I am quite old too, joined in 2005, but yeah, I wish I could be more active and helpful to the forum, but as most of us I lack time due to studies and work, as a matter of fact my "web life" suffers from it, I remember when I was still in school I had plenty of time to be online and do a lot of projects, maintain sites and add content, but now to finish some kind of a bigger project I need half year :SIt is good, that this forum is alive for such a long time, the service is really reliable and it can advertise as a service which is up for how long? definitely over 2 years, I think almost 3 years.
  13. So this is great, that search engines are improving, so if yahoo is improving, automatically google will also improve and it is just better for us that they are at "war", until they won't start doing something stupid though.
  14. This is the same, mine is a bit better, due to the right all the right headers is sent and the above script from that site won't work if output buffering is on and/or is using gzip encoding and it depends on the filesize of the file, so it is recommended to set time limit to zero, that means no time limit to not brake/corrupt the file in any way. I think I gather everything from php manual user comments and stuff and wrote that script to download banned tables, but it can used for anything..As he said, it might have been the problem because of frames that he needed to use target="_blank" but using it, it won't validate as xhtml anymore, so through htaccess or as I know through CPanel you can change how the extension (content type) is treated from the server. For example, some old servers don't know how to treat a RAR archive file, so it just parses it as text into the browser, which is default.
  15. Why not use the code say: Redirect /index.html [url=http://ex.com/325264222]http://ex.com/325264222[/url] Because by using / you say to your htaccess to redirect the whole domain.. therefore, you could use another htaccess file in your blog directory which wouldn't have redirection, but don't know how that would work. Also you could do it using PHP, bu creating a index.php and sending a redirect header, or if you don't like php, when you can create a index.html file and redirect using meta tag or javascript, but using javascript in my opinion is stupid.
  16. I don't know about vb.net, but when I use php on Xisto server I can send email using smpt, hope this helps.
  17. I heard something that they wanted to make PDF stuff on the "new" Vista or somewhere I forgot, but they got a lot of stuff (can't really remember) from Adobe, due to they are selling their products to do that, even though OO has export to pdf, I don't remember what was the issue, as a matter of fact it could be that I read about this in this forum or I might seen it on TV.
  18. Well, personally I don't get logged out, as my cookie stays whenever I refresh the tab I am always logged in, so it is definitely problems with your browser, I mean cookies. You might be using a proxy or software which doesn't accept permanent cookies, just try to clean your cookies and login here, check what kind of a cookie you get.
  19. If you want to force the files to be downloaded here is an example how to do it, this is very handy if you want the .txt file to be downloaded and not to be shown in the browser or any other file which can be opened in a file, a very good practical issue to use this are PDF files. /* Force browser to Download backup File and Set Headers */ ob_end_clean(); header('Content-Encoding: none'); header('Content-type: application/force-download'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$s['file'].'.dat"'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check="0", pre-check="0"'); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($s['path'])); /* Output the File to User */ set_time_limit(0); readfile($s['path']); exit; the variables $s['file'] is a file name and $s['path'] is the full path to the file.
  20. This topic got very interesting, I think that every normal person should recognise the real world and the gaming world, games are usually addicting, especially for people who recently started to play games, usually that is the youth. Now when going by bus I usually hear kids talking about games, about different ones and different situations, don't know if this is bad or this is just something new. When I was a small kid, usually it was enough for me to grab a plastic gun, gather up with friends and play "war" in our imagination, it was cool, but it wasn't realistic and got boring, now kids can play such games with each other, for example playing counter strike is more realistic than playing the same game with a plastic gun in your yard with friends running around.. Even though I used to play games, a lot of them on spectrum, Amiga computers, but all my childhood I liked strategy and adventure games, so never got addicted very much, more I got a lot of patience out of playing them, you couldn't always save the game or get a password in old games, but still I finished most of them, some with cheating, some by myself and I feel happy about that Today.I think kids should be controlled by parents, they don't need to be led to play 24 hours a day, only sometimes to know what it is, to know that feeling, because of the Internet, there are so much information, that I know one gamer, which got into c++ and directx and now wants to create games himself and if you want to create games you need or needed to play them etc.What I don't like about games, that gamers usually stop reading books, even though I used to say that books sucks, but that isn't true when I grew up a little, if games feed our imagination, books feed them differently and playing with toys not on the computer feed them even more differently, so a kid needs to have everything. Therefore, I feel sorry about people who only are playing games and doesn't do anything more, they can become psychopathic, mad, crazy, it is much harder to find a girl/other side for them, friends and they just usually get reserved and doesn't know what to talk about except games.
  21. Yeah, try to avoid frames whenever possible and in addition, make sure that using the div as you were recommended would work the same on all the browsers, at least major browsers, because sometimes you can get unexpected results by using divs for your layout scheme.I still usually prefer to use tables, call me old, but at least it is supported on more browsers and works the way I want, but of course, less and less people still is using older browsers and thats good!But the idea to use forms, I think he/she/it doesn't know what is a form tag and all the input stuff, but I also think that, it was a misunderstanding with tables.
  22. Yeah, Kaspersky really is a great choice when getting an antivirus, but a lot of whom also like Nod32 as their antivirus, due to they see it is doing something and it really does. :PIf you want an open source antivirus, you could try ClamWin Free Antivirus, it is quite good, but can't protect from all the viruses.. My best advice would be to use your computer that no viruses could get through to your computer, that means, you need a good configured firewall and don't use cracks or other files which you don't know off, have somekind of email assassin an don't browse stupid websites, use secure software, that means try to avoid Internet Explorer usage and etc. I never had a virus yet for several years, just spyware.
  23. I don't know why you say so, but as I have Windows XP and Arch Linux and Opera is much faster on Windows XP, just see the test results and conclusions on the url about browserSpeed, I did a lot of different tests myself some time ago for what I said above of these two posts, the css, js and big html source files, the best results I got was on Konqueror using KDE, I had a site with all the results similar to this, but it isn't up and don't think it will be due to my studies. http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/browserSpeed.html http://celtickane.com/labs/web-browser-javascript-benchmark/ http://www.opera.com/blogs/news/ and. etc. the Internet is full of different tests and results, here are the facts, I just don't understand how can you get different results. In my opinion, you are just used to firefox and when using Opera you imagine it being much slower or you have some kind of smooth scrolling option on and stuff. I myself feel the difference on my system, usually have over 12 tabs opened and change between them frequently, the only thing I dislike about Opera is that when it is turned on on Windows XP for over 48 hours without a restart it eats a lot of memory and works quite slower. If you really want to know some bad things about Firefox with proved facts, just read the Firefox myths: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  24. So if you have to do the final submission to login, so I don't see why password managers are bad! Say you got to a page which wants to steal your password as been said, not ../login.html but ../login_x.html, you don't see it, you write the username and password yourself and push the login/submit button, your password is taken by someone, whola! a password manager, just fills the form with your username and password, you do the same, push the submit/login button and whola, your password is taken. The only difference is that using a password manager is much faster, you and only you yourself need to know where you login and it is not a password manager fault, it is just a program written for you to make your life easier, more simple.
  25. IE6 is much faster than IE7, usually about 2 times, just make some css and javascript tests online and try scrolling a html file over 1mb with lots of tables or other tags! @ Chesso It can't be that Opera is rendering slower than Firefox on the same system on your computer, Opera loads faster, is much faster by css and javascript tests and the scrolling speed on 1mb html file is much faster and changing between tabs is also much faster.. It is just the view, when I was using Firefox as my main browser, I didn't like how Opera rendered my created websites and the gui, but now I don't like how Firefox does it Of course if you have a fast computer, it is hard to see the speed difference, but if you have a quite older computer, say not more than 1ghz CPU, not a superb graphics card and not lots of ram, or ram not being DDR and etc. The speed difference is very different. I am usually pissed of now with what browser is better, Firefox and Opera and Konqueror and Safari are very good browsers, IE is just a bad browser. The 7th version of Explorer improved, but.. other major browsers are ahead of them.
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